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2022, Zeren Tanındı Armağanı: İslam Dünyasında Kitap Sanatı ve Kültürü / Zeren Tanındı Festschrift: Art and Culture of Books in the Islamic World, ed. Aslıhan Erkmen, Şebnem Tamcan Parladır (İstanbul: Lale Yayıncılık, 2022).
18 pages
1 file
Yazıların sorumlulukları yazarlara aittir. Kitaptaki metin ve resimlerin, tamamının veya bir kısmının, elektronik, mekanik, fotokopi veya herhangi bir kayıt sistemi ile çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ve depolanması, başka dillere çevrilmesi yayıncıdan ve ilgili müze müdürlükleri ve kurumlardan alınacak yazılı izne tabidir. Lale Yayıncılık, Lale Organizasyon Ticaret Limited Şirketi'nin markasıdır. Bu kitabın yayın hakları Lale Yayıncılık ve Lale Organizasyon'a aittir.
The privileges, which were given to the Europeans during the reign of Sultan Süleyman (1521-1566), allowed many envoys, merchants and travellers to visit the capital Istanbul from the beginning of XVIIth century. Furthermore, an interest towards diverse geographies which was raised in this period in Europe, caused the production of art objects such as illustrated costume albums and Iznik ceramic dishes commissioned by European visitors. This interest was especially increased in XVIIth century towards purchasing and collecting artistic objects such as İznik ceramics. Concurrently, the production of illustrated costume albums displaying Ottoman and non-Muslim figures were also being commissioned by European patrons to be produced at the painting ateliers out of the court. It is interesting that both Iznik ceramic dishes with human figures and illustrated costume albums with single human figures reveal obvious interaction of collective artistic production in terms of the figures' drawing and painting techniques. The forms and positions of the figures with their gestures and the colours used are perfectly alike, so that this suggests a possible interaction of artistic production between Iznik ceramics and miniature paintings in the costume albums of that time. Although these examples are unaffiliated with the Court Atelier's style, it is thought that they are still significant regarding the possible usage of drawing templates by the painters and ceramic artists. Öz: Sultan Süleyman'ın (1521-1566) saltanatı zamanında Avrupalılara verilen ayrıcalıklar, pek çok elçi, tüccar ve gezginin XVII. yüzyılın başından itibaren başkent İstanbul'a seyahat edebilmelerini sağ-lamıştır. Bununla birlikte, Avrupa'da, farklı coğrafyalara bu dönemde artan ilgi, Avrupalı ziyaretçiler tarafından sipariş edilen resimli kıyafet albümleri ve İznik seramik tabakları gibi sanatsal objelerin üre-timine neden olmuştur. İznik seramiklerinin satın alınması ve toplanması konusundaki bu ilgi özellikle XVII. yüzyılda artmış-tır. Aynı zamanlarda, Osmanlı karakterleri ve gayrimüslim kişilerin betimlendiği resimli kıyafet albüm-leri de Avrupalı sanat hamileri tarafından saray dışındaki atölyelerde üretilmek üzere sipariş edilmiştir. İlginçtir ki, insan figürlerinin yer aldığı İznik seramik tabakları ve resimli kıyafet albümleri, figürlerin çizim ve boyama teknikleri bakımından, kolektif sanat üretimi anlamında açık bir etkileşim olduğunu göstermektedir. El hareketleri (jestleri) ve kullanılan renklerle birlikte figürlerin biçimleri ve duruş po-ziyonları son derece benzerdir; bu nedenle, dönemin İznik seramik tabaklarında ve kıyafet albümlerinde betimlenmiş insan figürleri arasında sanatsal üretim bakımından muhtemel bir etkileşimden söz edilebi-lir. Bu örnekler Nakkaşhane üslubu ile ilişkili olmasa da, çizim şablonlarının ressamlar (nakkaşlar) ve seramik sanatçıları tarafından muhtemel kullanımı bakımından dikkat çekicidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: XVII. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Sanatı, İznik seramikleri, Osmanlı resimli kıyafet albüm-leri.
A historiographical essay on Ottoman Art from the 15th to the 16th century. Specifically, an analysis of Bellini's Portrait of Mehmed II and the influences it carried through Suleiman I's reign.
