Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Micromechanisms of slow crack growth in polyethylene under constant
tensile loading
Christopher J.G. Plummer a,*, Anne Goldberg b, Antoine Ghanem c
Laboratoire de PolymeÁres (LP), Ecole Polytechnique FeÂdeÂrale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Solvay Polyole®ns Europe, 310 Rue de Ransbeek, 1120 Brussels, Belgium
Solvay Research and Technology Centre, 310 Rue de Ransbeek, 1120 Brussels, Belgium
Received 26 March 2001; received in revised form 22 June 2001; accepted 29 June 2001
Circumferentially notched specimens of a ®rst generation and a third generation pipe-grade of high density polyethylene with similar
weight average molar masses have been subjected to constant tensile loads at 808C. A transition from full ligament yielding to failure by
stable sub-critical crack growth was observed as the applied load was decreased. The specimen lifetimes in this latter regime were dependent
on the initial stress intensity factor, Ki, and failure was associated with slow crack propagation preceded by formation of a wedge-shaped
cavitational deformation zone at the notch tip. The ®bril diameters in the deformation zones decreased with stress intensity factor near the
transition, the limiting behaviour of a relatively slow crack growth resistant third generation grade at the lowest Ki being inferred from testing
in Igepale to be the breakdown of diffuse zones of interlamellar voiding. This regime was not directly accessible to testing in air within the
allotted experimental times. However, comparison with the results of accelerated testing in cyclic fatigue has indicated stable interlamellar
voiding in the third generation grade not to necessitate the presence of Igepal. Moreover, in both grades, very similar modes of deformation
were observed in air and in Igepal at relatively high Ki. Igepal was therefore inferred not to lead to qualitative changes in the range of
mechanisms that are characteristic of slow crack growth in polyethylene. q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Polyethylene; Microdeformation; Slow crack growth
1. Introduction
Current interest in slow crack growth (SCG) in polyethylene (PE) is motivated by practical concerns over its long
term performance in service, where it may be subject to
signi®cant pressures and contact with water or other
industrial ¯uids. Hydrostatic pressure testing of pipes is
still widely used to assess their performance. However, for
many modern PE grades, failure times may be of the order
of years [1]. Pre-screening of different grades therefore
generally involves accelerated testing, usually of notched
specimens either taken from a pipe or moulded ad hoc.
Accelerated SCG can be achieved by testing at high
temperature and/or in the presence of a surfactant and/or
under cyclic loading conditions. Non-ionic surfactants
such as Igepale (nonyl phenol ether glycol) [2] are particularly effective for reducing the failure times of the tougher
materials without affecting their ranking with respect to
other grades tested under the same conditions. Indeed,
according to Fleissner, ªsurfactant-assisted stress cracking
is a means to markedly reduce testing time without changing
the failure mechanismº [3]. This is important if such tests
are to be of direct relevance to a wide range of service
conditions, although the fundamental reasons for such
behaviour remain unclear [4].
In the present study, we have used various microscopical
techniques to examine the microdeformation mechanisms
associated with SCG under tensile loading in two grades
of high density PE (HDPE) at 808C in air and in Igepal.
The aim was to gain insight into the micromechanisms of
long-term failure in these materials and the differences in
the behaviour of the different grades. The work was also
motivated by our interest in the extent to which Igepal
results in qualitative modi®cations in microdeformation
behaviour, and hence the extent to which accelerated testing
is representative of failure in air under conditions not
accessible to experiment within convenient times.
2. Experimental
2.1. Materials
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 141-21-693-2856; fax: 141-21-693-5868.
E-mail address: christopher.plummer@ep¯.ch (C.J.G. Plummer).
0032-3861/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0032-386 1(01)00476-1
The HDPE grades used in this study were two pipe-grade
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Table 1
Materials data for polymers PEA and PEB
PEA: 1st generation
PEB: 3rd generation
Density (kg/m 3)
Mn (kdA)
Mw (kdA)
ethylene±butene copolymers (PEA and PEB) from Solvay,
with similar melt ¯ow indices and densities. Data for the
two materials are given in Table 1.
2.2. Mechanical testing
All the mechanical tests to be described in what follows
were performed on notched specimens, under creep loading
conditions and at a temperature of 808C. As discussed in the
introduction, the resistance to SCG may be investigated
using a range of techniques. However, since part of our
aim was to compare results from the test methods that are
currently most widespread in the literature, we opted for the
test geometries and conditions listed below.
2.3. Cylindrical notched bar (CNB) tests in air
For creep testing in air, use was made of cylindrical
circumferentially notched specimens (Fig. 1(a)) machined
from compression moulded plaques. The presence of a
notch around the entire perimeter of a tensile test specimen
promotes plane strain in the remaining ligament so that
necking tends to be suppressed in favour of SCG under
creep conditions. It follows that SCG tests can be performed
at relatively high loads using such specimens, allowing one
to reduce the overall test times.
