Karen Barad
Recent papers in Karen Barad
Das Theater der Vorahmung wird durch die feministische Repräsentationskritik von Donna Haraway und Karen Barad beleuchtet. Der Begriff der Mimesis erhält hierdurch einen neuen Vektor. Mit Hilfe eines Begriffs von Transkulturalität lässt... more
1] In the past decade, Karen Barad's oeuvre, especially the voluminous Meeting the Universe Halfway , has attracted increasingly great attention in feminist philosophy, cultural studies and feminist science studies.
Thinking posthumanly – from a post-Enlightenment, critical, new materialist perspective – things, including concepts, become more permeable and topological – they leak and stretch. Freed from limiting notions of agency, things behave.... more
Print version of PhD Thesis. This practice-based project investigates modalities of performing eco-aesthetic assemblages across the modern nature―culture divide. Assemblages are here understood as non-hierarchical associations between... more
Two definitions of algorithm, their uses, and their implied models of computing in society, are reviewed. The first, termed the structural programming definition, aligns more with usage in computer science, and as the name suggests, the... more
This article considers ontological conceptualizations of shameinterest as experienced in educational research. Shame has frequently been reported in research as a property of the autonomous individual: the shame of the participant to... more
Introduction to the special issue on Matterphorical (Theory & Event) https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/43836
In 2017, for the first time in the history of documenta, curator Adam Szymczyk made the decision to site the quinquennial in two locations: Kassel, Germany, and Athens, Greece. Szymczyk's intention was to "decentralize" documenta's... more
The dance form contact improvisation (CI) emphasizes attention to sensation as a first step in sourcing physical movement. As a study of physics and materiality that is conducted expressly through the body as instrument and indicator,... more
As a growing and wide-spanning field of research, teaching, and collaboration, feminist materialisms are taking up increasing space in our pedagogical settings, especially in queer and feminist classrooms. Whether as a theoretical topic,... more
The care sector in Denmark is undergoing rapid change and facing severe challenges due to the increasing number of elders and cuts in social welfare. The political response is welfare technology aiming on efficiency and replacement of... more
Presentation on Karen Barad's intra-action, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "better worldliness" and mobilizing Christians for climate change mitigation. Given at Harvard Divinity School "Ways of Knowing" conference, 2014.
Ein Brückenschlag zwischen Posthumanismus und Philosophischer Anthropologie Oh Voltaire! Oh Humanität! Oh Blödsinn! (Nietzsche 1999 [1886], 54) Seit ihrer umfassenden Neubestimmung in der Philosophischen Anthropolo gie der... more
In recent years there has been a considerable intensification in practices of producing, analysing, visualising and utilising educational data, though we currently know little about how data practices unfold in the everyday life of... more
In 2009, the year aft er Japanese electronics manufacturer JVC (Japan Victor Company), creator of the VHS format (Video Home System), ceased production of the last line of stand-alone VHS video recorders (Broadcast Engineering 2008), I... more
In this piece I attempt to address the ways in which Gloria Anzaldúa, in Borderlands: La Frontera (2007), negotiates the idea of the border as having both discursive and material dimensions. In creating a new mestiza consciousness from... more
Hiermit erkläre ich Eides statt, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit eigenständig und ohne fremde Hilfe verfasst und entsprechend der Richtlinien redlichen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens der Universität Wien sorgfältig überprüft habe. Ich habe... more
A book on the inventions of creative research cannot but address the question of the mode of invention of creative research. Creative research is a privileged site for such epistemic reflection, because it is in the nature of creative... more
Call me wolfing. I was murdered in Lancashire (now a part of Cumbria) in 1390CE, by some pre-enlightened gentlemen. It was just before the perceptual turning point from Theos to Mechanos; from a transcendent God to little ghosts in your... more
The key question of this presentation is whether or not Karen Barad's conception of agential realism points to a new form of solidarity and therefore can be understood as a critical theory of society.
Jak myśleć o życiu i śmierci, o utracie i nadziei w postapokaliptycznym i posttraumatycznym świecie? Jak nie tracąc z oczu globalnych i planetarnych wyzwań „naszego dzisiaj”, móc myśleć także o materialnych, konkretnych, usytuowanych,... more
The aim of this paper is threefold and I seek to make contributions of both empirical and theoretical significance, whilst refusing a hygienic separation of ontology and epistemology: (1) I examine the claim that AN is a "biologically... more
Physarum polycephalum (slime mould/mold) is an organism used in scientific research that is commonly found in piles of leaf litter and human composts. Intelligent yet brainless, P. polycephalum forms a fan-like network of tendrils in its... more
This is the concluding chapter from One Continuous Line: Art, Architecture and Urbanism of Aditya Prakash (Mapin, 2021). It makes the case for rethinking the epistemologies of modernism as a global construct using the writings of Karen... more
This article seeks to offer a critical assessment of the conception of ethics underlying the growing constellation of 'new materialist' social theories. It argues that such theories offer little if any purchase in understanding the... more
Rozprawa stanowi próbę ukazania w jaki sposób splątane konceptualizacje i praktyki ciała przenikają się w procesie samoorganizacji materii. Tak sformułowane rozważania zostały usytuowane w obrębie dwóch współczesnych nurtów... more
This article provides an affirmative feminist reading of the philosophy of Henri Bergson by reading it through the work of Karen Barad. Adopting such a diffractive reading strategy enables feminist philosophy to move beyond discarding... more
Final version uploaded to: https://newmaterialism.eu/ (Posthumanist) performativity
As carbon surrounds the Earth's critical zone, this book takes the journey from communities in war zones through safe European hamlets to witness the material violence of current law and how communities and legal activists are creating... more
This is the proof of my contribution to the upcoming edited volume "Current Directions in Ecomusicology" (ed. Aaron S. Allen and Kevin Dawe; cf. https://www.taylorandfrancis.com/books/details/9781138804586/). I'm currently in the process... more
Bruno Latour y Eduardo Viveiros de Castro dieron el impulso inicial para la investigación explícitamente ontológica en arqueología. Su impacto en los arqueólogos, sin embargo, ha sido muy diferente. Lo que yo llamo los "arqueólogos... more
A shorter version of this review (by half) has been published in American Ethnologist (Early View, November 2020, see above). Some of the discussions have been expanded upon in "After the Medium: Rereading Stories on a String and the... more
TITLE: Schizophrenic Matter. About the Production of Bodies, Concepts and Subjectivitys ABSTRACT ENG: Agential realism is a perspective situated within the new materialism and posthumanism which combines philosophical and physical... more