Therapeutic options for refractory gastroesophageal reflux
Ronnie Fass*,†
*The Neuroenteric Clinical Research Group, Southern Arizona VA Health Care System, and †Health Sciences Center, University of Arizona,
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Key words
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),
heartburn, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs),
refractory GERD.
Accepted for publication 29 August 2011.
Ronnie Fass, The Neuro-Enteric Clinical
Research Group, Southern Arizona VA Health
Care System, GI Section (1-111G-1)3601 S.
6th Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85723-0001, USA.
[email protected]
Refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease may affect up to one-third of the patients that
consume proton pump inhibitor (PPI) once daily. Treatment in clinical practice has been
primarily focused on doubling the PPI dose, despite lack of evidence of its value. In patients
who failed PPI twice daily, medical treatment has been primarily focused on reducing
transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation rate or attenuating esophageal pain perception using visceral analgesics. In patients with evidence of reflux as the direct trigger of
their symptoms, endoscopic treatment or antireflux surgery may be helpful in remitting
symptoms. The role of psychological interventions, as well as non-traditional therapeutic
strategies remains to be further elucidated.
Conflicts of Interest
Ronnie Fass serves as a consultant to Takeda,
Vecta, Shire; Given Imaging. Fass has
received research support from AstraZeneca
and Reckitt Benckiser. The author also serves
as a speaker to Takeda and Nycomed.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is very common affecting 20% of the US adult population weekly and 7% daily.1,2 The
mainstay of treatment remains proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), the
most efficacious (class of drugs) in healing erosive esophagitis,
controlling GERD-related symptoms and preventing GERDrelated complications.3,4 However, studies have demonstrated that
up to 40% of the heartburn patients reported either partial or
complete lack of response to PPI once daily.5–7 The main underlying mechanisms for PPI failure are poor compliance, residual
reflux (non-acidic, bile or acidic), functional heartburn and comorbidities (functional bowel disorders, gastroparesis, etc.).8–10
Management of refractory GERD patients remains a very challenging task. Medical and non-medical therapeutic strategies
should be considered and tailored, each one to the proper patient
population (see Table 1). Utilization of various diagnostic techniques, such as intra-luminal impedance +pH sensor, wireless pH
capsule and others may better direct treatment.
Lifestyle modifications
The specific value of lifestyle modifications in GERD patients who
failed PPI treatment has yet to be elucidated. In a recent systematic
review of all publications that evaluated the value of lifestyle
modifications in GERD patients, the authors determined that only
Table 1 Therapeutic options for patients who failed standard dose
proton pump inhibitor
• Lifestyle modifications
• Antireflux medications
— Histamin 2 receptor antagonist
— Proton pump inhibitor
• Transient lower esophageal sphincter reducers
— Baclofen
• Visceral pain modulators
— Tricyclics
— Trazadone
— Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors
• Antireflux surgery
• Endoscopic treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease
• Alternative and complimentary medicine
— Acupuncture
• Psychological intervention
weight loss and elevation of head of the bed are effective in
improving GERD.11 There were no sufficient data to support any of
the other commonly practiced lifestyle modifications. Recently,
food sensitivity has been suggested to drive some of the refractory
GERD cases.12 A diet that excludes identified sensitizing food
products led to symptom improvement in a subset of patients.
Overall, in patients with persistent heartburn despite PPI
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 27 (2012) Suppl. 3; 3–7
© 2012 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
Refractory GERD
R Fass
treatment, it is reasonable to recommend avoidance of specific
lifestyle activities that have been identified by patients or physicians to trigger GERD-related symptoms.
Histamine 2 receptor antagonist (H2RA)
The potential effect of H2RAs on the night-time histamine-driven
surge in gastric acid secretion led to the popular use of these drugs
at bedtime by patients who continued to be symptomatic on a
standard or double-dose PPI.13 Early studies have shown that the
addition of H2RA at bedtime significantly reduced the duration of
nocturnal acid breakthrough (NAB) and the number of GERD
patients on PPI twice daily who demonstrated NAB.13 The effect
on NAB was not different between standard dose and double-dose
H2RA. Despite lack of any clinical correlation between the presence of NAB and nocturnal GERD symptoms, the addition of
H2RA at bedtime has become common practice in GERD patients
who failed PPIs regardless of dosing. However, concerns were
raised about the development of rapid tolerance (within 1 week) in
patients taking daily H2RA.14
In a study that evaluated 100 patients (58 on twice daily PPI and
42 on twice daily PPI + H2RA at bedtime for at least 1 month), the
authors demonstrated that the addition of a bedtime H2RA significantly reduced the percentage time with intragastric pH < 4 during
upright, recumbent, and the entire period.15 Unfortunately, the
authors failed to provide any evidence for similar effects on clinical
end-points. Rackoff et al. evaluated 56 GERD patients on PPI twice
daily who were receiving H2RA at bedtime for variable periods of
time.16 The authors demonstrated that 72% of the patients reported
improvement in overall symptoms, 74% in night-time reflux symptoms, and 67% in GERD-associated sleep disturbances.
