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2002, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
3 pages
1 file
The composition and structure of boron carbonitride (BCN) films were studied. The films were continuously deposited on fibres by atmospheric pressure CVD. The precursors were ammonia, trimethyl borate and toluene. The composition was determined by photoelectron spectra of boron 1s, nitrogen 1s, carbon 1s and oxygen 1s. By fixing the C 1s peak at 285 eV, the position of the B 1s peak and the N 1s peak in the BCN films was equal to BN films. The C content of the films increases from about 6 at% to 60 at%, leaving the stoichiometric boron/nitrogen ratio as well as the oxygen content below 10 at% unchanged. Generally, the carbon content in the films is lower than predicted by the precursor ratios. Obviously, the insertion of carbon into the film is decreased in the presence of ammonia, which is known to etch carbon. With a decreasing ammonia/toluene ratio, the undesired effect in the reaction is suppressed and the carbon deposition becomes considerable. Transmission electron microscopic studies were performed on cross-sections of the coated fibres. High-resolution images generally show a hexagonal turbostratic structure with different orientation preferences of the atomic lamellae similar to hexagonal turbostratic boron nitride and pyrolytic carbon. When a noticeable carbon concentration (20 at%) is reached, the atomic sheets become uniformly distributed in all directions in space.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Investigations on CVD boron nitride films on fibres by means of photoelectron and X-ray spectroscopy resulted in B/N ratios above the stoichiometric value 1 and oxygen contents up to 25 at%. Compared to the hydrolytic rate of the films an apparent dependence was found on the deposition rate and some evidence of the oxygen concentration. CVD fibre coatings exhibit a hexagonal turbostratic structure with extremely small atomic layer plane dimensions, which was proved by transmission electron microscopy. Corresponding to oxygen concentrations in pyrolytic carbon films with similar structure a model is proposed, where the small atomic layers with dimensions of some nanometers cause a relatively high oxygen concentration in the boron nitride films. The oxygen atoms saturate the dangling bonds. Moreover the B/N ratio extents the expected stoichiometric ratio due to the oxygen atoms at nitrogen sites.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Reinforcement effects in composites are widely influenced by fibre coatings. A detailed understanding of their microstructure and chemical composition is of great interest. Boron nitride films were deposited continuously on fibre rovings of various ceramics in CVD reactors of vertical as well as horizontal position. XPS depth profilings show that the film compositions are close to stoichiometric BN with carbon and oxygen impurities in the range of 10 at%. Cross-sections of separated fibres were investigated by HREM and TEM diffraction. All BN films are hexagonal turbostratic. The (002) layers with an increased distance (about 0.36 nm) showed a mean stacking sequence near to graphite and a characteristic orientation to the fibre in the interface region. We assume the gas flow type and hence the exchange rate of matter and energy determines the film structure in this region. With increasing film thickness the (002) layers fold randomly in all directions or form nanocrystals at elevate...
Ceramics International, 2010
Boron nitride (BN) thin coating has been formed on the surface of chemically activated polyacrylonitrile (PAN) carbon fibers by dip coating method. The chemical activation of PAN fibers was carried out by two different chemicals, i.e. nitric acid (HNO 3) and silver nitrate (AgNO 3) solution. The chemical activation changes the surface properties, e.g. surface area and surface microstructure of the carbon fibers. These surface modifications ultimately influence properties of boron nitride coating on carbon fibers. The boron nitride coating on carbon fibers showed better crystallinity, strength and oxidation resistance when carbon fibers were activated by HNO 3. This improvement in strength and oxidation resistance is attributed to better crystallinity of boron nitride coating on HNO 3 activated PAN fibers.
Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2012
Bonding strength between fibers and matrices of ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) is of great importance for the fracture behavior and can be adjusted by appropriate fiber coatings. In this study, the continuous coating of SiBNC fibers with hexagonal boron nitride (h‐BN) by CVD from TMB in an atmospheric pressure reactor is presented. Prior to fiber coating, the effects of deposition parameters, e.g., deposition temperature, concentration of the precursor and ammonia addition, and gas‐flow rate are investigated on flat Si substrates, and the results are utilized for the fiber coating. Ammonia concentration has no influence on the deposition rate. A maximum deposition rate of 0.044 kg m−2 h−1 for static conditions and 0.040 kg m−2 h−1 for continuous conditions can be achieved, which is comparable to the literature. The depositions are characterized for their composition and structure. Smooth homogeneous coatings with a thickness of 180–250 nm are found on the fibers. High‐resolution t...
Applied Surface Science, 1998
. Ž . Boron carbonitride BCN thin films were deposited on Si 100 substrates at room temperature by sequential pulsed laser Ž . Ž . ablation PLA of graphite and hexagonal boron nitride h-BN targets in vacuum and in nitrogen atmosphere in the pressure Ž . Ž . range 1-100 Pa. Different analysis techniques as transmission electron microscopy TEM , X-ray diffraction XRD and Ž . X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy XPS pointed out the synthesis of h-BCN and c-BCN. The grain size of the crystalline c-BCN phase was estimated to be in the range 30-80 nm. The size of the crystallites in h-BCN phase was 4.6 mm, with a transversal dimension of about 30 nm. Complementary microhardness measurements evidenced the high microhardness Ž . values up to 2.9 GPa of the deposited films. q
Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2020
Boron-doped carbon coatings have been produced by a method combining the deposition of a pulsed carbon plasma coating and a boron flow formed as a result of the evaporation of a boron target by pulsed YAG: Nd3+ laser irradiation. Phase, chemical composition, structure, and mechanical properties of composite boron-carbon coatings have been determined. Changes in the coatings’ roughness depending on the boron concentration have been established using atomic force microscopy. It has been shown that the grain size is on the rise with increasing boron concentration. Raman spectroscopy has revealed that at a boron concentration of 43.2 at. %. There is a sharp increase in the ID/IG ratio, which indicates the carbon component’s graphitization. Low ID/IG ratios are observed in the coating at low boron concentrations (no more than 17.4 at. %), suggesting a high content of carbon atoms with sp3 bond hybridization. The coating studies, carried out by X-ray photoelectron microscopy, showed that ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2000
Boron nitride is isoelectronic with graphite, has a similar bonding structure, but a stronger localization of the p-states, and a better oxidation resistance. Therefore, it is a promising alternative to pyrolytic carbon as a tool for tayloring special ®bre/matrix interlayers in composites for gas turbine and aircraft applications. To understand the CVD processing via a boron-organic precursor and to improve the thermomechanical and hydrolytic stability of the BN ®bre coatings, we focussed our investigations on the question:``In what way do carbon and oxygen become incorporated into the BN layer?'' HREM studies showed the turbostratic structure of the BN, forming cells of 5±10 nm in diameter. Energy ®ltered electron microscopy (EFTEM) and the nanometre resolved analysis of the electron energy-loss near edge structure (ELNES) of the individual elements revealed a correlation between microstructure and chemical composition. There is a general de®ciency of 10±15% of nitrogen with respect to boron, which is partly compensated for by contents of up to 10 and 15% of oxygen and carbon, respectively, in the layer. It could be concluded that most of the carbon is precipitated in between the BN cells, and a smaller amount is incorporated within the hexagonal BN structure. #
Xavier PHILIPPE (dir.), Transitions constitutionnelles et constitutions « transitionnelles » : quelles solutions pour une meilleure gestion des fins de conflit ?, Paris, LGDJ-Institut universitaire Varenne, coll. « Transition & Justice », 2014
