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23. ABAQUS/Standard, User’s Manual, version 6.3 (Hibbitt, Karlson and Sorenson Inc., Pawtucket,
Rhode Island, 2002).
24. Ellis, S. & Stöckhert, B. Elevated stresses and creep rates beneath the brittle-ductile transition caused
by seismic faulting in the upper crust. J. Geophys. Res. 109, B05407, doi:10.1029/2003JB002744 (2004).
25. Watts, A. B. Isostasy and Flexure of the Lithosphere (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK, 2001).
26. Wu, P. & Hasegawa, H. S. Induced stresses and fault potential in eastern Canada due to a disc load: a
preliminary analysis. Geophys. J. Int. 125, 415–430 (1996).
27. Stewart, S., Sauber, J. & Rose, J. Glacio-seismotectonics: ice sheets, crustal deformation and seismicity.
Quat. Sci. Rev. 19, 1367–1389 (2000).
28. Wu, P., Johnston, P. & Lambeck, K. Postglacial rebound and fault instability in Fennoscandia. Geophys.
J. Int. 139, 657–670 (1999).
29. Hughen, K. et al. 14C activity and global carbon cycle changes over the past 50,000 years. Science 303,
202–207 (2004).
30. Smith, R. B. et al. Geophysical and tectonic framework of the eastern Basin and Range-Colorado
Plateau-Rocky Mountains transition. Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 172, 205–233 (1989).
Acknowledgements We thank A. Friedrich and A. Densmore for discussions. R.H. was supported
by a Heisenberg fellowship from the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to R.H.
[email protected]).
A primitive therizinosauroid dinosaur
from the Early Cretaceous of Utah
James I. Kirkland1, Lindsay E. Zanno2, Scott D. Sampson2,
James M. Clark3 & Donald D. DeBlieux1
Utah Geological Survey, PO Box 146100, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6100, USA
Utah Museum of Natural History and Department of Geology and Geophysics,
University of Utah, 1390 E. Presidents Circle, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0050,
George Washington University, Washington DC 20052, USA
Therizinosauroids are an enigmatic group of dinosaurs known
mostly from the Cretaceous period of Asia, whose derived
members are characterized by elongate necks, laterally expanded
pelves, small, leaf-shaped teeth, edentulous rostra and mandibular symphyses that probably bore keratinized beaks 1,2 .
Although more than a dozen therizinosauroid taxa are known,
their relationships within Dinosauria have remained controversial because of fragmentary remains and an unusual suite of
characters. The recently discovered ‘feathered’ therizinosauroid
Beipiaosaurus from the Early Cretaceous of China helped to
clarify the theropod affinities of the group3. However, Beipiaosaurus is also poorly represented. Here we describe a new,
primitive therizinosauroid from an extensive paucispecific
bonebed at the base of the Cedar Mountain Formation (Early
Cretaceous) of east-central Utah4,5. This new taxon represents
the most complete and most basal therizinosauroid yet discovered. Phylogenetic analysis of coelurosaurian theropods incorporating this taxon places it at the base of the clade
Therizinosauroiden, indicating that this species documents the
earliest known stage in the poorly understood transition from
carnivory to herbivory within Therizinosauroidea. The taxon
provides the first documentation, to our knowledge, of therizinosauroids in North America during the Early Cretaceous.
Theropoda Marsh 1881
Coelurosauria von Huene 1914
Therizinosauroidea Maleev 1954
Falcarius utahensis gen. et sp. nov.
Etymology. From Falcarius (Latin, a sickle-maker) and utahensis
(refers to Utah as its place of origin).
Holotype. Utah Museum of Natural History; UMNH VP 15000
partial braincase (Fig. 1b, c).
Referred specimens (paratypes). Utah Museum of Natural History; UMNH VP 12279-12443, 14524-14999, 15001-15149.