Proton pump inhibitors
Currently, PPIs are the most efficacious treatment for both healing
erosive esophagitis and for symptom relief of GERD patients. In
those who failed PPI once a day, there are two potential therapeutic
strategies that could be utilized in clinical practice. These include
switching to another PPI or doubling the PPI dose. However,
doubling the PPI dose is by far the most common therapeutic
strategy that is used by practicing physicians when managing
patients who failed PPI once daily as also recommended by the
2008 American Gastroenterological Association guidelines for
GERD.16 The Cochrane review also suggests that doubling the PPI
dose is associated with greater healing of erosive esophagitis with
the number needed to treat of 25. However, there is no clear
dose—response relationship for heartburn resolution in either
erosive esophagitis or nonerosive reflux disease (NERD).17
Switching to another PPI is an attractive therapeutic strategy that
could be utilized in the management of patients who failed PPI once
daily. In several studies, switching patients who failed a PPI to
esomeprazole, resulted in a significant symptom improvement.18,19
Switching refractory GERD patients to other PPIs beside esomeprazole has yet to be evaluated, but it would be of great interest.
While doubling the PPI dose has become the standard of care,
there is no evidence to support further escalation of the PPI dose
beyond PPI twice daily either in symptom control or healing of
erosive esophagitis. When doubling the PPI dose, one PPI should
be given before breakfast and the other before dinner. The support
for splitting the dose originates primarily from pharmacodynamics
studies demonstrating an improved control of intragastric pH when
one PPI is given in the AM and the other in the PM as compared
with both PPIs being given before breakfast.20
A recent study suggested that a minority of GERD patients may
lose PPI efficacy after 2 years of continuous and unmodified treatment with one or two PPIs per day.21 The sole parameter evaluated
in this study was the level of esophageal acid exposure as assessed
by pH testing. The authors failed to provide any clinical data to
support their physiological findings. In another study, the authors
demonstrated that infection with Helicobacter pylori in healthy
subjects, who are CYP2C19 extensive metabolizers, eliminated
the differences in intragastric pH control between standard and
double-dose PPI.22 As with the previous study, the authors did not
provide any clinical end-points to support their conclusion.
The value of utilizing Dexlansoprazole MR, an R-enantiomer of
lansoprazole that also contains the dual delayed release technology,
in patients who failed PPI remains to be elucidated.23,24 Potentially,
the dual release of the drug that is separated by 4–5 h may be helpful
in reducing the number of patients who failed PPI once daily.
Transient lower esophageal sphincter
relaxation (TLESR) reducers
A wide range of receptors have been shown to be involved in
triggering TLESR providing us with the opportunity to develop
novel reflux inhibitors.25 The most promising among these appear
to be the gamma-aminobutyric acid B (GABAB) receptor agonists
and metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) antagonists
which can achieve high level of TLESR’s inhibition.25,26
Baclofen, a GABAB agonist, was introduced into the clinical
arena as a potential add-on treatment for patients who failed PPI
treatment (once or twice daily).27,28 The drug reduced TLESR rate
by 40–60%, reflux episodes by 43%, increased lower esophageal
sphincter basal pressure, and accelerated gastric emptying.27–29
Baclofen has been shown to significantly reduce duodenogastroesophageal reflux (DGER) and weakly acidic reflux as well as
DGER-related symptoms.30,31 In subjects with persistent heartburn
despite PPI treatment, doses of up to 20 mg trice daily have been
used.31 In addition to its effect on TLESR rate, baclofen appears to
be also effective in attenuating pain-associated responses using an
experimental rodent model.32 This effect, which appears to be
mediated by central mechanisms, could be also used in treating
refractory GERD patients, where esophageal hypersensitivity is
the leading underlying mechanism. Because the drug crosses the
blood–brain barrier, a variety of central nervous system (CNS)related side-effects have been reported. They primarily include
somnolence, confusion, dizziness, lightheadedness, drowsiness,
weakness, and trembling. The side-effects are likely an important
limiting factor in the routine usage of baclofen in clinical practice.
