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Paulo Freire has been one of the most significant educationists of the last thirty years. He is cited freely in the literature on education and social thought emerging not only from the 'Third World', which provided the context for most... more
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    • Convergence
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      Television StudiesConvergenceTelevision series
As transformações pelas quais passa o radiojornalismo no atual contexto da convergência midiática fundamentam esta dissertação, que tem como objetivo principal investigar as estratégias interativas adotadas por rádios informativas por... more
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      Social NetworksRadioConvergenceRadiojornalismo
In 1998, in a paper in which he explained the mechanisms used in Hollywood to divide the revenue generated by feature films among different stakeholders, Mark Weinstein (1998) argued that only ten to twenty percent of these projects... more
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      ScreenwritingEducationMedia StudiesJournalism
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComputational ModelingComputer Aided Design
A numerical algorithm for computing necessary conditions for performance specifications is developed for nonlinear uncertain systems. The algorithm is similar in nature and behavior to the power algorithm for the p lower bound, and... more
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      Operations ResearchProductionIterative MethodsConvergence
A gradient system with discontinuous righthand side that solves an underdetermined system of linear equations in the L1 norm is presented. An upper bound estimate for finite time convergence to a solution set of the system of linear... more
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      Linear ProgrammingSupport Vector MachinesNeural NetworksConvergence
We consider the tracking problem of unknown, robustly stabilizable, multi-input multi-output (MIMO), affine in the control, nonlinear systems with guaranteed prescribed performance. By prescribed performance we mean that the tracking... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsSystem IdentificationModeling
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      EngineeringComputational PhysicsMonte CarloConvergence
A globally convergent adaptive control scheme for robot motion control with the following features is proposed. First, the adaptation law possesses enhanced robustness with respect to noisy velocity measurements. Second, the controller... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsControl Systems EngineeringAdaptive Control
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      Distributed ComputingDistributed AlgorithmsConvergenceControl Systems
Since at least the early 1990s with the publication of groundbreaking works such as Manovich's The Language of New Media, the rise of digital and online media into every facet of our lives has been conceptualized through distinctions... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia ArchaeologyDigital Media
In recent years, a few articles describing the use of neural networks for nonlinear active control of sound and vibration were published in this journal. Using a control structure with two multilayer feedforward neural networks (one as a... more
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      Neural NetworksVibration ControlConvergenceNeural Network
The convergence hypothesis maintains that an economy whose productivity lags behind other economies has a potential to grow faster. We introduce a procedure for testing this hypothesis and apply it to 24 OECD countries for the period 1950... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthProductivityConvergence
This paper deals with iterative maximum-likelihood synchronization of a scalar parameter. An efficient implementation of the Newton-Raphson (NR) maximum-search method is proposed. Considering the latter implementation, the NR approach is... more
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      Signal ProcessingIterative MethodsConvergenceParameter estimation
Biological vessels are characterized by their substantial compliance and low friction that present a major challenge for crawling robots for minimally invasive medical procedures. Quite a number of studies considered the design and... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsBiomimeticsComputer Aided Design
Resumen: Se analiza la evolución de las retribuciones del profesorado público no universitario en las diferentes comunidades autónomas del Estado español. Se hace un repaso de la teoría económica que relaciona la oferta de profesorado con... more
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      SociologyEconomicsEconomic TheoryConvergence
This paper illustrates the application of a "Sinc-Galerkin" method to the approximate solution of linear and nonlinear second order ordinary differential equations, and to the approximate solution of some linear elliptic and... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsPartial Differential EquationsConvergence
Quelques résultats de convergence pour l'algorithme de Howard Résumé : Nousétudions des résultats de convergence pour l'algorithme de Howard appliqué a la résolution du problème min a∈A (B a x − b a) = 0 où B a est une matrice, b a est un... more
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      FinanceNumerical AnalysisConvergenceMathematical Finance
In this paper we develop a two-country dynamic general equilibrium model by means of which we seek to explain the long-run paths of a converging emerging market economy. The model’s novel feature is the inclusion of quality investment to... more
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      ConvergenceCzech RepublicMonetary PolicyEmerging market economies
The European Union (EU) has encouraged democratic development in a number of post-communist states. This article examines the extent of EU involvement in Ukraine and its results. It notes that there has been a substantial disconnect... more
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      Political ScienceConvergencePost-Communist StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceInformation TheoryConvex Optimization
Las redes sociales trastocan los modelos de los medios de comunicación tradicionales
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      GeographySocial NetworksConvergenceEducación
Velocity in the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) is one of its major features, as it is the mechanism used to move (evolve) the position of a particle to search for optimal solutions. The velocity is commonly regulated, by... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceConvergenceParticle Swarm Optimization
An algorithm for estimating the basis vectors used in the Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) is described. The algorithm is "blind" in the sense that it utilizes minimal information about the data vector being encoded. It is capable of... more
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      AlgorithmsData CompressionConvergenceMultidisciplinary
This work deals with the state estimation and diagnosis of nonlinear systems with application to power systems. Dynamic modeling is performed using an index 1 property and decoupling techniques. New methods of state estimation, based on... more
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      Power SystemConvergenceKalman FilterNonlinear Systems
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      Distributed ComputingConvergenceComputer HardwareComputer Software
