Concrete Poetry
Recent papers in Concrete Poetry
Artykuł stanowi próbę porównania eksperymentalnych działań artystycznych kompozytora Bogusława Schäffera i poety Witolda Wirpszy podejmowanych niezależnie od siebie w latach 60. XX wieku. W dorobku tego pierwszego zwrócono uwagę na rolę i... more
By Eduardo Ledesma
Le cinéma élargi en Suisse : d'Underground Explosion à la poésie visuelle La scène du cinéma d'artistes en Suisse se caractérise par sa disparité : divisée en différentes régions linguistiques, elle se déploie à partir de réseaux et... more
Visual Poetry: Key Historic Figures from Flanders in an International Context This paper compares historiographic and object-related definitions of visual and concrete poetry. An integrated definition is proposed, situating visual poetry... more
Who Unfolded My Origami Brain? is a collection of 99 fragments, aphorisms, and typographic poems. By turns gnomic, rhetorically playful, lyric, and apocalyptic, these distilled and minimalist texts were painstakingly typeset and printed... more
Übrige das nicht fertig ist und abgebrochen ruht und sinnvoll ist sind die eigentlichen Elemente brasilianischer Intelligenz. Brasilias Horizonte des Mondes. Weiß und rot. Ich vergesse sie nicht mehr. Max Bense: Entwurf einer... more
In Media Res post on the lyric video for Taylor Swift's 'exile'. ( Part of the In Media Res theme week on 'Lyric Videos', with Laura... more
Bilingual catalog (Portuguese/English) of the exhibition History of Brazilian Visual Poetry, curated by Yuri Bruscky, Paulo Bruscky and Adolfo Montejo Navas, held at Sesc Bom Retiro (São Paulo/SP), in 2019.
Concrete poetry is poetry that draws attention to the presence of language itself; however, it can also signify something else. This paper focuses on visual poetry and examines the semiotic processes in concrete poetry created in... more
“On H. Masud Taj’s Calligraphy Choreography To engage with Taj’s visually lyrical calligraphy translations, drop all notions of reading as a static activity, prepare to perform a pas de deux with text and poem. Prepare to follow dynamic... more
Desde la irrupción de la poesía concreta en los años 1950 brasileños hasta el movimiento arte porno en la década de 1980, el interés sigue siendo hacer una micro-cartografía de transgresiones poéticas y políticas contra formas... more
Bibliografische Information Der Deutschen Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.... more
Tesis de grado, Licenciatura en Artes Visuales, Departamento de Artes Visuales, Universidad Nacional de Arte. Buenso Aires, Argentina.
La poesia concreta e la poesia visiva sono due tra i movimenti artistico-letterari più significativi nel panorama della sperimentazione poetica della seconda metà del ’900. Il volume di Sauro Fabi si propone di mettere in risalto affinità... more
In the exhibition book "Und weg mit den Minuten - Dieter Roth und die Musik" (also available in english) an interdisciplinary dialogue between the art historian and curator Matthias Haldemann (Kunsthaus Zug) and the composer and music... more
En la década del setenta se desarrollaron prácticas gráficas alternativas que actuaron en la frontera entre lo poético y lo político y han sido mayormente excluidos del discurso canónico de la historia el arte en Puerto Rico porque... more
Percorsi della vocalità nella poesia d'azione Collana "Archivio della poesia del '900" diretta da Alberto Cappi e Eugenio Miccini Editoriale Sometti, Mantova, 2004 - ISBN 88-7495-023-3 Giovanni Fontana POESIA DELLA VOCE E DEL GESTO... more
The central objective of this dissertation is to examine the structural and historical aspects of the book object Poemóbiles (1974), by Augusto de Campos and Julio Plaza. In order to do so, studies were carried out regarding the... more
This paper aims at drawing the basic features of the "textual" poetics of Camillo Capolongo (1940-2013), until now better known as visual and sound poet, as shown by his last decades participation in national and international poetry... more
Wenn stimmt, was bereits Friedrich Schiller beklagt hat: dass der Mensch in der modernen Gesellschaft „zum Formular geworden“ ist, dann steht mit diesem unscheinbaren Verwaltungs-tool nichts weniger als unsere Lebenswirklichkeit auf dem... more
Nel "Manifesto tecnico della letteratura futurista" [1912] Marinetti scrive: "Nulla è più interessante, per un poeta futurista, che l'agitarsi della tastiera di un pianoforte meccanico. Il cinematografo ci offre la danza di un oggetto che... more
This article assesses some of the materials stored with the Scottish Poetry Library’s Edwin Morgan Archive. Initially recounting the story of the archive’s compilation from the mid-1970s onwards by Morgan's friend and publisher Hamish... more
The idea that language could emulate architecture, especially modernist architecture in the constructivist tradition, was foundational to the international concrete poetry movement of the 1950s-70s. This essay assesses the development of... more
A revista CIRCULADÔ é publicada em frequência semestral.
Visual poems employ the materiality of language (such as letter- and word-forms and page layouts), to help develop their meanings, thereby synthesizing visual and verbal cues. To discuss this multimodal genre, I posit a framework based on... more
Computers arrived in architecture to a discipline caught up in longstanding agendas and contentious debates, and so architects began using them not for reasons of naïve curiosity or simple practicality but to further intellectual projects... more
This article explores the relationship between concrete poetry and women’s writing, focusing especially on the concrete-influenced work of the Scottish poet and literary critic Veronica Forrest-Thomson. I initially acknowledge the... more
Apollonius structured the Argonautica in the shape of an eye, specifically Medea's eye, which glares out from the text entrapping the eye of the unwary reader.
Catálogo da exposição "Palarva - Poesia Visual e Sonora de Paulo Bruscky", realizada na Caixa Cultural Brasília, em 2018, com curadoria de Yuri Bruscky.
The present paper approaches the strategies for the use of both written and vocalized language in the work of the poet and songster Arnaldo Antunes, taking the philosopher ludwig wittgenstein's notion of the language games' and some... more
es un talentoso artista argentino que practica distintas disciplinas (dibujo, pintura, poesía visual, intervenciones, etc.). Como sucede habitualmente, su dedicación a la pintura ha tenido más repercusión que sus propuestas de poesía... more