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In recent years, the Turks have re-engaged with their Ottoman past to the point of abandoning the early 20thcentury thinking of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I, Ataturk recreated Turkey in a European mold, in the hopes of completely separating it from its Ottoman history. Ataturk's thinking, termed "Kemalism," dictated that Turkey could become a great country only if it abandoned its Ottoman past.
Revista Geopolitica, 2016
The grip of Turkey’s president on his country is unquestionable after the failed coup d’état of July 15, 2016. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who had proved before the event on being a maverick of international relations while promoting what some observers had called “Pax Erdoğana”, survived the attempt on his freedom and possibly his life and unleashed a storm of obvious neo-Ottomanic rage with dramatic results both internally and geopolitically. The relations with Israel, Russia, Iran and notably, NATO and the US, were reshuffled in an astonishing about face, which brought the question of a possible chess like move on Vladimir Putin’s side, as Russia benefited the greatest on this situation. Both the nuclear deterrence and the military/intelligence establishment of the United States had to suffer a great deal after Erdoğan’s new prove of unreliability and unpredictability. Turkey is no more the country that joined NATO and stayed the course of secularism even at the price of military coups. The country is sliding towards Islamism and reviving a form of Ottoman stance under Erdoğan’s rule. As such, the former “sick man of Europe” is more and more a calculated risk on the international arena, a risk no one seems to know how to approach and tackle at the moment.
U K Defence Forum Journal, 2013
By Dr John Callahan Old Dominion University As the republic of Turkey moves away from nearly a century of secularism, it is useful to look at the last century of Ottoman history to see if and how such leanings have developed and either failed or blossomed. One could argue that the current radicalization of Turkey, and the government's reaction to it, is but part of a repeating cycle that stretches back at least to Janissary resistance to the various attempts to modernize (read here westernize) the Ottoman armed forces in the Napoleonic era. Whether cyclical or not, a deeper understanding of the Ottoman past helps to illuminate the problems of the Turkish present.
The Nation, 2011
Review of Carter Vaughn Findley's "Turkey, Islam, Nationalism, and Modernity: A History, 1789-2007"
Jurnal Salam Pascasarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, 2011
Abstrak Turki Ustmani (the Ottoman Empire) menduduki posisi yang sangat istimewa dalam peta sejarah dan politik Islam karena ia diakui banyak ilmuwan dan peneliti sebagai kekhalifahan paling besar yang banyak mempengaruhi berbagai negara dan telah membentuk peradaban agung. Selain terkenal dengan kekuatan militernya, Kekhalifahan Turki Ustmani juga sebuah imperium yang dibangun berdasarkan multi etnis dan multi agama. Dengan konsep millet (komunitas keagamaan), masing-masing pemeluk agama dapat hidup berdampingan dengan damai dan penuh persaudaraan. Sayangnya, Kekhalifahan Turki Ustmani yang berdiri sejak tahun 1453 itu mulai mengalami kemunduran semenjak abad ke 18 M. Kekalahan pasukan Turki Utsmani di berbagai peperangan, intervensi Eropa, serta keterpurukan ekonomi menjadi salah satu penyebabnya. Kondisi ini diperparah oleh faktor internal yang menunjang kemundurannya. Tidak heran, jika pada akhir abad ke 19 M, the Ottoman Empire dijuluki banyak pengamat sebagai the 'Sick Man of Europe'. Pada awal abad ke 20 M, kekhalifahan Turki Utsmani semakin terpuruk dan mengalami puncak kejatuhannya seiring dengan lahirnya konsep negara bangsa (nation state) dan pengaruh modernisasi. Artikel ini akan menganalisis dinamika dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan dan kemunduran Kekhalifahan Turki Ustmani semenjak era kelahiran, kemunduran, serta kejatuhannya.
All rights reserved. iv DEDICATION I dedicate this dissertation to my wife. Without her patience, understanding, support, and most of all love, the completion of this work would not have been possible. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Prof. Mesbahi and the members of my committee for their support and patience. Their gentle but firm direction has been most appreciated. vi ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION TURKEY AND NEO-OTTOMANISM: DOMESTIC SOURCES, DYNAMICS AND FOREIGN POLICY
Turkey is a successor state to the Ottoman Empire, one of the largest and longest Empires in history. Yet, the Empire was never accepted as equal to the Western powers even though it was part of the Concert of Europe. It might be said that present-day Turkey has also been experiencing similar identity problems. This is one of the main impetuses which leads Turkey to strive to become one of the regional powers in order to cope with those problems and to become an indispensable ally to the Western countries, especially the United States of America (USA). Although Turkey stands at the crossroads of Asia and Europe and this geographical positioning highlights its desire to become one of the regional powers, since the late Ottoman era Turkey has not been able to turn into a genuine world power. Since the late Ottoman Era, Turkey has turned its face toward the West as it has been perceived as the source of modernity. Even though to some extent, Turkey has managed to modernise itself and caught up with the West, it remained a small power until the end of the 1990s. In 1999, Turkey’s accession to the G-20, whose membership consists of systematically important advanced and emerging economies representing all regions of the globe, was a significant development to being among the top twenty important states. Along with the Justice and Development Party’s (AK Party) active Foreign Policy Course after 2002, it might be alleged that Turkey has become considered one of the middle powers and an exemplary model for Muslim countries. There once was a “barrier” around Turkey with Soviet Communism and then it became a “bridge” between Europe and the Middle East, even Central Asia. Now it is considered as an exemplary model for Muslim countries by some, others allege that Turkey is a pivotal state since 2002. On this account, this paper will put forward that Turkey a pivotal exemplary state by examining the foreign policy understanding of AK Party.
Western Balkans Playbook Competition for Influence Among Foreign Actors, 2021
Modern Turkey cannot be understood without taking into consideration its deep Balkan heritage, a region ruled by the Ottoman Empire for centuries. As several writers point out, the Balkans have had a major role in the history of the empire and defining the Ottomans themselves. The presence of millions of people in Turkey who have roots in the Balkans, the common cultural and historical background, and the growing economic and political exchange make the region important for Turkey. The increasing Turkish interest during the last decade has brought international attention to Ankara’s manoeuvres in the region.
The Petrovka Bronze Age Sites: Issues in Taxonomy and Chronology, 2019
Principia, 2011
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Revista de Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Montaña, 2017
Vida y Pensamiento, 2017
Irish Interdisciplinary Journal of Science & Research (IIJSR), 2024
Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 100, 2022, p. 741-772, 2022
Taller de Letras, 2020
NANOCOM ..., 2022
IMF Working Papers, 2021
The Annual Review of Sociology
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2018
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2020
Jurnal Komputer Bisnis, 2014
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 2014
Nationalities Papers, 2019
3º Congresso Português de 'Building Information Modelling', 2020