The specimen diameter was 12 mm, the total specimen
length was 60 mm and the machined notch depth was generally about 2 mm. A pre-crack was introduced to the notch
Fig. 2. (a) K/s as a function of a/D for D 12 mm; (b) s as a function of
a/D for various values of F.
tip using a fresh razor blade. The tests were carried out at
808C in force control mode using a Zwick 1400 screw
driven machine equipped with an air oven. After clamping
the specimen at zero load and tempering for 1 h at 808C,
various ®xed loads were applied and the displacement of the
lower (mobile) specimen end recorded using a mechanical
extensometer. The crack length used to calculate the initial
values of the stress intensity, Ki, and the ligament stress, s ,
was determined by inspection of the fracture surface after
completion of each test. The maximum test time was limited
to about two months.
The stress intensity factor in a CNB specimen with a
sharp notch subject to a tensile load F is given in Ref. [5]
K s nom pa 1 2 2j 1=2
1:121 2 3:08j 1 7:344j 2 2 10:244j 2 1 5:85j 4
1 2 4j 1 4j 2
Fig. 1. (a) Cylindrical notched bar (CNB) specimen geometry and (b) full
notch creep test (FNCT) specimen geometry.
where j is the reduced crack length a/D, D is the total
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Table 2
Summary of the test and materials parameters
Sample n8
specimen diameter, s nom 4F=pD2 ; and
s 4F=p D 2 2a 2
2.5. Summary of the test and materials parameters
K/s showed a maximum at a/D of about 0.18 (Fig. 2(a))
which was the reason for choosing 2 mm to be the default
notch depth, that is, the approximate initial crack length. If
plane strain conditions are assumed, the critical ligament
stress for plastic collapse should be independent of a (for
simplicity, we ignore the time dependence of the yield
stress, s y). Given that s increases rapidly with a/D
(Fig. 2(b)), crack propagation in this geometry is therefore
expected to lead to ductile necking of the central part of the
ligament, unless the ®brillar crack tip deformation zone
characteristic of SCG in PE is able to propagate across its
entire width ®rst [6,7].
2.4. Full notch creep tests (FNCT) in Igepal
The tests in Igepal were carried out using the FNCT
geometry (Fig. 1(b)), which is now widely used in the
pipe community [8±11]. In this case, the specimens take
the form of a rectangular parallelepiped with dimensions
10 £ 10 £ 100 mm 3 : A notch of uniform depth was introduced by gently pushing a razor blade into the specimen at
its mid-point, so that the remaining ligament was square in
cross-section. The specimens were loaded using commercial creep loading apparatus (IPT, Germany) at 808C in 2%
Igepal CO-630 in demineralised water, after tempering for
1 h at the test temperature. The initial loading rate was
72 MPa/min.
Ki was calculated numerically using the ABAQUS w ®nite
element package, there being no analytical expressions
available for this geometry to our knowledge. The calculations indicated the stress intensity to be heterogeneous,
increasing with distance from the centre of the ligament
sides, to reach a maximum at the corners. Thus, for an initial
ligament stress, s i of 3 MPa, we obtained K imin
0:12 MPam1=2 and Kimax 0:3 MPam1=2 : However, Kimin
was observed to control the SCG rate under these conditions
and for a given s i, K imin Ki ; where Ki is the value calculated for CNB specimens using Eq. (1) [12]. This result has
been con®rmed elsewhere in the literature [8]. Ki was therefore taken to be the effective initial stress intensity factor in
both geometries.
The full range of materials and test parameters used in the
present investigation are summarised in Tables 1 and 2.
Most of the specimens were pigmented using carbon black
and with the exception of PE5, which was machined from an
extruded pipe, they were all prepared by compression
2.6. Microscopy
After the tests, the fracture surfaces were trimmed and
embedded in either an epoxy resin (Araldite D from Ciba) or
distilled methyl methacrylate (MMA) containing a few wt%
benzoyl peroxide. The epoxy was cured at room temperature, whereas the MMA was polymerised overnight at 408C
and post-cured at 808C for a further 24 h. In general, embedding in epoxy gave better contrast owing to preferential
staining of the specimen-epoxy interfaces, but MMA gave
better penetration. Positive or negative staining of the
HDPE was observed for both types of embedding medium,
depending on the depth at which the sections were taken and
the degree of penetration of internal voids by the resin and/
or the stain.