The privileges, which were given to the Europeans during the reign of Sultan Süleyman (1521-1566), allowed many envoys, merchants and travellers to visit the capital Istanbul from the beginning of XVIIth century. Furthermore, an interest towards diverse geographies which was raised in this period in Europe, caused the production of art objects such as illustrated costume albums and Iznik ceramic dishes commissioned by European visitors. This interest was especially increased in XVIIth century towards purchasing and collecting artistic objects such as İznik ceramics. Concurrently, the production of illustrated costume albums displaying Ottoman and non-Muslim figures were also being commissioned by European patrons to be produced at the painting ateliers out of the court. It is interesting that both Iznik ceramic dishes with human figures and illustrated costume albums with single human figures reveal obvious interaction of collective artistic production in terms of the figures’ drawing and painting techniques. The forms and positions of the figures with their gestures and the colours used are perfectly alike, so that this suggests a possible interaction of artistic production between Iznik ceramics and miniature paintings in the costume albums of that time. Although these examples are unaffiliated with the Court Atelier’s style, it is thought that they are still significant regarding the possible usage of drawing templates by the painters and ceramic artists. XVII. Yüzyıl Başı Osmanlı Kıyafet Albümlerinde ve İznik Seramiklerinde Sanat Üretimi Etkileşimi Öz: Sultan Süleyman’ın (1521-1566) saltanatı zamanında Avrupalılara verilen ayrıcalıklar, pek çok elçi, tüccar ve gezginin XVII. yüzyılın başından itibaren başkent İstanbul’a seyahat edebilmelerini sağlamıştır. Bununla birlikte, Avrupa’da, farklı coğrafyalara bu dönemde artan ilgi, Avrupalı ziyaretçiler tarafından sipariş edilen resimli kıyafet albümleri ve İznik seramik tabakları gibi sanatsal objelerin üretimine neden olmuştur. İznik seramiklerinin satın alınması ve toplanması konusundaki bu ilgi özellikle XVII. yüzyılda artmıştır. Aynı zamanlarda, Osmanlı karakterleri ve gayrimüslim kişilerin betimlendiği resimli kıyafet albümleri de Avrupalı sanat hamileri tarafından saray dışındaki atölyelerde üretilmek üzere sipariş edilmiştir. İlginçtir ki, insan figürlerinin yer aldığı İznik seramik tabakları ve resimli kıyafet albümleri, figürlerin çizim ve boyama teknikleri bakımından, kolektif sanat üretimi anlamında açık bir etkileşim olduğunu göstermektedir. El hareketleri (jestleri) ve kullanılan renklerle birlikte figürlerin biçimleri ve duruş poziyonları son derece benzerdir; bu nedenle, dönemin İznik seramik tabaklarında ve kıyafet albümlerinde betimlenmiş insan figürleri arasında sanatsal üretim bakımından muhtemel bir etkileşimden söz edilebilir. Bu örnekler Nakkaşhane üslubu ile ilişkili olmasa da, çizim şablonlarının ressamlar (nakkaşlar) ve seramik sanatçıları tarafından muhtemel kullanımı bakımından dikkat çekicidir.
RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 2003
Ottoman court and regarded as an integral part of its organization. They formed a body known as the Ehl-i Hiref, whose members produced a vast range of works of art and artifacts for the sultan and his court.1 The number of palace artists and craftsmen varied from 600 to 900 in the sixteenth century. Expenditure on articles made by them and on wages paid to them amounted to huge sums annually, and the fact that the court was prepared to pay such sums for the production of works of art shows that this was seen as a function of the state and a display of power. Qur'ans and manuscripts on religious, historical, and literary subjects with illumination, illustrations, and finely crafted bindings, and albums (muraqqa) comprising works of calligraphy, miniature painting, and illumination are among the arts of the book produced by the Ehl-i Hiref. Although Ottoman rulers were the main patrons of the arts of the book, leading statesmen and bureaucrats also commissioned such items from the beginning of the fifteenth century. Umur Beg (d. 1461), a prominent statesman during the reigns of Mehmed I (1413-1421) and Murad II (1421-1444; 1446-1451) was an Ottoman intellectual and bibliophile, as demonstrated by the list of the books which he endowed to the medrese he established in his own name in Bergama, and to the zaviya and mosque established by his father Timurta? Pa?a in Bursa.2 The similarity of the binding decoration of these books to that of the tiles, woodwork, stone carving, and mural painting of early Ottoman buildings in Bursa suggests that the first organized Ottoman art studios were situated in Bursa.3 The most intensive period of interest displayed by courtiers in the arts, particularly those of the book, coincides with the reign of Sultan S?leyman I (1520 1566). Grand vizier Ibrahim P??a (d. 1536) and finance minister (defterdar) ?skender may be said to have initiated intervention by Ottoman statemen in artistic activity at the palace by launching projects intended to display the power of Sultan S?leyman.4 The collection of books which R?stern Ra?a acquired while serving as grand vizier (1544-1553; 1555-1561) and the Qur'ans which he donated to his mosque in Tahtakale, Istanbul, reveal him to have been a bibliophile.5 It was during his period that Matrak?i Nasuh wrote and illustrated history books;6 that ?rif ?elebi, a writer of offical memoranda (tezkireci), was appointed ?ehnameci and wrote the five volumes of ?ehn?me-i ?l-i Osman that was illustrated by the court artists;7 and that an outsized Qur'an project was started and its 220 folios transcribed by Ahmed Karahisari between the years 1545-1555.8 But it was grand vizier Sokullu Mehmed Raja who can really be said to have pioneered major projects by court artists of the book. His interest in such projects seems to have begun in 1555 when he was appointed third vizier, since it was probably no coincidence that the history of
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2014
The privileges, which were given to the Europeans during the reign of Sultan Süleyman (1521-1566), allowed many envoys, merchants and travellers to visit the capital Istanbul from the beginning of XVIIth century. Furthermore, an interest towards diverse geographies which was raised in this period in Europe, caused the production of art objects such as illustrated costume albums and Iznik ceramic dishes commissioned by European visitors. This interest was especially increased in XVIIth century towards purchasing and collecting artistic objects such as İznik ceramics. Concurrently, the production of illustrated costume albums displaying Ottoman and non-Muslim figures were also being commissioned by European patrons to be produced at the painting ateliers out of the court. It is interesting that both Iznik ceramic dishes with human figures and illustrated costume albums with single human figures reveal obvious interaction of collective artistic production in terms of the figures' drawing and painting techniques. The forms and positions of the figures with their gestures and the colours used are perfectly alike, so that this suggests a possible interaction of artistic production between Iznik ceramics and miniature paintings in the costume albums of that time. Although these examples are unaffiliated with the Court Atelier's style, it is thought that they are still significant regarding the possible usage of drawing templates by the painters and ceramic artists.
