Influenza Forecasting with Google Flu Trends
Andrea Freyer Dugas1*, Mehdi Jalalpour2, Yulia Gel2,3, Scott Levin1,2, Fred Torcaso2, Takeru Igusa2,
Richard E. Rothman1
1 Department of Emergency Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America, 2 Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America, 3 University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Background: We developed a practical influenza forecast model based on real-time, geographically focused, and easy to
access data, designed to provide individual medical centers with advanced warning of the expected number of influenza
cases, thus allowing for sufficient time to implement interventions. Secondly, we evaluated the effects of incorporating
a real-time influenza surveillance system, Google Flu Trends, and meteorological and temporal information on forecast
Methods: Forecast models designed to predict one week in advance were developed from weekly counts of confirmed
influenza cases over seven seasons (2004–2011) divided into seven training and out-of-sample verification sets. Forecasting
procedures using classical Box-Jenkins, generalized linear models (GLM), and generalized linear autoregressive moving
average (GARMA) methods were employed to develop the final model and assess the relative contribution of external
variables such as, Google Flu Trends, meteorological data, and temporal information.
Results: A GARMA(3,0) forecast model with Negative Binomial distribution integrating Google Flu Trends information
provided the most accurate influenza case predictions. The model, on the average, predicts weekly influenza cases during 7
out-of-sample outbreaks within 7 cases for 83% of estimates. Google Flu Trend data was the only source of external
information to provide statistically significant forecast improvements over the base model in four of the seven out-ofsample verification sets. Overall, the p-value of adding this external information to the model is 0.0005. The other
exogenous variables did not yield a statistically significant improvement in any of the verification sets.
Conclusions: Integer-valued autoregression of influenza cases provides a strong base forecast model, which is enhanced by
the addition of Google Flu Trends confirming the predictive capabilities of search query based syndromic surveillance. This
accessible and flexible forecast model can be used by individual medical centers to provide advanced warning of future
influenza cases.
Citation: Dugas AF, Jalalpour M, Gel Y, Levin S, Torcaso F, et al. (2013) Influenza Forecasting with Google Flu Trends. PLoS ONE 8(2): e56176. doi:10.1371/
Editor: Cécile Viboud, National Institutes of Health, United States of America
Received October 2, 2012; Accepted January 7, 2013; Published February 14, 2013
Copyright: ß 2013 Dugas et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This work was supported by the Department of Homeland Security (PACER: National Center for Study of Preparedness and Response [grant number:
2010-ST-061-PA0001]); the National Science Foundation Systems Engineering and Design Program [grant number: NSF CMMI 0927207]; and the Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail:
[email protected]
Numerous potential surveillance systems exist to identify
influenza outbreaks. Traditional surveillance such as The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) US Influenza Sentinel
Provider Surveillance Network relies on the collection of
numerous indicators including clinical symptoms, virology laboratory results, hospital admissions and mortality statistics resulting
in a several week lag in data reporting [11]. New digital
surveillance sources, such as Google Flu Trends (GFT), offer the
potential to identify influenza surges in real-time, optimizing
timely outbreak detection and response. GFT utilizes internet
search queries to detect the presence of influenza like illness (ILI)
on a national, regional, state and city level 7–10 days prior to the
U.S. Influenza Sentinel Provider Surveillance Network and was
recently validated to show a strong correlation with ED influenza
cases at a local level [12,13,14]. However, the forecasting
capabilities of GFT remain unknown. Given the real-time nature
Influenza is a substantial cause of morbidity and mortality
with up to five million cases of severe illness and 500,000 deaths
worldwide each year [1]. In the United States, seasonal
influenza results in increased emergency department (ED) visits
and hospitalizations, straining an already stressed medical
system [2,3,4,5,6]. Increased patient volume caused by seasonal
influenza is a contributor to ED crowding, which has been
linked to delays in critical treatments and increased mortality
[7,8,9,10]. An influenza pandemic presents a well recognized
and serious threat to the United States healthcare infrastructure
[3,6]. Effective management of both seasonal and pandemic
influenza requires early detection of the outbreak through timely
and accurate surveillance linked with a rapid response to
mitigate crowding.
February 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | e56176
Influenza Forecasting with Google Flu Trends
of GFT surveillance, and the demonstrated strong correlation of
GFT with ED influenza cases, GFT has the potential to go beyond
early detection and forecast future influenza outbreaks.
Previous forecast models have lacked flexibility, due to
restrictive or inappropriate assumptions, technically demanding
computational requirements, or inclusion of data elements which
are not universally available in real time, reducing practical utility.