An ultramicrotome (Reichert±Jung Ultracut E) and a
2.5 mm wide 35 or 458 diamond knife (Diatome) were
used for sectioning. A trapezoidal surface not exceeding
1.5 mm in width was prepared using a trimming knife and
semi-thin sections (about 10 mm) removed for optical
microscopy (OM) using a glass knife. The specimen was
then exposed to RuO4 vapour overnight by placing it over a
watch glass containing 50 mg of RuCl3´3H2O mixed with
2.5 ml of 5% aqueous NaClO. After staining, sections of
between 50 and 100 nm in thickness were prepared at
room temperature and picked up from distilled water onto
copper TEM grids covered with a thin ®lm of carbon.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was carried out
using a Philips EM430 (accelerating voltage 300 kV), or a
Philips CM 20 (200 kV), depending on the availability of
the microscopes. The fracture surfaces were also observed
by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (Philips XL-30,
equipped with a ®eld emission gun) at about 2 kV. The
carbon ®lled specimens generally showed little charging
and could easily be observed at up to 5 kV, but beam
damage in the form of coalescence of ®ne structure was
more marked under these conditions.
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Fig. 3. Creep curves for PEA tested under different loads.
3. Results
3.1. CNB testing in air (series PE1 and PE2)
Fig. 3 shows creep curves from PEA specimens loaded at
different ligament stresses, illustrating the three distinct
regimes typical of this type of test. The initially large deformation rate corresponded to the application of the load, the
period of transient loading lasting about 30 s in this case.
The subsequent evolution of the global strain was
dominated by the deformation of the ligament de®ned by
the notch, associated with stable necking and/or SCG at the
notch tip, depending on the applied load. The onset of the
®nal stage of the deformation process corresponded to either
unstable necking or crack advance through the damage zone
at the crack tip. Since this was characterised by a rapid
acceleration of the deformation rate, the overall failure
times in the SCG regime were strongly correlated with the
initiation times for crack advance. They were therefore
expected to depend primarily on Ki.
For notched specimens of both PEA and PEB, s y <
9 MPa at 808C at a constant loading rate of 10 mm/min,
and fully ductile behaviour occurred after short times at
comparable values of the initial ligament stress, s i. The
lengths of the crack tip deformation zones observed at
lower s i did not exceed 2 mm, becoming very much less
than 2 mm at the lowest stresses investigated. Hence, residual necking in the central part of the fracture surface
tended to persist over the whole range of test conditions
studied, regardless of whether failure initiated by SCG.
Fig. 4(a) shows s i plotted against time to failure for PEA
specimens and for two different notch depths, and Fig. 4(b)
shows Ki against time to failure for the same specimens.
These results con®rm the specimen lifetime to be Ki
controlled over most of the range of loads investigated.
The high Ki plateau in Fig. 4(b) was characterised by extensive plastic necking prior to failure and the failure time was
assumed to be dominated by the kinetics of the yielding
process. Beyond this plateau, a sharp drop in Ki with increasing
failure time marked the transition to SCG [12±15].
Fig. 4. (a) s plotted against failure time for PEA and PEB and (b) K plotted
against failure time for the same specimens. The open and ®lled squares are
for PEA and for notch depths of approximately 2 and 4 mm, respectively.
The circles are for PEB and a notch depth of approximately 2 mm.
The results for PEB specimens are also shown in Fig. 4.
The high load regime of ductile behaviour was similar to
that observed for PEA. However the transition to SCG
behaviour was signi®cantly delayed, and neither failure
nor SCG could be observed in PEB at the lowest Ki within
the allotted test times.
3.2. CNB fracture surfaces in air (series PE1 and PE2)
For the reasons outlined in the previous section, a neck
was observed at the centre of all the fracture surfaces, its
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Fig. 5. OM of the fracture surface of a PEA specimen tested to failure at s i 5 MPa and Ki 0:22 MPam1=2 in air: (a) image taken between crossed polarisers
of part of the central necked region of the fracture surface (i) and part of the surrounding ®brillar region (ii); (b) detail from the region containing the notch tip
(iii) (tensile axis as indicated by the arrows).
size diminishing as Ki decreased (for a ®xed notch depth).
The ®bril diameters in the regions of the fracture surfaces
corresponding to SCG were also found to diminish with
decreasing Ki. This was re¯ected by a decrease in the ®bril
diameter at the original notch tip as the load was decreased.
Moreover, there was an increase in the ®bril diameter
toward the specimen centre for a given load, that is, in
regions that were deformed after a certain amount of stable
crack advance and hence for which K was assumed to be
greater than Ki. This is shown in Figs. 5±7.
Fig. 5 shows images from polarised light microscopy
(OM) of a section through the fracture surface of a PEA
specimen tested to failure a s i 5 MPa and Ki
0:22 MPam1=2 ; showing part of the central neck and the
surrounding ®brillar region. This ®brillar region extended
to the periphery of the fracture surface, although the
presence of a relatively highly deformed region at the
notch tip suggested some crack tip blunting in the early
stages of SCG.
