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Michel Biard, Philippe Bourdin, Hervé Leuwers (dir.), Dictionnaire des Conventionnels, 1792-1795, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2022, 1300 p. en 2 volumes ISBN : 978-2-84559-153-0 Jusqu'au 15 février... more
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      French HistoryFrench RevolutionHistoriography of the French RevolutionProsopography
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      French PoliticsFrench history and politicsFrance
Denne artikkelen er et utdrag fra boken publisert av Europa-programmet "Frankrike og Europa; visjon og ambisjon. Europa-programmet 2002. " EU er en fantastisk katalysator for vår innflytelse i verden så lenge vi vet hva vi vil og vi kan... more
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      French history and politicsFranceEuropean and French Politics
This is a biography of a politician-bureaucrat-judge whose achievements-and indeed heroism-during the French Revolution have been relegated to the footnotes of history. He was not one of the Revolution's great thinkers, orators or writers... more
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      French StudiesFrench RevolutionEuropean Legal HistoryFrench history and politics
Livre recensé par David Krasovec // La Révolution russe, une histoire française: Lectures et représentations depuis 1917, Eric Aunoble, La Fabrique, Paris 2016, in Actographe 1 (2), Annecy 2018, p. 247–258.
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      HistoriographyRussian RevolutionFrench history and politicsRévolution Russe
This article focuses on the slow rediscovery of Germaine de Staël’s political thought in the studies of the last forty years: after a century and half of oblivion, since the late 1970s and 1980s some French authors start to point out... more
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      Gender StudiesLiberalismFrench RevolutionStereotypes and Prejudice
Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi İİBF Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü öğrencileri için hazırlanan dersin Yarı-başkanlık sistemi ve Fransa Beşinci Cumhuriyeti örneğini kapsayan bölümünde ülkenin tarihinden dönüm noktaları... more
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      Comparative PoliticsFrench HistoryFrench RevolutionPolitical Institutions
El artículo está dividido en tres partes: en a primera se elabora un panorama sobre el maoísmo en Francia en una perspectiva de mediana duración, con la pretensión de ir más allá del Mayo 68; posteriormente se elabora una reflexión sobre... more
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      French history and politicsNew Left and the 1960sMaoismMay 1968
The term "dynasty" is reminiscent of the ruling dynasties of bygone times. But to this day, people all over the world strive to pass on possessions, power and status to the next generation. The contributors to this volume examine how... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryFamily Business
Pendant des décennies, la réalité du régime soviétique a été occultée par des images mythiques : la « glorieuse révolution d’Octobre 1917 », les kolkhoziennes souriantes, les ouvriers épanouis, les figures paternelles de Lénine et de... more
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      Travel WritingSoviet HistoryMental MapsFrench history and politics
On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty this study deals with the historical development of Franco-German relations in the 20th century. The focus is on the historical models of rapprochement between the two nations.... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryEuropean integrationGerman HistoryFrench history and politics
This essay explores the triangular relations between de Gaulle's France, the Federal Republic of Germany and the US during the 1960s, in three policy areas: military (nuclear) policy; European policy; and East-West relations. It explores... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
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      Intellectual HistoryFrench HistoryFrench history and politics
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      HistoryFrench HistoryHistoriographyFolk legends
Special issue on Mme de Staël, Germaine, ou la politique. Madame de Staël,
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      Intellectual HistoryPolitical PhilosophyFrench StudiesPolitical Theory
From the point of view of intellectual tools: a book of critical political theory with empirical indices, at the crossroads of social sciences and political philosophy - An ideological and political history of France since the 1980s (with... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical TheoryIdentity politicsConservatism
Reviewed Work(s): "Tony Garnier da Roma a Lionne," Rassegna, VI, no. 17/1, March 1984 by Jean-Louis Cohen and Michel Roz: Tony Garnier by Louis Piessat: Tony Garnier: L'oeuvre complèteby Alain Guiheux and Olivier Cinqualbre: Tony Garnier,... more
