Recent papers in Fregellae
Rome rapidly expanded in the Republican period, and conquered the entire Italian peninsula with its wide variety of city-states and tribes. The impact of Roman imperialism and expansionism on religious life in the newly incorporated areas... more
This paper reconstructs the reasons for the defection of the Latin colony of Fregellae in 125 BC. Normally it is believed that the revolt is a consequence of the rejection by the senate of Fulvius Flaccus' proposal to extend citizenship... more
Hardback Edition: ISBN 978-1-78925-310-8 Digital Edition: ISBN 978-1-78925-311-5 (ePub) Hardcover Edition: ISBN 978-1-78925-310-8 Digital Edition: ISBN 978-1-78925-311-5 (epub) A CIP record for this book is available from the British... more
The article examines the problem of the border along the Liris as a factor that determined the confrontational nature of the Roman-Samnite relations. Special studies on this topic are still missing in both domestic and foreign... more
Abstract des Vortrages, den ich im Rahmen der Konferenz "Minturnae between Lazio and Campania" am 22. Februar 2018 in der American Academy in Rom halten werde.
La colonia latina di Fregellae, lungo la via Latina, venne distrutta dai Romani nel 125 a.C. e mai più riedificata. Questa peculiare situazione offre la possibilità di studiare le fasi mediorepubblicane di questo insediamento. Il... more
Abstract des Vortrages, den ich im Rahmen des Kongresses "Deliciae Fictiles V" am 15. März 2018 in Neapel halten werde.
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