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Few aspects of the 1916 Central Asian revolt are more controversial than the measures taken by the Russian imperial authorities for its suppression. This article explores the punitive expeditions and settler vigilante violence against the... more
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      Central Asia (History)First World WarRussian RevolutionCentral Asia
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      Queer StudiesRussian RevolutionCulture in the Soviet UnionTravesti
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureExileRussian Revolution
Focusing on the pivotal 1917–1919 conjuncture in Russia and Ukraine, this paper analyzes the efforts of the divided Jewish nationalist intelligentsia to disseminate new forms of Jewish culture to a mass audience, the reception of these... more
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      Sociology of CultureNationalismEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryRussian Revolution
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      Russian HistoryRussian Revolution
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesGerman LiteratureChinese Studies
This paper is unpublished. It deals with Pavel Florensky’s socio-philosophical views that shaped during the first Russian revolution years and were elaborated in his later works. The principal theoretical divergence of Florensky’s... more
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      Russian StudiesPolitical PhilosophySocial PhilosophyRussian Religious Philosophy
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesRussian Studies
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      MarxismMarxist theoryRussian RevolutionKarl Marx
How some persons can manipulate conditions and work for different governments at different times to create havoc in the world...A great book to read by Z. A. B. ZEMAN and W. B. SCHARLAU
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    • Russian Revolution
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      Russian StudiesRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian OrthodoxyRussian Revolution
В истории Московской духовной академии одним из наименее изученных периодов остается период гонений и закрытия в 1919 г. Выше на страницах юбилейного «Богословского вестника» публикуется машинописное исследование историка Академии... more
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      Russian RevolutionHistory of the Russian ChurchMoscow Theological Academy
Nel paese ove sarebbe in costruzione l'economia socialista non solo dunque esistono i rubli, coi quali il salario dei lavoratori viene pagato, ma esiste anche il risparmio sul salario, il deposito di esso nelle casse statali o nelle... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet RegimeSoviet HistorySocialisms
This article is to analyze the processes of the revolutionary disintegration of the Empires and the emergence of Bolshevism and the monarchist counter-revolution in the former Russian Empire and Austro-Hungary, as the historical... more
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      HistoryRussian RevolutionCentral and Eastern EuropeEuropean Counter-Revolution
El presente trabajo hace foco en el constructivismo ruso y cómo esta idea llega al territorio de los Balcanes para ser asimilada y reinterpretada. También se hará hincapié en el rol de la revista Zenit y su lugar dentro de la escena... more
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      Avant-garde writingBalkan StudiesBalkan LiteraturesRussian Revolution
Im Zentrum des Beitrages steht die Analyse der Kategorie des „Vertrauens der Partei“ in der Etablierung der sowjetischen Subjektivitäten im frühen Sowjetrussland. Basierend auf den verschiedenen Typen von Bittschriften der BürgerInnen an... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryGender HistorySubjectivities
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryRussian RevolutionRussia
A book review of this collection of original writings around the theory of permanent revolution.
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      MarxismRussian Revolution
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureSoviet HistorySecond World War
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    • Russian Revolution
Segnalazione del saggio incluso nel numero monografico dedicato a "L'Italia e la rivoluzione d'Ottobre. Masse, classi, ideologie, miti tra guerra e dopoguerra", a cura di Giorgio Petracchi, in ANNALI DELLA FONDAZIONE UGO LA MALFA "STORIA... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPolitical TheoryItalian (European History)Modern Italian History
Статья представляет собой первый опыт творческой биографии Б.А. Зубарева (1934—2015), юриста по образованию и художника по призванию. Создававший еще в молодости новаторские, но недооцененные современными учеными исследования, он в... more
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      FolkloreArt HistoryBibliographyRussian History
When I was recently invited to contribute to a conference on the Centenary of the Russian Revolution my first inclination was to decline on the grounds that I am not an expert on Russian history or on the Revolution, but then I thought:... more
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      Russian RevolutionMarxism (Political Science)
Kuşkusuz, işçi devletinin yaşadığı zorluklarda sorunu öncelikle nesnel koşullarda aramak gerekir (ve bu koşullar aşağıda daha ayrıntılı şekilde ele alınacaktır). Fakat öznel etken de yabana atılmayacak derecede sorunlu olduğunu... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryAnarchismTrade unionism
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      MarxismTransnationalismLabour historySocialisms
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryRussian OrthodoxyRussian Revolution
Prior to the Bolshevik Revolution in late 1917, the Russian revolutionary movement enjoyed broad support among American progressives in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. The arrival of Catherine Breshkovsky, a... more
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      Women's HistoryGilded Age and Progressive EraU.S. Progressive EraRussian Revolution
In this essay, the notion of 'police state' is explored using the example of late Imperial Russia between 1861 and 1905.
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      Russian StudiesPoliceRussian HistoryRussian Revolution
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      Russian LiteratureRussian RevolutionRussian PoetryVladimir Mayakovsky
Livre recensé par David Krasovec // La Révolution russe, une histoire française: Lectures et représentations depuis 1917, Eric Aunoble, La Fabrique, Paris 2016, in Actographe 1 (2), Annecy 2018, p. 247–258.
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      HistoriographyRussian RevolutionFrench history and politicsRévolution Russe
The end of the First World War brought both a nationalist transformation of political space and discourse in East-Central Europe, as well as a revolutionary wave, originating in Russia, that radically challenged the existing order. The... more
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      Eastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryCommunismRussian RevolutionZionism
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryWaterCentral Asian Studies
Les grandes leçons d’Octobre 1917 "Il arrive aujourd’hui à la doctrine de Marx ce qui est arrivé plus d’une fois dans l’histoire aux doctrines des penseurs révolutionnaires et des chefs des classes opprimées en lutte pour leur... more
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      HistorySocial SciencesMarxismCommunism
Comrades! Public teachers! You gave the people literacy, now you must give them development! Make free Russia's conscious citizens out of yesterday's village philistines! E. N. Medynskii, Kak vesti besedi po politicheskam voprosam, 1917.... more
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    • Russian Revolution
На правах рукописи НАЗАРЕНКО Кирилл Борисович МОРСКОЕ ВЕДОМСТВО РОССИИ (1905-1921 гг.): ЛИЧНЫЙ СОСТАВ, СТРУКТУРА, ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ РОЛЬ Специальность 07.00.02 -Отечественная история АВТОРЕФЕРАТ диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesWorld War IRussian Revolution
Публикуется новый источник по истории Гражданской войны в России – дневник полкового священника К. Дмитриева. Дневник представляет собой своеобразную летопись боевого пути 3-го Барнаульского Сибирского стрелкового полка колчаковской армии... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryRussian StudiesWar Studies
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      HistoryRussian StudiesRussian HistoryRussian Revolution
Nobili in fuga, rivoluzionari, intellettuali, il nostro paese è il luogo prediletto per dimenticare lo zar. Da Gogol' a Gork'ij, Bogdanov e Lenin. Viaggio tra le strade della Capitale di ieri e di oggi alla ricerca di angoli moscoviti... more
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      Russian StudiesCommunismRussian HistorySocial movements and revolution
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      HistoryRussian StudiesFirst World WarRussian History
How World War 1 significantly contributed to the fall of the Romanov Dynasty
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryRussian Studies
antireligious, atheism, Bolshevik, freedom of conscience, internal colonization, Lenin Nicholas II, religion and violence, Russian Orthodoxy, Russian Orthodox church, secularization
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      ReligionComparative ReligionRussian StudiesRussian Orthodox Church
In Michael Romanov: Brother of the Last Tsar, translator Helen Azar and Romanov historian Nicholas B. A. Nicholson present for the first time in English the annotated 1916-1918 diaries and letters of Russia’s Grand Duke Michael, from the... more
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      Russian RevolutionDiary StudiesThe House of Romanov In Russian HistoryRomanovs
Every invading army conveys its message first through brutal force, guns, shells, and bullets, and only later occupies itself with explaining to the locals that in fact they come in peace and providing reasons it might be a good thing to... more
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      Military HistoryEastern European StudiesGerman StudiesSecond Language Acquisition
Монография М. А. Давыдова «Двадцать лет до Великой войны. Российская модернизация Витте-Столыпина» подводит итог многолетним исследованиям автора, и многие ее сюжеты освящены в его предыдущих публикациях, а также в возникавших вокруг них... more
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      Russian HistoryRussian Revolution
Borodkin, Leonid. CHALLENGES OF INSTABILITY: THE CONCEPTS OF SYNERGETICS IN STUDYING THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA The article discusses the big challenges of Russia’s historical development associated with the unstable nature of... more
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      Self-OrganizationRussian HistoryRussian RevolutionInstability
This article examines the way in which the widespread printed collections of songs reflected the developing revolutionary situation and fuelled political imagination in Finland during the years 1917 and 1918. The analysis shows that the... more
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      RevolutionsHistory Of EmotionsRussian HistoryRussian Revolution
Chapter 4 published in Donald Fitzler, Wendy Goldman, Gijs Kessler and Simon Pirani (eds) 'A Dream Deferred - New Studies in Russian and Soviet Labour History' (Peter Lang, 2008). This chapter explores the nature of worker identity and... more
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      Labour historyRussian HistoryRussian Revolution
В современной историографии можно встретить утверждения, что причиной Февральской революции 1917 года был некий «заговор» и снежные заносы на железных дорогах. Такого рода «теории» не имеют отношения к действительности. В статье... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical TheoryRussian HistoryRussian Revolution
Peeling the Onion. A Look Backwards on National Bolshevism in the 1900s. This article aims at analyzing the problematic trajectory of National Bolshevism, an “oxymoronic” provocative political concept, born and developed throughout the... more
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      German StudiesContemporary HistoryNationalismPolitical History
Серия «Русский Путь: pro et contra».
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryRussianWar Studies