Fig. 6(a) is a TEM image from a thin section taken from
just in front of the notch tip in the specimen shown in Fig. 5,
where the ®brils were relatively ®ne. There was a sharp
interface between the damage zone and the surrounding
undeformed material. Moreover, the internal structure of
this part of the deformation zone was relatively uniform
through its thickness, indicating most of the deformation
to have occurred at the interface. The ®brillar texture here
was on about the same scale as the dominant lamellae [16],
and indeed there was some continuity between the ®brils
and lamellae adjacent to the interface, as is apparent from
Fig. 6(a). Fig. 6(b) is from about 2 mm from the notch tip,
showing a somewhat greater ®bril spacing than in Fig. 6(a).
Fig. 6. TEM of a section through the fracture surface shown in Fig. 5: (a)
section from just in front of the notch tip; (b) section from about 2 mm from
the notch tip; (c) section from just outside the central neck; (d) section from
behind the neck (tensile axis as indicated by the arrows).
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Fig. 7. The crack tip deformation zone in a PEA specimen tested at s i
7 MPa and Ki 0:3 MPam1=2 in air: (a) overview of the deformation zone;
(b) OM of the deformation zone tip; (c) low magni®cation TEM image of
the deformation zone tip; (d) detail of the internal structure of the region
marked (i) in (c) (tensile axis as indicated by the arrows).
Texture was also visible within the ®brils, certain of which
appeared to consist of a bundle of `sub-®brils' associated
with individual lamellae, drawn together in a ®nely voided,
branched structure at the ®bril base. However, the bulk of
the deformation at the origin of the ®brillar texture in the
interior of the deformation zone again appeared to have
taken place at or close to the interface with the undeformed
Closer to the central neck the main ®brils were considerably coarser, although ®ner `cross-tie' ®brils were still
visible between them, as shown in Fig. 6(c). The existence
of these cross-tie ®brils is signi®cant in that they permit
stress transfer perpendicular to the main ®bril direction
and hence promote stress concentration at the craze tip
[17]. However, in the present case, the essentially twodimensional images provided by the thin sections were
potentially misleading, since high magni®cation SEM of
the fracture surfaces indicated the matrix ligaments to be
sheet-like. Thus the structure of the deformation zone was
closer to that of a closed cell foam than to a truly ®brillar
structure. This trend was even more marked at the specimen
centre, the internal structure of the macroscopic neck being
characterised by large isolated voids, which became
extended along the deformation direction. Fig. 6(d) shows
the early stages of voiding in the outer part of the neck,
where the void density was relatively high. In addition to
the intact cross-tie ®brils visible in Fig. 6(d), ®brillar debris
was present at the void surfaces, indicating breakdown of
crazes or craze-like structures during void formation. The
internal structure of the deformed ligaments in Fig. 6(c) and
(d) re¯ected a gradual drawing down of the bulk lamellar
texture throughout the thickness of the deformation zone.
The interface between the deformed and the undeformed
material was consequently relatively poorly de®ned. In the
more highly deformed regions of the macroscopic neck,
continued drawing of the voided regions resulted in a
pronounced layered texture. The central part of the neck,
however, showed relatively limited voiding.
At s i 7 MPa and Ki 0:3 MPam1=2 ; deformation in
PEA was globally more ductile and the ®nal stages of
deformation involved more extensive necking than in the
specimen described previously. The initial stages of failure
were nevertheless still characterised by the formation of a
crack tip deformation zone. Fig. 7 shows the structure of the
tip of this deformation zone at various magni®cations in a
specimen which had been unloaded after a limited amount
of SCG and the crack faces wedged open during embedding.
The deformation zone extended a few 100 mm into the
specimen, and consisted entirely of unconnected voids
with necking of the intervening ligaments, which incorporated many individual lamellae. Relatively large, isolated
voids were present at the deformation zone tip, visible
optically in Fig. 7(b) and again as the heavily stained
regions in Fig. 7(c) and (d) shows a detail of a partly
deformed ligament between two such voids, in which the
evolution of the lamellar texture suggests a relatively weak
deformation gradient (cf. Fig. 6(c) and (d)). Owing to the
highly interconnected nature of the matrix ligaments in this
case, crack advance through the deformation zone tended to
draw the material behind the crack tip towards the specimen
centre. Hence, in spite of the highly inhomogeneous voided
structure of the damage zone ahead of the crack tip, the
peripheral regions of the fracture surfaces corresponding
to SCG in specimens such as that in Fig. 7 appeared
relatively smooth when observed by SEM or OM, and
contiguous with the central neck.
For PEB tested in air, very similar behaviour was
observed in the SCG regime to that in PEA for comparable
Ki, although the failure times were much longer. Representative TEM micrographs from a specimen tested with s i
6 MPa and Ki 0:26 MPam1=2 are given in Fig. 8, showing
®brillar structure from the periphery of the fracture surface
(Fig. 8(a) and (b)) and coarser voiding from closer to the
specimen centre (Fig. 8(c)). There is some suggestion of an
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Fig. 8. The crack tip deformation zone in a PEB specimen tested at s i 6 MPa and Ki 0:26 MPam1=2 in air: (a) ®brillar deformation at the periphery of the
fracture surface; (b) detail of the edge of the deformation zone in (a); (c) voiding behind the central neck (tensile axis as indicated by the arrows).
