The Inquisition(s) and the Christian East, 1500-1800


While inquisitorial control over Protestants, Jews and conversos, and even renegades and moriscos, has been thoroughly examined by many scholars, no studies of this kind have examined the representatives of the other half of Christianity, namely those believers coming from an Eastern background: Greek-, Arabic- or Slavic-speaking Orthodox, Armenians, Ethiopians and Copts, “Jacobites” and “Nestorians”, Maronites and others. The conference aims to fill this gap by bringing together orientalists and historians of various backgrounds, in order to examine the different ways in which Catholic ecclesiastical justice treated Eastern Christians in the early modern age. Special attention will be paid to the theological and canonical debates about the orthodoxy of the Eastern Christian tradition; the confessional surveillance of Eastern communities residing in territories under Catholic government; the answers of the Roman theologians to the questions posed by the missionaries working among ‘heretics and schismatics’; and the importance of the documents in oriental languages kept in the inquisitorial archives for the history of these communities. Our working hypothesis is that the comparison and confrontation with Eastern Christianity revealed some of the contradictions and unsolved problems of Tridentine Catholicism, while providing the Inquisition with a range of cultural tools and interpretative lenses that were then applied also in other contexts, especially in the framework of the missionary and theological controversies which shook the Catholic world after 1650.

The Inquisition(s) and the Christian East, 1500-1800 27-28 JUNE 2022 ACADEMIA BELGICA VIA OMERO 8 ROMA While inquisitorial control over Protestants, Jews and conversos, and even renegades and moriscos, has been thoroughly examined by many scholars, no studies of this kind have examined the representatives of the other half of Christianity, namely those believers coming from an Eastern background: Greek-, Arabic- or Slavicspeaking Orthodox, Armenians, Ethiopians and Copts, “Jacobites” and “Nestorians”, Maronites and others. The conference aims to fill this gap by bringing together orientalists and historians of various backgrounds, in order to examine the different ways in which Catholic ecclesiastical justice treated Eastern Christians in the early modern age. Special attention will be paid to the theological and canonical debates about the orthodoxy of the Eastern Christian tradition; the confessional surveillance of Eastern communities residing in territories under Catholic government; the answers of the Roman theologians to the questions posed by the missionaries working among ‘heretics and schismatics’; and the importance of the documents in oriental languages kept in the inquisitorial archives for the history of these communities. Our working hypothesis is that the comparison and confrontation with Eastern Christianity revealed some of the contradictions and unsolved problems of Tridentine Catholicism, while providing the Inquisition with a range of cultural tools and interpretative lenses that were then applied also in other contexts, especially in the framework of the missionary and theological controversies which shook the Catholic world after 1650. The Inquisition(s) and the Christian East, 1500-1800 ORGANIZERS Cesare Santus - RSCS, FNRS Jean-Pascal Gay - UCLouvain Laurent Tatarenko - IHMC, CNRS SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Bernard Heyberger (EHESS), Vincenzo Lavenia (University of Bologna), Silvia Mostaccio (UCLouvain), Andrea Barbara Schmidt (UCLouvain) CONTACTS Angie Vandycke Assistant Academia Belgica Via Omero 8 - 00197 Roma tel. +39 06203986307 Access to the conference is free but the number of seats is limited. To attend in presence or to follow the conference in streaming it is mandatory to register in advance at the address: [email protected] Époques moderne NAL CONFEREN INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIO CE et contemporaine CONFERENCE MONDAY 27 JUNE 2022 ACADEMIA BELGICA CONFERENCE HALL 9.00 Welcoming remarks THE ISSUE AND ITS BACKGROUND TUESDAY 28 JUNE 2022 ETHIOPIAN AND INDIAN CHRISTIANS BEFORE THE PORTUGUESE INQUISITION Chair: Sabina Pavone, University of Macerata 14.30 Giuseppe Marcocci (University of Oxford) The Portuguese Inquisition and the Eastern Christians Chair: Anna Sirinian, University of Bologna 9.15 Cesare Santus (FNRS, RSCS) Eastern Christians before the Holy Office: Overview of Sources and New Research Perspectives (General Introduction) 9.45 Irene Bueno (University of Bologna) Late Medieval Inquisitors and the Framing of Eastern Christianity: Procedures, Consultations, and Treatises 10.45 Coffee break THE EARLY ROMAN INQUISITION AND THE EAST 11.30 András Mércz (KULeuven) Inquisitors and Oriental Christians in the Early Period of the Holy Office 12.00 Martin Rothkegel (TH-Elstal, Berlin) The Roman Inquisition in Constantinople (1557-1560) Chair: Elena Bonora, University of Parma 9.00 Dennj Solera (University of Bologna, INQUIRE) Toward the Union of Brest: Giovan Vincenzo Pinelli between Roman Inquisition, Ruthenian-Orthodox and Venetian Orthodox 15.00 Antony Mecherry (Pontifical Oriental Institute) Early Modern Christians of St. Thomas at Inquisitorial Crossroads 9.30 Laurent Tatarenko (IHMC, CNRS) La discipline matrimoniale face aux défis de l’uniatisme : le cas de l’Église ruthène (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle) 16.00 10.00 Emese Muntán (CEU, Budapest) In the Name of the Holy Spirit(s) — Contested Baptisms between Catholics and Orthodox in Early Modern Ottoman Europe Coffee break THE SPANISH AND ROMAN INQUISITION AND THE GREEKS Chair: Giovanni Pizzorusso, University of Chieti 16.30 José M. Floristán (Univ. Complutense, Madrid) Liturgy and Liturgical Books of the Greek Communities of Sicily Reviewed by the Holy Office (1624-1627) Chair: Margherita Farina, CNRS-Université Paris Cité 11.00 Sam Kennerley (LMU, Munich) The Early Roman Inquisition and the Christian East: Evidence from the Letters of Marcello Cervini (15011555) EASTERN EUROPE AND THE BALKANS 17.00 Jean-Pascal Gay (UCLouvain) Entre rite et migration. L’inquisition romaine et la supervision de l’implantation d’une communauté maniote en Corse par la République de Gênes (fin XVIIe - début XVIIIe siècle) 20.00 2022 Conference dinner TUESDAY 28 JUNE 10.30 Silvia Notarfonso (University of Macerata-ELTE) I pauliciani bulgari fra eresia e sincretismo religioso: uno sguardo alle fonti del Sant’Uffizio (XVIII secolo) 11.40 FROM THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY TO THE MODERN AGE Chair: Mons. Giuseppe M. Croce, Vatican Archives 12.00 Maria Teresa Fattori (Indipendent scholar) The Eastern Catholic Churches in Lambertini’s Dossiers: A Consultant of the Holy Office between Inquisitorial Norms and the Decrees of the Oriental Synods 12.30 David Armando (ISPF, CNR) L’Inquisizione romana e i cristiani orientali nella prima metà del XIX secolo 13.00 13.00 Coffee break Closing remarks and lunch Lunch break INSTITUT FRANÇAIS - CENTRE SAINT-LOUIS 18.00 L’Oriente cristiano a Roma, XVI-XXI secolo Public roundtable