Examining the Foundations of Agile Usability with
eXtreme Scenario-based Design
Jason Chong Lee, D. Scott McCrickard
K. Todd Stevens
Center for Human-Computer Interaction,
Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg VA, USA
{chonglee, mccricks}@vt.edu
Meridium, Inc.
Roanoke, VA, USA
[email protected]
Abstract— The increasing use of agile methods to develop UIintensive systems has led to a need to find ways of integrating
usability into agile teams—reconciling the convergence and
divergent points between the two areas. Agile usability
researchers at Virginia Tech have partnered with Meridium,
Inc. to develop and implement an integrated approach known
as eXtreme Scenario-based Design (XSBD). Based on an
analysis of core values and principles of both areas, and work
from other agile usability researchers we identified four
requirements that need to be met for an integrated approach to
work effectively. We report on the results of using XSBD to
develop a product at Meridium, summarizing how it addresses
those requirements and draw conclusions about the
effectiveness of the approach—making connections back to
core principles of agile usability.
Keywords-agile, usability, extreme scenario-based design, central
design record
Agile methods are being used in an ever growing number
of contexts by more companies as a way to mitigate many
risks of software development.
A number of these
methodologies, such as extreme programming (XP) and
Scrum, were created by practitioners in industry [2][23] and
focused on empowering software developers to continuously
deliver software that meet customer needs. As a result, these
methods did not include much guidance for how to develop
usable software. This was problematic for UI-intensive
systems as the consequences of poor usability include
reduced productivity, lost sales, lower user satisfaction and
danger to human life for safety-critical systems. This
oversight was due to a number of reasons. Many early agile
projects involved relatively simple user interfaces. In
addition, oftentimes there was no need to differentiate
between customers and the end users as they were often the
same group. This may have led to the expectation that close
collaboration with the customer would ultimately lead to a
usable end product [11][14][21]. As agile methods have
been used to develop more UI-intensive systems,
practitioners have begun to address this shortcoming using a
variety of techniques [4][5][16][19][20][21].
There are open questions about how to best integrate
usability into agile teams for projects where usability is a key
quality concern while accounting for issues such as differing
goals, practices, and mindsets. Our past work on integrating
usability and agile methods, in addition to the other active
research in agile usability methods, has uncovered a number
of convergence and divergence points between agile methods
and usability methods.
In this work, we explore the foundations of agile and
usability engineering methods to better understand the
commonalities and differences between the two areas and
how they can be integrated and put into practice. Based on
this information and past experiences with implementing
usability into agile teams, Lee and McCrickard developed a
specific instantiation of an agile usability approach known as
eXtreme Scenario-based Design (XSBD) at Virginia Tech
[12][13]. They partnered with Meridium, Inc., a leading
software and services company in the asset performance
management domain, to develop and implement this XSBD
process into their organization. We present the results from
the use of the XSBD process in one of their development
teams for a system where usability was a key concern—
making explicit how it can help address many of the tension
points between agility and usability. We then make
connections back to key principles and values that an agile
usability team should adhere to—building on the existing
values and principles as stated in the agile manifesto [3].
In this section, we look at the values and principles of
the agile manifesto and look at the convergence and
divergence points between agile and usability. We look at
how they are addressed by different integration methods.