Horizon and locality. The Crystal Geyser Quarry, Grand County,
Utah, lies at the base of the Cedar Mountain Formation, directly but
disconformably overlying the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation
(UMNH VP locality no. 157). The basal Yellow Cat Member is
estimated to be Barremian in age on the basis of the preserved
dinosaur fauna (the polacanthine ankylosaur Gastonia, the ornithopod ‘Iguanodon’, three species of sauropods, and large and small
theropods such as Utahraptor and Nedcolbertia4,5), charophytes4 and
palynomorphs (D. Eberth and B. Britt, personal communication
Diagnosis. Falcarius is a maniraptoran theropod diagnosed by the
following suite of unique characters from holotype braincase:
expansive, open pneumatic cavities in basioccipital and basisphenoid with the basisphenoidal recess directed ventrally; and extensive
subcondylar pneumatic recesses lateral to the occipital condyle.
From paratype elements: presence of one enlarged tooth at anteriormost end of dentary; laterally deflected and biconcave apex of the
deltopectoral crest; posterior tuberosity on the distal end of the
humerus opposite the radial condyle; flexor tubercle of phalanx I–II
with well-defined collateral pits on the distal aspect; and the unique
combination of the following features: dentary lacking lateral shelf
found in other therizinosauroids; mid-caudal vertebrae elongate
with zygapophyses less than one-third the length of centrum as
opposed to shortened vertebrae in other therizinosauroids and
Description. Falcarius is a gracile, small- to medium-sized theropod, approximately 1 m in height at hips and 4 m in length. The
specimens referred to this taxon account for approximately 90% of
the skeleton (Figs 1 and 2).
Skull material is underrepresented and currently includes a left
maxilla, right postorbital, paired frontals, two braincases, isolated
juvenile basiocciput, left and right quadrates, one left and two right
dentaries, and a right splenial. As in Erlikosaurus6, the number of
maxillary neurovascular foramina is reduced to approximately one
slit-like foramen for every three alveoli. The quadrates are anteriorly
arched with large pneumatic fossae. The frontals are subrectangular,
as in dromaeosaurids and oviraptorosauroids, with similarly
inflated cerebral fossa (Fig. 1). The fossa for the olfactory bulb is
approximately two-thirds as wide as the cerebral fossa. The paroccipital processes are more slender and elongate than in derived
therizinosauroids and are pneumatized via caudal tympanic
recesses (Fig. 1). The basioccipital is pocketed ventrolaterally by
extensive subcondylar recesses that encompass two openings for
cranial nerves X–XI and a single opening for XII. Falcarius lacks a
dorsoventral expansion of the paroccipital process and a ventral
pneumatic inflation of the basisphenoid, the derived condition
found in both Erlikosaurus6 and Nothronychus7.
The dentary deepens posteriorly, but lacks the lateral shelf and
down-turned symphyseal region possessed by all other known
therizinosauroids2,3,6 (Fig. 2). The dentary is medially curved anteriorly, indicating the presence of a U-shaped snout as in other
therizinosauroids2,6 and oviraptorosaurs8.
The dentary teeth share several features with the teeth of other
therizinosauroids (Fig. 2). Similarities include posteriorly small,
lanceolate and basally constricted crowns that become taller anteriorly, as well as the presence of inflated, circular roots. Also, in
contrast to other therizinosauroids, conical teeth are present in
the anteriormost portion of the dentary in Falcarius. The first
alveolus of the dentary is hypertrophied and apparently housed a
tooth with twice the cross-sectional area of more posterior tooth
positions. This condition is comparable to the enlarged premaxillary teeth of the primitive oviraptorosaur Incisivosaurus
(¼?Protoarchaeopteryx9), although its anterior dentary is
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NATURE | VOL 435 | 5 MAY 2005 | www.nature.com/nature
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edentulous10. The preserved teeth of the fragmentary maxilla
have lower tooth crowns that decrease in size posteriorly (Fig. 2).
The denticles on all teeth are small (7–10 mm21), unlike other
therizinosauroids (Fig. 2).
