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2014, Social, Education, and Psychological Issues
3 pages
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Play has been an informal approach to teach young ones the skills of survival for centuries. With advancements in computing technology, many researchers believe that computer games1 can be used as a viable teaching and learning tool to enhance a student’s learning. It is important that the educational content of these games is well designed with meaningful game-play based on pedagogically sound theories to ensure constructive learning. This chapter features theoretical aspects of game design from a pedagogical perspective. It serves as a useful guide for educational game designers to design better educational games for use in game-based learning. The chapter provides a brief overview of educational games and game-based learning before highlighting theories of learning that are relevant to educational games. Selected theories of learning are then integrated into conventional game design practices to produce a set of guidelines for educational games design.
Game-based learning builds upon the idea of using the enjoyment and the motivational potential of video games in the educational context. Thus, the design of educational games has to address optimizing enjoyment as well as optimizing learning. Within the EC-project ELEKTRA a methodology about the conceptual design of digital learning games was developed. Thereby state-of-the-art psycho-pedagogical approaches (like the Competence-based Knowledge Space Theory) were combined with insights of mediapsychology (e.g., on parasocial interaction) as well as with best-practice game design. This science-based interdisciplinary approach was enriched by enclosed empirical research to answer open questions on educational game-design. Additionally, several evaluation-cycles were implemented to achieve further improvements. The psycho-pedagogical core of the methodology can be summarized by the ELEKTRA's 4Ms: Macroadaptivity, Microadaptivity, Metacognition and Motivation. The conceptual framework of the developed methodology is structured in eight phases which have several interconnections and feedbackcycles that enable a close interdisciplinary collaboration between game design, pedagogy, cognitive science and media psychology.
Researchers have argued that an effort should be made to raise teachers’ and parents’ awareness of the potentially positive educational benefits of playing video games (e.g., see Baek, 2008). One part of this effort should be to increase understanding of how video games can be situated within teachers’ existing goals and knowledge of learning and instruction. However, relatively little research on game-based learning addresses teachers (Ketelhut & Schifter, 2011), and for many a gap remains between the apparent enthusiasm of researchers and policy makers relative to the potential of educational games and the attendant practicalities of selecting and implementing video games in classroom settings. This article begins to bridge this gap by providing research-based areas of awareness and a discussion of factors that can facilitate understanding related to choosing and using video games. To this end, we show how educational games can be conceptualized from different theoretical perspectives on learning and discuss a number of essential design issues that educators should take into account when considering a video game for educational use.
Abstract We describe and illustrate the beginnings of a general framework for the design and analysis of educational games. Our students have used it to analyze existing educational games and to create prototype educational games. The framework is built on existing components: a method for precisely specifying educational objectives, a framework for relating a game's mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics, and principles for instructional design grounded in empirical research in the learning sciences.
Video game use in education has focused on the application of games within the existing education system and on their inherent potential for producing learning (Gee 2003). However, research has revealed a fundamental mismatch between the goals of games and the object of school-based learning . As a result, efforts to integrate games into the curriculum have frequently fallen flat despite the best intentions of teachers and the gaming industry. Such efforts have failed either because games designed to educate do not engage their intended audience, or because truly engaging games do not provide enough educational value.
Project I did in a secondary school, for the subject of Audiovisual Culture of 1st year of Bachillerato. The students had to know what Aesthetics are in social networks and create their own by means of a traditional collage.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2024
Brain tumor is the most constantly diagnosed cancer, and the opinion of the brain is veritably sensitive and complex, which is the subject of numerous studies and inquiries. In computer vision, deep literacy ways, similar as the convolutional neural network (CNN), are employed due to their bracket capabilities using learned point styles and their capability to work with complex images. still, their performance is largely dependent on the network structure and the named optimization system for tuning the network parameters. In this paper, we present new yet effective styles for training convolutional neural networks. The maturity of current state-of-the-art literacy styles for convolutional neural networks are grounded on grade descent. In discrepancy to traditional convolutional neural network training styles, we propose an enhancement by incorporating the inheritable algorithm for brain tumor prediction. Our work involves designing a convolutional neural network model to grease the bracket process, training the model using different optimizers (Adam and the inheritable algorithm), and assessing the model through colorful trials on the brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dataset. We demonstrate that the convolutional neural network model trained using the inheritable algorithm performs as well as the Adam optimizer, achieving a bracket delicacy of 99.5.
Genelde İslam düşüncesinin, özelde İslam felsefesi ve daha özelde de İslam ahlak felsefesinin özgünlüğüne dair ülkemizde çokça tartışmalar yapıldı. Her alanda olduğu gibi bu alanda da oryantalistlerin İslam düşüncesinin özgünlüğünü gölgelemek için İslam düşünürlerinin her orijinal öğretisine Grek düşüncesinde kaynak bulma çabasına giriştikleri iddia edildi. Esasında bütün bu tartışmalar, temel metinler üzerinden karşılaştırmalı çalışmalara dayanan akademik yaklaşımdan uzak, slogancı söylem düzeyinde gerçekleştirildi. Çünkü bu tartışmayı yürütenler, ne akademik bir zihniyete ne de metinler üzerinden karşılaştırma yapabilecek dil bilgisine sahiptiler. Bu bağlamda Hümeyra Özturan’ın Êthostan Ahlâka adlı çalışmasının Yunanca ve Arapça metinlerin detaylı incelenip sloganın yerine somut bulgular sunulması açısından ülkemizdeki akademik çalışmalarda yeni bir aşamayı temsil eden örnek çalışmalardan biri olduğu söylenebilir.
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