Agile methods value individuals and interactions over
processes and tools [3]. Similarly, usability methods
emphasize the importance of working with stakeholders
using participatory design, ethnographic methods and
usability testing [6][10][22]. Agile methods also value
customer collaboration over contract negotiation. From a
usability standpoint, the problem with this statement is the
absence of any mention of the importance of end user
collaboration. In addition, the agile values of working
software over comprehensive documentation and
responding to change over following a plan are somewhat at
odds with usability approaches such as scenario-based
design which follow a layered approach where the entire
user interface is designed in phases of increasing fidelity—
rather than developed in slices where working parts of the
system are made in increments [22]. This is because one
problem with incremental development is that the resulting
user interface can be disjoint, piecemeal and lack a cohesive
overall vision [18]. Addressing this problem is one of the
focus points of this work. Regardless, both agile and
usability methods use cyclical development processes so
both areas acknowledge that requirements cannot be fully
defined at the start of a project and may change throughout
One key agile principle is that business people and
developers must work together daily throughout an agile
project [3]. However, many usability approaches assume
end to end involvement of usability people in the
development process from requirements analysis to usability
testing of the implemented system [10][22]. Cooper
proposed an agile usability approach where the usability
engineer first designs the user interface using traditional
usability engineering methods before handing off the design
to the developers to implement [18]. The problem with this
approach is that it can prevent developers from starting
work right away and conflicts with the principle of frequent
delivery of working software to customers. Agile
practitioners such as Patton have introduced approaches
where developers are given some training in usability
methods so they can both design and implement the system
[21]. One potential problem with this approach is that if
developers are both designing the UIs and implementing
them, they may tend to sacrifice usability for ease of
development [6]. In addition, these developers trained in
usability may still develop subpar systems as usability
engineering is a distinct discipline that requires training and
experience to do well.
Others such as Chamberlain, Martin, Miller and Sy
have highlighted the importance for having a separate
usability engineer working within the team for such UIintensive systems [5][15][16][17][19]. In this approach, one
or more usability engineers work within the team in parallel
with development. In this case, one problem is how to
balance the different needs of usability engineers and
software developers throughout development as issues such
as new requirements, tight deadlines and limited resources
Communication between the different team
members is critical—something acknowledged in agile
methods as noted by the importance placed on face-to-face
communication [3]. For teams where usability engineers
and software developers work in parallel, communication
and collaboration is critical for the interface design track
and software development track to remain in sync [7][19].
Another focus of this work is developing the proper
methods and communication mechanisms for both teams to
remain in sync.
One of the key features of agile methods is the
importance placed on working software as the primary
measure of progress [3]. Integrating usability into agile
methods can introduce competing goals between
development and usability—particularly when there are
distinct roles that are working in parallel. This also relates
to the agile principle: simplicity--the art of maximizing the
amount of work not done--is essential. Simplicity in the
user interface often does not align with simplicity in the
implementation. However, power imbalances can arise in an
agile team with usability engineers not having adequate say
in how the design and implementation of the system
proceeds [5]. Addressing this problem requires committed,
motivated team members—also important in agile teams as
defined in the agile manifesto.
It also requires an
understanding of what the different goals of a project are
and where usability lies in terms of importance to delivering
value to the customer. This also relates back to the issue of
communication and collaboration between usability and
Despite some of the conflicts described above, both areas
are committed to delivering value to the customer where
value can be composed of many factors including having
highly usable software. This work will look at how they can
be addressed in practice.
Based on the analysis of the convergence and divergence
points between agile development and usability engineering
presented in section 2, we find that an approach that
integrates usability engineers into an agile development
organization needs to support:
• Proper prioritization of goals to guide design
• Balancing design decisions to reflect high level
• Synchronization of usability and development
• incremental UI development while maintaining a
cohesive overall design
In this work, we have looked at agile methods and
usability engineering from a foundational standpoint by
comparing the two based on their respective core values and
principles (see Figure 1).
Based on this analysis, our past work on agile usability
methods, and other research on agile usability methods, we
have developed our own instantiation of agile usability—
XSBD that draws on existing practices from both areas. We
implemented, and continually improved this process by
applying it in practice, and worked to meet the four
requirements above. Based on the results, we will present
several changes, additions and clarifications to the
principles in the agile manifesto that summarize core
benefits of XSBD. This will lead to further instantiations
and refinements of the XSBD process in future efforts.
Figure 1. Comparative analysis of core principles leads to XSBD
instantiation which contributes to agile usability principle and value
This section provides a brief overview of the XSBD
process and leads into an extended description of the
process in use in section 5. The XSBD process was
originally developed by Lee and McCrickard at Virginia
Tech [12][13]. It draws on practices from scenario-based
design—an established usability engineering methodology
and XP and Scrum—two of the most widely practiced agile
processes [2][22][23].