Initial influenza prediction models followed the classic compartmental Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) or Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR) framework [15,16,17]. Model
parameters representing flow between compartments require
frequent parameter refitting in order to track and update. Others
have relied on the nonparametric method of analogues, which is
rooted in meteorology, and based on selecting historical patterns of
influenza dynamics that most closely match current influenza
observations for forecasting future influenza outbreaks [18,19,20].
As mentioned by Ackerman and Knox, the method of analogues
approach is not suitable for practical implementation, due to
a virtual impossibility of selecting a perfectly matching analog, as
well as the sensitivity of the forecasts to minor mismatches in
selected patterns [21]. Recent suggestions to forecast influenza
outbreaks employ either the particle learning approach coupled
with Bayes Factors, or a chain binomial model [22,23]. Though
both may provide accurate predictions, they involve computationally intensive routines of parameter estimation limiting their
practical applicability in the clinical setting.
Several recent influenza forecasting studies have used a BoxJenkins methodology, in particular, an autoregressive integrated
moving average (ARIMA) model [24,25,26]. These models
assume Gaussian errors for residuals and can be applied to count
data using a logarithmic transformation. In order to capture the
most recent outcomes in influenza counts and to assess nonstationarity of influenza dynamics, we chose to employ the
Generalized Autoregressive Moving Average (GARMA) model
with discrete-valued distributions and integrated external variables
[27]. External variables include any data used for prediction that is
independent of the outcome predicted (i.e. weekly counts of
influenza cases).
Published forecast models integrate the main outcome variable,
typically previous influenza cases or ILI visits, with several external
variables related to influenza surveillance (type of influenza virus,
number of emergency medical service [EMS] calls, sick leaves, and
over the counter drug sales) or climate (temperature, humidity,
rainfall, and atmospheric pressure) to produce forecasts [19,25,26].
Several of these surveillance data elements are often not available
in real-time which severely limits their usefulness for real-time
prediction. However, meteological factors, which have previously
shown significant correlation with influenza cases, are often
available in real time in targeted geographic areas, and can be
easily accessed via the internet [28,29,30].
Optimizing management of influenza outbreaks relies on early
detection tied to a timely and effective response. This requirement
is amplified in the ED where influenza-related crowding can
impact quality of patient care. Our primary objective was thus to
develop and validate a forecast model which would be practically
useful and have broad applicability for providing advanced
warning of an influenza outbreak. Accordingly, we chose to
include only easily accessible, real-time data, available at the city
or medical center level. Our secondary objective was to evaluate
the added predictive capability of novel search query-based
surveillance, such as GFT, in comparison and integrated with
more commonly considered meteorological information.
Study Population and Setting
This is a retrospective evaluation of data from an urban tertiary
care ED with an annual volume of 60,000 adult and 24,000
pediatric visits.
Data Collection and Methods of Measurement
The primary outcome was number of influenza-related ED
patient visits over seven influenza seasons from 2004 to 2011.
Weekly influenza-related ED visits were calculated by summing
the number of patients with a positive influenza test sent from the
ED during each week of the study period. This study was
approved by the institutional review board with a waiver of
consent as this study used anonymous, aggregated data. Additional
external sources of information including GFT, local temperature
(degrees Fahrenheit), local relative humidity, and Julian weeks
(week of the year from January 1, listed as week 1, to December
31, listed as week 52, and considering the leap years with 53 weeks)
were examined for predictive capability. External data is publically
available for download on a daily (i.e. real-time) basis. GFT data
for the city of Baltimore was downloaded directly from https:// in April 2012 [12]. Daily temperature
and relative humidity measures were downloaded directly from
Weather Underground for the city of Baltimore and then averaged
over each week to correspond with Google Flu Trend and
influenza case data [30].
Statistical Analysis
Forecast models were developed from training sets and
evaluated against out-of-sample verification sets using a leaveone-out approach. We partitioned the data set into 7 years, where
each year begins near September 1, and includes 52 or 53 weeks
depending on the leap year status. This left us with 5 typical
influenza seasons (2004–2008 and 2010–2011) and 2 atypical
influenza seasons (2008–2009 and 2009–2010). We then trained
our model for 6 seasons and validated the model on the remaining
season, and continued this approach until each season has been
used in the validation set exactly once.
