European Journal of Education Studies
ISSN: 2501 - 1111
ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111
Available on-line at:
Volume 3 │ Issue 8 │ 2017
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.852530
Oluremi Eyitayo Oni
Department of Continuing Education & Extension Services,
University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria
Politics in Adult Education involves ways in which knowledge is acquired, the
dispensing of the knowledge and how to make use of it under different situations. Oni
(2017} acknowledged the centrality of knowledge to education. Besides the sponsorship
of diverse information, knowledge helps to check wastages, conservativeness in one
hand, and on the other hand, promotes the ability to function better. As a field of
education concerned with serving the populace with education this paper considers
politics in Adult Education in the light of the potentials of positive transformational
ability of education. This is exemplified under different sub-headings like, the historical
and contemporary adult education, political aspects of adult education, suitable adult
education programmes for a community what could promote political stability, and the
place of distance learning.
Keywords: adult education, contemporary world, education programmes
1. Introduction
The ultimate end of education cannot be overestimated. Among these are selfimprovement, self-discovery and the ability to priorities and look for resources that are
needed for one self.
The primary concern of education is the seeking of knowledge and showing how
best to maximise such knowledge for personal benefits, family improvement,
community development and the general benefit of humanity and other living
beneficiaries. This is to say that, education has a direct and indirect influence on
character modification. Every potential in a person is prompted to its optimal level of
performance (Oni, 2003). Politics in adult education involves interactive ways in
Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group
Oluremi Eyitayo Oni
knowledge acquisition, the dispersing of the knowledge gained and how to make use of
it. That is why as educated people, our approach to issues is based on knowledge. This
knowledge helps to check wastages in human efforts, money and other resources. That
is why literacy is important to knowledge while ignorance slows down and in some
cases even prevents progress. Literacy promotes increase in knowledge at a more rapid
way than illiteracy. Illiteracy is very dogmatic, extremely conservative and does not
easily adapt to changes even when such changes are necessary. Illiteracy often includes
inability to read, write or compute in any known language. Even though illiteracy is not
synonymous to stupidity, nevertheless it limits its victims to a world of ignorance and
incapacitates them from discovering and developing their potentials to full capacity.
Reading and writing helps those so endowed to improve on their mental acuity
and other natural and acquirable endowments. One functions better as a social being as
a result of the ability to read coded information and to express oneself via writing.
These promote confidentiality, better and refined self-expression. Similarly, where the
people are literate and could read, it will be difficult to manipulate or cheat them. Adult
education tries to balance the system by ensuring that people have what to do and
engage them whether literate or illiterate: vocational, spot and other activities that will
make individual to relevantly get involved in one’s community. All activities at the
disposal of the people in the community are meant to have them meaningfully engaged:
active at work-place, preservation of public properties, and social involvement in places
such as swimming, sport, watching activities displayed, payment of levies and others.
All these activities make for social interaction, and the more interaction with one
another, the better for unity and team work towards progress. Perhaps, a good
illustration is football leagues where a homogenous group has to face a heterogene0us
group. As good as individual might be, the team that share the game will perform than
the one – man- show opponents. The National Youths Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria
where all graduates of the tertiary institutions are deployed to serve the nation in
communities (states) other than theirs has so far proved to unite Nigeria more than
State and Local Government Areas (LGA) creation. Adult education is all out to ensure
everybody is carried along irrespective of age. So age is no barrier.
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European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 8 │ 2017