The Negative Effect of Red Tape on Procedural Satisfaction
Wesley Kaufmann* and Lars Tummers **
Public Management Review
Special issue on experimental replication, edited by Richard Walker
To be cited as: Kaufmann, W. & Tummers, L.G. (forthcoming). The Negative Effect of Red
Tape on Procedural Satisfaction. Public Management Review.
* Department of Accounting, University of Groningen
** Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University
[email protected],
[email protected]
The Negative Effect of Red Tape on Procedural Satisfaction
In this study, we aim to replicate and extend the negative effect of red tape on procedural
satisfaction by conducting an experiment via the online crowdsourcing service MTurk. Our
findings indicate that a higher level of red tape is indeed associated with lower procedural
satisfaction. We also find support for a statistically significant interaction between red tape
and political ideology; the negative effect of red tape on procedural satisfaction is stronger for
individuals with more conservative political views. These findings confirm the pathological
nature of red tape and affirm the relevance of experimental red tape research.
Red tape has become one of the key research topics in public administration (Bozeman and
Feeney 2011). Red tape can be described as “rules, regulations and procedures that entail a
compliance burden without advancing the legitimate purposes they were intended to serve”
(Bozeman 2000, 12). A variety of studies have disentangled red tape from formalization
(Bozeman and Scott 1996; Pandey and Scott 2002), tested and retested red tape measures
(Bozeman and Feeney 2011; Feeney 2012; Kaufmann and Feeney 2012; Pandey and
Marlowe 2014), and compared red tape perceptions between public and private employees
(Rainey et al. 1995; Feeney and Bozeman 2009).
Despite these important contributions to our understanding of ineffective rules, the red
tape literature is still characterized by methodological concerns (e.g. Bozeman 2012;
Kaufmann and Feeney 2014). In line with public administration research in general (Lee et al.
2012, Groeneveld et al., 2014), red tape scholars have overwhelmingly relied on crosssectional survey data (Feeney 2012; Bozeman and Feeney 2011). However, a major
drawback of these types of designs is that they do not allow for inferences of cause and effect
(Brewer and Brewer 2011). A handful of experimental studies exist (Scott and Pandey 2000;
Feeney 2012; Kaufmann and Feeney 2014; Tummers et al. 2015; Pandey and Marlowe,
2014), but their main findings have not been replicated in other contexts. This is where we
seek to make our contribution.
Replication of experimental studies is crucial for moving the field of public
administration forward, as this process strengthens the credibility of research (Nosek and
Lakens 2014). Tsang and Kwan (1999) identify six different types of replication studies that
can be used for verifying and generalizing prior research findings. According to Tsang and
Kwan (1999), replication studies can use the exact same dataset, a different dataset from the
same population of participants, or a different population of participants when compared to
the initial study. Furthermore, researchers can employ the same or a different type of
measurement and analysis for replication purposes.
Our focus in this study is on the negative effect of red tape on procedural satisfaction
as found by Tummers et al. (2015) in their recent publication in International Public
Management Journal. Satisfaction is an important indicator of firm performance in consumer
research (e.g. Fornell et al. 1996) and public agencies increasingly make use of citizen
satisfaction surveys as part of results-oriented management (e.g. van Ryzin 2004). At the
level of the individual, job dissatisfaction can lead to a wide range of negative outcomes that
includes absenteeism and lateness (Farrell 1983). Hence, understanding the relationship
between red tape and satisfaction has important implications for organizations and
individuals alike.
Tummers et al. (2015) conducted a classroom experiment with Dutch students where
subjects were asked to fill out a fictitious form for a passport renewal. A basic betweensubjects design was used and the independent variable (red tape) was manipulated in order to
test its effect on the dependent variable (procedural satisfaction). The treatment form
contained a high level of red tape, which required participants to provide superfluous
information, such as color of eyes (which can already be deduced from the passport photo),
whereas the control form was much more streamlined. The authors found that participants in
the ‘high’ red tape condition were significantly less satisfied with the passport procedure than
the ‘low’ red tape group.
Our goal in this study is to replicate and extend the negative relationship between red
tape and satisfaction, as studied by Tummers et al. (2015) in the context of government –
citizens interactions. Specifically, we are interested in the effect of red tape on satisfaction in
a different country (the United States versus the Netherlands), for a different population
(online versus students) and in a different setting (an organizational promotion procedure
versus a citizen passport renewal procedure). Furthermore, whereas Tummers et al. (2015)
included knowledge of politics and emotional reactance as moderators in their setting of a
passport renewal procedure, we include two different moderators that are particularly relevant
in the setting of our organizational promotion procedure, namely managerial position and
political ideology. Hence, we only replicate the main effect of red tape on satisfaction, and
not the interaction effects as tested by Tummers et al. (2015).
We put forward an experimental research design that incorporates varying degrees of
red tape in an organizational promotion procedure. In so doing, we are able to confirm if an
organizational procedure that entails a high level of red tape results in lower perceptions of
procedural satisfaction. In terms of the Tsang and Kwan (1999) typology, our study can be
classified as an example of ‘generalization and extension’. Hence, we aim to answer the
following research question:
How does red tape influence procedural satisfaction, and to what extent is this relationship
moderated by the individual’s political orientation and work position (manager or not)?
The structure of this paper is as follows. In the following section, we first discuss the
state of the art of red tape research. Next, we argue how the literature on procedural
satisfaction can inform red tape research. We then present the data and methods, followed by
the results section. We conclude with a discussion of our findings, limitations, and possible
extensions of our research.
The red tape literature: Main findings and limitations
Early work on red tape has been published over 35 years ago, but most of the red tape
literature has taken shape in the past two decades (Bozeman and Feeney 2011; Bozeman
2012). Starting point for contemporary red tape research is Bozeman’s (1993) article in which
the concepts of organizational and stakeholder red tape are introduced. Whereas
organizational red tape is defined as “[r]ules, regulations, and procedures that remain in force
and entail a compliance burden for the organization but have no efficacy for the rules’
functional object” (Bozeman 1993, 283), stakeholder red tape acknowledges that the same
rules can be red tape for some stakeholder groups, but not for others.
Stakeholder red tape can be considered a richer conceptualization than organizational
red tape (Bozeman 1993), but it has not proven very popular in red tape research. The main
reason for this is the potentially large number of rule stakeholders (Bozeman 2012). As a
result, existing research has often operationalized organizational red tape by asking
respondents to indicate on a 10-point scale: “if red tape is defined as burdensome
administrative rules and procedures that have negative effects on the organization’s
effectiveness, how would you assess the level of red tape in your organization?” (Rainey et
al. 1995, 574; see also Bozeman and Feeney 2011).
The general red tape operationalization put forward by Rainey et al. (1995) has been
used extensively in the literature. Consequently, red tape has been linked to such diverse
topics as risk culture (Bozeman and Kingsley 1998), work alienation (DeHart-Davis and
Pandey 2005) and public service motivation (Moynihan and Pandey 2007). Another stream of
research focuses on political over-control as a source of red tape. Such external red tape has
been found to affect Dutch primary schools (Torenvlied and Akkerman 2012), English local
government authorities (Brewer et al. 2012), and research universities (Bozeman and
Anderson 2014). Furthermore, a small number of studies have looked at the effect of red tape
on clients (e.g. Scott and Pandey 2000; Moynihan and Herd 2010).
Recently, a number of studies have taken a first step towards conceptualizing and
measuring red tape from a rule-based perspective. In essence, this perspective takes specific
rules as a starting point, and subsequently derives subjective red tape measures from these
rules. Studies in the so-called rule ecology domain look at red tape as a by-product of
supranational, national, and organizational rule stock increases (e.g. van Witteloostuijn and
de Jong 2010; Kaufmann and van Witteloostuijn 2016). Kaufmann and Feeney (2012) use a
combination of organizational rule counts and survey data to show that in the context of a
large Dutch public organization the objective number of rules does not correspond with red
tape perceptions. Hence, more rules does not necessarily mean more red tape.
In an experimental study, Kaufmann and Feeney (2014) find that the degree of
perceived red tape is not merely driven by the specific rule burden of a procedure, but also by
the favorability of the outcome. In other words, when the outcome of a particular procedure is
positive for a given stakeholder, then red tape perceptions will be lower, irrespective of actual
rule burden. Finally, Pandey and Marlowe (2014) develop and test a so-called anchoring
vignettes approach that can be used to improve survey-based red tape measures by having
respondents rate short stories about red tape.
In this study, we also conceptualize and measure red tape from a rule-based
perspective. Specifically, by taking ‘actual’ rules as the focal point of our analysis, we are
able to manipulate the degree of perceived red tape and the effect thereof on procedural
satisfaction, to which we turn next.