Fig. 9. Fracture surface of a PEB specimen tested at s i 3 MPa and Ki 0:13 MPam1=2 in Igepal: (a) SEM of the fracture surface; (b) re¯ected light
micrograph of the fracture surface; (c) detail of the fracture surface (the region indicated in (a)).
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Fig. 10. OM of deformation in transverse sections through the fracture
surface of a PEB specimen tested at s i 3 MPa and Ki 0:12 MPam1=2
in Igepal: (a) phase contrast image from the notch tip; (b) the same region
observed between crossed polarisers; (c) phase contrast image from in front
of the notch tip (tensile axis as indicated by the arrows).
increased density of ®ne ®brils in the interior of the coarse
voids in Fig. 8(c) compared with those in Fig. 6(d), but this
was dif®cult to quantify.
3.3. FNCT fracture surfaces in Igepal (series PE3, PE4 and
Figs. 9±11 show the fracture surface of a PEB specimen
tested in Igepal at s i 3 MPa and Ki 0:12 MPam1=2 ;
which failed after 2523 h. The fracture surface appeared
relatively smooth at low magni®cations and macroscopic
necking was restricted. (The neck was displaced to one
side of the fracture surface in this specimen owing to
slightly asymmetric loading conditions during crack propagation.) Deformation below the fracture surface in the
peripheral regions took the form of ®ne crack-like deformation zones at and immediately below the fracture surface,
growing roughly parallel to this latter (Fig. 10). The images
in Fig. 10(a) and (b) indicate little apparent blunting at the
notch tip, the layer of oriented material visible on the lefthand side of Fig. 10(b) being due to the notching procedure.
The TEM micrographs shown in Fig. 11 were taken from
sections through the fracture surface in Figs. 8 and 9 at about
2 mm from the notch tip, and were typical of the whole of
the fracture surface with the exception of the central neck.
The more heavily stained regions of the thin sections
contained small, roughly equiaxed voids, and intervening
undeformed or relatively undeformed lamellae are visible
as light bands within these regions (Fig. 11(a)). The deformation zones were relatively diffuse, and their internal
structure was closely correlated with that of the matrix.
Where the dominant lamellae were locally at a high angle
to the loading direction, they remained intact during the
initial stages of deformation, so that we might loosely
refer to this as `interlamellar cavitation'. On the other
hand, lamellae parallel to the loading direction were cleaved
where they intersected the deformation zones. A detail from
a region that had undergone interlamellar cavitation is
shown in Fig. 11(b). Fibrillar texture is visible between
the dominant lamellae in this micrograph, this presumably
having resulted from drawing of the interlamellar material
(including any secondary lamellae present). The lamellae
perpendicular to the stress axis also showed some fragmentation within the deformed regions. This was thought to be
at least partly due to the development of localised shear
stresses within the lamellae in the presence of the voids,
leading to what is sometimes referred to as `block slip'
[18,19]. However, as will be seen later, close examination
of the base of micro-necks in the relatively coarse ®brillar
deformation zones observed at higher K indicated block slip
not to be contingent on interlamellar voiding.
Fig. 11(c) is less typical of the deformation in this specimen, but of interest in that the cavitation was relatively
coarse (region (i), for example) owing to the local agglomeration of carbon black particles visible in the micrograph.
The ®ne interlamellar ®brillation seen in Fig. 11(b) is
present elsewhere in this micrograph (region (ii)). At the
fracture surface, shown in Fig. 11(d), extensive fragmentation of lamellae by block slip or cleavage was visible, the
lamellae being almost entirely reduced to small, roughly
equiaxed fragments. This is often assumed to be a precursor
to craze formation in semicrystalline polymers [20].
However, in Fig. 11(d) fracture intervened locally before
the network of lamellar fragments and interlamellar ®brils
was able to develop into the drawn ®brillar structure implicit
in most de®nitions of crazing.
Fig. 12 shows deformation in a PEB specimen taken from
an extruded pipe and tested under the same conditions as the
specimen in Figs. 9±11. In this case, the specimen failed
after 1175 h, indicating a somewhat reduced resistance to
SCG compared with that of the compression moulded
sheets. Fig. 12(a) shows a detail from a deformation zone
in which both lamellar block slip (region (i) for example)
and lamellar cleavage (region (ii)) were particularly
apparent. Fig. 12(b) shows a section through the fracture
surface itself from about 1 mm ahead of the notch, showing
somewhat more extensive deformation than in Fig. 11(d).