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      Architectural HistoryFrench history and politics
During the fifteenth century the organic body politic metaphor was gradually associated or superseded by a physiological paradigm built on the ancient humoral theory. The new body politic, based on humours rather than on organs,... more
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      Renaissance StudiesMetaphorFrench history and politicsSocial Mobility
Reviewed by Remy Davison, Jean Monnet Chair in Politics & Economics, Monash University. © 2019. Published in Australian Book Review, March 2019. There is a scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail outside a castle, brimming with French... more
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      Cultural HistoryFrench HistoryBiography20th century France
Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago, its Western Reception and Impact in the Media (1974-1978): a Cold War shock This article presents the comparative critical analysis of three documents: a report of the Soviet Political... more
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      Public OpinionSoviet HistoryFrench history and politicsSoviet Dissidents
Talk given at Cambridge University's Centre for Languages and Inter-Communication. It covers the French political system, the election process at local and national levels, political parties and their funding, a comparison of the... more
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      PopulismFrench PoliticsElectionsFrench history and politics
Abstract: This essay provides an introduction to the articles by Laird Boswell, Stéphane Gerson, and Gilles Pécout in this forum, which is based on a one-day conference held at UCLA in December 2006, several months before the death of... more
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    • French history and politics
L`Harmattan, Bp. 2021. TARTALOM Előszó A tábornok-elnök Charles de Gaulle belpolitikája (1958–1969) A De Gaulle-korszak fontosabb belpolitikai eseményei Charles de Gaulle... more
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      20th century FranceFrench PoliticsFrench history and politicsFrance
The study analyses the domestic political background of the conflict that resulted in the French conquest of Algeria. The author begins at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries when the Paris government bought grain from Algerian... more
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      French history and politicsFranceAlgeriaFrench colonial Algeria
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      French HistoryFrench RevolutionFrench history and politicsFrench Revolution history
Après l’adoption du mariage pour tous, les mouvements réactionnaires ont orchestré une vaste campagne contre la théorie du genre, dangereuse propagande venue tout droit des campus américains ! Bruno Perreau démontre que cette... more
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesQueer StudiesMedia Studies
This book considers the uses of the portrait as an instrument of propaganda in both totalitarian regimes and democratic countries. Focusing on the last one hundred years and covering a wide range of countries around the globe, the volume... more
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      American PoliticsVisual propagandaPortraitsIraqi History
A l’instar des formations politiques européennes, les partis politiques français sont confrontés à plusieurs défis et soumis à nombre de tensions à l’aube de ce XXIe siècle, alors même que leur attractivité n’a jamais semblé aussi... more
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      Political SociologyComparative PoliticsFrench HistoryPolitical Parties
Italian translation and critical edition of the Chantelou report of Bernini stay in Paris in 1665.
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      Baroque art and architectureFrench history and politicsLouis XIVHistory of Paris
Selon Michael Chapman « On peut dire que la langue, la culture ou l'histoire à l’autorité en Afrique du Sud lorsque la fin de l'apartheid a soulevé des questions épineuses quant à savoir ce qu'est un Sud-Africain, ce que c'est de vivre,... more
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      EducationFrench languageFrench history and politicsLittératures francophones
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEuropean History
Both the possibility and success of the Brumaire coup, and, consequently, the failure of the Directory, can best be explained by the manner in which the Revolutionary notables went about politics. The economic, military and social... more
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      European HistoryFrench HistoryFrench RevolutionHistoriography of the French Revolution
Depuis quelques années, le vote d'extrême droite progresse dans de nombreux pays européens. Si dans certains d'entre eux, il s'agit d'une manifestation récente, dans d'autres pays, l'extrême droite a connu un enracinement certain. Ainsi,... more