Models were compared using a summation of the global forecast
deviance of each of the verification sets (further referred to as the
global forecast deviance), as recommended for GARMA and
GLM models [27,31], and forecast confidence. Global deviance is
a statistical measure of accuracy, which is defined as twice the
negative of the log-likelihood function magnitude of the fitted
model on the verification data set. Therefore, global forecast
deviance measures the lack of fit between the fitted model and the
actual forecasted data, and thus a model with lower global forecast
deviance is preferred. Forecast confidence is the percentage of
forecast values that are within a predefined difference of the actual
data during an influenza peak (here chosen as 20% of the mean of
the maximal point of the influenza peak, or seven influenza cases).
For this evaluation, an influenza peak is defined as three or more
weeks with three or greater confirmed influenza cases. Although
forecast confidence provides an easily interpretable evaluation of
the model’s performance, all model selection was based upon the
more statistically rigorous global forecast deviance. Time series
models that showed autocorrelation of residuals were discarded
from the analysis.
The GARMA(p,q) model with Poisson or Negative Binomial
distribution used for this analysis can be expressed as:
February 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | e56176
Influenza Forecasting with Google Flu Trends
level of 0.05 in 4 of the verification sets (seasons 2005–2006, 2006–
2007, 2009–2010, and 2010–2011). No other variable was
significant in any of the out-of-sample verification sets. Assuming
the inclusion of GFT using forward selection, addition of any of
the remaining external variables did not significantly reduce the
global forecast deviance of the final model, or sometimes increased
it due to over-fitting. Thus, the final model selected was
GARMA(3,0) with Negative Binomial distribution and dispersion
parameter of 2 with Google Flu Trend data as the external
variable lagged back one week with respect to the responses. This
model has a forecast confidence of 83% indicating that 83% of the
forecasted values, during all influenza peaks, were within seven
influenza cases of the actual data. As displayed in Figure 3, the
forecast of this model indicates that the yielded GARMA out-ofsample forecasts closely follow the observed influenza counts
during both an atypical (2008–2009) and typical (2010–2011)
influenza season.
logðmt Þ~Xt{1 b
o X
qi logðyt{i Þ{Xt{1{i b z
hj log
In Equation (1), primes stand for transpose, b, W and h are
model parameters, which were estimated based on data from the
training set and a maximum likelihood approach, m is expected
value of response (y), and X is the vector of external variables. A
logarithmic link function is used here as proposed by Benjamin
et al for the case of Poisson or Negative Binomial distribution. The
external variables are lagged by one-week with respect to
forecasted values to ensure that the model uses only available
data to for a prediction one week in the future [27]. Based on
global forecast deviance, we chose to employ a Negative Binomial
GARMA (3,0) model as inclusion of moving average terms or
using a Poisson distribution yielded a higher global deviance. The
Negative Binomial distribution outperforms the Poisson distribution because it adjusts for over dispersion with the dispersion
parameter (k). Using global deviance, we found that for our
dataset, the best dispersion parameter for the Negative Binomial
distribution is 2.
Primarily, forecast models with the outcome of a point estimate
of counts of weekly influenza-related ED patient visits were
designed using a Negative Binomial Generalized Autoregressive
Moving Average model (GARMA) [27]. Secondarily, external
variables such as GFT, meteorological data (temperature, change
in temperature, and relative humidity) and temporal variables
(Julian weeks, and seasonality) were modeled individually with
Negative Binomial generalized linear models (GLM), and were
subsequently also added to the baseline model as external variables
using a forward selection method. This univariate analysis was
used to assess the predictive set of variables for the final forecast
model. The developed MATLAB routine for modeling and
forecasting influenza counts with GARMA models along with
the user manual is publicly available [32].
Seasonal and pandemic influenza leads to ED crowding, which
results in reduced quality of patient care. Early detection or
forecasting of an impending influenza outbreak, coupled with an
effective intervention designed to mitigate ED crowding, allows for
improved management of the anticipated increase in patient
volumes. Though several surveillance systems have been designed
to provide advance warning, few provide reliable data in near-real
time, and fewer still have demonstrated the capability to provide
advanced forecasting of impending influenza cases, which would
provide the additional critical time necessary for activating a robust
Although hospital and ED planners often rely on information
from their individual facilities, integration of broader surveillance information from the city, state, or national level can
provide increased awareness and earlier detection of an
impending threat [33,34,35,36]. Previously, hospital and ED
planners have used surveillance information to understand
disease prevalence for testing and treatment decisions, institute
infection control precautions to contain outbreaks, and anticipate ED surge [33,34,35,36]. Particularly for anticipation or
detection of ED surge, surveillance has lead to increased ED
capacity and staffing, purchase of additional supplies, and
reallocation of hospital resources such as staffing and beds
[33,36]. In a qualitative analysis by Buehler, one hospital
planner noted ‘‘[The syndromic surveillance report] really
helped me in continuity of business planning in reference to
what we can anticipate in the next 24 hours, in reference to
staffing our ERs and what our capacities were going to be’’
[33]. Earlier warning of an impending outbreak though
a focused influenza forecast model could increase planning
capabilities beyond simply the next 24 hours, giving hospitals
the crucial time needed to prepare for increased patient volumes
whether through distribution or purchase of supplies, increased
staffing, or opening additional annex areas to increase bed
capacity. An easily accessible, flexible, forecast model, such as
the one developed here, could easily be distributed and
geographically focused to provide individual medical centers
with their own influenza prediction model, allowing for
advanced influenza planning.
