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Abstract: Today‘s business, political and economic environment is very much dynamic, and customers are adapting their software requirements to adjust with these new environment. In particular software needs to cater to the change in... more
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Projects combining agile methods with CMMI 1 are more successful in producing higher quality software that more effectively meets customer needs at a faster pace. Systematic Software Engineering works at CMMI level 5 and uses Lean... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentAgile MethodsAgile
In current generations, software development has been the biggest problem while developing large-scale applications considering the resourced and dynamic changes of client requirement. Scrum software development, when moving forward took... more
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      Software EngineeringProject ManagementSoftware DevelopmentScrum
This study aims to investigate the perceptions of software professionals in relation with impact of agile practices to accelerate the delivery of software products. Quantitative data obtained from a sample of 109 professionals were... more
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      Information SystemsE-learningProject ManagementLean Project Delivery
Some claim that especially in the field of agile software development the research lags years behind of the practice. In this paper, we characterize the status and main challenges for research on agile software development, and propose a... more
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      Software DevelopmentEmpirical Software EngineeringResearch AgendaEmpirical Research
In this thesis, we develop a framework for agile change management based on a qualitative, empirical multiple-case study of Norwegian change management practices. The study is based on interviews with 28 informants from eight companies... more
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      Organizational ChangeAgile Project ManagementChange ManagementAgile Methodologies
While sometimes theoretically at odds, Agile development and Soldier-centered design can be mutually beneficial, as shown in 12 lessons learned.

Co-authors:  LTC Carney, MAJ Mawyer, Alan Lee
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      User Experience (UX)Human FactorsAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project Management
We used existing studies on the integration of user experience design and agile methods as a basis to develop a framework for integrating UX and Agile. We performed a field study in an ongoing project of a medium-sized company in order to... more
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      User eXperienceComputer SoftwareIntegrationFramework
There is a wide area of applications that use embedded systems, and the number of such systems keeps growing. The required functionality and complexity of embedded systems are also constantly increasing, and development of such products... more
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      LeanEmbedded SystemsEmbedded SoftwareHardware
There are various processes in the project management software that helps in the system inter-process communication between the remote teams and distributed teams. Web-based services oriented can vastly improve project management... more
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      Computer ScienceProject ManagementWeb DevelopmentDevelopment
For the past few years, Agile methodologies have been hailed as the silver bullet which will successfully address the high project failure rate. Many organisations have been using a traditional project management methodology for years and... more
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      Project ManagementHybridizationPMIAlignment
Thesis (MCom (Computer Science & Information Systems))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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      Information TechnologyProject ManagementAgileCritical Success Factors
This paper presents a case study on the impact of development processes on the success of globally distributed software projects. The study compares agile (Scrum, XP, etc.) vs. structured (RUP, waterfall) processes to determine if the... more
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      Software EngineeringEconomicsProject ManagementEmpirical Software Engineering
Agile software development has become popular in the past decade despite that it is not a particularly well-defined concept. The general principles in the Agile Manifesto can be instantiated in many different ways, and hence the... more
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      Software EngineeringAssessmentAgilePp
The combination of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and the Agile process aids in the execution of programs that are constantly changing, are highly complex, and contain uncertainties throughout system development. Establishing an... more
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      Lean ThinkingModelingAgile DevelopmentModel Based Systems Engineering
What is the next level of learning? After Transformational Learning, the upcoming stage of adult learning is the AGILE SELF LEARNING.
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      Development StudiesHuman Resource DevelopmentOrganizational ChangeE-learning
In recent decades, "agile" software development methodologies have been put forth as an alternative to traditional "waterfall" methodologies. These agile methods advance a fundamentally different approach to software development.... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware DevelopmentSequence Analysis
The Scrum software development framework was designed for the hyperproductive state where productivity increases by 5-10 times over waterfall teams and many colocated teams have achieved this effect. In 2006, Xebia (The Netherlands)... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentDistributed ProcessingScrum
The proponents of Agile software development approaches claim that software architecture emerges from continuous small refactoring, hence, there is not much value in spending upfront effort on architecture related issues. Based on a... more
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      Agile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementSoftware ArchitectureRefactoring (Computer Science)
In this thesis, we develop a framework for agile change management based on a qualitative, empirical multiple-case study of Norwegian change management practices. The study is based on interviews with 28 informants from eight companies... more
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      BusinessOrganizational ChangeAgile Project ManagementChange Management
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is crucial to be present in global markets as nowadays competition is between supply chains rather than between companies. Current SCM paradigms like Lean, Agile, Resilient, and Green (LARG) are usually... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementLean ManagementGreen Supply Chain ManagementInteroperability
Using Agile methods within Critical Chain Project Management to satisfy both the needs of the company for reliable delivery and the of software developers to have flexibility and autonomy.