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      Comparative PoliticsFrench HistoryPolitical PartiesFrench Studies
La réforme des institutions en cours s’appuie sur une réforme électorale d’ampleur dont l’objectif est d’améliorer l’efficacité du Parlement et sa représentativité. Une mise en perspective montre, toutefois, qu’elle échouera à atteindre... more
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      French StudiesPolitical ScienceElectoral SystemsFrench Politics
L’élection présidentielle du 22 avril 2007 et le scrutin législatif qui l’a suivie ont été une terrible désillusion pour Jean-Marie Le Pen et le Front national (FN). Après avoir dominé l’agenda politique et médiatique durant les années... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical BehaviorFrench HistoryPolitical Parties
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      French HistoryNationalismColonialismJewish History
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      French HistoryYouth StudiesUrban AnthropologyImmigration
This is the first installment of a book on changing mentalities in 17th and 18th cent. Bordeaux that I am working on. It shows that, contrary to the existing literature on the French provincial Affiches, the Affiches de Bordeaux... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryEnlightenmentEighteenth-Century French StudiesCensorship (History)
Kniha Milan Rastislav Štefánik – Muž, ktorý sa rozprával s hviezdami je prvá vedecká biografia tejto významnej osobnosti slovenských dejín. Historik Michal Kšiňan v nej pútavo približuje Štefánikov život na základe dlhodobého výskumu v... more
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      French HistoryCzech HistoryBiographyGreat War
The small city of Nancy, France, is arguably the center where Art Nouveau architecture had the most lasting impact. Nancy’s Art Nouveau was a divergent form of modernity that was defined by regionalism and a distinct sense of place, which... more
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      ArchitectureNationalismArchitectural HistoryModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
An analysis of the 2018-2019 "Yellow Vest" (Gilet jaune) protests in France, with papers by Emile Chabal, Valerie Charolles, and Daniel A. Gordon, and an introduction by Michael C. Behrent
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      Social MovementsDrivingEuropean PoliticsFrench Politics
Richard Bonney, in his article "Absolutism: What's In a Name?", writes that "absolute power" can be simply defined as "'the freedom of the monarch in practice from institutional checks on his power', in short, a regime where the ruler is... more
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      French HistoryPolitical ScienceAbsolutismEarly Modern France
Una storia di contadini, soldati, mercanti, aristocratici, vescovi e qualche re Dispensa per il corso di "Storia d'Italia 1" (Università d'Islanda) Versione 0.0 Forlagið Snorri Sturluson Reykjavík AD 2012
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      PhilologyReligionHistoryEuropean History
Séminaire organisé par Isabelle Brancourt (Institut d’histoire du droit Jean Gaudemet, Paris II), Anne Daubigny-Reverso (Université d’Angers, Institut d’histoire du droit), et Frédéric Gabriel (IHRIM, Lyon) dans le cadre de l’Institut... more
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      PoliticsHistory of Political ThoughtEarly Modern FranceParliamentary History
In 1755, the Marquise de Pompadour commissioned a marble statue of Eros-Harpocrates, the right index finger resting on the lips, to decorate the hôtel d’Évreux, the future Palais de l’Élysée. This gesture of the little Horus, who is... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyReception StudiesFrench history and politics
Voici le corpus des sources et références utilisées pour l'écriture de Une contre-révolution catholique. Aux origines de la Manif pour tous (Seuil, 2019).
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      Political SociologyPolitical ScienceHistory of Roman CatholicismFrench history and politics
This paper sets out an ambitious critique of contemporary political scientists, political historians and others concerned with the history of democracy. It argues that overwhelmingly the history of democracy relies on an overtly... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
Liberalism under Siege: The Political Thought of the French Doctrinaries is a compelling examination of the French Doctrinaries, a largely neglected group of liberal thinkers in post-revolutionary France who were proponents of a nuanced... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPolitical PhilosophyHistory of IdeasPolitical Theory
Hervé Leuwers, « Danton et Robespierre. Le duel réinventé », dans Michel Biard et Hervé Leuwers (dir.), Danton. Le mythe et l’histoire, Paris, Armand Colin, 2016, p. 141-153 Danton et Robespierre ; deux noms que l’on rapproche ou,... more
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      French HistoryFrench RevolutionHistoriography of the French RevolutionEighteenth-Century French Studies