We sought to develop a practical forecast model, which could
ultimately be used in a clinical setting to guide implementation of
an intervention to mitigate crowding resulting from influenza. This
end goal of clinical application limited the potential data sources
which could be used in the forecasting model. Further, in order to
The derived forecast models are based upon seven influenza
seasons of weekly data including number of influenza-related ED
patient visits, GFT, mean temperature, and mean relative
humidity as shown in Figure 1. The eight included influenza
peaks (the 2008–2009 season had 2 peaks) spiked at a mean value
of 33.1 (95% confidence interval: 20.5–45.5) weekly influenza
cases. Several GLM and GARMA forecasting models were
examined systematically to determine the optimal (most accurate)
set of input data characterized by the final model, as shown in
Table 1. As expected, the GARMA model displayed the lowest
global forecast deviance (i.e., highest accuracy). GFT alone
significantly outperformed temperature, relative humidity, and
Julian weeks when using GLM models. Forecasts from this final
model are shown in Figure 2 during both an atypical (2008–2009)
and a typical (2010–2011) influenza season, where the quality of
this model can be observed.
Using the selected GARMA(3,0) base model, several external
variables were added using a forward selection method and were
evaluated for improved forecasting capabilities which are presented in Table 2. Adding GFT significantly improved the model
as demonstrated by the highly statistically significant p-value of
0.0005. On all 7 out-of-sample verification sets, GFT was the only
exogenous variable to be statistically significant at a significance
February 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | e56176
Influenza Forecasting with Google Flu Trends
Figure 1. Input variables over study timeframe.
be effective, the final model must not only be accurate and timely,
but also easy to implement and applicable to both an individual
city and clinical center. Thus, we selected data with these
parameters in mind.
Figure 2. Base Autoregressive Forecast Model. Number of confirmed Emergency Department (ED) influenza cases (dots) compared to the base
3rd order Negative Binomial Generalized Autoregressive Poisson (GARMA) model (line) over (a) the 2008–2009 atypical influenza season and (b) the
2010–2011 typical influenza season.
February 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | e56176
Influenza Forecasting with Google Flu Trends
Table 1. Forecast of Emergency Department Influenza Cases.
Forecast Global Deviance
Forecast Confidence
First order autoregression
Second order autoregression
Third order autoregression
Google Flu Trends
D Google Flu Trends
Google Flu Trends
D Temperature
Julian weeks
Sin(2p/52) + Cos(2p/52)
Capability of Generalized Autoregressive Negative Binomial (GARMA) and univariate generalized linear models (GLM) to forecast the number of confirmed Emergency
Department (ED) influenza cases. D indicates the change of the indicated variable between the prior and current week. Forecast Global Deviance indicates the sum of
each forecast global deviance for all 7 leave-one-out validation models. Forecast Confidence indicates the average of confidences from all 7 leave-one-out validation
models. Forecast confidence is the percentage of forecast values, during an influenza peak, that are within seven influenza cases of the actual data.
GFT can be narrowed down to city level data, is available in
real time, and has been previously validated to strongly correlate
with the number of influenza and ILI cases at the medical center
level [14]. This particular surveillance system was chosen over
others due to the near real-time nature of the data, which is
available 7–10 days before traditional systems [13]. Additionally,
GFT is a free data source, which is easily downloaded and
available for all to access, permitting convenient input for potential
end-users into a forecast model. These same principles of city level
detail, real-time availability, and ease of use also applied to the
Figure 3. Final Autoregressive Forecast Model. Number of confirmed Emergency Department (ED) influenza cases (dots) compared to the final
3rd order Negative Binomial Generalized Autoregressive Poisson (GARMA) model with Google Flu Trends as an added external variable (line) over (a)
the 2008–2009 atypical influenza season and (b) the 2010–2011 typical influenza season.