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Fig. 11. TEM of a section through part of the fracture surface of a PEB specimen tested at s i 3 MPa and Ki 0:12 MPam1=2 in Igepal: (a) overview; (b)
localised interlamellar cavitation behind the fracture surface; (c) region of relatively diffuse deformation behind the fracture surface, showing both relatively
coarse cavitation (i) and ®ner interlamellar cavitation (ii); (d) detail of deformation at the fracture surface (tensile axis as indicated by the arrows).
Fig. 12. TEM of a section through part of the fracture surface of an extruded PEB specimen tested at s i 3 MPa and Ki 0:12 MPam1=2 in Igepal: (a) detail
of deformation in behind the fracture surface; (b) detail of deformation at the fracture surface (tensile axis as indicated by the arrows).
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Fig. 13. TEM of a sections through the fracture surface of a PEB specimen tested at s i 5:4 MPa and Ki 0:23 MPam1=2 in Igepal: (a) deformation behind
the fracture surface close to the notch; (b) detail from close to the notch showing interlamellar cavitation; (c) coarse ®brillation close to the centre of the
fracture surface; (d) detail of deformation at the base of one of the ®brils shown in (c) (tensile axis as indicated by the arrows).
A relatively mature ®brillar structure (albeit buckled) is
visible in the bottom right hand corner of this ®gure, thought
to re¯ect the craze formation mechanism referred to above.
Fig. 13 shows deformation in a compression moulded
PEB specimen tested in Igepal at s i 5:4 MPa and Ki
0:22 MPam1=2 ; which failed after 210 h. In this case, the
®brillar deformation was globally much coarser than in
the same grade tested in Igepal at Ki 0:12 MPam1=2 :
Fibrillation on the scale of the lamellar texture and occasional stable zones of interlamellar cavitation were visible
close to the notch tip, as shown in Fig. 13(a) and (b).
However, towards the centre of the fracture surface for Ki
0:22 MPam1=2 the texture was more reminiscent of that seen
in PEA and PEB tested in air. This is shown in Fig. 13(c);
although the ®brillar structure had collapsed after unloading
in this case, ®brillation was clearly on a scale much greater
than that of the initial lamellar texture. The early stages of
lamellar deformation were particularly evident at the base of
the larger ®brils in this specimen. Fig. 13(d), for example,
shows the block slip of the dominant lamellae in the absence
of local interlamellar cavitation referred to in the context of
Fig. 11.
The behaviour of PEA tested in Igepal at s i 3:1 MPa
and Ki 0:13 MPam1=2 was again similar to that of PEA
and PEB tested in air. There was substantial necking prior to
ultimate failure, which occurred after 10 h, and, as shown in
Fig. 14, severe cavitation behind the neck at the centre of the
fracture surface. The peripheral region of ®brillar deformation was very similar to that in Fig. 5, for example, with
progressively ®ner ®brillation towards the notch tip. TEM
nevertheless con®rmed the stable interlamellar cavitation
characteristic of PEB deformed under these conditions to
be absent. It should be mentioned for completeness that the
specimen shown in Fig. 14 was not carbon black ®lled.
However, with the exception of isolated regions of localised
damage such as that shown in Fig. 11(c), the nature and
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Fig. 14. Overview of the fracture surface of a PEA specimen tested at s i 3:1 MPa and Ki 0:13 MPam1=2 in Igepal: (a) transmitted light OM of a section
through the ®brillar region; to save space, two contiguous parts of the section are shown side by side; the top left-hand corner of the ®gure corresponds to the
interior of the fracture surface and the bottom left-hand corner includes the notch tip, indicated by the arrow; (b) SEM of the fracture surface, with the notch tip
indicated by the arrow.
extent of microdeformation were not observed to be
correlated with the presence of the ®ller particles.
4. Discussion
The deformation induced structures at the crack tip
described in the previous section varied considerably in
scale, ranging from diffuse zones of interlamellar deformation with ®bril dimensions roughly commensurate with the
lamellar spacing (or thickness) of about 10 nm, to craze-like
deformation zones with ®bril diameters of 0.1 mm or more.
Indeed the central macroscopic necks observed in all the
specimens may be considered to represent the limiting
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
case of the trend towards coarser ®brillation at higher
stresses. The applied stress is also known to in¯uence the
craze ®bril spacing in glassy polymers, this having been
interpreted in terms of a unique surface instability mechanism for ®bril formation [21,22]. However, the extended
range of ®bril diameters and spacings observed during
SCG in HDPE suggests that it may be more realistic to
consider ®brillation in this case to involve two or more
distinct damage mechanisms, as will be described in what
follows. Moreover, the smallest ®bril diameters were
associated with relatively low K in the present tests, whereas
the opposite is generally true of craze ®brils in glassy
polymers [22].
