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21 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
บทที่ 9 กล่าวถึงทัศนศาสตร์เรขาคณิต ซึ่งรวมถึงการสะท้อนและการหักเหของแสงผ่านกระจกกลมและเลนส์บาง โดยเสนอสมการที่สำคัญเช่น สมการสะท้อน, กฎการหักเห (Snell's law), และการวิเคราะห์ค่าต่างๆ เช่น จุดโฟกัสและระยะห่างระหว่างวัตถุและภาพเพื่อเข้าใจปรากฏการณ์การสะท้อนและหักเหของแสงอย่างละเอียด.
Resonance, 2012
In this section of Resonance, we invite readers to pose questions likely to be raised in a classroom situation. We may suggest strategies for dealing with them, or invite responses, or both. "Classroom" is equally a forum for raising broader issues and sharing personal experiences and viewpoints on matters related to teaching and learning science.
European Journal of Physics, 2006
In this paper we study a planar-convex lens where the focal point is calculated numerically and analytically beyond the paraxial approximation within the context of geometrical optics. We consider this problem as an appropriate and useful example to fill the gap found in physics and optics courses between the simplicity of the paraxial approximation and the complexity of the theory of aberrations, and it can be used as an introduction to non-paraxial behaviour even when teaching general physics courses. We show in a simple way how beyond the paraxial approximation the focal distance is not unique, and how it depends on the distance of the incoming ray to the optical axis. We show the importance of the caustic surface, which is calculated analytically, and its effect on the position of the point with the highest concentration of light, which is defined as the optimal focal distance of the lens. Finally, we also present some simulations showing light distributions in screens placed at different distances from the lens, to illustrate our results.
Purpose: To develop an age-dependent mathematical model of the isolated ex-vivo human crystalline lens shape to serve as basis for use in computational modeling. Methods: Profiles of whole isolated human lenses (n = 27) aged 6 to 82, were measured from shadow-photogrammetric images. Two methods were used to analyze the lenses. In the two curves method (TCM) the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lens were fit to 10th-order even polynomials and in the one curve method (OCM) the contour of one halfmeridional section of the lens was fit to 10th-order polynomials. The age-dependence of the polynomial coefficients was assessed. The analysis was used to produce an age-dependent polynomial model of the whole lens shape. Results: The root mean squared errors for the fits ranged from 11 to 70 lm for the OCM, 9 to 27 lm for the posterior surface of the TCM and 8 to 134 lm for the anterior surface of the TCM. The coefficients of the OCM did not display a significant trend with age. The 2nd-, 6th-and 10th-order coefficients of the anterior surface of the TCM decreased with age while the 8th-order coefficient increased. For the posterior surface of the TCM, the 8th-order coefficient significantly decreased with age and the 10th-order coefficient increased. The age-dependent equations of both the models provide a reliable model from age 20 to 60. The OCM model can be used for lenses older than 60 as well. Conclusion: The shape of the whole human crystalline lens can be accurately modeled with 10th-order polynomial functions. These models can serve to improve computational modeling, such as finite element (FE) modeling of crystalline lenses.
Applied Optics, 1971
People standing under a large spherical mirror see the world inverted, hanging above them as a real image. The shape of this image world depends upon where on the floor the observer stands. In this paper formulas for calculating image positions as a function of observer position are derived and depicted in diagrams of typical image worlds. The images formed by light reflecting several times in the mirror are also calculated. There are both an erect real image world and doubled rings of inverted images surrounding the single-reflection image world.
Il Nuovo Cimento A
ht this p~pev various (liffv~ct, ion formula(. (h,scvibing: (,last,i(' scat t(q'ing of sl)ixfl('ss mtchavg('d p~rticl(~s at(, tmalys(,d. Exl)r~,ssi~ms for the l-d(~pcnd(,n('c of l hc S-matrix ('h,m(mts of boundary condition models arc (h'riv(~d aml comi)ar('d with direct S-malrix mod(,ls. Some incomt)aiibility betw(,('n the two diff(q'ent apl)roa(.h(,s, which are sul)pos(ql I.o dcscrib(' i,hc l)hcno~('mm, a.rc t'ound. In the dc,.iv'~lion of Kirchhoff's diffraction formula lh(q'c (,xists au incompalibilily of the boundary (:onditions. Nam(,ly, for its d(q'ivation one should know both the values of the wave function and the normal comi)on(,nt of lit(; gradient of the wave function on the absorbing splmr(~. Tilt; solutions to bo both boundary probh'nlS arc sci)aratcly ])r(,st.nlc(l. Tlw r('flcciion from th~ absorbing sphere is tr(~atcd and new l'[)rmula~, arc d(~vivcd. The diff(',v(qttial and total cross-s(w~tions of lh(' (h,scrib(,d mod(,ls at(' a nalys('(I.
Business Horizons, 2001
XVIème Congrès de Mécanique, organisé par La Société Marocaine des Sciences Mécaniques et la Faculté des Sciences Semlalia de l’Université, Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech, 21-24 mai 2024, FSSM, Marrakech
Journal of English Linguistics, 2019
abdulrahman jaradat, 2021
ЭНОЖ "История", т. 14, вып. 142, 2023
Unity and Disunity in Evolutionary Biology: Deconstructing Darwinism, 2024
The Philippine Journal of Fisheries, 2020
Jesus und der Sabbat, in: Sawatzki, D., Jeschua Bar Josef. Gedanken über die Anfänge des historischen Jesus auf Basis literarischer und archäologischer Quellen, Darmstadt (wbg Academic), S. 207–211, 2022
Tanzania Journal of Health Research
Advances in Civil Engineering
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2014
DEDiCA Revista de Educação e Humanidades (dreh), 2019
Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 2015
World Neurosurgery, 2021
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016
Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP) eBooks, 2020