In XSBD, the primary addition to the agile team is the
usability engineer. The usability engineer works with other
members of the team including the developers, QA, and
customer representative. The primary responsibility of the
usability engineer is to ensure that the user interface of the
end system satisfies the needs of the end users.
In the XSBD process there are separate, but synchronized
usability and development tracks similar to the parallel
development tracks described by Miller [16]. The usability
engineer works one iteration ahead of the developers so
designs can be delivered for the developers to start
implementing at the start of each iteration. Through careful
coordination of the development and usability, the XSBD
team can optimize its velocity while still developing a
system that meets high level design goals—making
balanced design decisions that incorporate the oftentimes
conflicting needs of the developers and usability engineer.
The key design representation in the XSBD process is the
central design record (CDR), which is used to support
synchronization activities and help the usability engineer
plan and run usability evaluations.
User interface design through the CDR
The CDR consists of the set of mockups, scenarios,
claims, and design goals. Scenarios, as used in scenariobased design, are narratives describing the activities of one
or more persons and include information about user goals,
actions and reactions [20][22]. Scenarios provide rich
descriptions of how the system will function—useful for
when the system is initially being designed—and can show
how multiple features tie together to form a complete
workflow. Claims are feature descriptions that include
design tradeoffs that highlight the potential positive and
negative effects of the user interface. Claims are used by the
usability engineer to record design rationale for critical parts
of the user interface and are later used to plan usability
evaluations. One critical component of the CDR developed
during this effort is the direct mapping between design
goals, claims and usability testing results (See FIGURE 2).
This allows usability engineers to focus on and make only
the most value-adding usability features. This is critical in
an agile development process where the focus is on
delivering the most important parts of the software to
customers in the shortest time possible.
Collaboration through the CDR
A successful development effort hinges on the proper
balance between the potentially competing concerns of
different stakeholder groups.
As a record of design
decisions made to the interface, the CDR— which is
maintained by the usability engineer and is shared explicitly
through written artifacts and indirectly through verbal
communications—also acts as a communication point
between and among developers, evaluators and clients that
helps reduce the chance of miscommunications and
misunderstandings [13].
In planning meetings such as
those in Scrum, direct links between goals and design
decisions can make the impact of usability changes clear in
terms of high level goals. Key ways that this happens are
detailed in section 5.
C. Usability evaluations through the CDR
Popular agile methods like extreme programming (XP)
include the concept of test-driven development and
automated testing [2]. Code tests can be aggregated and
automatically run whenever the implementation for a
particular feature is completed. This allows for very quick
verification of new functionality using an increasingly
complete test corpus, which helps agile teams develop
software more quickly while maintaining functional
correctness. Unfortunately, usability testing—which verifies
that usability goals are met and help uncover usability
problems and new requirements—cannot be similarly
automated. These tests are typically run with real people; so
in XSBD the usability engineer uses claims to help decide
what aspects of the user interface to evaluate and why.
Claims in the CDR are tied directly to high level goals
and are used to analyze and reason about specific interface
feature tradeoffs. Light-weight usability evaluation methods
such as expert walkthroughs and heuristic evaluations test
claim tradeoffs and can then be shared with other team
members to help in making decisions about what changes
should be made given the available resources in a particular
iteration. In this way, the usability of the design can be
validated at regular intervals to prevent entropy in the overall
interaction design as the system is incrementally developed.
Figure 2. The CDR directly links prioritized goals to design decisions validated by user tests.
This section provides an overview of how the XSBD
process (described in section 4) was used and improved by
using it in a development project at Meridium.
Development Project Overview
The team at Meridium using the XSBD process was
tasked by the client with developing a touch screen
application to improve a paper-based work order system.
This system was meant to improve on an existing system
where mechanics would manually enter work order data on
a paper form which would then be entered into a company
database by clerks. The new system was to have mechanics
directly enter work order information into the company
database through the touch screen.
Meridium is still in the process of transitioning some of
its development teams to agile. As a result, many members
of this team were unfamiliar with agile processes. In
addition, team members were not used to having a dedicated
usability engineer on the team. In the weeks before the
project, we held several meetings to introduce the XSBD
process although team members had some difficulty
understanding the process before actually starting to use it.