Arbaclofen placarbil (also known as XP19986) is a novel transported pro-drug of the pharmacologically active R-isomer of
baclofen. The drug is currently in clinical development for the
treatment of refractory GERD. Arbaclofen placarbil was designed
to be efficiently absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and rapidly
metabolized to release R-baclofen after absorption. Unlike
baclofen, arbaclofen placarbil is well absorbed from the colon,
allowing the drug to be delivered in a sustained release formulation
that may allow less frequent dosing and thus reduced fluctuations
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 27 (2012) Suppl. 3; 3–7
© 2012 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
R Fass
in plasma exposure. This in turn may lead to potentially improved
efficacy through a combination of greater duration of action, subject’s convenience, and better safety profile compared with
baclofen.33,34 A recent study demonstrated that arbaclofen significantly reduced the total number of reflux episodes over 12 h in 44
patients with GERD.34 The most efficacious dose of arbaclofen
(60 mg) significantly reduced acid reflux episodes by 35% and
heartburn episodes associated with reflux by 49%. Arbaclofen had
a favorable tolerability and safety profile across the evaluated
doses with no significant difference compared with placebo.
Recently, the makers of arbaclofen placarbil halted further development due to lack of clinical efficacy in a phase 2B trial.
Lesogaberan, a new GABAB agonist, with a better CNS safety
profile was developed in order to overcome the side-effects of
baclofen. The physiological effects of lesogaberan were evaluated
in a small group of patients with persistent GERD-related symptoms despite PPI therapy.35 In this placebo-controlled, cross-over
study, lesogaberan significantly decreased the rate of TLESRs,
increased basal Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) pressure,
decreased esophageal acid exposure and decreased the number of
postprandial reflux episodes. Furthermore, a decrease in the proximal extent of gastroesophageal reflux events was also demonstrated. However, there was no difference in the number of reflux
symptom episodes between the two arms of the study. The results
of a larger clinical (232 patients), double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial that examined the efficacy of lesogaberan as add-on therapy to
PPI once or twice daily for refractory GERD patients were
recently published in a abstract form.36 The proportion of responders increased from 8% to 16% and the proportion of symptom-free
days increased from 21% to 36% after 4 weeks of treatment in the
lesogaberan versus placebo group. Overall, lesogaberan was safe
and well tolerated. While lesogaberan appear to be a promising
future treatment for PPI failure, the aforementioned studies demonstrated only modest effect. Last year, AstraZeneca terminated
further development of this compound.
Glutamate is the primary neurotransmitter involved in signaling
from visceral primary afferents to the CNS. Peripherally located
mGluR5 receptors have been associated with control of TLESRs,
making it a potential target for the treatment of GERD.26 The only
mGluR5 antagonist that reached clinical assessment was
ADX10059, a potent, selective, negative allosteric modulator.
ADX10059 significantly decreased TLESRs and reduced esophageal acid exposure and improved symptomatic reflux
episodes.37,38 However, the drug was associated with a predictable
rise in liver function tests, cases of hepatic failure, and CNSrelated adverse events. Consequently, ADX10059 drug development was recently halted.
Visceral pain modulators
Thus far, there are no studies that specifically evaluated the value
of visceral pain modulators in refractory GERD patients. However,
given the fact that most of the patients who fail PPI treatment
originate from the NERD group and more than 50% of the PPI
failure (twice daily) subjects demonstrate lack of either weakly or
acidic reflux, the usage of these agents is highly attractive.39,40
Additionally, it could be argued that even for weakly acidic reflux
that has not been shown to be associated with esophageal mucosal
damage, visceral pain modulators could be helpful. Pain modula-
Refractory GERD
tors such as tricyclic antidepressants, trazodone (a tetracyclic antidepressants), and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have all
been shown to improve esophageal pain in patients with noncardiac chest pain.40–42 It is believed that these agents confer their
visceral analgesic effect by acting at the CNS and/or peripherally
at the sensory afferent level.