The characteristics of the different regimes of SCG
described in the previous section may be summarised in
more detail as follows:
1. In the peripheral regions of the fracture surfaces of
compression moulded PEB tested at Ki
0:12 MPam1=2 in Igepal, SCG occurred via breakdown
of interlamellar ®brils, after widespread interlamellar
2. In the central regions of the fracture surface of PEB
(where K . Ki) tested at Ki 0:12 MPam1=2 in Igepal
and the outer regions of the fracture surface of the
same grade tested at Ki 0:22 MPam1=2 in Igepal, widespread interlamellar voiding occurred, but the interlamellar ®brils initially remained relatively stable with respect
to crack formation. Continued drawing of material
containing fragmented lamellae and interlamellar voids
led to craze-like structures prior to fracture. This type of
deformation has also been observed in the periphery of
the fracture surfaces of specimens of a medium density
PE (MDPE) tested at Ki 0:12 MPam1=2 in Igepal, and
whose resistance to SCG was intermediate between that
of PEA and PEB [23].
3. Coarse ®brillation was seen at the centre of the fracture
surfaces of PEB tested at Ki 0:22 MPam1=2 in Igepal, in
the periphery of the fracture surfaces of PEA tested at
Ki 0:12 MPam1=2 in Igepal and in the periphery of the
fracture surfaces of PEA and PEB tested in air at Ki
0:2 and 0.25 MPam 1/2. It was assumed to result from
®brillation by breakdown of the interlamellar material
without prior interlamellar voiding. This was inferred
from both the lack of lamellar fragmentation and the
lack of interlamellar voiding beyond the interface
between the main damage zones and the surrounding
material. The voids became coarser as K increased,
leading to morphologies in which the deformed matrix
ligaments formed continuous sheets rather than ®brils,
and eventually to macroscopic necking.
The sequence of mechanisms, sketched in Fig. 15, or the
preponderance of a given mechanism, will be governed by
the K dependence of the various processes involved. Fig. 16
provides a qualitative representation of the competition
Fig. 15. Schematic of the proposed damage mechanisms as a function of K.
between these different mechanisms as a function of Ki,
based on the above observations. The time to yield increases
rapidly as the global stress falls below the short-term yield
stress, which is represented by an equivalent K value, Ky.
The appearance of interlamellar cavitation in the PEB grade
at relatively low K after long times is assumed to re¯ect a
relatively strong strain rate dependence of the local stress
required for cavitation. The effective stress for interlamellar
®brillar breakdown is therefore taken to be greater than that
for interlamellar cavitation at long times, although the
curves for the respective mechanisms presumably cross
over at some intermediate time, as suggested in Fig. 16.
The crossover of the curves for cavitation and interlamellar ®brillar breakdown corresponds to the onset of the
regime of coarse ®brillation. In this regime, breakdown of
the interlamellar regions prior to macroscopic necking is not
thought to lead to immediate macroscopic failure for two
reasons. First, the onset of the instability depends on the
local lamellar orientation and second, the accompanying
changes in the local stress state may promote plastic deformation rather than further rupture. A synergy between local
drawing and decohesion (by chain scission or by disentanglement) is also implicit in some current models for crazing
in amorphous polymers [22,24]. Hence if breakdown of
interlamellar material in HDPE under the present conditions
results from disentanglement, as has often been suggested in
the past [7,25], there is a strong analogy between this mode
of deformation and disentanglement crazing in glassy polymers [24,26,27]. Both modes of deformation are favoured
over bulk necking by high temperatures and long times (or
low strain rates). Indeed, at temperatures just below Tg,
modes of diffuse local cavitation have also been identi®ed
in certain glassy polymers, these sometimes being referred
to as `intrinsic crazing' [28]. At higher stresses, however,
where HDPE becomes very unstable with respect to the
formation of large voids, a better analogy might be with a
rubber toughened system in which the second phase undergoes extensive cavitation. In the case of an unmodi®ed
semicrystalline polymer, microstructural features such as
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Fig. 16. Schematic of the proposed relative load-time dependence of the
basic damage mechanisms of SCG in HDPE. A sample loaded relatively
rapidly (loading line (i)) will reach its macroscopic yield stress ®rst and
undergo macroscopic necking, with ultimate failure occurring by ductile
tearing. Loading line (ii) ®rst intercepts the load-time curve for breakdown
of interlamellar ®brils, but this process can only initiate after formation of
interlamellar voids at a somewhat higher load, leading to an instability and
coarse ®brillation as described in the text, as will any load line within the
hatched region. Loading line (iii), on the other hand, intercepts the loadtime curve for interlamellar cavitation ®rst and stable zones of interlamellar
cavitation are therefore expected to be present behind the fracture surface.