Scenes From The 16th. Century Ottoman Empire I Türkische Manierenbuch From Kassel University Library 40 Ms. Hist. 31 ISBN: 978-90-6921-30-8 16. YüzyIl Osmanlı İmparatorluğundan Manzaralar I Edited by / Yayına hazırlayan: Mehmet Tütüncü & Ömer Erdem with contributions from Magnus Reesel (Frankfurt) & Zeynep Öztürk (Istanbul) and Paul Brood (Groningen) Graphic Designer: Omer Erdem: [email protected] CORPUS OF TURKISH ISLAMIC INSCRIPTIONS nr.29 TÜRK İSLAM KİTABELERİ DİZİSİ no: 29 Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel Library 40 Ms. Hist. 31 © Copyright 2021, SOTA All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying and recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher and copyrightholder. Publisher: SOTA / Research Centre for Tukish and Arabic World Brabantlaan 26 2101 SG Heemstede Netherlands Tel: + 31 23 5292883 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Web: 4 ° Ms. hist. 31 Last quarter of the 16th century • 327 B1 • 19 x 15 • 6 leporellos (paper on linen): 19 x 30-74 • 159 ills. (opaque color painting, partly gold and silver emulsion) • pierced ribbon • modern blue whole -Leather binding (from 1930 and 1945) with decorative gilding (dotted frame border). punched gilt edging, colored paper endpaper (stone marble) • most likely 1599 by Kfst. Friedrich IV. d. Palatinate bought from a Frenchman at the fair in Heidelberg (cf. Wile.), Moved to Kassel in 1686 from the younger Bibliotheca Palatina on Heidelberg (cf. BEGER, 287 ‘) • Turkish Manner Book 159 Colored figures with oriental and European costumes, scenic representations of manners and uses from the Ottoman period and architecture. German captions, no further text. The manuscript was created during a trip (Imperial embassy?) To Constantinople, possibly further travel to Jerusalem, Egypt, Crete, Ragusa - the sequence of images does not convey a clear route. The codex contains both traditional motifs, which appear in other costume books of the time, as well as independent, especially cultural ones. Iconography The captions are reproduced in the original and modern spelling, the Ottoman names, some of which are disfigured in the MS, in new Turkish. For terms that are common in the German language, such as B. “Pascha” or “Dervish”, the spelling of the Duden is used.