La légitimité des transitions constitutionnelles apparaît au premier abord comme une évidence. En effet, si un peuple se soulève contre un régime autoritaire, c'est parce qu'il juge illégitime l'ancien gouvernement. Dès lors, la transition vers la démocratie ne devrait jamais souffrir d'illégitimité. La situation est malheureusement beaucoup plus complexe dans la réalité, ainsi que le montrent certains exemples récents du « printemps arabe ». Près de deux ans après la chute des régimes tunisien, égyptien et libyen, la stabilité démocratique de ces pays est, dans le meilleur des cas, préoccupante. C'est également le cas dans des États où la transition est moins médiatique, comme au Yémen par exemple. C'est une évidence : le simple fait de renverser un régime autoritaire ne garantit pas le passage à un régime démocratique. La clé du succès de la transition réside en partie dans la légitimité des institutions qui la mettent en oeuvre. Il est donc nécessaire d'identifier quels sont les principaux éléments juridiques, institutionnels ou politiques qui permettent actuellement de construire cette légitimité. Autrement dit, pour instaurer un régime démocratique, jusqu'à quel degré est-il nécessaire que la transition elle-même soit démocratique ? La réponse à cette question est loin d'être évidente. Ainsi, le bon sens voudrait que le ou les partis à l'origine de la révolution obtiennent immédiatement le pouvoir, une fois la dictature renversée. Les opposants d'hier se retrouveraient les dirigeants de demain. Néanmoins, « l'esprit démocratique » conduit à une perspective plus nuancée. Il implique d'éviter qu'un gouvernement sans légitimité succède à une dictature. Tout l'enjeu est d'identifier de quel type de légitimité démocratique il est ici question. Elle peut d'abord être substantielle : la légitimité est Transitions constitutionnelles et constitutions « transitionnelles » : quelles solutions pour une meilleure gestion des fins de conflit ?
This short published article analyses the nexus between polity and economy and shows how the political economy is at work.
The present study was prepared for The Left in the European Parliament. It starts by noting that neoliberal policies began to be implemented well before the middle of the 2000s when public housing was privatized, and everyone was encouraged to borrow mortgage loans to become homeowners, ultimately ensuring the ongoing profitability of the real estate and banking business. Housing market prices continuously grew, the cities were redeveloped to serve the interests and resources of the better-off, and the waiting lists for social housing became longer and longer. The study offers a systemic critique of these interconnected phenomena beyond neoliberalism. They are manifestations of the housing crisis, inequalities, and injustices that we address as constitutive pieces of the housing question in capitalism at the juncture of economy and politics, capital and state, and markets and policies. Its Preamble discusses how has the housing crisis evolved and who is accountable for it, presents some related statistics, and highlights the aims of the study. Section I describes in detail and through concrete examples how housing markets and their financialization function. Chapter One presents general trends, as well as the shift from financialization through debt to financialization through wealth, the specific sectors of the private rental market, and the different financial actors that have transformed the housing market. Chapter Two discusses the economic context marked by the current global poly-crisis that reshapes the housing market trends. Section II focuses on policy-maker actors and processes. Chapter Three outlines the contribution of the neoliberal EU policies to housing financialization. Chapter Four invites the readers to learn about existing proposals to solve the housing crisis under financialized capitalism. Section III is dedicated to broader discussions about the housing question endemic to capitalism. Chapter Five gives an overview of the central role of the housing question in the capitalist political economy. We encourage the readers to go beyond the usual talk about neoliberalism toward understanding how capitalism inevitably creates the housing affordability crisis. This chapter also synthesizes the advancement of housing financialization in different stages of capitalism, culminating with its current financialized epoch. In Chapter Six, in the spirit of these findings, we argue that the European left must consider conceiving and implementing radical changes in the housing regime as part of a socialist alternative to capitalism. In the Epilogue, we eventually sustain that democratizing finance and the practices of a centrally planned non-profit financial system should inspire left-leaning politicians to contribute to overcoming housing financialization. Such initiatives cannot be imagined without economic democracy in workplaces and economic planning aimed at responding to people's needs in all territories; however, all-encompassing discussions, including all relevant aspects of the needed change, should be the subject of another paper.
TAVOLA ROTONDA. Moderata dal Pastore Paolo Ricca - Facoltà Teologica Valdese, Roma (2004).
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