The team required several weeks to get acclimated to
working with each other and with the XSBD process before
implemented work began being delivered consistently. The
team consisted of two developers, one quality assurance
(QA) person, one usability engineer, one project lead, one
product lead, and one documentation person. The customer
representative worked with us remotely—participating in
weekly review/planning meetings and through email. Team
members devoted between 15-40 hours a week on the
project depending on their other commitments at Meridium.
B. Research methodology
We used an action research methodology to study and
refine the XSBD process. Action research is grounded in the
concept that complex social processes are best studied by
continuously introducing changes and observing effects on
the phenomena of study [1]. Action research is divided into
a series of five stages forming a complete cycle that is
continuously iterated upon. Problems are first identified and
diagnosed. In the action planning stage, researchers and
participants identify what actions will mitigate those
problems before moving on to the action taking stage where
those actions are implemented. In the evaluating stage,
researchers review the results of those actions and how well
they addressed the specified problems. In the specifying
learning stage, researchers develop and build on theories
based on the results of this and past cycles.
To identify problems, critical incidents were recorded
throughout the development process. Critical incidents are
observations of behavior that have significance to the
phenomena being studied [8]. These were collected by the
researcher through observations during daily meetings,
planning meetings and other regular team meetings. We
also had project team members record their own critical
incidents through an online reporting form [8]. Each critical
incident contained the following information: the role of the
person writing the incident, the date of the incident, a
description of the incident, and an explanation of how this
positively or negatively affected the team. We also
conducted individual post-project interviews of team
members to get their summative experiences of using
Implementing XSBD
This section describes how the process was used and
refined over the course of the development effort. Results
are summarized with respect to the four requirements
described in section 3.
1) Defining and using shared goals. It was important
for team members to develop and be cognizant of the key
design goals of the system. This allowed the team to more
easily make design decisions when there were competing
concerns. This was important as members of the team had
different backgrounds, personal motivations, and mindsets.
For example, post-project interviews showed that
developers were primarily concerned with ensuring
functional correctness and robustness of the system, while
the usability engineer’s primary concern was in meeting end
user needs of the system. Sometimes these conflicted. The
goals for the touch screen project were defined as follows:
[1] Time Efficiency
System interaction must take no more than 2-3
minutes on average.
[2] User Acceptance of Technology
The interface must make sense, be easily
learned, and provide low frustration.
[3] High Quality Data
Captured data must be accurate and complete.
The goals are shown from most important to least
important. Usability was critical to the success of this
particular system so the most important goals were tied to
usability. The third goal, which was not directly related to
usability, was requested by the customer because he wanted
more accurate data to be stored in the company database by
having mechanics directly input the work order information.
Where possible, metrics were tied to the high level goals to
make it more clear to team members that they were met.
For example, one metric tied to the first goal was that
mechanics needed to take between 2-3 minutes to input a
work order because it was important to maximize the
amount of time they are working on jobs rather than
working on administrative tasks. The QA person noted that:
“…those goals were always kept in mind, especially
in the user trials where we would take the program
and let people who weren’t involved with the
project try it out and see how it works”
Setting the shared design goals allowed team members to
have a common understanding of which aspects of the
system were most important to the customer. For different
types of systems, usability-focused goals may be lower on
the priority list—meaning that usability would have less
influence over the design. Prioritized goals also helped the
team to prioritize which fixes to make when there was a
limited amount of time available to complete all required
system changes.
Over time, the goals were internalized by most team
members and were often used to direct conversations about
design decisions throughout the project. However, they
were never used as, nor were they meant to be used as
unbreakable commandments. Different concerns sometimes
overshadowed the goals such as when implementation
problems arose. The project manager stated that:
“…sometimes when you want to get functionality
then those goals are not at the top of your priorities.
But they were all aware of them and really did
strive towards them.”