Red tape and procedural satisfaction
The concept of satisfaction, which can be defined as an “evaluative attitude towards
some object or experience” (James, 2009, 108), has been studied extensively in the public
administration literature. For example, a large literature has looked at citizen satisfaction with
public services (e.g. van Ryzin 2004; 2006; van Ryzin and Immerwahr 2007), while other
research has provided mixed results on differences in job satisfaction between public and
private workers (e.g. Schneider and Vaught 1993; Steel and Warner 1990; Wright 2001).
A limited number of studies have also explored satisfaction in the context of red tape.
Townsend and Kosloski (2002) show that higher levels of red tape reduce client satisfaction
with in-home respite and adult day care services. Giauque et al. (2012, 175) use survey data
of 3,754 Swiss public servants to examine the effect of red tape on a specific type of job
satisfaction, called “resigned satisfaction”, and identify a particularly strong correlation
between the two. Furthermore, DeHart-Davis and Pandey (2005) find that organizational and
personnel red tape is negatively related to job satisfaction. Of particular relevance in the
current context is the study by Tummers et al. (2015) , who show by experimentally varying
the level of red tape in a fictitious passport application procedure that higher red tape levels
result in lower citizen satisfaction.
Given our focus on specific rules and procedures, we are not interested in relatively
broad satisfaction concepts such as general job satisfaction. Furthermore, the only
experimental study on red tape and satisfaction to date has focused on citizens, whereas most
red tape research is concerned with the adverse effects of organizational rules on employees
and managers (Bozeman and Feeney 2011). As a result, our focus here is on the effect of red
tape on procedural satisfaction, which is defined as the evaluative attitude towards a
particular process (James 2009; Bergman et al. 2002). Based on the above, we hypothesize
that procedural satisfaction will be lower if the level of red tape in a given procedure is
higher. We expect that:
H1: Red tape has a negative effect on procedural satisfaction
Moderating variables: Managerial position and political ideology
In addition to the direct negative effect of red tape, we also want to test which
individual factors may moderate the impact of red tape on procedural satisfaction (Giauque et
al. 2012; Pandey and Scott 2002; Quratulain and Khan 2013). Indeed, Pandey and Kingsley
(2000, 783) argue that “one is hard pressed to find serious students of red tape who do not, at
some point or another, stress the importance of studying the individual in order to gain a
better understanding of red tape.” We include two individual level factors that may moderate
the negative relationship between red tape and procedural satisfaction, namely managerial
position and political ideology (Moynihan and Herd 2010; Rudolph and Evans 2005).
The negative effect of red tape on procedural satisfaction is likely to be less
pronounced for individuals with a managerial position for two reasons. First, managers may
actually ‘use’ red tape in a strategic way. For example, red tape can be used as a managerial
tool to delay promotions to other positions or departments within the organization of highly
effective subordinates. Similarly, Moynihan and Herd (2010) argue that policymakers can
further their own interests by creating red tape that deliberately limits political and social
rights of specific citizen groups. More generally, the strategic use of red tape reflects the
existence of different stakeholder groups and power coalitions within organizations. These
groups may pursue very different and sometimes contrasting goals (e.g. Pfeffer, 1992; Cyert
and March 1963); red tape can be one of many strategic options for advancing a stakeholder’s
own agenda.
Second, in certain cases more burdensome promotion procedures also serve a
legitimate organizational goal, such as ensuring that legal standards are not violated
(Gilliland et al. 1998; Leventhal 1980). As Waldo put it (1946, 399): “one man's red tape is
another's treasured procedural safeguard”, later reiterated by Kaufman (1977, 4) as: “one
person’s red tape may be another’s treasured safeguard”. Such procedural safeguards are
more likely to be valued by managers that are able to oversee the larger organizational
picture, as opposed to employees that find themselves confronted with (perceived)
excessively burdensome procedures blocking their individual promotion or pay raise.
