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In 1989, a new type of antibody was identified, first in the sera of dromedaries and later also in all other species of the Camelidae family. These antibodies do not contain a light chain and also lack the first constant heavy domain.... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyInfluenza virusVirusesRespiratory Syncytial Virus
An account of the negative aliens' relatively recent agendas with respect to, once again, resorting to bio-viral weaponization and bio-warfare using a viral agent such as the so-called coronavirus as to try to depopulate Earth with the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceWeapons of Mass DestructionArtificial LifeHybridization
Most cytotoxic drugs have gross effects on the immune system, such as neutropenia and lymphopenia. However, their effects on tumor-specific immune responses are unknown. Gemcitabine is a nucleoside analogue that is frequently used to... more
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      Immune responseCancerInfluenza virusSpleen
Sinopsis. Frecuentemente nos llegan noticias sobre la aparición de nuevas infecciones virales: un nuevo virus de la gripe H7N9 en China, una nueva cepa de coronavirus en Oriente Medio; fiebres tropicales y dengue en el sur de Europa,... more
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      Epidemial VirologyRNA virusesDengue VirusInfluenza virus
Conversions of the C-5 acetamide group in sialic acid into two kinds of C@C double bond substituents were accomplished under Shotten-Baumann conditions. The polymerizable glycomonomers also contain a hydrophobic chain or hydroxyl group at... more
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      Organic ChemistryPolymersInfluenza virusAvian Influenza
Although in¯uenza viruses can infect a wide variety of birds and mammals, the natural host of the virus is wild waterfowl, shorebirds, and gulls. When other species of animals, including chickens, turkeys, swine, horses, and humans, are... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyMolecular EvolutionAdaptation
Influenza contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality in the winter season. The aim of the study was to identify clinical signs and symptoms most predictive of influenza infection in children and adults with influenza-like... more
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      Primary CareMedicineInfluenza virusSeasonality
Punica granatum L. (Punicaceae) whole fruit extracts, have been used in Cuban traditional medicine as an effective drug for the treatment of respiratory diseases. This species showed interesting anti-viral activity, e.g. aqueous or... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineTraditional MedicinePlant BiologyEthnopharmacology
Avian influenza has emerged as one of the most ubiquitous viruses within our biosphere. Wild aquatic birds are believed to be the primary reservoir of all influenza viruses; however, the spillover of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza... more
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      BiologyMedicineDisease susceptibilityWildlife Diseases
While the precise function of CD8aa homodimer expression on peripheral T cells is uncertain, recent evidence indicates that it facilitates survival and differentiation of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV)-specific memory CD8ab T... more
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      ImmunologyInfluenza virusCell DifferentiationMice
This very short medical communication proposes that potent NRF2-activating dietary supplements (like resveratrol, sulforaphane, curcumin, “Asea redox supplement” [ARS] etc.) should be clinically tested as safe adjuvants (in various... more
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      Tuberculosis and Infectious DiseaseInfluenza virusTuberculosisinfluenza A
A study “Influenza viruses. Methods” comprises two parts. The first part includes a contemporary view on influenza viruses structure and reproduction, epidemiology and immunopathogenesis of influenza infection, preventive vaccination, and... more
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    • Influenza virus
of influenza B virus infections in Scotland in 2012/13 and epidemiological investigations between 2000 and 2012. Euro Surveill. 2014;19(37):pii=20903. Available online: Date... more
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    • Influenza virus
In 1989, a new type of antibody was identified, first in the sera of dromedaries and later also in all other species of the Camelidae family. These antibodies do not contain a light chain and also lack the first constant heavy domain.... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyInfluenza virusVirusesRespiratory Syncytial Virus
The COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and is mainly considered a respiratory tract illness, even though it may influence other body functions. The virus spreads primarily through... more
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      Integrative MedicineComplementary and Alternative MedicineEntropyInfluenza virus
İnsanlık, ilkel yaşamdan bugünkü uygarlığa erişim sürecinde yalnız gözle görebildiği varlık ve maddi dünya ile değil, aynı zamanda gözle göremediği; yüzyıllarca insana saldıran, tehdit eden, öldüren bir dünya ile de mücadele etmiştir.... more
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      HIV/AIDSHistory of PlagueHistory of Smallpox and VaccinationInfluenza virus
Las pandemias más importantes de la historia de la humanidad.