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      Project ManagementAgile Project ManagementAgile Methods (Software Engineering)Agile software development
Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) are the subject of increasing interest for educators and trainers. In the context of software development, they are beginning to see increasing use both as learning spaces and as a richer means of... more
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      Virtual WorldsAgile
Even though the process of investigation by experimentation, in the context of Software Engineering, is not something new, it still lacks new quality studies. In studies that adopt the experiment as a method of research, a complete and... more
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    • Agile
Agile methodologies promote delivery of a long software development project in short-term cycles or iterations. Iteration involves a tiny portion of software that is developed quickly and accurately for a testing purpose. Iterations are... more
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      Software EngineeringAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementAgile Methods (Software Engineering)
La presente propuesta de gestión Startups se desarrolla tomando como base las prácticas de gestión ágil de proyectos de desarrollo de software, metodologías generadoras de ideas y productos, estrategias de resolución de problemas, así... more
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      Agile Methods (Software Engineering)Agile MethodsScrum and AgileLean startup
Underspecified performance requirements can cause performance issues in a software system. However, a complete, upfront analysis of a software system is difficult, and usually not desirable. We propose an evolutionary model for... more
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      Computer ScienceLevel Of Detail (LOD)Agile DevelopmentFormal Specification
Monitoring software project development is essential to ensure that the project progress is according to budget, schedule, and quality expectations. Currently, Agile Methods (AMs) have received wide recognition within the software... more
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      AgileExpert ReviewKanban Method
Agile methods are increasingly gaining momentum, and more and more growing as the market standard for software development. However agile methods suffer from the lack of disciplined planning. We will try in this paper to see the effect of... more
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      MarketingFinanceProject ManagementEnvironmental Management
Loyal and steady customer base alone can keep the organizations successful in the current turbulent business environment. In the current era of software engineering, the success of a business process is measured in terms of 'customer... more
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      EngineeringSoftware EngineeringTechnologyProject Management
The supply chain, shaped in the focus of customer satisfaction, covers all stages from production to consumption. An agile supply chain is important because of its contribution to the performance and service quality of organizations in... more
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      Strategic ManagementAgile
Este trabajo presenta la introducción y utilización de la práctica de desarrollo de software conocida como Test-Driven Development (TDD) en proyectos de software, expone además que TDD no es solo una metodología de pruebas, sino además... more
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      ScrumAgileTddTest Driven Development
Loyal and steady customer base alone can keep the organizations successful in the current turbulent business environment. In the current era of software engineering, the success of a business process is measured in terms of 'customer... more
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      Software EngineeringProject ManagementScrumDistributed Teams
This paper shows an empirical study for a new agile release planning methodology. The case study includes the application of the methodology by two teams in different software business domains (Game development and medical software... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringSoftware ArchitectureAgile
This paper summarizes the preliminary aspects of a doctoral research that has been conducted at the Brazilian Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA). This research has the objective of developing the CARD-RM, a Certifiable, Agile,... more
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      Atmospheric ModelingSoftware DesignAgileReference model
Recensie "Lean vertaald naar projecten-samen leren bouwen aan innovatievermogen" van Rudy Gort Lean, #Agile, #Scrum, #SixSigma. Recensie van het boek "Lean vertaald naar projecten-samen leren bouwen aan innovatievermogen" door Rudy Gort.... more
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      Quality AssuranceAgile
A common problem associated with ready-made software is that businesses are forced to alter some of their processes in order to fully utilize the product. On the other hand, custom-made applications are specifically designed to... more
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      ScrumAgileGeographic Information Systems
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      Software DevelopmentAgileDigital music
If we engineered systems like we produce movies, would our enterprise and endeavors prove leaner and more agile? We daydream on the greener pastures of movie making, an industry whose signature practices were born out of necessity, to... more
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      SociologyComputer ScienceLeanSystem Engineering
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
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      EngineeringProject ManagementModelingSoftware Development
The purpose of this paper is to present Sixas® an auxiliary new-age model decoded for measuring the performance effectiveness of both an organization and an employee. The model was developed upon critically reviewing the present models... more
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      MethodologyPerformance ManagementAdaptiveAnalytical
Agile projects do require various leaders at different levels for success. This paper list downs all these styles with their benefits.
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      Project ManagementAgile Project ManagementAgile Methods (Software Engineering)Agile Development
is an agile practice that is widely accepted and advocated by most agile methods and methodologists. In this paper, we report on a post hoc analysis of the results of an IBM team who has sustained use of TDD for five years and over ten... more
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      Quality ImprovementAgile MethodsTeam workAgile
Due to market pressures and increased competition, companies were led to adopt collaborative working practices by creating communication networks and integrated material and product flows. Supply Chain Management is one key to success in... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementLeanGreen Supply Chain ManagementAgile
... Muhammad Abbas Chaudhary University of Engineering & Technology Taxila, Pakistan. [email protected] ... 14 Issue 6, pp.447 – 465. 2009. [19] M. SadiqSohail, M. AamirSayeed, Abdullah Al-Fadhil, Osman GokhanSahin. ...
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      BusinessManagementGlobalizationOperations Management
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      Software EngineeringLean Software DevelopmentLeanSoftware Development
Adapting users need to fulfill their requirements and delivering products to be on time within the planned cost, is critical matter that all software project managers (SPM) put the highest priority for it while considering the users... more
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      Software EngineeringScrumAgile
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      Economic TheoryGeneral Equilibrium TheoryLand UseAgile
Testing and deployment can be a difficult and time-consuming process in complex environments comprising application servers, messaging infrastructure and interfaces to external systems. We have seen deployments take several days, even in... more
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      DocumentationSoftware TestingSoftware Testing (Computer Science)Automation