Based on the above, we expect that the negative effect of red tape on procedural
satisfaction in the context of a promotion procedure is less pronounced for managers. This
leads to the following hypothesis:
H2: The negative effect of red tape on procedural satisfaction is weaker for managers
Next to analyzing the moderating effect of a core situational characteristic (being a
manager or not), we also analyze the role of a core attitude: political ideology, which can
range from very conservative to very liberal. These ‘liberal/conservative self-identifications’
have been extensively studied in political science and related fields (Conover and Feldman
1981; Ross et al. 2012; Sibley et al. 2012). Studies have linked political orientations to very
diverse topics, showing that conservatives are more sensitive to disgust (Inbar et al. 2012),
more intolerant for ambiguity (Jost et al. 2003) and have a larger amygdala volume (Jost and
Amodio 2012).
In the context of core public management topics, it has been shown that liberals are
more likely to self-sacrifice, which is a dimension of Public Service Motivation (Perry 1997).
Furthermore, Piotrowski and Van Ryzin (2007) find that both liberals and conservatives
value transparency, but they value different types of transparency (e.g. conservatives value
safety-related information more than liberals). To our knowledge, no existing studies have
directly related red tape to political ideology. Yet, we expect that political conservatives are
more sensitive to red tape than are liberals. Political psychologists and public administration
scholars have argued that conservatives value efficiency and freedom more than do liberals
(e.g. Skitka and Tetlock 1993; Rudolph and Evans 2005; Jacoby 2000; Lavertu and
Moynihan 2013). Since red tape is mostly linked to managerial and political over-control,
which limits both efficiency and freedom (Bozeman 1993; Bozeman and Feeney 2011), we
expect red tape to have a stronger negative effect on satisfaction for individuals with a more
conservative political ideology.
H3: The negative effect of red tape on procedural satisfaction is stronger for political
Setting and design
We test our hypotheses using the crowdsourcing service Amazon Mechanical Turk
(MTurk), an online environment where researchers can posit experiments. Crowdsourcing
studies are novel to public administration research, but quite common in other fields of
research such as psychology and political science (Buhrmester et al. 2011; Berinsky et al.
2012). An important advantage of crowdsourcing is that it allows the researcher to use a more
heterogeneous respondent group than students (Germine et al. 2012). In their study entitled
“Is the Web as good as the lab?” Germine et al. (2012) conclude that data from MTurk is a
source of high-quality data for cognitive and perceptual experiments that is similar to data
collected in the lab.
Our experiment involved two treatments: a low and high red tape treatment, which is in
line with Tummers et al. (2015). In both treatments, participants were shown a text about an
organizational promotion procedure, as shown in the Appendix. Our operationalization of red
tape consists of two elements: procedural length and administrative delay (Kaufmann and
Feeney 2014; Bozeman et al. 1992; Pandey and Bretschneider 1997; Bozeman and Kingsley
1998). The high red tape procedure is based on the second author's experiences with actual
organizational evaluation procedures in the public and private sector, and includes an
extensive list of burdensome checks and balances. Specifically, the high red tape treatment
consists of eight procedural steps and is said to take eighteen hours to complete. By contrast,
the low red tape treatment is much more streamlined, consists of just two steps, and is said to
take one hour to complete.
The experimental design consisted of three parts. In the first part, participants were
asked to provide some general information about themselves, such as age, gender, and
political ideology. The second part asked participants to answer a number of questions
regarding their personality. In part three of the study, participants were randomly assigned
either the high or low red tape text about the promotion procedure, and subsequently asked to
answer a number of questions about this procedure with regard to red tape and procedural
The experiment was implemented in the online survey program Qualtrics. One of
Qualtrics’ features is random assignment of respondents to different treatments, which is an
essential requirement for doing any type of experimental research. The Qualtrics survey link
was included in the MTurk task, which is called a human intelligence task (HIT). When
posting a HIT on MTurk, requesters can select criteria that respondents must meet in order to
participate. For purposes of this study, we required workers to have a HIT approval rate of at
least 95%, with a minimum of 1,000 approved HITs. Furthermore, to avoid any cultural bias
in our study, workers were required to be US based. These are standard criteria (Berinsky et
al. 2012; Jilke et al. 2015).
Workers were rewarded $0.60 for completing our study, which was said to take
roughly 10 minutes to complete (the final average completion time was 12 minutes and 34
seconds). To receive their reward, workers were given a three digit code at the end of the
Qualtrics survey that had to be entered in the MTurk HIT. Again, this is common practice for
MTurk studies (Buhrmester et al. 2011; Cohen et al. 2013).