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      Influenza virusHistoriaPandemic InfluenzaVIH/SIDA
This manuscript presents an introduction to the phenomenon of viral bio-spiritual weaponization and warfare that describes the crux of the present and many other retroviruses launched against us during the course of our history by a... more
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      RadiationGenocide StudiesBiological WeaponsInformation Warfare
An overview of how viruses-retroviruses could be utilized as to instigate viral bio-weaponization and bio-warfare (much like other pathogens as bacteria, fungi, etc.), as well as a highlight of the history of how this has occurred in the... more
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      Weapons of Mass DestructionNanophotonicsNanomaterialsNanoparticles
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    • Influenza virus
The word Influenza comes from mid–18th century Italian and literally means ‘influence’. Similar to how the coronavirus was once best known to cause the common cold, in 1918 Influenza was felt to be so benign a disease that it was not... more
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      Influenza virusMycobacterium tuberculosisinfluenza AAvian Influenza
This study has two goals. The first is to explain the geo-environmental determinants of the accelerated diffusion of COVID-19 that is generating a high level of deaths. The second is to suggest a strategy to cope with future epidemic... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentAir pollutionAir Pollution and Health EffectsInfluenza virus
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      Ottoman HistoryInfluenza virusMedical HistorySpanish Flu
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      Health SciencesPhilosophy of MindTheory of MindMetaphysics of Mind
An overview of what constitutes or signifies a "virus" has been presented. It is explicated that viruses are NOT solar organic living organisms, as inconsistent with what epitomizes a living organic organism, they are: (1) void of a... more
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      BioengineeringWeapons of Mass DestructionNanophotonicsBioenergy
Every year we are visited by flu season which causes illness and deaths. Whereas we should all employ all the physical precautions recommended by health authorities, we should also employ spiritual remedy in conjunction with the physical... more
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      HIV/AIDSHepatitis CInfluenza virusHepatitis B
From the city of Wuhan, China in the far east of Asia; to the slums of Harlem, Manhattan, New York in the United States, North America; and up to the modern city of Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria on the west of Africa, a 'new' virus has... more
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      HistoryPublic HealthHealth Care ManagementInfluenza virus
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      Human GeographyDemographyHistorical DemographyFirst World War
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      Chinese MedicineInfluenza virusEpidemicVaccination
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      GeneticsFlow CytometryCytokinesTreatment Outcome
IndonesIa, sebagai salah satu wilayah berdaulat di dunia, akan dan tetap rentan terkena dampak pandemi influenza. sejarah telah menegaskannya. Penelitian sejarah pan demi influenza 1918 di Hindia Belanda me nyatakan bahwa negara ini punya... more
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      Influenza virusSpanish FluPandemic Influenza1918 Influenza Pandemic
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      HistoryHistory Of DiseaseInfluenza virusPandemic Influenza
Der Injektionsbetrug - Es ist kein Impfstoff “Ich gehe davon aus, dass Gardasil der grösste medizinische Skandal aller Zeiten wird, da sich irgendwann die Beweise häufen werden, dass dieser Impfstoff absolut keine Wirkung auf... more
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      VirologyInfluenza virusVirus
International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine: Best of 2014 1) Assessment of the Diagnostic Accuracy of Recently Introduced DNA Stool Screening Test, Gingras, Duncan, Schueller, Schreckenberger 2) Chronic Diseases as... more
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      Laboratory MedicineCardiovascular diseaseOrthomolecular MedicineInfluenza virus
taining peptide immunogens was examined. The most potent synthetic immunogens for eliciting pulmonary viral-clearing responses contained peptides representing determinants for CD4 and CD8 T cells (TH and CTL peptides, respectively)... more
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      VirologyInfluenza virusBiological SciencesMice
In this article we review our work over the years on carbohydrates and carbohydrate mimetics and their applications in medicinal chemistry. In the first part of the review innovative synthetic methods, such as the chemoselective... more
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      Medicinal ChemistryMultiple sclerosisGlycobiologyCellulose
A simple generic peptide-based vaccine structure that targets Toll-like receptor 2-expressing dendritic cells and causes their activation is described. The vaccines are totally synthetic, serve as their own adjuvant, and are composed of... more
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      Immune responseMultidisciplinaryDendritic CellsInfluenza virus
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and factors associated with non-vaccination against influenza in the risk group. Methods: A cross-sectional, population-based study, carried out in the city of Rio Grande (RS). The outcome was defined... more
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      VaccinesPublic HealthHealth Services ResearchInfluenza virus
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      Public HealthInfluenza virusBig DataBig Data / Analytics / Data Mining
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) threatens to overwhelm our medical infrastructure at the regional level causing spikes in mortality rates because of shortages of critical equipment, like ventilators. Fortunately, with the recent... more
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      EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringDisaster risk managementMedical Device Design
Highly pathogenic H5N1 infl uenza A viruses have spread relentlessly across the globe since 2003, and they are associated with widespread death in poultry, substantial economic loss to farmers, and reported infections of more than 300... more
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      Influenza virusLancetAntiviral Agents
Some of the most severely affected communities in the world during the 1918–19 influenza pandemic were in Labrador and Alaska. Although these two regions are on the opposite ends of North America, a cultural continuum in the Inuit... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesHistorical DemographyRace and Ethnicity
25 Aprile 2020. Festa della Liberazione? Giusto, e della Resistenza.
Dobbiamo resistere, adesso, e liberarci.
Da chi? Da cosa? E dopo? Vediamo...
Appendice del Martedì Grasso 16 febbraio 2021. Fine del Carnevale?
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      Creative WritingReligionHistorySociology
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      BiochemistryInfluenza virusBiological SciencesProtein Structure and Function
In this paper we construct and develop two competitive implicit finite difference scheme for a deterministic mathematical model associated with the evolution of influenza A disease in human population. Qualitative dynamics of the model is... more
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      Population HealthMathematical ModellingInfluenza virusNonstandard Finite Difference Methods
A survey of the Quran suggests that the Prophet(SAW) was not only the Last Prophet (khatam-un-nabiyeen) and was sent to give glad tidings (basheer) to those who accepted the revelation sent to him by Allah(ST) and to warn (nadheer) those... more
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      PerceptionFire ProtectionDental HealthInfluenza virus
Završni rad na navedenu temu, rujan 2015., ZVU

Ključne riječi: infekcije gornjih dišnih putova, dječja dob, virusi, bakterije, uloga medicinske sestre
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      NursingPediatricsRespiratory MedicineParent Involvement
The epidemic that killed Pericles: contextual and paleopathological analysis of the 5th century BCE Plague of Athens via primary resources and modern DNA sequence-based identification strategies of dental pulp from a mass grave at... more
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      ArchaeologyPaleopathologyArchaeological ScienceVirology