2) Balancing design decisions. Claims proved to be a
useful way to capture design decisions and address
conflicting opinions on the design. An example of one of
the claims captured in the project is listed below:
Popup warning
+ gets user attention
+ lets the user know why they can’t move forward
+ avoids frustration of not knowing why program
won’t let you make a move
- BUT it can be disorienting
- BUT it can be too flashy and annoying
The usability engineer always worked to ensure that design
decisions reflected the high level goals of the system. Key
design decisions were captured in the form of claims. The
usability engineer noted that:
“They helped me keep focus and overall they
helped me get the evidence I needed to open up
discussions with teammates about the interface.”
Claims allowed the usability engineer to provide other team
members with rationale for design features and describe
why they were important. They provided a platform for
discussion about features and their role in the system. This
helped in prioritizing the backlog of features that were
planned for subsequent iterations.
In addition, since the user interface is the most visible
portion of system under development, team members often
gave their own opinions about how the interface should be
designed based on their own past experiences and
knowledge of similar systems. Many times, this sort of
feedback was valuable. However, this sometimes resulted
in tensions between the usability engineer and developers
about how the system should be designed. Claims were used
to resolve these kinds of disagreements. If another team
member proposed a change to a system feature as designed
by the usability engineer, the usability engineer would
record the suggestion in the form of a claim. Typically, the
original design of the usability engineer would be used
initially and would be evaluated. If a problem was
uncovered, the proposed change would then be considered.
3) Synchronizing usability and development. Combining
the efforts of usability engineers and software developers
introduced the problem of design drift—where the
implemented system differed from what was initially
designed. This problem quickly became apparent in this
effort as it relied on tightly interdependent parallel efforts.
This problem was somewhat mitigated by the fact that
development in an agile process is broken up into smaller
pieces. The project was divided into two releases with the
first release focusing on the data entry piece of the system
and the second release focusing on the manager approval
piece of the system where managers approve of work order
information input by the mechanics. The first release
covered two scenarios with each scenario taking
approximately 2 iterations to complete. The scenarios were
written by the usability engineer to describe the key task
flows in the system. Stories were written and managed by
the developers that covered whatever scenario was being
developed in the current iteration.
However, design drift was mainly addressed through
synchronization points. Enforced synchronization points
through regular review and planning meetings, with all team
members including usability engineers, ensured that team
members could review and compare designs to
implementations, resolving any differences to ensure that
they were in sync. These meetings included daily meetings,
longer iteration review meetings (during which the work of
past weeks could be reviewed), and feature team meetings
(during which the upcoming iteration was planned). The
regularity of these meetings ensured that differences were
found and addressed early on.
Opportunistic synchronizations points between usability
engineers and software engineers were also important to
resolve issues such as when there are questions with the user
interface mockups or when there are differences between
the implemented system and the design. These consisted of
communications. The usability engineer stated that:
4) Incremental user interface development. Maintaining
direct links between goals, design decisions, and usability
evaluations through the CDR, allowed the usability engineer
to design the user interface incrementally while still
maintaining a cohesive overall design (see Figure 3). The
usability engineer focused on testing only the design
decisions linked with the high level goals of the system. In
this case, a design for a popup selection box on the touch
screen is shown to not slow down the user during the main
work flow. This targeted testing helped in maintaining
project velocity as non-essential user interface changes
could be deferred or dismissed. It also made it easy for
developers to understand the rationale behind design
decisions by seeing the link between goals, design changes
and usability testing results. Several team members began
the project with little understanding of what the usability
engineer did and why. However, by the end of the project
one developer stated that:
“If something was to be changed, we were like: ‘why
do we want to change this?’. And if the rationale
and user reactions could be laid out, everyone felt
like that was the right thing to do.“
“[the developer] would be developing a mockup that
I just gave him, I’d be working on a next iteration of
the mockup and all of a sudden I’d realize that [he]
developed something different than what I
prescribed. “
In the end, the synchronizations allowed the parallel efforts
to proceed relatively smoothly.
In the post-project
interview, one of the developers found that:
“It’s great that the developer doesn’t have to worry
about how the UI is going to look like. When you
are developing from scratch and you have time
constraints, and you have a design, then you can do it
efficiently. ”
In addition to having synchronization points, it was
important to have the team use a unified work planning
system where both developer and usability tasks were
estimated and prioritized together. This helped the project
manager see how both developers and the usability engineer
were progressing and ensure that proper handoffs of designs
and implementations between the two were occurring.