In total, 178 MTurk users participated in our experiment. We deleted 24 participants as
they did not fill out any of the dependent variables. To check if participants were paying
attention during our experiment we inserted the following attention check question in the
survey (which was shown in a list of other items the respondents should answer to): “Please
do not provide a response here. This is to control for random answers”. Including a control
question in an experiment is not only an effective way to determine if respondents are
actively participating in the study, but also helps increase the attention of respondents as they
do not know whether a similar question will appear later on (Peer et al. 2013). As a result of
this check, an additional 13 respondents were deleted from the analyses. Hence, our final
sample consists of 141 respondents.
We checked the sample for homogeneity for the potentially important background
variables age, gender, managerial position and political orientation that could influence
procedural satisfaction. As shown in Table 1, 57% of the sample consists of females.
Furthermore, the average age was 34 years, 28% of the respondents had a managerial position
and participants’ political orientation was, on average, 3 on a five-point Likert scale ranging
from very left-wing (1) to very right-wing (5).
Table 1 Background characteristics of control and treatment groups
% Female
preference (1-5
position (yes /
Difference tests
Control group (low
rule burden)
Treatment group
(high rule burden)
Procedural satisfaction was based on the American Customer Satisfaction Index scale
as developed by Fornell et al. (1996) and applied by Tummers et al. (2015). The scale
consists of four items with five response categories that ranged from “very dissatisfied” to
“very satisfied”. These items were adapted to fit the fictitious promotion procedure used in
this study. The four-item scale had a reliability of .92 and adequate factor loadings, as shown
in Table 2. The items were preceded by the text “The following questions ask you to indicate
how satisfied you are with Organization Y´s promotion procedure.”
Table 2 Measurement of procedural satisfaction
How satisfied are you with this promotion procedure overall?
How satisfied are you with the length of this promotion procedure?
How satisfied are you with this promotion procedure compared to your
expectations about a promotion procedure?
How satisfied are you with this promotion procedure compared to an ideal
promotion procedure?
Managerial position was measured by asking respondents ‘Do you have a managerial
position at work? (in other words, do you supervise others?)’, with ‘yes’ and ‘no’ as answer
categories. Political ideology is measured by asking ‘In general, how would you describe
your political ideology?’, with a seven point scale, ranging from very liberal to very
conservative (see also Baumgartner and Morris 2009).
Manipulation check
Before discussing the results, we need to confirm that participants assigned to the high
red tape treatment (manipulation) perceived higher levels of red tape compared to our control
group (who were assigned the low red tape vignette). To this end, we measured red tape in
two ways. First, we used the general red tape scale of Rainey et al. (1995), which was
adapted to fit our promotion procedure and read: “If red tape is defined as "burdensome
administrative rules and procedures that have negative effects on an organization's
effectiveness", how would you assess the level of red tape in Organization Y's promotion
procedure?”. In line with existing red tape research (e.g., Bozeman and Feeney 2011), we
used a scale ranging from 0 (“almost no red tape”) to 10 (“great deal of red tape”).
Given the potential problems with this general red tape item (Feeney 2012), we also
used another item to measure the degree of red tape. Since our text is a promotion procedure
that relates to all employees, we adapted the personnel red tape item about promotion from
Rainey et al. (1995, 574) as follows: “This promotion procedure makes it hard for a good
employee to move up faster than a poor one in Organization Y.” We used a five point Likertscale with response categories that ranged from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”.
ANOVA tests showed that the manipulation was successful. Respondents in the
treatment group indeed reported a significantly higher degree of general red tape than
respondents in the treatment group (MTreatment=7.44, SD=2.22; MControl=3.48, SD=2.52;
F=98.00, p<.001). Furthermore, the treatment group reported higher personnel red tape
(focused on promotion) than the control group (MTreatment=3.15, SD=1.21; MControl=2.44,
SD=1.05; F=13.48, p<.001).
Hypothesis 1 states that red tape will have a negative effect on procedural satisfaction.
The results provide clear support for this hypothesis. Respondents in the control group (low
red tape) assessed the procedural satisfaction of the promotion procedure with a mean of 3.51
(SD=0.87) on a scale of 1 to 5. By contrast, the treatment group (high red tape) rated a far
lower level of satisfaction, averaging 2.47 (SD=1.06). This difference is highly significant
(F(1,137)=39.751, p<.001, partial 2=.225).
In order to test the moderating effects of managerial position and political ideology,
we specified two hierarchical regression models, which are shown in Table 3. Using these
regression analyses, we can analyze whether a combination of factors impact red tape.