Also, if the load at which breakdown of interlamellar ®brils occurs is well
below the yield stress, there will be little further drawing down of these
zones prior to ultimate failure.
the spherulite diameter or local ¯uctuations in the lamellar
orientation presumably determine the void distribution. In
SCG in polyoxymethylene (POM), for example, in which
similar mechanisms have been evoked to account for the
formation of ®brillar damage zones, ®bril diameters at
intermediate K are thought to be linked to local correlations
in the lamellar trajectories on a scale of about 10 lamellar
thicknesses, giving a stacked lamellar morphology [25].
Stable interlamellar cavitation was not seen in specimens
of the PEA grade under any of the conditions investigated
here. To explain this, it is reasonable to invoke the absence
of the long, branched chains thought to be characteristic of
the high molar mass fraction of the PEB grade. This is
expected to reduce the resistance of the interlamellar
material to breakdown by disentanglement, so that the
corresponding curves should be displaced as shown in
Fig. 16. (It is unclear whether zones of stable interlamellar
®brillation are totally suppressed in PEA, since data are still
lacking for the behaviour in the low Ki limit for this material
in Igepal.) There is less reason to suppose a priori the
molecular weight distribution to have a dominant in¯uence
on interlamellar cavitation, which occurs at more local
length scales and is hence expected to be primarily
dependent on factors such as the effective cohesive energy
density, for example [29]. The resistance to SCG itself is not
necessarily directly linked to interlamellar cavitation, but
the ultimate breakdown of all types of ®brillar or necked
structure will also re¯ect the instability of the interlamellar
The above discussion is based on the assumption that the
specimens tested in Igepal did indeed re¯ect the limiting
behaviour at low K in air. Up to now we have not been
able to provoke the formation of stable regions of interlamellar cavitation in PEB in air under creep conditions.
However, in studies of microdeformation during accelerated
testing by fatigue loading [30], very similar structures to
those in Fig. 11 have been observed close to the notch tips
of PEB tested at low Ki. They are therefore not uniquely a
consequence of Igepal. G'Sell et al. have also reported
similar changes to be associated with a transition to continuous SCG in fatigue experiments on PEA with Kmax <
0:2 MPam1=2 ; the continuous regime again being characterised by relatively smooth fracture surface [31]. The
transition from interlamellar cavitation to coarse cavitation
observed in the PE4 specimen tested in Igepal at high Ki,
also shows that both mechanisms may occur in the same
specimen under suitable conditions. Igepal therefore does
not necessarily lead to stable interlamellar ®brillation in
PEB, depending on the effective value of K.
5. Conclusions
In notched HDPE specimens subject to static loading,
high stress, short-term failure is initiated by yielding across
the whole of the load-bearing ligament, accompanied by
coarse cavitation in the specimen interior. As K decreased,
there was a transition to SCG, characterised by the formation of a ®brillar crack tip damage zone. The ®brils became
progressively ®ner as K decreased further, and in notched
specimens of a relatively tough, 3rd generation pipe grade
tested for about a month at 808C in Igepal at low Ki, the
fracture surfaces appeared smooth, crack propagation being
associated with localised interlamellar cavitation. The
existence of zones of stable interlamellar cavitation behind
the main crack front was assumed to re¯ect the relative
stability of the interlamellar ®brils in this grade under
these conditions. (It may prove to be more appropriate to
refer to cavitation or ®brillation between dominant lamellae
here, but this point has not yet been explored fully.) Direct
interlamellar breakdown without prior cavitation has been
argued to be at the origin of coarser cavitational mechanisms observed in a less resistant 1st generation pipe grade
under the same conditions, and in both the 1st and the 3rd
generation pipe grades tested in air at higher loads. The
difference in behaviour of the two grades was attributed to
the relative ease of disentanglement in the 1st generation
pipe grade.
The present work is nevertheless based on a relatively
limited number of specimens tested under a limited range
of conditions, and certain of the above hypotheses require
con®rmation by more extensive testing. In particular it
would be interesting to look at the long-term behaviour in
C.J.G. Plummer et al. / Polymer 42 (2001) 9551±9564
Igepal of the 1st generation pipe grade at relatively low Ki,
in order to investigate the eventual presence of stable interlamellar cavitation. It would also be interesting to examine
in more detail any eventual microstructural differences
between the different grades in the light of their different
microdeformation behaviour (segregation of different molar
mass fractions and the dominant-secondary lamellar
structure). Moreover, the question of the fundamental reasons
for accelerated crack growth in the presence of Igepal has not
been addressed. This would clearly be necessary in any
attempt to establish a ®rm link between accelerated and unaccelerated crack growth behaviour. Nevertheless, identi®cation of the relevant damage mechanisms and their dependence
on K represents an important step in this direction.
We acknowledge the ®nancial support of Solvay
Polyole®ns Europe, Belgium throughout this work and the
technical support of the Interdepartmental Centre of
Electron Microscopy of the EPFL.
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