Figure 3. Design claim is linked to high level design goal and is validated
through usability testing.
Overall, agile team members found that incrementally
developing the user interface was valuable in that it allowed
problems to be found early on, uncovered new requirements
and helped solidify ill-defined ones. The usability engineer
also found that developing incrementally while maintaining
the CDR allowed her to:
“…get a decently consistent interface that fits the
customer better.”
The usability engineer believed that she would have gotten a
more consistent and cohesive design if she had been able to
do a more complete requirements analysis and design phase
at the beginning of the project, but thought that the end
result fit the customer’s needs better.
In addition,
developing in this way also allowed the usability engineer
work within the agile team effectively.
Usability testing was manually run by the usability
engineer as usability tests typically cannot be automated and
managed like they are in agile processes like XP [2]. The
usability engineer used claims to help decide what aspects of
the user interface to evaluate and why. Claims were only
written against features that were directly linked to high level
design goals, and only those claims were evaluated at the end
of an iteration. Limiting evaluations in this way using claims
allowed the usability engineer to more efficiently run tests
that maximally contributed to the overall usability of the
system. The types of evaluations run varied for project, but
relied primarily on light-weight evaluations with 3-5
participants selected at Meridium for each evaluation.
In this effort, we developed and improved an approach
to integrating usability into an agile team—XSBD. We first
looked at where some of the key convergence and
divergence points were by analyzing agile and usability
approaches from a foundational standpoint. We then
applied it in a development effort at Meridium and actively
observed and evaluated how those points were addressed
using an action research methodology. Based on its use at
Meridium, we present the following conclusions:
• Maintaining and collectively agreeing on a prioritized
list of design goals will help to resolve conflicts
between usability engineers and software developers
by making clear where customer priorities lie.
• Claims are an effective and lightweight mechanism
for capturing design rationale and storing alternate
design proposals for specific features.
• A combination of enforced and opportunistic
synchronization points actively maintained by agile
team members is important in mitigating design drift
between parallel development and usability tracks.
• The central design record, by making explicit the link
between design goals, design decisions and usability
testing results, can help usability engineers develop a
more cohesive user interface while designing it
Note that the XSBD process is meant to be used for
projects with a non-trivial UI component where usability
is one of the key quality concerns. Its successful
application in this effort is evidence of that.
Looking broadly from a principles perspective, we also
present the following list of additions and changes to the
principles from the agile manifesto for any agile project that
integrates a usability engineer into their team [3].
• Balancing the often competing needs of development
and usability personnel based on project goals is
• Deliver UI designs frequently, to get continual
feedback from end users and customers to improve the
• Business people, software developers and usability
engineers must work together daily throughout the
• The most efficient and effective method of determining
the usability of the system is through usability
testing—preferably involving end users.
• Working software that meets high level goals
(functional, usability, performance) is the primary
measure of progress
• Continuous attention to good design, both in terms of
the code and the user interface, enhances agility.
• Appropriately balancing simplicity in the code and
the UI is essential.
We are currently planning to deploy the XSBD process
in all of the agile, UI-intensive development efforts at
Meridium while continuing to research ways to improve the
process and better understand the challenges involved in
integrating usability and agility.
We will focus on
improving the CDR to better support cohesive interface
design and work to further improve synchronization
between developers and usability engineers. In addition, we
are working to expand our focus beyond just integrating
usability engineers and agile developers by looking at how
other areas in an enterprise-level organization like Meridium
work with and within agile usability teams. These include
areas such as quality assurance, documentation and product
We are also working to apply the XSBD process to a
broader spectrum of projects in different application areas
and with agile teams with varying levels of knowledge of
agile and usability methods. This will help verify the
broader applicability of the XSBD process and the findings
presented in this work.
Thanks to the development team for their valuable
insights during the project. This material is based upon work
supported by a National Science Foundation Small Business
Technology Transfer Phase I Grant No: #0740827.
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