February 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | e56176
Influenza Forecasting with Google Flu Trends
Table 2. Capability of adding an exogenous covariate to forecast.
Forecast Global Deviance
Forecast Confidence
none (Baseline model)
Google Flu Trends
D Google Flu Trends
D Temperature
Julian weeks
Google Flu Trends
The number of confirmed Emergency Department (ED) influenza cases compared to the base 3rd order Negative Binomial Generalized Autoregressive Poisson (GARMA)
model. D indicates the change of the indicated variable between the prior and current week. Forecast Global Deviance indicates the sum of each forecast global
deviance for all 7 leave-one-out validation models. Forecast Confidence indicates the average of confidences from all 7 leave-one-out validation models. Forecast
confidence is the percentage of forecast values, during an influenza peak, that are within seven influenza cases of the actual data.
other parameters we evaluated including meteorological variables
and basic time variables. Notably, our model differs from many
previous forecast models used for influenza surveillance which
have incorporated parameters that are either difficult to access or
not universally available in real-time, such as over the counter
drug sales and school absenteeism [19,25]. Inclusion of such
variables in those models has limited their applicability with regard
to data availability or feasibility of data collection and synthesis.
The one element considered in this model which is not readily
available from an online source is the number of influenza cases at
the medical center where the model may be used; however, this
data is almost always tracked and easily available to the medical
institution itself.
As shown by the numerous models examined here, autoregression of actual influenza cases is critical to a strong influenza
forecast model. Without the autoregressive component, models
solely relying on surveillance, meteorological, or temporal
components had much greater error in the resulting forecasts.
Although GFT does statistically improve the baseline autoregressive forecast model, the practical significance of this improvement
is marginal, as addition of GFT to the model improves the forecast
confidence from 81% to 83%. However, given the ease of use and
integration of GFT into the model, there is little downside to its
inclusion in the final model. The significance of including
confirmed influenza cases in the model underscores the importance of medical centers maintaining influenza testing programs,
as well as efficient laboratory information systems which can
process and result this data in a timely, accessible fashion.
Findings here build on prior work by our group where we
reported a strong correlation between GFT and local influenza
cases, and suggested an early rise in GFT 1–2 weeks prior to actual
increases in confirmed influenza cases [14]. Our derived forecast
model provides the first-ever demonstration of GFT’s forecasting
capabilities by showing significant improvements in the forecasting
estimates of a baseline GARMA model with the addition of GFT
data. This validation of the predictive capabilities of GFT was
performed using the current GFT algorithm. Previous GFT
algorithms (prior to 2009) had lower correlation with influenza
cases during the 2009 pandemic, likely due to a change in internet
search patterns [37,38]. Though the current algorithm is shown to
have predictive capacities, there remains a future possibility of
additional alterations to search patterns, and poor correlation
between GFT and influenza cases requiring additional updates.
This study is limited by the lack of demonstration of regional
generalizability, as the models were developed using influenza data
from one medical center. Further, though the models used citylevel GFT and meteorological data, it is unclear whether these
data elements are uniform throughout the city or vary by smaller
geographic regions. The ultimate forecast model should be flexible
based on geographic area and local data; thus additional study is
necessary to fully evaluate the geographic generalizability of our
model. Temporal generalizability is also of concern; however,
these models were validated using both atypical and typical
influenza seasons, thus accounting for various potential influenza
Overall, we have developed a practical, city-based forecast
model based upon generalized autoregression of laboratory
confirmed influenza cases and GFT. The addition of real-time,
easily accessible GFT improves the forecasting capabilities and
demonstrates the predictive potential of GFT. This practical
forecast model could provide advanced warning for medical
centers, thus allowing time to implement an appropriate response
to control infection or mitigate influenza-related increases in
patient volumes. Ultimately designed for clinical application,
integrating this potentially powerful forecasting tool into medical
center use requires additional clinical feasibility and effectiveness
studies to link this forecast with a clinical intervention designed to
mitigate crowding.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: AFD MJ YG SL FT TI RR.
Performed the experiments: AFD MJ YG SL FT TI RR. Analyzed the
data: MJ YG SL. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MJ YG
SL TI. Wrote the paper: AFD MJ YG SL FT TI RR.
February 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | e56176
Influenza Forecasting with Google Flu Trends
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February 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | e56176