Collective Bargaining
Recent papers in Collective Bargaining
The Los Angeles County (California) physician strike of January 1976 resulted in a partial withdrawal of physician services. Among recorded impacts were a $17.5 million loss in hospital revenues and an $8.5 million pay loss for hospital... more
The paper examines variation in union density in advanced Western countries. It employs newly updated data on unionization which show that differences among industrialized Western nations persist overtime. The analysis includes... more
This paper presents and evaluates two interpretations of the eastern German labour market. These interpretations are called `wage gap’ and `innovation gap’. The former follows standard neoclassical thinking and regards high eastern German... more
Belgian interprofessional collective agreements sometimes use formulations that are very unclear when defining their scope of application.
We present an experiment where two players bargain with a third player. They can bargain either separately or form a joint venture to bargain collectively. Our theoretical benchmark solution predicts decentralized bargaining, as only one... more
Nepal with a view that the concerned parties of industrial relations will be acquainted with the methods and procedure of dispute settlement and establishes industrial peace. Though the process and period of dispute settlement in... more
This article emphasizes the contribution of International Framework Agreements (IFAs) to collective bargaining within multinational companies (MNC). For this purpose, we used various data, including content analysis of 42 IFAs and... more
Building on a new labor-management partnership, Kaiser Permanente and its nearly seventy thousand union employees negotiated a five-year contract agreement in 2000 based on the principles of "interest-based negotiations. " The people who... more
We provide evidence that firms in more unionized industries strategically hold less cash to gain bargaining advantages over labor unions and shelter corporate income from their demands. Specifically, we show that corporate cash holdings... more
2018. Az alternatív vitarendezés elterjesztésének újszerű kísérlete és kihívásai a kollektív munkaügyi érdekviták területén (In: Visegrád 15.0 szerk.: Pál Lajos-Petrovics Zoltán, Wolters Kluwer, Budapest, 2018. 451-462. o.)
We introduce collective bargaining in a static framework where the firm and its risk-neutral employees negotiate over wages in a non-binding contract setting. Our main result is the equivalence between the non-binding collective... more
Sociologiska institutionen. Foto: Lunds universitet Nyhetsarkiv 1978-2023: fack, arbetsgivare, kollektivavtal, parts-relationer, svenska modellen, a-kassa, arbetsvillkor mm News Archive 1978-2023: Trade unions, employers' associations,... more
'JUPITER' sugars India LTD was founded in 1941 in southern India as a private sugar factory. Later it enhanced its production from 1000 TCD to 8500 TCD in the year 1962. It was amalgamating many subunits and multi locational products into... more
Η επιτυχής ολοκλήρωση των συλλογικών διαπραγματεύσεων καταλήγει στη σύναψη ΣΣΕ, οι οποίες ρυθμίζουν με κανονιστικό τρόπο τους όρους εργασίας των δεσμευόμενων εργαζομένων. Σε περίπτωση αποτυχίας των διαπραγματεύσεων, δύναται να... more
A Book Summary on "Getting to YES" A book by Roger Fisher and William Ury, with Bruce Patton as Editor The book, "Getting to YES", co-created by Fisher and Ury, is a manual for the laymen to using negotiation techniques that are based on... more
La reforma de la Gesetz zur Reform des Betriebsverfassungsgesetzes en Alemania pretende fortalecer el derecho de participación de los representantes de los trabajadores en las empresas y, al mismo tiempo, adaptar la Ley de Comités de... more
Collective Bargaining, he demonstrates that he's up to the task. The main argument presented by Hogler is simple. This argument is that "embedded cultural values" in the United States, particularly those in the south, shaped strong... more
Tariffavtaler har normativ virkning for og skaper gjensidig bindende rettigheter og plikter mellom partene i individuelle arbeidsavtaleforhold-normativt be-stemte vilkår inngår i arbeidsavtalene. Slike vilkår faller ikke bort selv om... more
In the spring/summer 2017 edition of Our Schools/Our Selves, most of the articles are related to the resistance by the Nova Scotia teachers to the repressive liberal government of Stephen McNeil. Brian Forbes' article " The Assault on... more
Sommario: 1. I casi concreti che hanno condotto al pronunciamento della Consulta. – 2. Alle origini della questione giuridica. – 3. Le novità recenti e i nuovi argomenti addotti nelle ordinanze di rimessione. – 4. Il riconoscimento del... more
This article examines attitudes and behavior of white-collar employees and professionals towards unions in the framework of post-industrial economy which challenges traditional industrial and manual-based model of unionism. We use data... more
Labour standards adopted under the auspices of the ILO constitute the principal international influences on public sector collective bargaining; it is those standards that are the subject of this article. Focusing on the position of... more
This paper overviews and explains the fundamental shift away from collective bargaining and industry arrangements to individualised and workplace based employment relations in New Zealand in the last two decades. While researchers have... more
5 7 8 9 12 UN MUNDO EN CAMBIO VERTIGINOSO La acumulación de conocimiento y el cambio tecnológico Las nuevas formas de organizar el trabajo Democracia y organización social Los cambios en la socialización de los individuos LA... more
This paper presents a collective bargaining simulation simulation in order to aid the teaching industrial relations issues in sport.
The key purpose of the analysis is to examine the status of employment contracts and collective labour agreements from the perspective of the new piece of legislation in the Republika Srpska. The main hypothesis is that the Government... more
Football is currently facing a “concussion epidemic” with no fix-all solution in sight. “You got your bell rung, that’s all!” “Shake out the cob- webs!” Coaches and medical experts alike have commonly made comments like these on... more
This powerpoint presentation provides an overview of negotiations in HR and the processes involved
This paper deals with the different collective bargaining strategies commonly used in SA. it also tests the effectiveness of the strategies and further looks at some of the emerging trends or strategies in the field of collective... more
This paper is a review of a case study in human resource management with a slant towards the legal aspect of contract of employment and renegotiation of contracts. As none of the authors is a lawyer, the paper is reviewed from the... more
Over fifty years ago George Taylor, one of the most highly respected labor-management neutrals of his time, called for third parties to take on what he termed "a mantle of responsibility for labor-management relations." Today,... more
Act No. 6356 on Trade Unions and Collective Labour Agreements-Turkey Part I - Purpose and Definitions Part II - Principles of Establishment and Bodies Part III - Membership Part IV - Protection Part V - Activities Part VI - Revenues,... more
In a national framework labour law constantly evolves in a system of forces and purposes, and such evolution shapes the relevant labour market. Labour law systems result from political and social contention informed by theory, legal... more
With inequality growing and competitive market forces on the march, can unions play a constructive role in solving the problems of capitalist economic development? Should they try? In this study of coalition building in Buffalo, New York... more
This article explores the effects on employees of co-operation and conflict in the workplace, outlining six workplace types. A survey of union representatives in the UK steel industry reveals evidence of co-operative industrial relations... more
One of the most crucial factors which enhance the sustainability of an organisation is its human resources. Employee productivity affects the overall performance of an organisation. In order to enhance the job security, employees form... more
This article argues that the right to bargain collectively should be given to every person working for others for pay who suffers a significant degree of democratic deficits or economic dependency in this work relationship. This would... more
In this study, the regulation of working conditions in the collective bargaining agreements between Turkish Airlines (THY) - the largest company of Turkish air transport sector - and trade union (Hava-İş) was evaluated. Here, changes in... more