Scenes From The 16th. Century Ottoman Empire Vol. 2 SCENES from 1526-1533 COECKE VAN DER AELST Moeurs et Fachons des Moeurs Turcz Manners and Customs of the Turks and Mercenaries and Turks and other 16th Century Turkish prints.., 2022
Scenes From The 16th. Century Ottoman Empire Vol. 2 16. Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğundan Manzaralar 2 Edited by / Yayına hazırlayan: Mehmet Tütüncü & Ömer Erdem SCENES from 1526-1533 COECKE VAN DER AELST Moeurs et Fachons des Moeurs Turcz Manners and Customs of the Turks and Mercenaries and Turks and other 16th Century Turkish prints... ISBN 978-90-6921-054-4 SOTA PUBLICATIONS / SOTA YAYINLARI Series editor: Mehmet Tütüncü CORPUS OF TURKISH ISLAMIC INSCRIPTIONS nr.51 TÜRK İSLAM KİTABELERİ DİZİSİ no:51 Contributions from / Katkısı bulunanlar: Peter van der Coelen, Johann Haselberg ud Christoph Zell, Peter H. Meurer und Günter Schilder, Nadine Orenstein, Talitha Maria G. Schepers, Alain Servantie Designer: Omer Erdem [email protected] NORTHERN EUROPEAN RENAISSANCE AND TURKISH IMAGE This second volume of our series “Scenes from the 16th Century Ottoman Empire” collects some of the very early illustrations of Ottoman Empire and its people by Northern Artists. (Netherlandish, Flemish, German, Austrian and Swiss) It consists of 4 main parts with in every part an art object or an artist. We have given this volume the name of Coecke van der Aelst because his Customs of fashions of Turks is the main object of this book. The four objects are accompanied by earlier published articles by different authors. 1. Mercenaries and Turks 1530 (Museum Booijmans van Beuningen) Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen has since 2010 exceptional set of prints from 1530 called “Landsknechten en Turken” or in english Mercenaries (lansquenets) and Turks, In terms of subject, the lansquenet set (20 woodcut prints) and the Turks is a set of 18 prints. (16 Turks and 2 Muscovites) 2. Pieter Coecke van Aelst Customs and Fashions of Turcs and (1553) The set of Turks from Museum Booijmans van Beuningen, meanwhile, has a splendid counterpart in Pieter Coecke van Aelst’s 1553 frieze, more than four metres wide, depicting the customs and practices of the Turks. 4. The Wall map of the Turkish Campaign of 1529 The last work of art we present in this volume is a Map of an Ottoman Campaign.
Thirteenth International Congress of Turkish Art Proceedings, editors: Géza Dávid-Ibolya Gerelyes, (Budapest, 03-08 September 2007), Hungarian National Museum, Budapest , 2009
This paper revises an album (muraqqa) (Topkapı Palace Museum Library, H.2135) which was compiled at the end of the 18th century for a bibliophile Ottoman bureaucrat named Mehmed Emin Efendi who was the youngest son of shaykh-ül islâm Veliyyüd-dîn Efendi. The dimensions of the album’s binding are 37 x 26 cm. Its front and back had been covered by an European seraser fabric dating to the mid 18th century. The album has twenty seven folios which are at the same dimensions of the binding and all of these folios had been arranged by the compilation of various flat-coloured and marbled papers using the vassale method. Further the illumination works in Safavid and Ottoman styles in this album had also been aligned with the same method. At these folios there are sixty five drawings, three of them are European engravings, one belonging to Hans Brosamer who was a German painter, draughtsman, engraver and woodcut designer. He worked in Fulda from c. 1520 to the mid-1540s, as is known from a series of dated paintings and copper engravings. The rest of drawings are qalem-i siyahî works, most of which are tinted. These works had been drawn in Timurid Herat and Safavid Meshed, Horasan (Herat), Isfahan styles during the late 15th and 16th-17th centuries. This album also contains Ottoman drawings dating to the 17th and 18th centuries. This paper will deal with the content of the album H.2135 trying to clarify the connection between European engravings and Islamic drawings according to the interactions of cultures, their subject matter, medium and provenance.
Ottoman court chroniclers had definite notions of the past, and of the proper nature, use, and form of history. Oftentimes, they reveal these ideas in the prefaces of their works. An examination of seven prefaces from eighteenth-century court histories shows an ideal practice of history-writing quite different from modern understandings. This practice is intensely moral and practical; it also suggests that historians should produce works beautiful in-and-of-themselves. Like medieval and pre-modern European historiography, eighteenth-century Ottoman court chronicles aimed to be true and useful in an exemplary sense, and also pleasing to the senses. Truth, utility, and form were thus closely linked elements of good history-writing. Keywords: Ottoman Empire – Eighteenth-Century – court history – historiography Özet Osmanlı resmi tarihçileri (vakanüvisler), geçmişe ve tarihçiliğin uygun tabiatı, faydası ve biçimine dair belirli düşüncelere sahiptiler. Eserlerin mukaddimelerinde bu yaklaşımlar zaman zaman açıklanmıştır. Onsekizinci yüzyıl Osmanlı resmi tarihlerinden yedi tane mukaddimenin incelenmesi, modern anlayışa benzemeyen ideal bir tarihsel uygulamanın varlığını göstermektedir. Bu uygulama çok törel ve pratiktir ve tarih eserlerinin özünde güzel olması lazım geldiğini de akla getirmektedir. Onsekizinci yüzyıl Osmanlı resmi tarihçileri eserlerinin, Ortaçağ ve modern öncesi Avrupa'ya özgü tarih yazıcılığı gibi örnek niteliğinde olan, bir anlamda gerçek, faydalı ve de memnuniyet verici olmasını amaçlamışlardır. Bu nedenle, hakikat, yararlılık ve biçim, iyi tarih yazıcılığının yakından bağlantılı unsurlarından olmuşlardır.
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