The vertebral column is well represented with the exception of the
axis. Anterior cervical centra are amphicoelous, elongate (length
four times height) and highly pneumatized, with multiple, small
pneumatic foramina. As in derived therizinosauroids2,11–13 and
oviraptorosaurs14, cervical neural arches are low and elongate and
zygapophyses become more widely spaced posteriorly (giving the
neural arch an X-shape in dorsal view). Dorsal neural arches have
large transverse processes supported by multiple laminae, short
neural spines that thicken dorsally, and thick hyposphene–
hypantrum articulations. There are five sacral vertebrae as in
Alxasaurus12, in contrast to six preserved in Neimongosaurus15 and
Segnosaurus16, with the intermediate three possessing pneumatic
fossae. Medial to distal caudals are more than four times as long as
high. All caudal vertebrae seem to be apneumatic with loss of caudal
ribs and neural spines distal to caudals 11–13 (Fig. 1), in contrast to
the condition in derived oviraptorosaurs13 and derived therizinosauroids2,13.
The coracoids are strongly recurved with a pronounced ventral
tubercle. As in more derived therizinosauroids, the humeri have an
angular internal tuberosity, cranially positioned distal condyles and
a hypertrophied entepicondyle1,2. The humeral shaft lacks both
the posterior tuberosity of more derived therizinosaurids1,2,16–19
and the anterior tuberosity proximal to the entepicondyle of
Neimongosaurus15 and Erliansaurus20. The ulna is bowed with a
robust olecranon process. The radius is straight and lacks the biceps
tubercle seen on Neimongosaurus15. The manus is relatively gracile
and elongate, as in Beipiaosaurus3 and many oviraptorosaurs14
(Fig. 1). Distal carpals are preserved in two morphs: one fused
into a semilunate that caps metacarpals I and II, and the other as
unfused pairs of distal carpals as in other therizinosauroids2.
Metacarpal I exhibits a rectangular buttress on its proximoventral
surface, similar to that of Alxasaurus12.
The pelvis is primitive in that the ilium is relatively elongate
anteroposteriorly, with a parasagittal dorsal margin lateral to the
Figure 1 Skeletal elements of Falcarius utahensis. a, b, Holotype braincase UMNH-VP
15000 in posterior (a) and lateral (b) views; c, paired frontals UMNH VP 14524, 14525 in
ventral view; d, e, left ilium UMNH VP12368 in dorsal (d) and lateral (e) views;
f, reconstructed right pectoral girdle UMNH VP 12279, 12281 and forelimb UMNH VP
12284, 12287, 12289, 12291, 12294–12296, 12298, 12300, 12302, 12314, 12304,
12306, 12308, 12310, 12312, 12316, 12320 in lateral view; g, Falcarius skeletal
reconstruction; h, reconstructed left foot UMNH-VP 12330–12342, 12352–12356 in
anteriodorsal view; i, medial caudal vertebrae UMNH VP 12405, 12407, 12409 with
chevron UMNH VP12391 in lateral view. bptp, basipterygoid process; br, basisphenoidal
recess; bt, basitubera; ctr, caudal tympanic recess; f, fenestra ovalis and fenestra
pseudorotunda; j, jugular foramina; m, metotic fissure; pr, prootic recess; sor, subotic
recess; sr, subcondylar recess; roman numerals represent cranial nerves.
NATURE | VOL 435 | 5 MAY 2005 | www.nature.com/nature
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sacral transverse processes (Fig. 1), the pubis has not rotated to an
opisthopubic condition, and the obturator process does not contact
the pubis. The pubic peduncle is also primitive, being wide and
dorsoventrally shallow. Derived therizinosauroid characters of the
pelvis include a deep, strongly hooked and laterally flaring preacetabular process, and a dorsoventrally shortened postacetabular
process of the ilium2. The acetabulum of Falcarius is anteriomedially
directed, a condition also present in Neimongosaurus15.
As with the forelimb, the hindlimb of Falcarius is relatively
elongate and slender, with an anteriorly bowed femur estimated at
approximately 85% tibial length. The lesser trochanter is alar,
separated from the greater trochanter by a deep, narrow cleft. The
tibia is gracile with a pronounced fibular crest. As in other
therizinosauroids2,3,12,13, the proximal fibula lacks the medial fossa
found on most maniraptorans. The distal tibia is surrounded by the
astragalus, unlike the reduced condition in other therizinosauroids2.
The ascending process of the astragalus is tall and nearly symmetrical, unlike the shortened, asymmetrical morphology of Therizinosaurus21. The functionally tridactyl pes is similar to that of
Beipiaosaurus3 and oviraptorosaurs14 and unlike the functionally
tetradactyl pes of all other known therizinosauroids1,2 (Fig. 1).
A phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 3) provides strong support for the
hypothesis that Falcarius is the basalmost therizinosauroid known.
Falcarius possesses several maniraptoran synapomorphies not
previously documented in basal therizinosaurs, including hypapophyses on the presacral vertebral column, bowed ulna, presence of a
semilunate comprised of fused distal carpals one and two, ischium
less than two-thirds pubis length, and distally positioned obturator
process of the ischium22–25.
Therizinosaurs are here proposed as shifting their dietary habit
from predation to herbivory on the basis of the development of a
number of features that seem convergent with clades of other
herbivorous dinosaurs. The most significant of these features include
small, leaf-shaped teeth, an edentulous beak, posterior displacement
of the pubis and lateral expansion of the pelvis associated with
greatly increased intestinal volume1,26, and shortening of the tibia
relative to the femur and an increased number of weight-supporting
pedal digits—the latter two being specific reversals of the cursorial
Figure 2 Jaws and teeth of Falcarius utahensis. a, Partial left maxilla UMNH VP 14526 in
lateral view; b, c, close-up of maxillary teeth in lingual (b) and labial (c) views; d, detail of
maxillary tooth denticles in labial view; e, dentary teeth UMNH VP 14527 in lingual view;
f, detail of dentary tooth denticles in labial view; g, same dentary teeth in labial view;
h, composite reconstruction of the dentary of Falcarius based on UMNH VP 14527, UMNH
VP 14528 and UMNH VP 14529. nf, nutritive foramina.
condition. Falcarius demonstrates the mosaic nature of this evolutionary transition, indicating that the dentition and pelvis were
among the first hard-tissue structures to undergo modification.
These changes probably coincided with modifications in food
acquisition and digestion during the early stages of therizinosauroid
Figure 3 Phylogenetic relationships of Falcarius among the Coelurosauria. Strict
consensus of 5,000 trees with the following statistics: treelength 679; Consistency Index,
0.41; Retention Index, 0.74; Rescaled Consistency Index, 0.31.
Therizinosauroidea þ Oviraptorosauria (node 1), Therizinosauroidea (node 2):
Therizinosauroidea more derived than Falcarius (node 3). Character states defining these
nodes are discussed in Methods. Advent of dietary shift from carnivory to herbivory is
postulated to occur at base clade 1 (shaded black).
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evolution. Moreover, similarities between the dentition of the basal
therizinosaur Falcarius and the basal oviraptorosaur Incisivosaurus,
in combination with their proposed sister relationship (Fig. 3),
raises the possibility that the common ancestor of these clades had
already undertaken the initial steps in this transition.
The Early Jurassic Chinese jaw from the Lufeng Series in southern
China described tentatively as the basal therizinosauroid Eshanosaurus27 is more derived in having a lateral shelf and down-turned
symphysis, which are absent in Falcarius. Its therizinosauroid
identification have been considered problematic by some
authors13,25. Falcarius casts further doubt on the affinities of
Eshanosaurus by increasing its stratigraphic and phylogenetic
inconsistency. Given the discovery of North American members
of the therizinosauroid clade, together with the poor record of
Middle Cretaceous dinosaurs, it seems that the generally
accepted hypothesis of an Asian origin and radiation for TheriziA
nosauroidea1,2 requires additional testing.
Collections from the Crystal Geyser Quarry made so far preserve a minimum of ten
individuals based on prepared femora, but the quarry size indicates that perhaps hundreds
of disarticulated individuals remain interred, representing multiple growth stages as well
as robust and gracile morphotypes. The locality spans about 8,000 m2 and the bonebearing stratum is, on average, 1 m thick, with bone densities in some areas exceeding 100
elements per cubic metre. There is no evidence of another small theropod taxon, so all of
the therizinosauroid materials are here referred to Falcarius. In addition to the
therizinosauroid elements, the quarry contains rare remains of an unidentified ankylosaur.
About 99% of all identified bones from the type locality (about 2,000 identifiable bones)
represent Falcarius.
Several features of these fossils, including neurocentral fusion and fusion of cervical
ribs to the vertebrae, indicate that the largest elements represent adult or near-adult
individuals. Dorsal ribs and gastralia are the most poorly represented with only two dorsal
ribs and one gastralia identified, although many bone fragments in the quarry are thought
to be unidentifiable pieces of rib. There are multiple examples of nearly all bones, although
much excavation and preparation remains before a detailed taphonomic analysis can be
attempted. Overlapping examples of the largest elements are close to the same size,
indicating that mature animals had restricted growth. Additionally, associated elements
(particularly appendicular elements) indicate the relative proportions of skeletal elements
in some individuals. The skeletal reconstruction of Falcarius in Fig. 1 was based on the
largest preserved elements in the quarry, with vertebral numbers estimated on changing
proportions of the vertebrae and comparisons with other maniraptoran theropods.
Phylogenetic relationships were analysed with the use of data from published sources
supplemented with novel information (see Supplementary Information). Parsimony
analysis of 57 taxa and 231 characters was performed with PAUP 4.0b10 (ref. 28), with all
characters weighted equally and a single character ordered, using Allosaurus and Sinraptor
as outgroups (Fig. 3).
Five unambiguous synapomorphies support Therizinosauroidea: teeth serrated
(reversal); ventral surface of dentary descends strongly posteriorly; ventral edge of
anterior ala of ilium hooked anteriorly; distal humerus with large medial condyle, centred
on distal end; and preacetabular portion of ilium laterally flaring. The basal position of
Falcarius is supported by the absence of the following characters: labial face of dentary with
lateral ridge and inset tooth row; interdental plates on dentary; obturator process of
ischium does not contact pubis; metatarsal I without proximal articulating surface.
Therizinosauroidea þ Oviraptorosauria characterized by basipterygoid processes
abbreviated or absent; suborbital fenestra reduced in size or absent; basipterygoid
processes hollow; symphyseal region of dentary strongly recurved; maxillary and dentary
teeth lanceolate and subsymmetrical.
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Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on www.nature.com/nature.
Acknowledgements We thank X. Xu, Z. Dong, P. Sereno and M. Norell for access to reference
material; G. Paul for executing the skeletal reconstruction of Falcarius; The Utah Friends of
Paleontology, the Utah Museum of Natural History, and H. and P. Bollan for assistance in the field
and the laboratory; M. Hayden, M. Christopher, M. Suarez and C. Suarez for overseeing the
volunteers in the field; J. R. Scandizzo for introductions to the site discoverer L. Walker of Moab,
Utah; R. W. Gaston for providing research casts; D. Smith for comments on theropod braincase
anatomy; and J. Harris, M. Hayden, M. Lowe and M. Hylland for reviewing the manuscript.
Excavations were conducted under a US Bureau of Land Management permit. Funding was
provided by the Utah Geological Survey, Discovery Channel Quest Grants, Paleoscene, to J.I.K.
and the NSF to J.M.C.
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.I.K.
[email protected]).
Discovery of the first Asian
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Received 10 December 2004; accepted 17 February 2005; doi:10.1038/nature03468.
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NATURE | VOL 435 | 5 MAY 2005 | www.nature.com/nature
M. S. Min1, S. Y. Yang2, R. M. Bonett3, D. R. Vieites3, R. A. Brandon4
& D. B. Wake3
Conservation Genome Resource Bank for Korean Wildlife, and Brain Korea 21,
School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742,
South Korea
Department of Biology, Inha University, Incheon 402-751, South Korea
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and Department of Integrative Biology, University
of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
Department of Zoology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois 62901,
Nearly 70% of the 535 species of salamanders in the world are
members of a single family, the Plethodontidae, or lungless
salamanders1. The centre of diversity for this clade is North
and Middle America, where the vast majority (99%) of species are
found. We report the discovery of the first Asian plethodontid
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