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2005, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference
3 pages
1 file
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) ring is designed to accumulate high intensity protons. Ultrahigh vacuum of 10 -9 Torr is required in the accumulator ring to minimize beam-residual gas ionization. To reduce the secondary electron yield (SEY) and the associated electron cloud instability, the ring vacuum chambers are coated with titanium nitride (TiN). This paper describes the design, fabrication, assembly and vacuum processing of the ring and beam transport line vacuum chambers as well as the associated instrumentation
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) ring, which is presently being commissioned at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is designed to accumulate high-intensity protons. Ultrahigh vacuum of 10-9 torr is required in the accumulator ring to minimize beam-residual gas ionization. To reduce the secondaryelectron yield (SEY) and the associated electron-cloud instability, the ring vacuum chambers are coated with titanium nitride (TiN). In order to minimize radiation exposure, quick-disconnect chain clamp flanges are used in some areas where radiation levels are expected to be high. This paper describes the design, fabrication, assembly, and vacuum processing of the ring and beam transport vacuum systems, as well as the associated vacuum instrumentation. B
Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, 2005
This paper describes the simulation studies on the motions of stripped electrons generated in the injection section of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) accumulator ring and the effective collection mechanism. Such studies are important for high intensity machines, in order to reduce beam loss and protect other components in the vicinity. The magnetic field is applied to guide electrons to a collector, which is located at the bottom of the beam vacuum chamber. Part of the study results with and without considering the interactions between electrons and materials are presented and discussed. The final engineering design of the electron collector (catcher) Is also described.
Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference, 2003
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) ring is designed to accumulate beam pulses of 1.5×10 14 protons of 1 GeV kinetic energy at a repetition rate of 60 Hz [1]. At such beam intensity and power, key design challenges include control of beam loss and radio-activation, construction of highquality large-aperture magnets and power supplies, design of robust injection and extraction systems, minimization of beam-coupling impedances, and mitigation of electroncloud effects. This paper discusses the status of the ring systems with emphasis on technical challenges and issues, and presents future perspectives towards a next-generation high-intensity facility.
The Spallation Neutron Source storage ring, designed to accumulate up to 1.5e14 protons per pulse, was commissioned in January of 2006. During the run, over 1.e14 protons were accumulated in the ring in the natural chromaticity state without any sign of instabilities. The first beam instabilities were observed for a high intensity coasting beam with zero chromaticity. Preliminary analysis of data indicates instabilities related to extraction kicker impedances, resistive wall impedances, and electron-proton instability. Here we review the background theory and design philosophy of the ring, as it relates to instabilities, and compare the precommissioning predictions with the experimental measurements.
Recent work on the design of the storage ring vacuum system for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade project (APS-U) includes: revising the vacuum system design to accommodate a new lattice with reverse bend magnets, modifying the designs of vacuum chambers in the FODO sections for more intense incident synchrotron radiation power, modifying the design of rf-shielding bellows liners for better performance and reliability, modifying photon absorber designs to make better use of available space, and integrated planning of components needed in the injection, extraction and rf cavity straight sections. An overview of progress in these areas is presented. SYSTEM DESIGN The sector vacuum layout (Fig. 1) is generally as previously reported [1] with the most significant changes being the use of two pumping crosses instead of one in the multiplet sections, making these crosses of aluminum and integrating them with adjacent tubular chambers, and use of copper-plated Inconel instead of stainless...
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) located in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is comprised of a 1 GeV linear H- [H^-] accelerator followed by an accumulator ring that delivers high intensity 1 μs [microsecond] long pulses of 1.5x1014 [1.5x10^14] protons to a liquid mercury target for neutron production by spallation reaction. With its strict 0.01% total beam loss condition, planned power upgrade, and proposed second target station, SNS ring beam-profile diagnostics capable of monitoring evolving beam conditions during high-power conditions are crucial for efficient operation and improvement. By subjecting ionized electrons created during beam interactions with the residual gas to a uniform electric field perpendicular to the beam direction, a profile may be collected based on the relation between measured ionized particle current and the beam density responsible for ionization. This form of nondestructive profile beam profile diagnostic known as an Ionization Profile Monitor (IPM...
National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), being constructed at Brookhaven National Laboratory, is a 3-GeV, high-flux and high- brightness synchrotron radiation facility with a nominal current of 500 mA. The storage ring vacuum system will have extruded aluminium chambers with ante-chamber for photon fans and distributed NEG strip pumping. Discrete photon absorbers will be used to intercept the un-used bending magnet radiation. In-situ bakeout will be implemented to achieve fast conditioning during initial commissioning and after interventions.
The SNS ring and associated transport lines, commissioned in January 2006, are designed to accumulate and deliver up to 1.5e14, 1 GeV protons at 60 Hz to a liquid mercury target for neutron production. In order to control activation and to allow for routine hands- on maintenance of accelerator components, beam loss in most of the ring must remain below 1 W/m. For the full 1.4 MW beam, this translates to a fractional beam loss limit of 0.02%. Accomplishing this loss limit at full beam power will require successful utilization of the ring's two- stage betatron collimation system. In this paper we present the results of initial collimation experiments. We characterize the collimation-induced beam-loss pattern and compare our results with simulations.
El psicoanalisis tiene, a diferencia de la psiquiatria, una clinica basada en tres grandes cuadros, que conforman a su vez las denominadas Estructuras Clinicas. Ellas le permiten al psicologo clinico, como al psicoanalista, comprender un sin numero de comportamientos que reflejan la posicion subjetiva de cada sujeto en el mundo, es decir, las relaciones de un ser humano con su trabajo, con su semejante y, en general, con todo lo que lo rodea. Es absolutamente diferente la forma de ver y de relacionarse con el mundo de un paranoico, de un obsesivo, de un perverso, de un histerico o de un esquizofrenico. Saber y entender cual es la posicion subjetiva de un sujeto en el mundo −su estructura psiquica− determina tambien la forma como se va a intervenir con el sujeto, su tratamiento −si lo hay−.
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