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Se analizan algunas de las posibilidades que la edición y crítica del texto de autores latinos ofrecen para la renovación de las disciplinas de la Filología Latina.
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      Textual CriticismCrítica textualHistory of Classical PhilologyEdición De Textos
Survival of classics in the People’s Republic of Slovenia after World War II was persistently determined by the long shadow of the Coryphaeus of the Sciences. Its contours were defined, from 1945 onwards, by the Communist Party which... more
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      TotalitarianismHistory of YugoslaviaSloveniaHistory of Classical Philology
This paper publishes and analyses the marginal notes present on the copy of the editio princeps of Euripides' 'Electra' (1545), which belonged to Piero Vettori and is now preserved at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek of Munich (Rar.... more
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      Classical philologyHistory of Classical Philology
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      PhilologyRomance philologyComparative PhilologyItalian philology
The complete edition of the remaining correspondence among Ermenegildo Pistelli and Girolamo Vitelli, preserved in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, is published here: it consists of thirty letters and nine postcards, sent between... more
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      History of Classical PhilologyGirolamo VitelliStoria Del FascismoStoria degli studi classici
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsRomance philologyCeltic Philology
the relations between gaetano de sanctis and girolamo vitelli -medea norsa have been deeply investigated in this article, thanks to the many letters de sanctis himself stored throughout his life and career. 28 letters are direct... more
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      Roman HistoryClassical philologyHistory of HistoriographyAncient Greek History
"This special issue of Comparative Literature Studies brings together talks, some extensively revised, others virtually unchanged, that were delivered at a conference entitled "What is Philology?" The gathering took place on Saturday,... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRenaissance HumanismTextual Criticism
Homero está morto. Quem matou Homero? A interrogação colocada por dois classicistas estadunidenses, Victor Davis Hanson e John Heath (1998), ecoa um tópos tradicional na história dos Estudos Clássicos e constitui o ponto de partida para... more
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      HomerFriedrich NietzscheDerek WalcottHistory of Classical Scholarship
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      Italian StudiesRomance philologyGenetic Criticism (Genetic Criticism)Italian Literature
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      BibliographyHistory of Classical ScholarshipClassical philologyFriedrich August Wolf
The histories of philosophy and philology have long overlapped--and clashed. Yet the existence of either discipline in the Middle Ages has not always been accepted. May we speak convincingly of sceptical philology during the period? This... more
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      History of philologySkepticismClassical Greek PhilosophyJohn of Salisbury
in Dizionario dei latinisti italiani del XX secolo, Roma 2021, pp. 17-20
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLatin Language and LiteratureHistory of Classical Scholarship
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      Greek LiteratureByzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesMedieval And Humanistic Philology
A mio pa dre Ro meo For si tan haec etiam sen tiat ip sa ci nis PREFAZIONE Scri ve re un in te ro li bro sul la fi lo lo gia e le po le mi che di uo mi ni del XV se co lo è una scom mes sa con la sor te, de gli stu di e non so lo, del cui... more
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      ClassicsPrint CultureSecular HumanismManuscripts and Early Printed Books
La filologia classica studia i passaggi attraverso i quali le opere letterarie greche e latine sono giunte fino a noi, cercando al contempo di depurarle dai numerosi errori e fraintendimenti accumulatisi nel corso dei secoli. In questo... more
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      Textual CriticismHistory of Classical ScholarshipClassical philologyTextual criticism (Classics)
As a former student of Antonio La Penna (who supervised his dissertation at the University of Florence), the author offers a reading of La Penna’s Conversazione with Arnaldo Marcone that integrates his own recollections with a... more
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    • History of Classical Philology
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      Textual CriticismMetricsClassical philologyHistory of Classical Philology
In memoriam for the great Latinist Alfonso Traina
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      Latin LiteratureLiterary StylisticsRoman poetryHistory of Classical Scholarship
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      German StudiesClassicsHermeneuticsLiterary Theory
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      PhilologyRomance philologyCognitive PhilologyComparative Philology
Παρουσία, Περίοδος Β΄, τόμος 21 (2017 - 2018), σσ. 213-229
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      PhilologyClassicsGerman HistoryHistory of Classical Scholarship