Table 3 Hierarchical regression analyses for variables predicting procedural
Procedural satisfaction
Model 1 – Control or
Red tape
Model 2 – Adding
Managerial position and
Political ideology
Managerial position
Political ideology
Red tape & Managerial position
Red tape & Political ideology
Adjusted R2
. 220**
Note: Standardized beta coefficients are presented. * p < .05 ** p < .01.
The following criteria are met (based on Field 2009).
Criterion of no multicollinearity (No VIF values above 10 and average close to 1). No
exclusion of influential outlying cases was required (using case wise diagnostics: <5% above
standardized residual >|2|, Cook’s distance <.01 (criterion < 1). Criteria of homoscedasticity
and normality met.
In Model 1, we include the main effects of red tape (control=0 or treatment=1),
managerial position, and political ideology on procedural satisfaction. In the second model,
the interaction effects are added. We calculate the adjusted R2 for both model specifications
and determine which model explains the most variance (adjusted for the number of
variables). In the first model (main effects only), the adjusted R2 is .220. Since managerial
position and political ideology have no significant relationship with procedural satisfaction,
most of the variance is explained by the negative effect of red tape on satisfaction (in line
with Hypothesis 1). Adding the interaction effects in the second model increases the adjusted
R2 to .243. The interaction between red tape and managerial position is - as expected 17
positive, but insignificant. Although the results are consistently in line with our predictions,
effect sizes are small and fail to be significant (β=.074, p>.05). As a result, hypothesis 2 is
not supported. This result is also shown graphically in Figure 1, as the dashed lines for
managers are above the solid lines for non-managers for satisfaction.
Figure 1 Main effect of red tape on procedural satisfaction. No significant interaction
effect with managerial position present
Procedural satisfaction
Not a manager
Low Red Tape
High Red Tape
By contrast, hypothesis 3 is supported, as we find a significant interaction effect
between red tape and political ideology on procedural satisfaction (β=-.176/, p<.05). Hence,
the negative effect of red tape on procedural satisfaction is stronger for more politically
conservative individuals than it is for people who are more liberal. This finding is supported
by Figure 2, which shows that while both conservatives and liberals are quite satisfied in the
low red tape scenario, conservatives are slightly more satisfied. In the high red tape situation,
both groups are less satisfied, but the effect of red tape on satisfaction is much more
pronounced for conservatives than liberals.
Figure 2 Main effect of red tape on procedural satisfaction. Significant interaction effect
with political ideology present
Procedural satisfaction
Liberal views
Low Red Tape
High Red Tape
Building on the replication typology put forward by Tsang and Kwan (1999), our
study aims to generalize and extend the Tummers et al. (2015) experiment on the negative
effect of red tape on procedural satisfaction. Specifically, we extend the Tummers et al.
(2015) study by using a different country (the United States versus the Netherlands),
population (online versus students), and setting (an organizational promotion procedure
versus a citizen passport renewal procedure). Furthermore, we include two different
moderators that may affect the negative effect of red tape on satisfaction in our particular
context, namely managerial position and political ideology (instead of knowledge of politics
and emotional reactance).
We find that higher levels of red tape are indeed associated with lower perceived
procedural satisfaction. Furthermore, our results show evidence for an interaction effect
between red tape and political orientation, as more politically conservative individuals
perceive lower levels of satisfaction. Yet, we do not find evidence for a significant interaction
between red tape and managerial position. In sum, we were able to both replicate and extend
the negative effect of red tape on satisfaction in a different setting. On the one hand, these
findings imply that the main negative effect of red tape on satisfaction seems quite robust. On
the other hand, we have also identified a need for future studies to further tease out the
(contextual) specifics of the relationship between red tape and satisfaction.
In addition to these theoretical findings, we also show how the crowdsourcing service
Amazon’s MTurk can be used effectively for experimental public administration research.
Using a relatively small budget, we were able to get a diverse sample of participants for our
study. This platform does not only offer much potential for testing and administering novel
experiments, but is also a convenient and low cost option for replication studies.
Crowdsourcing studies are already common in other research domains, such as psychology
and political science, and hopefully this study will serve as a steppingstone for future
crowdsourcing studies in public administration research.