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      Data CompressionConvergenceHebbian learningImage compression
In the present paper we extend the fourth order method developed by Chawla et al. [M.M. Chawla, R. Subramanian, H.L. Sathi, A fourth order method for a singular twopoint boundary value problem, BIT 28 (1988) 88-97] to a class of singular... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisConvergenceApplied Mathematics and Computational Science
We develop a canonical, adaptive cascade-structure IIR notch filter to detect and track multiple time-varying frequencies in additive white Gaussian noise. The algorithm uses allpass frequency transformation filters and a truncated... more
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      Signal ProcessingConvergenceMultidisciplinarySensor Arrays
This work concerns a new kind of neural structure that involves a multidimensional adaptive activation function. The proposed architecture, based on multi-dimensional cubic spline, allows to collect information from the previous network... more
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      ConvergenceArtificial Neural NetworksAdaptive SystemsSpline
This MPhil dissertation aims to shed light on the nature of language systems in bilinguals’ minds, by analysing placement verbs in German-English bilinguals. The study is based on Alferink & Gullberg’s (2014) work, who investigated this... more
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ABSTRACT Taking into account the increase of the real estate development and the construction of smart cities, the control and interoperability between the devices in the smart home environment has become an interesting topic for further... more
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      ConvergenceInteroperabilityNetwork ProtocolsProtocols
We study the convergence of a general perturbation of the Newton method for solving a nonlinear system of equations. As an application, we show that the augmented Lagrangian successive quadratic programming is locally and q-quadratically... more
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      Applied MathematicsConvergenceOptimizationNewton Method
The BDFM shows economic promise as a variable speed drive or generator. One practical obstacle to commercial exploitation is the presence of operating speeds at which BDFM synchronous action cannot be maintained under open loop... more
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      ConvergenceControl StrategyFeedback LinearizationState Feedback
This research analyzes how children from 0 to 12 years are developing their practices in the network, focusing on the analysis of the production of videos for YouTube, from the case study of the channel Planeta das Gêmeas. The article... more
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      Media StudiesConvergenceMedia ConvergenceYoutube
This paper proposes a fine edge-preserving deinterlacing algorithm that is based on local gradient features. The proposed algorithm uses horizontal and vertical gradient operators to find the various edges, and then determines the... more
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      ConvergenceBroadcastingMotion estimationMotion compensation
The morphology of the Rivera plate subducted beneath the Jalisco block in western Mexico is determined from accurately located hypocenters of locally recorded microearthquakes, and from earthquakes with magnitude mb>4.5 recorded at... more
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Morphological associative memories (MAMs) are a special type of associative memory which exhibit optimal absolute storage capacity and one-step convergence. This associative model substitutes the additions and multiplications used in the... more
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      Pattern RecognitionNeural NetworksConvergenceImage Reconstruction
Abstruct-We use the generalized Landweber iteration with a variable shaping matrix to solve the large linear system of equations arising in the image reconstruction problem of emission tomography. Our method is based on the property that... more
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      EngineeringImage ProcessingIterative MethodsNuclear medicine
Résumé/Abstract En utilisant la technique développée dans [7], nous donnons une estimation d'erreur, d'ordre 1/2 par rapport à la taille du maillage, pour une approximation volumes finis explicite en temps, pour la résolution... more
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      ConvergencePure MathematicsSymmetryDiscretization
Classification techniques based on one or few dimensions are widely used in research studies and textbooks to explain and predict the development of accounting systems internationally. However, their usefulness in international accounting... more
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Most of the electromagnetic problems can be reduced down to either integrating oscillatory integrals or summing up complex series. However, limits of the integrals and the series usually extend to infinity. In addition, they may be slowly... more
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      MathematicsAlgorithmsElectromagnetismMicrostrip Antennas
In this paper we analyse three known finite difference schemes applied to the heatdiffusion equation with semilinear dynamical boundary conditions. We prove that the numerical blow-up times converge to the continuous ones. Also, the... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisConvergenceAcoustic Diffusion Equation Model
One of the striking features of many developing Regional Integration Areas (RIAs) is the strong asymmetry between countries. In this paper, we consider a three-country two-sector model in a footloose capital framework. Two of these... more
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      ConvergenceRegional IntegrationTransport InfrastructureDeveloping Regions
adaptive notch filter is derived by using a general prediction error framework. The proposed infinite impulse response filter has a special structure that guarantees the desired transfer characteristics. The filter coefficients are... more
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      Signal ProcessingConvergencePerformance EvaluationMaximum Likelihood
Speech alignment, or the tendency of individuals to subtly imitate each other's speaking styles, is often assessed by comparing a subject's baseline and shadowed utterances to a model's utterances, often through perceptual ratings. These... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePsycholinguistics
In this paper we design a class of numerical schemes that are higher-order extensions of the weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes of G.-S. . Used by themselves, the schemes may not always be monotonicity preserving but... more
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      EngineeringComputational PhysicsMagnetohydrodynamicsComputational Complexity
This paper generalizes a practical convergence result first presented by Polyak. This new result presents a theoretical justification for the step size which has been successfully used in several specialized algorithms which incorporate... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical ProgrammingNonlinear ProgrammingConvergence
Game of Thrones: uma estória em várias plataformas DAIANA SIGILIANO 06/06/2012 NENHUM COMENTÁRIO Desde a estreia da segunda -e tão aguardada -temporada de Game of Thrones, a HBO vem apostando em diversas ações para tornar a experiência do... more
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      ConvergenceSeries TVConvergencia DigitalSocial TV