This investigation proposes a historical theory of the origins of political philosophy. It is assumed that political philosophy was made possible by a new form of political thinking commencing with the inauguration of the first direct... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of Political ThoughtClassical philologyHerodotus
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      PhilologyRomance philologyCeltic PhilologyComparative Philology
Le modalità di composizione e pubblicazione di un libro sono oggigiorno ben definite e tutto sommato semplici. L'Autore mette per iscritto l'opera, un editore provvede alla sua stampa e, attraverso una rete di distribuzione, alla... more
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      PhilologyChristianityGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
SUMAR / INDICE SIGLE ŞI ABREVIERI -SIGLE E ABBREVIAZIONI / 7 PROGRAMMA / 9 Nelu ZUGRAVU, Discorso d'apertura del convegno / 13 Dan APARASCHIVEI, La storiografia romena e straniera riguardo al problema dell'urbanizzazione nel Basso Danubio... more
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      Classical philologyReception of AntiquityRoman DaciaMoesia inferior
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      PhilologyRomance philologyCeltic PhilologyCognitive Philology
La Collana si avvale di un comitato scientifico internazionale e ogni contributo viene sottoposto a procedura di doppio peer reviewing anonimo La filologia classica e umanistica di Remigio Sabbadini Sabbadini editore di Virgilio di Fabio... more
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      History of Classical PhilologyVirgilian Tradition
When Africologists talk of Stolen Legacy of Ancient Black African Philosophy and wisdom literature into/by Classical Greco-Romans or the Western, they blame first Homer and his “Iliad” and “Odysseys”. Homer (700 BC) was, perhaps, the... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyJewish LawComparative Literature
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      Renaissance HumanismFrench RenaissanceHistory of Classical ScholarshipPliny the Elder
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      Medieval LiteratureItalian StudiesMedieval StudiesRenaissance Studies
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      PhilologyAncient HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyMusic
Friedrich Nietzsche se consagró activamente a la filología clásica –como alumno, estudiante, investigador y docente- por veintiún años enteros; desde su entrada al célebre liceo clásico de Pforta (1858) hasta su renuncia a su cargo... more
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      PhilologyGerman StudiesPhilosophyClassics
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      History of Classical PhilologyHistory of Plutarch TraditionTranslations from Greek into Latin
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      History of ScienceHistory of Classical ScholarshipHistory of Classical PhilologyHistory of Classical Archaeology
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      History of Classical ScholarshipHistory of Classical Philology
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      PhilologyRomance philologyCeltic PhilologyCognitive Philology
Nel saggio si analizzano alcuni passi delle «Lectiones» e dei «Commentari» vettoriani al trattato di retorica di Demetrio (pseudo-) Falereo, in cui il filologo fiorentino commenta la lingua, le metafore e le fonti della «Commedia»; anche... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyDante StudiesItalian Studies
The essay is inspired by an unpublished letter by the famous philologist and papyrologist Girolamo Vitelli, sent to Michele Barbi on the occasion of the appearance of the so-called ‘Centenary Edition’: the edition of Dante’s Works... more
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      Dante StudiesItalian philologyDanteHistory of philology
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsForensic Linguistics
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      ClassicsHistory of Classical ScholarshipAeschylusExile Literature
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      History of ScienceHistory of Classical ScholarshipHistory of Classical PhilologyHistory of Classical Archaeology
"In Nietzsche’s notes and in The Antichrist, ephexis apparently refers to the cautious doubt of scientific method in the tradition of Philologie als Wissenschaft. In The Antichrist, I suggest, the exceedingly obscure word was possibly... more
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      PhilologyTheologyFriedrich NietzscheGregory of Nazianzus
CONFERENCE PROGRAM The circulation of linguistic and philological knowledge between Germany and the world (16th to 20th cent.) By all measures, Germany played an overwhelming role in the development of philology and linguistics during the... more
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      History of LinguisticsHistory of ScienceCultural Transfer StudiesTransnational History
Life and works of Filippo Càssola, professor of Greek and Roman history at the University of Trieste.
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryGreek History
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    • History of Classical Philology
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyRhetoricPlato
ΤΙΣ ΔE ΒΙΟΣ, ΤΙ ΔE ΤΕΡΠΝOΝ AΤΕΡ ΧΡΥΣHΣ ΑΦΡΟΔΙΤΗΣ: A READING OF MIMNERMUS, FR. 1-6 ABSTRACT This paper aims to analyze the topic of old age and progression of time in Mimnermus's fragments 1-6. We will maintain that, besides subjective... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryClassical philologyEarly Greek poetry