Before discussing the implications of this research, it is important to note some
limitations of the current study at this point. First, the experimental design consisted of a
single stylized organizational promotion procedure, which raises concerns about external
validity. Second, in this study we only focus on red tape effects. Future research may want to
incorporate both antecedents and consequences of red tape in a single experimental design.
Third, the current study could be extended to take into account different stakeholder groups.
For example, given its exploratory nature, our experimental design did not include separate
manager and employee roles. By explicitly assigning different roles to participants, future
studies can account for the stakeholder specific nature of red tape.
More generally, this study shows that integrating concepts from other disciplines,
such as management and psychology, can help broaden the depth and scope of red tape
research (see also Grimmelikhuijsen et al. 2016). These interdisciplinary studies need not be
limited to procedural satisfaction. Indeed, organizational psychology concepts such as vitality
(Kark and Carmeli 2009), work engagement (Schaufeli et al. 2006), and flow
(Csikszentmihalyi 1997; Salanova et al. 2006) offer much potential for enhancing our
understanding of red tape. In this light, the concept of work engagement seems especially
interesting, as some research argues that work engagement leads to lower red tape
(Torenvlied and Akkerman 2012), while others suggest that red tape leads to lower work
engagement (Bakker et al. 2007).
Concluding, our study highlights the pathological nature of red tape as it negatively
affects procedural satisfaction, particularly so for people who are more politically
conservative. An extensive and diverse literature in consumer research, management,
psychology, and public administration has shown that satisfaction has important implications
for both organizational performance and an individual’s levels of motivation and trust. At an
abstract level, firms that are unable to satisfy their clients’ needs eventually go bankrupt,
while public agencies with poor citizen satisfaction ratings face budget cuts or
reorganizations. Employees that feel dissatisfied with their job become demotivated, which
can result in absenteeism, an increased number of errors, and getting transferred to another
position. Our findings imply that high red tape procedures play part in (dis)satisfaction
assessments. As a result, (re-)designing rules to arrive at the lowest overall amount of red
tape can mitigate the negative effect of red tape on satisfaction and subsequently yield
substantial benefits for all rule stakeholders involved.
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Low Red Tape
Organization Y has introduced a new promotion procedure.
The procedure consists of a number of steps. These steps relate to the promotion procedure
of a single employee. We will present these steps to you below.
Hereafter, you will be asked some questions about what you think of this procedure.
Step 1: Draft of Yearly Development Plan
At the start of the year, the employee writes down a number of goals for the following year
in a Yearly Development Plan and sends this Plan to his / her supervisor. The supervisor may
add new goals or adjust the goals formulated by the employee.
This step takes half an hour
Step 2: Evaluation of Yearly Development Plan
At the end of the year, the employee and supervisor discuss to what extent the goals outlined
in the Yearly Development Plan have been achieved during a face-to-face meeting. After the
meeting, the supervisor decides whether or not to promote the employee.
This step takes half an hour
High Red Tape
Start of the year
Step 1: First draft of Yearly Development Plan
At the start of the year, the employee submits a first draft of the Yearly Development Plan,
describing the employee’s general development goals (1,000-1,500 words in total).
This step takes two hours
Step 2: First draft of Project Development Plans
In addition to the Yearly Development Plan , the employee also has to fill out Project
Development Plans. These specify goals for the employee's three most important projects
(1,000-1,500 words in total).
This step takes two hours
Step 3: Discussion of Plans
The employee discusses the Yearly Development Plan and Project Development Plans with
his / her supervisor.
This step takes two hours
Step 4: Finalizing Plans
Based on the outcomes of the meeting with his / her supervisor, the employee submits final
versions of the Yearly Development Plan and Project Task Development Plans.
This step takes two hours
End of the year
Step 5: Self-evaluation of Yearly Development Plan
The employee rates his / her performance for all goals outlined in the Yearly Development
Plan (500-1,000 words in total).
This step takes two hours
Step 6: Self-evaluation of Project Task Development Plans
The employee rates his / her performance for all goals outlined in the Project Task
Development Plans (500-1,000 words in total).
This step takes two hours
Step 7: Supervisor evaluation of Plans
The supervisor rates the employee’s performance for all goals outlined in the Yearly
Development Plan and Project Development Plans (1,000-1,500 words in total).
This step takes four hours
Step 8: Promotion decision
All evaluations are sent to an internal promotion committee. This committee, which consists
of three directors from divisions other than than employee's own division, reviews the Plans
and their evaluations and decide on promotion.
This step takes two hours