The pain modulators are used in non-mood-altering doses, and
they presently provide a therapeutic alternative until more novel
esophageal-specific compounds are available. In addition, sideeffects are relatively common, and may limit their usage in
certain patient populations, like the elderly or those with multiple
Other medical therapies
The addition of antacids, alginate-based formulations, such as
Gavison, and sucralfate to once daily PPI in patients with refractory GERD has yet to be studied.5,6 Similarly, the value of
cholestyramine, a bile-acid binder, in improving symptoms of
refractory GERD patients has never been assessed.7,8
Botulinum toxin injection
In one recent study, botulinum toxin was administered by pyloric
injection to 11 patients with refractory GERD and associated
gastroparesis.43 Marked improvement in GERD-related symptoms
was demonstrated that correlated with improvement in
gastroparesis-related symptoms and gastric-emptying scintigraphy. The mean duration of response is approximately 5 months.44
Antireflux surgery
A recent surgical study reported that refractory GERD was the
most common (88%) indication for antireflux surgery.45 Interestingly, the most common preoperative symptom reported under
failure of medical antireflux treatment was regurgitation (54%).
Overall, 82% of the patients reported that the preoperative reflux
symptom completely resolved, and 94% were satisfied with the
results of the surgery. In another study that included only 30
subjects with refractory GERD who were followed for a period of
12 months, the main preoperative symptoms were regurgitation
(93%) and heartburn (60%). At the end of 1 year follow up post
surgery, all patients reported complete heartburn relief and 86%
reported resolution of the regurgitation symptom. Patients’ satisfaction rate with surgery was 87%.
Several studies suggested that a positive symptom index (SI)
during impedance–pH monitoring in patients on PPI can predict a
favorable response to medical or surgical therapy.46–49 The first
study by Mainie et al. followed 19 patients who were refractory to
a double-dose PPI and underwent a successful laparoscopic Nissen
fundoplication.48 Prior to surgery, 18 of the 19 patients were found
to have a positive SI on Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance
(MII)–pH monitoring (14 with non-acid and 4 with acid reflux).
After a mean follow up of 14 months, 16 of the patients with a
positive SI were asymptomatic. The second study by Becker et al.
assessed 56 patients with persistent symptoms on a single dose of
PPI and an abnormal MII–pH monitoring.46 Most of these patients
had a positive SI and later demonstrated a significantly higher
response rate to doubling the PPI dose as compared to subjects with
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 27 (2012) Suppl. 3; 3–7
© 2012 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
Refractory GERD
R Fass
normal MII–pH monitoring. In a third study, a group of Italian
investigators prospectively assessed the outcomes of laparoscopic
Nissen fundoplication in 62 patients who were PPI non-responsive
or non-compliant.47 All surgically treated patients had a positive
MII–pH monitoring. The overall patient satisfaction rate was 98.3%
and no differences were found in clinical outcomes based on their
preoperative MII–pH or manometry results. It was concluded that
MII–pH provide useful information for better selection of patients
for antireflux surgery and that laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication
results in excellent outcomes primarily in patients with positive
MII–pH monitoring or SI. Unfortunately, all the aforementioned
studies were uncontrolled and did not clearly describe whether
symptoms were due to residual reflux. In addition, follow up was
relatively short and in some, number of participants was small.
Endoscopic treatment
The transoral incisionless fundoplication system (Esophyx) uses
suction and transmural fasteners to affix tissue from the Gastroesophageal Junction (GEJ) to the fundus and create a neogastroesophageal valve. This can potentially reduce hiatal hernia. Recent
uncontrolled studies demonstrated increase in LES length and LES
resting pressure after this procedure.50 However, there are no studies
specifically investigating the effect of this technique on TLESR.
Alternative medicine
The value of acupuncture has been recently evaluated in GERD
patients who failed PPI once daily. When compared to doubling
the PPI dose (standard of care), adding acupuncture was significantly better in controlling regurgitation and daytime as well as
night-time heartburn. This is the first study to suggest that alternative approaches for treating visceral pain may have a role in
GERD patients with persistent heartburn despite PPI therapy.51
Psychological treatment
Patients with poor correlation of symptoms with acid reflux events
display a high level of anxiety and hysteria as compared with
patients who demonstrate a close correlation between symptoms
and acid-reflux events.52 Anxiety and depression have been shown
to increase GERD-related symptoms report in population-based
studies. Nojkov et al. provided the first evidence that response to
PPI treatment may be dependent on the level of psychological
distress.53 Thus, it has been proposed that a subset of patients who
did not respond to PPI therapy are more likely to have a psychosocial comorbidity than those who were successfully treated with
a PPI. In these patients, treatment directed toward underlying
psychosocial abnormality may improve patients response to PPI
The main focus for drug development in refractory GERD patients
is TLESR reduction and more potent, early and consistent acid
suppression. However, due to the diverse causes of PPI failure, one
therapeutic strategy may not be the solution for all patients. It is
likely that individually tailored therapy would be the most proper
therapeutic approach.
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Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 27 (2012) Suppl. 3; 3–7
© 2012 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd