Recent papers in Metapoetry
Dos poemarios.
Trasgo (2000).
Ciudad sin àlamos (2005).
Libros mínimos, Guatemala, 2009.
Coordinación: Julio Serrano.
Trasgo (2000).
Ciudad sin àlamos (2005).
Libros mínimos, Guatemala, 2009.
Coordinación: Julio Serrano.
Here, the attempt to empty the Flood of its religious meaning ignites a war of epistemologies. “Deerne love” and “Goddes pryvetee” are two universes set on a collision course. Human secrets will scale the wall to unseat God’s. The dust... more
“Following in the footsteps” of a predecessor was a common metaphor of imitation and succession in ancient Greece and Rome. In this chapter, I explore how Greek and Latin authors are often described, or describe themselves, as following... more
A partire dal secondo Novecento tra i poeti italiani si intensifica la tendenza a comporre testi metapoetici e metalinguistici. Il fenomeno può essere interpretato come reazione allo sgretolamento del sistema delle poetiche e del canone,... more
This thesis examines the poetry and poetics of Louis Dudek, the prolific Canadian poet and critic, in order to elucidate the ways in which he balances competing realist and transcendentalist urges over the course of a career that spans... more
Euripides' Ion is a play with elements that challenge tragic gravity, and bring about a lighter tone. Although the body of criticism that discusses the comic elements of Euripides' tragedies (esp. the so-called tragic-comedies) is... more
In Metapoesis in the Arabic Tradition Huda J. Fakhreddine expands the study of metapoesis to include the Abbasid age in Arabic literature. Through this lens that is often used to study modernist poetry of the 20th and the 21st century,... more
Supervisor: Helen Gasti Professor of Ancient Greek and Latin Literature Εxamination Committee H. Gasti, E. Karakasis, K. Synodinou MA Thesis Defense: May 13, 2019 Grade: 10/10 (A) Classics Department University of Ioannina... more
Asumo desde el comienzo el fracaso que supone sintetizar en pocas páginas las proteicas derivas de una obra como la de Reina María Rodríguez [RMR]. Quizá tal ejercicio sólo pueda sostenerse en un deseo reconstructivo, que aspira a dar... more
Theft was a common metaphor in antiquity to describe a poet’s appropriation and reuse of his models. Although the image could convey skill and subtlety, it was tarred with primarily negative connotations, akin to the modern conception of... more
This article readdresses the issue of musico-textual relationships in trecento song, viewing them through the lens of ‘metapoesis’—that is, a poetic practice that implies the use of vocabulary in lyrics referring to the mechanics of the... more
The battlefields of the Bellum Civile (BC) are filled with scenes of brutal wounding, violent death, and complex bodily mutilations. Such episodes have been interpreted as reflections of contemporary aesthetic trends (Morford, 1973.,... more
A paper on metapoetics in Roman epic
No texto metapoético, é a própria poesia que se torna matéria de si mesma. Assim, o poeta, ao exercitar a metapoesia, revela sua consciência crítica da intrincada relação que a palavra mantém com o mundo. A produção poética e crítica de... more
This article is a study of the poetic voice´s journey of penance, torn between Catholic dogma and the Protestant doctrine through dream, nightmare and Freudian categories; a search for the voice of creation and redemption at the end of... more
Dante's explanation of the final part of the canzone, which he calls ‘tornata’ (Convivio, II, xi, paras. 2–3), as a formal return that includes metrical and musical components casts fresh light on the poetic motive of return used in some... more
RESUMO Este artigo tem por objetivo a análise de dois poemas do livro Corola, da poetisa brasileira Cláudia Roquette-Pinto. O estudo parte do texto que abre a coletânea, um poema sem título, no qual podem ser identificados aspectos... more
Comment situer Lucien au regard de Gorgias et du gorgianisme ? Dans quelle mesure adhère-t-il à l'ambition magique, médicale, poétique du langage, telle qu'elle a été formulée par Gorgias dans l'Eloge d'Hélène 1 ? Cette question recouvre... more
Este artículo propone una lectura reflexiva de la actitud del autor y de la dimensión autobiográfica de los Sonetos de Shakespeare, con referencia especial al poema que concluye la edición de 1609, "A Lover's Complaint", frecuentemente... more
RESUMO: O prólogo de uma peça é metapoético, uma vez que em geral versa sobre a poesia, não raro sobre a ação do próprio drama a ser representado. Pode-se dizer que o prólogo da "tragicomédia" plautina Anfitrião, apresentado pelo deus... more
Lucan’s Bellum Civile professes to sing of past internecine strife as the great unmaking of the Roman world (Luc. 1.1-7) while reminding its readers of Rome’s survival through frequent references to Lucan’s contemporary surroundings, and... more
Cum Horatius in primo carmine quarti libri alludit ad versus, qui in tribus prioribus libris inveniuntur, significare videtur se non tam de dubiis, an rursus sibi amandum sit, loqui, quam potius haesitare, num sint ei plura carmina... more
Seules seize épigrammes de Léonidas de Tarente accordent une place à un ou plusieurs personnages féminins non divins et individualisés. Dans l’épigramme 39 GP (= AP VI, 355), une mère offre à Bacchus une œuvre d’art, un portrait de son... more Although the body of criticism that discusses the comic elements of Euripides' tragedies (esp. the so-called tragic–comedies) is extensive, very little attention has been given... more
Este artículo pretende contribuir en alguna medida a la descripción de la forma de las Odas de Píndaro. Teniendo en cuenta que el decir poético es en primera instancia un proyecto de mímesis, intentamos mostrar en qué sentido los... more
The aim of this paper is to examine in the Ion the Euripidean models for the audience’s emotional response. Throughout the play, the audience is encouraged to engage in a process of emotional reaction to what they see. To provide some... more
Clemens Brentano (1778-1842) gilt als der Prototyp des romantischen Dichters überhaupt. Zerrissen wie seine Existenz und Persönlichkeit wirken auch viele seiner Texte, nicht zuletzt das hermetische Prosafragment "Der schiffbrüchige... more
Exceto onde especificado diferentemente, a matéria publicada neste periódico é licenciada sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons -Atribuição 4.0 Internacional. ENSAIOS https://dx.Resumo: O... more
In his “linear” poetic works, Adriano Spatola has always reflected on metapoetic and metalinguistic aspects. Metatextuality is a particular feature of his reflections, and it occurs when a poem refers to itself in so far as it is a poetic... more
Resumo Refletindo sobre as singularidades da arte poética de Glauco Mattoso, esse trabalho analisa alguns metapoemas da chamada fase cega do escritor, em que a audição passa a ser ferramenta fundamental no processo de criação, assim como... more
Resumo: O poema I.20 de Propércio é frequentemente apontado pelos críticos como uma composição complexa, ou mesmo obscura. Nessa elegia de 52 versos, Propércio, lidando com matéria pederástica, alude ao episódio do rapto de Hilas, e traça... more
Metalyrik bezeichnet einen besonderen Modus des poetischen Ausdrucks, der seit Anbeginn lyrischen Schaffens die Dichtung als poetologische Konstante begleitet. Insbesondere im 20. Jahrhundert wird die Metalyrik als autoreferentielle... more
As we follow Valerius' Argonauts on their bold voyage around the Mediterranean world, we are able to trace their course using references to coastal landscapes bordering the vast sea. In casting the Argonauts' great unknown in civilised... more