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Ibn Haldun - Mukaddime Osmanli Tercumesi
Kolaborasi : Jurnal Administrasi Publik
The Medan City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Service (UMKM) guide the provision of training, socialisation/counselling and assistance in the form of tools and funds following the needs of the UMKM sector. However, there are problems in UMKM coaching that are carried out, namely the weakness of UMKM data collection, UMKM coaching is still uneven, and there needs to be more assistance for UMKM actors who have received coaching. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection in this study was carried out by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The data obtained were analysed using a qualitative organisational performance theory approach proposed by Moeheriono, including effectiveness, efficiency, quality, timeliness, and productivity. The results of this study indicate that the performance of the Medan City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Service is effective because the coaching ob...
A major aspect of promotional strategy adopted by the Pharma firms in India, has been, personal selling through medical representatives (MRs). However from last few years particularly after the introduction of product patent regime in 2005, market scenarios started changing drastically. To add to the trouble of Pharma marketers, in a development in July 2012 the Indian Pharma companies agreed in principle to enforce a code that will restrict them from offering gifts or other SOPS to doctors. This has resulted in changes in the level,intensity and parameters of competition. MRs who earlier acted as the backbone for the Indian Pharma sector ,are finding it very hard to compete, and to make every interaction with doctors, count. Today the Pharma companies that leverage technology solutions such as ERP, CRM, mobility solutions, only have the scope of survival in future. Pharmaceutical companies are gradually realizing that they can no longer afford to be only product or market focused. They have to focus now on relationship marketing or customer relationship management (CRM) in order to gain a complete understanding of their current and potential customers. By implementing CRM, not only the efficiency of sales and marketing efforts increase, but also customer’s experience and loyalty towards the pharmaceutical company is enhanced. This research paper presents a review of some of the selected papers and analyzes the factors that influence the prescription behaviour of doctors and tries to evaluate the effects of CRM and personal selling strategies of Pharma companies on this prescription behaviour .
RESUMO Otimização por Nuvem de Partículas (ONP) é uma metaheurística evolucionária que surgiu da intenção de se simular o comportamento de um conjunto de pássaros em vôo com seu movimento localmente aleatório, mas globalmente determinado. Esta técnica tem sido muito utilizada na resolução de problemas contínuos não-lineares e pouco explorada em problemas discretos. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o funcionamento desta metaheurística e as adaptações necessárias para aplicação em problemas de otimização discreta. Além disso, são propostas algumas alterações feitas a fim de melhorar os resultados do algoritmo padrão. Os testes foram realizados em instâncias da TSPLIB a fim de demonstrar a eficiência do método. Palavras-chave: Nuvem de partículas, Otimização Global, Otimização Combinatória. ABSTRACT Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is an evolutionary metaheuristic that emerged from the intention of simulating the behavior of a group of birds in flight with its locally random m...
Thre reading-wrriting connection, 1998
What are the pedagogical implications of sociocultural/CHAT and dialogic theories for understanding and engaging in response to student writing in university settings? This chapter explores these questions and the key literature from the 1980s and 1990s that has still not been taken on board in many pedagogical and research approaches to response.
This paper presents for the first time a complete kinematic analysis of 5250 Lab-Volt 5-Dof robot which include both forward kinematics and inverse kinematics for this robot arm. The kinematics problem is defined as the transformation from the Cartesian space to the joint space and vice versa. The forward and inverse kinematics for any type of robots are very important in both trajectory planning and position control for the robot arm,the Denavit-Harbenterg (D-H) representation is used to model robot links and joints in this paper. The inverse kinematics have been solved using analytical solution and programmed using MATLAB to move the robot.
Coscienza e libertà, 2024
Dopo aver ripercorso l’ascesa della sicurezza nella scala di valori costituzionali, il contributo analizza come la sicurezza è stata usata, in Italia, per limitare alcune pratiche religiose e culturali. Attraverso gli esempi delle restrizioni ai luoghi di culto in luoghi non ufficiali, e i limiti posti al porto del kirpan e al burqa, il lavoro si interroga se tali limiti, apposti in nome della sicurezza, non rischino, in realtà, di generare insicurezza secondo anche quanto osservato dalle linee guida Libertà di religione o convinzione e sicurezza, 2019 OSCE. Secondo tale documento, infatti, una cultura della discriminazione e del sospetto religioso incentiva l’insicurezza poiché spinge le minoranze a chiudersi in sé stesse sentendosi minacciate e non accolte dalla maggioranza. Il lavoro osserva che spesso i rischi alla sicurezza rilevati in pratiche religiose dallo stato italiano derivano dal fatto che le stesse non sono lette antropologicamente indossando le lenti culturali della minoranza: ad esempio, la lettura del kirpan come un coltello è fuorviante. Usando gli strumenti dell’antropologia il lavoro cerca di tradurre le pratiche religiose in un modo comprensibile dalla maggioranza e congruente con il loro reale significato antropologico. Nelle conclusioni, il lavoro propone un test religioso e culturale quale strumento di bilanciamento che possa guidare il giudice e il legislatore nel decidere se dare prevalenza ai diritti religiosi e culturali o alla sicurezza.
The principal of refrigeration is method of successful storage of vegetable and fruits to maintain their flavour and freshness, for post harvest product deterioration start with time and temperature so it need to be maintain desirable temperature and relative humidity for post harvest product that is for potato. A cold storage design at village HARSODAN district Ujjain (m.p.) to give better facility for potato storage. This paper deal with all standard refrigeration principles and different aspect of design of cold storage and this design is hypothetically intended to serve as a guide for future fabrication and erection.
Investigacion Y Ciencia, 2013
IRJET, 2023
Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 2016
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography [En ligne], 2019
Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2020
Revista De Especialidades Medico Quirurgicas, 2012
SAMRIDDHI : A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology
The Journal of Neuroscience, 2009
Jurnal Keperawatan Sriwijaya, 2022
Space and Polity, 2022
Cretaceous Research, 2021
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2019
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2002
DIKTUM: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum