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Women, Islam, and Abbasid Identity, 2015
Um Filme em Forma de Assim [trad. PT/ESP], 2024
Título Original: Um Filme em Forma de Assim (2022) Realizado por: João Botelho Elenco: Gabriela Barros , Maria Leite , Rita Blanco , Soraia Chaves , Inês Castel-Branco , Isabél Zuaa Sinopse: “Um Filme em Forma de Assim” – que vai buscar o nome à obra “Uma Coisa em Forma de Assim”, onde está reunida toda a prosa de Alexandre O'Neill (1924-1986) – conta com realização de João Botelho (“Um Adeus Português” "A Corte do Norte", "Filme do Desassossego", "Os Maias" ou “Peregrinação”, “O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis”) segundo um argumento seu e de Maria Antónia Oliveira. É, segundo as palavras do realizador, “organizado como um sonho, estruturado como um musical e com textos, tanto ditos como cantados, que nos conduzem a situações inesperadas, caóticas e emocionantes, na tentativa de agarrar parte do que o inalcançável Alexandre O'Neill nos deixou.” O elenco conta com um longo elenco de actores, onde se destacam Pedro Lacerda, Inês Castel-Branco, Cláudio da Silva, Crista Alfaiate, Ana Quintans, Carmen Santos, Rita Blanco, Joana Botelho e Luís Lima Barreto. Em Portugal, "Um Filme em Forma de Assim" foi lançado comercialmente a 12 de maio de 2022.
Human resource management is confronted with new issues as business areas shift which must be addressed while guaranteeing the organization's optimum growth and development. The use of Artificial Intelligence technology in human resource departments in relation to recruitment and selection the induction process employee retention, compensation management, general employee management, and employee retention. The integration of artificial intelligence and HRM procedures is changing how businesses hire, manage, and engage their workers. Artificial intelligence is a threat to human resources, threatening to replace people in mundane jobs and cognitive tasks, increasing their need to master new talents. Human resources (HR) are a necessary asset and input for enhancing organizational performance in today's cutthroat business environment. The organizations must implement creative human resource management techniques to boost performance and stand out from their rivals in order to achieve improved customer satisfaction, which is essential for their survival. The artificial intelligence application in HR and challenges which were facing by the organization for the its effective implementation by collecting the data both from primary source as well as secondary source and gives suggestion for the better performance of artificial intelligence in HR. The Global workforce is entirely threatened by AI and advanced self-learning machines, which are eradicating human intervention or participation in every aspect. To compete with AI and advanced machines, the true challenge now lies in the respective HR departments' ability to train and re-skill their workforces in AI comprehension, collaboration, and work with AI & Robots.
Sibrium Atti, 2 -2024, per i 70 anni del Centro di Studi Preistorici e Archeologici di Varese, 2024
Presentazione di un documento inedito inerente una "maestra" nell'arte della pulitura e della tempra delle difese in maglia, attiva nella Milano Viscontea del primo Quattrocento.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023
Arturo C. Ruiz Rodríguez y la arqueología ibera en Jaén. Homenaje a 50 años de trayectoria, 2024
Ekev Akademi Dergisi
West 86th, 2011
Reading matters: An Unfestschrift for Regina Bendix, 2023
FME Transactions, 2018
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2019
Biochemistry, 1976
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 2014
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2021
Revue du Rhumatisme, 2007
Histoire, monde & cultures religieuses, 2017
Anesthesia & Analgesia, 1990