A Texture Analysis Approach for Characterizing Microcalcifications
on Mammograms
Anna N. Karahaliou, Ioannis S. Boniatis, Spyros G. Skiadopoulos, Filippos N.
Sakellaropoulos, Eleni Likaki, George S. Panayiotakis and Lena I. Costaridou*
Abstract—The current study investigates whether texture
properties of the tissue surrounding microcalcification (MC)
clusters can contribute to breast cancer diagnosis. The case
sample analyzed consists of 100 mammographic images,
originating from the Digital Database for Screening
Mammography (DDSM). All mammograms selected
correspond to heterogeneously and extremely dense breast
parenchyma and contain subtle MC clusters (46 benign and 54
malignant, according to database ground truth tables). Regions
of interest (ROIs) of 128x128 pixels, containing the MCs are
used for the subsequent texture analysis. ROIs are
preprocessed using a wavelet-based locally adapted contrast
enhancement method and a thresholding technique is applied
to exclude MCs. Texture features are extracted from the
remaining ROI area (surrounding tissue) employing first and
second order statistics algorithms, grey level run length
matrices and Laws’ texture energy measures. Differentiation
between malignant and benign MCs is performed using a knearest neighbour (kNN) classifier and employing the leaveone-out training-testing methodology. The Laws’ texture
energy measures demonstrated the highest performance
achieving an overall accuracy of 89%, sensitivity 90.74% (49 of
54 malignant cases classified correctly) and specificity 86.96%
(40 of the 46 benign cases classified correctly). Texture analysis
of the tissue surrounding MCs shows promising results in
computer-aided diagnosis of breast cancer and may contribute
to the reduction of benign biopsies.
AMMOGRAPHY is currently the most effective
imaging modality for breast cancer screening.
However, the sensitivity of mammography is highly
challenged by the presence of dense breast parenchyma,
which deteriorates both detection and characterization tasks
Manuscript received June 30, 2006. This work was supported by the
European Social Fund (ESF), Operational Program for Educational and
Vocational Training II (EPEAEK II), and particularly the Program
PYTHAGORAS I (B.365.011). Asterisk indicates corresponding author.
*L. I. Costaridou is with the Department of Medical Physics, School of
Medicine, University of Patras, 265 00 Patras, Greece (+30-2610-969111;
fax: +30-2610-996113; e-mail:
[email protected]).
A. N. Karahaliou, I. S. Boniatis, S. G. Skiadopoulos and F. N.
Sakellaropoulos are with the Department of Medical Physics, School of
Medicine, University of Patras, 265 00 Patras, Greece (email:
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]).
E. Likaki is with the Department of Radiology, School of Medicine,
[email protected]).
G. S. Panayiotakis is with the Department of Medical Physics, School of
Medicine, University of Patras, 265 00 Patras, Greece, and also with the
Medical Radiation Physics Unit, University Hospital of Patras, 265 00
Patras, Greece (e-mail:
[email protected]).
[1], [2]. Computer Aided (CA) detection systems have been
developed to aid radiologists in detecting mammographic
lesions, characterized by promising performance [3]-[6]. CA
diagnosis/characterization systems for aiding the decision
concerning biopsy and follow-up are still under development
Various CA diagnosis algorithms have been proposed for
the characterization of microcalcifications (MCs), an
important indicator of malignancy. These algorithms are
based on extracting image features from regions of interest
(ROIs) and estimating the probability of malignancy for a
given MC cluster. A variety of computer-extracted features
and classification schemes have been used to automatically
discriminate between benign and malignant MC clusters.
The majority of these studies have followed two approaches.
The first approach is based on computer extracted
morphology/shape features of individual MCs or of MC
clusters [7]-[16], since morphology is one of the most
important clinical factors in breast cancer diagnosis. CAD
schemes that employ the radiologists’ ratings of MCs
morphology have also been proposed [17-19]. The second
approach employs texture features extracted from ROIs
containing MC clusters [9], [20]-[24].
Some studies have compared morphological vs. textural
features but the results are differentiated with respect to the
features investigated, the classifiers used and datasets
analyzed. A combination of both morphological and textural
features has also been studied, providing promising results in
breast cancer diagnosis [9], [24].
The highest performance achieved up to now (in terms of
area under receiver operating characteristic curve, Az= 0.98),
has been reported by a morphological analysis of MCs also
incorporating age in the classification scheme [15].
However, the reproducibility of such schemes depends on
the robustness of the MC segmentation algorithm.
Furthermore, in case of dense breast parenchyma abutting
MCs, the classification task is being highly deteriorated
resulting in low specificity values and thus in unnecessary
biopsies [1], [2].
The texture analysis approach seems to overcome this
limitation since no segmentation stage is required. The
rationale of using texture features is based on capturing
changes in the texture of the tissue surrounding the MCs.
Most texture-based classification studies include MCs in the
regions to be further analyzed; however, this rationale
introduces bias since the MC, a tiny deposit of calcium in
breast tissue, can neither be malignant nor benign. The tissue
surrounding or underlying the MC can be malignant or
benign. This tissue is also the one subjected to
pathoanatomical and immunochemistry analysis to derive a
benign or malignant outcome.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is only one
study based on texture analysis of the tissue surrounding
MCs for breast cancer diagnosis [25]. This study used a
dataset of 54 scout views acquired from digital stereotactic
equipment before needle insertion. Textural features
extracted are based on co-occurrence matrices and fractal
geometry. Classification was performed with Linear and
Logistic Discriminant analysis. Their work has successfully
validated the hypothesis that tissue surrounding MCs can be
used for breast cancer diagnosis.
The current study investigates whether texture properties
of the tissue surrounding MC clusters on screening
mammograms can be used for breast cancer diagnosis thus,
providing to radiologist an estimation of malignancy prior to
the biopsy procedure. Mammograms of high breast density
were selected since the presence of dense breast parenchyma
deteriorates the characterization task of MC clusters and
yields low specificity values [1].
The steps of the proposed method are illustrated in
Figure 1.
Original image
ROI including MCs
Thresholding for
excluding MCs
Texture analysis of tissue
surrounding MCs
Classification of tissue
surrounding MCs
Fig. 1. Flowchart of the preprocessing and classification task performed in
this study.
A. Case Sample
The case sample consists of 100 mammographic images
originating from the Digital Database for Screening
Mammography (DDSM) [26], digitized with the LUMISYS
300 scanner at 12-bit pixel depth and spatial resolution 50
µm. All mammograms selected contain MC clusters (46
benign and 54 malignant, according to database ground truth
tables) and correspond to heterogeneously dense and
extremely dense breast parenchyma (density 3 and 4
according to the ACR BIRADSTM lexicon [27]).
B. Enhancement
Images are preprocessed using a wavelet-based spatially
adaptive method for mammographic contrast enhancement
[28], [29]. This method is selected since it has shown high
performance in enhancing MCs as compared to other
enhancement methods proposed for mammographic
enhancement [30]. The method is based on local
modification of multiscale gradient magnitude values
provided by the redundant dyadic discrete wavelet
transform. Specifically, a denoising process is firstly
performed taking into account local signal in breast area and
noise standard deviation estimated in the mammogram
background. Contrast enhancement is accomplished by
applying a local linear mapping operator on denoised
wavelet gradient magnitude values; coefficient mapping is
controlled by a local gain limit parameter. The processed
image is derived by reconstruction from the modified
wavelet coefficients. Preprocessing was performed on
rectangular 600x600 pixels ROIs containing the MCs instead
of the whole image to reduce calculation time. Figure 2
presents a ROI of 600x600 pixels containing the MC cluster
in original image (a) and the corresponding processed ROI
C. Thresholding for Excluding MCs
An experienced radiologist defined manually a ROIrad
containing the MCs on each processed 600x600 ROI. To
avoid high grey level value pixels corresponding to normal
tissue identified as MCs, a simple thresholding algorithm
was empirically applied on ROIrad to exclude MCs (fig. 2c).
The resulting binary image produced is shown in figure 2(d).
By reversing the binary image and multiplying with the
original 600x600 ROI the resulted image ROI, named
surrounding tissue ROI (ST-ROI) provided in fig. 2(e), is
similar to the original one without MCs. The use of most
robust segmentation technique was not deemed necessary for
the aim of this study, since neither morphology analysis of
individual MCs nor of MC clusters is performed.
D. Texture Analysis of Tissue Surrounding MCs
Texture analysis is performed in a 128x128 pixels
subregion of each ST-ROI (fig. 2f). Specifically, the
128x128 pixels ROI was placed in such a way to contain the
cluster at its center. Most of the clusters in the dataset
analyzed could be contained within a 128x128 ROI. For the
clusters that are substantially larger than a single ROI,
additional ROIs containing the remaining parts of the cluster
are defined and processed in the same way as the other
ROIs. The texture feature values extracted from the different
ROIs of the same cluster are averaged and the average
values are used as the feature values for that cluster.
In this study four categories of textural features are
extracted: First Order Statistics (FOS), Grey Level Co-
occurrence Matrices (GLCM), Grey Level Run Length
Matrices (GLRLM) and Law’s Texture Energy Measures
1) First Order Statistics Features: FOS provides
different statistical properties (4 statistical moments) of the
intensity histogram of an image [31]. They depend only on
individual pixel values and not on the interaction or cooccurrence of neighboring pixel values. In this study, four
first order textural features were calculated: Mean value of
gray levels (1), Standard Deviation of gray levels (2),
Kurtosis (3) and Skewness (4).
2) Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix Features: The
GLCM is a well-established robust statistical tool for
extracting second order texture information from images
[32], [33]. The GLCM characterizes the spatial distribution
of gray levels in the selected ST-ROI subregion. An element
at location (i,j) of the GLCM signifies the joint probability
density of the occurrence of gray levels i and j in a specified
orientation θ and specified distance d from each other. Thus,
for different θ and d values, different GLCMs are generated.
In this study, four GLCMs corresponding to four different
directions (θ=0°, 45°, 90° and 135°) and one distance (d=1
pixel), were computed for each selected ST-ROI subregion.
Thirteen features were derived from each GLCM.
Specifically, the features studied are: Energy, Entropy,
Contrast, Local Homogeneity, Correlation, Shade,
Promenance, Sum of Squares, Sum Average, Sum Entropy,
Difference Entropy, Sum Variance and Difference Variance.
Four values were obtained for each feature corresponding to
the four matrices. The mean (M) and range (R) of these four
values were calculated, comprising a total of twenty-six
second order textural features.
3) Gray Level Run Length Matrix Features: The
GLRLM provides information related to the spatial
distribution of gray level runs (i.e. pixel-structures of same
pixel value) within the image [34]. Textural features
extracted from GLRLM evaluate the distribution of small
(short runs) or large (long runs) organized structures within
ST-ROI subregion. From each ST-ROI subregion, five runlength features were generated: Short Runs Emphasis (SRE),
Long Runs Emphasis (LRE), Grey Level Non-Uniformity
(GLNU), Run Length Non-Uniformity (RLNU) and Run
Percentage (RPERC). Four values were computed for each
feature, corresponding to the angles of 0, 45, 90 and 135◦.
The mean (M) and range (R) of these four values were
calculated, comprising a total of 10 features.
4) Laws’ Texture Energy Measure Features: According
to the method proposed by Laws, textural features were
extracted from images that had been previously filtered by
each one of the 25 Laws’ masks or kernels [35]. These
filtered images were characterized as Texture Energy images
(TE images). Averaging the filtered images corresponding to
symmetrical kernels (such as R5L5 and L5R5), and taking
into account that 20 out of 25 kernels are symmetric one to
each other, 15 TR images were produced. From each 1 of the
15 TR images, 5 first-order statistics (mean, standard
deviation, range, skewness and kurtosis) were computed,
giving in total 75 Laws’ textural features: 5 sets of 15
features each, with each 15-feature set corresponding to each
one of the 5 first-order statistics, i.e. 15 features for the
Mean value (M), 15 features for the Standard deviation
(STD), 15 for the Range (R), 15 for the Skewness (S) and 15
for the Kurtosis (K).
Fig. 2. (a) 600x600 pixels ROI containing a malignant MC cluster in
original mammogram (DDSM: B_3406_RIGHT_CC), (b) processed
ROI, (c) binarization on manually defined ROI, (d) binarized MC
cluster on 600x600 pixels ROI, (e) surrounding tissue ROI (ST-ROI),
(f) magnified 128x128 pixels subregion of ST-ROI.
E. Classification of Tissue Surrounding MCs
A k-nearest neighbor (kNN) classifier was used for the
classification of tissue surrounding MCs. kNN makes a
class assignment based on the classes of the k training
samples nearest to the test/unknown sample. In this study,
the inverse distance-weighted voting was used [36]. In this
approach, closer neighbors get higher votes.
Specifically, the vote of the kth neighbor is defined as:
vote(k ) =
dk + 1
where dk is the Euclidean distance of the kth neighbor from
the test sample. The votes of each class are summed and the
test sample is assigned to class with the highest sum of
votes. Specifically, the Decision function for classification is
given by:
Decision = ∑ vote(i ) classA − ∑ vote( j )classB
i =0
j =0
where n and m are integers ranging from 0 up to k, satisfying
the equation n+m=k. In this study, k ranged from 1 up to 31
neighbors. If Decision is greater than zero, the test sample is
assigned to class A (malignant); otherwise, the test sample is
assigned to class B (benign).
Feature selection was performed by means of exhaustive
search. Best subset of features was selected with respect to
maximum accuracy achieved. The training and testing of the
classifier was performed using the leave-one-out
methodology. Specifically, all cases of the sample were
tested. When the λth case was being tested the training set
consisted of all cases except from the λth case.
The four categories of textural features were tested
separately and the performance of the classifier for each
textural features category was evaluated by means of
sensitivity, specificity and overall classification accuracy.
Table I summarizes the results of the classification
performance of the four categories of textural features
investigated, in terms of sensitivity, specificity and overall
The Laws’ Texture Energy Measures demonstrated the
highest performance with respect to overall accuracy (89%);
high specificity was achieved (86.96%) while maintaining
high sensitivity (90.74%). Co-occurrence matrices features
provided a sufficient classification performance (82%
accuracy). This category of features have been previously
used for breast cancer diagnosis, extracted from ROIs
containing [9], [20], [21], [24] or excluding [25] the MCs,
demonstrating a comparable performance. First order
statistics provided an overall accuracy of 79% with high
sensitivity (92.59%). The fact that Ductal Carcinoma in Situ
(DCIS) occurs overwhelmingly in the mammographically
dense areas of the breast [37], justifies the inclusion of Mean
grey level value in the best feature set of the First order
statistics. The Run Length matrices features cannot
efficiently distinguish malignant from benign MCs (63%
In this study, a texture analysis approach for breast
cancer diagnosis is presented. The method is based on the
analysis of the tissue surrounding the MC cluster for
prediction of malignancy. This hypothesis has been
motivated by the fact that a MC cluster (tiny deposits of
calcium in breast tissue) can neither be malignant nor
benign. This characterization corresponds to the tissue
surrounding and underlying the MC cluster. Furthermore,
this tissue is the one subjected to pathoanatomical analysis to
be further characterized as malignant or benign.
A similar study has been previously reported by Thiele et
al. [25], analyzing the surrounding tissue as depicted on
scout views from the stereotactic procedure; they achieved a
sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 83% in a dataset of 54
cases. In this study we analyzed the surrounding tissue as
depicted on screening mammograms, in order to provide to
radiologist an aid for estimation of malignancy, prior to the
biopsy procedure. Texture analysis was performed on small
ROIs (128x128 pixels), where the MCs have been
previously excluded, to ensure that the tissue being analyzed
is the one subjected to pathoanatomical analysis. Four
categories of textural features were investigated, with the
Laws’ texture energy measures providing the highest
classification performance.
While a direct comparison with other texture based
classification studies is not possible due to different
classification algorithms, textural features and datasets (MC
clusters subtlety and breast density types) used, the
performance attained by the proposed method is comparable
to the performance of the following reported studies.
Dhawhan et al. [20] used second order histogram-based
features and wavelet-based features extracted from ROIs
containing the MCs, and obtained an area under ROC curve
(Az) 0.86 for classification of 191 ‘difficult-to-diagnose’
cases. Chan et al. [21] used co-occurrence matrices-based
features extracted from ROIs including the MC cluster and
achieved an Az=0.84 in a dataset of 145 cases; when
combined both textural and morphological features they
achieved an Az=0.89, which increased to 0.93 when
averaging discriminant score from all views of the same
cluster (100% sensitivity with 50% specificity). Kramer and
Aghdasi [22] used multiscale statistical texture signatures
(based on the co-occurrence matrix), as well as waveletbased texture signatures from ROIs containing the MCs, and
compared the performance of both a kNN and a neural
network classifier; the neural network perform best
achieving a 94.8% overall classification accuracy. Santo et
al. [23] combined the output of two classifiers for
classification of MCs. The first classifier used shape and
texture features of individual MCs and the second one used
features characterizing the cluster. Their multiple expert
system achieved sensitivity 75.7% and specificity 73.5% (Az
=0.79) on a database of 40 mammograms. Zadeh et al. [24]
compared the performance of four feature sets: texture
features (co-occurrence matrices-based) extracted from
individual MCs and ROIs containing the cluster, shape
quantifiers of MCs, wavelet and multi-wavelet features; the
multi-wavelet features outperformed the other methods
achieving an Az=0.89.
The rest of the MCs computer diagnosis algorithms,
reported in the literature, have focused on morphology
analysis of individual MCs and MC clusters. Comprehensive
reviews can be found elsewhere [38], [39], however, some
representative studies are provided below for comparison
Shen et al. [7] developed a set of shape features of
individual MCs, achieving 100% overall accuracy in
classification of 143 individual MCs. Yiang et al. [8] used 8
features of MC clusters in a neural network classifier, and
achieved an Az =0.92 in a dataset of 53 patients. Veldkapm
et al. [11] used cluster distribution, shape and location
features for classification of MCs. A patient-based
classification was performed by combining information of
both views (MLO and CC), achieving a value of Az 0.83.
Leichter et al. [12] used features that reflect the internal
architecture within a MC cluster and stepwise discriminant
analysis for optimum feature selection and classification.
Their approach achieved an Az=0.98. Verma and Zakos [13]
developed a computer-aided diagnosis system for digital
mammograms based on fuzzy neural and feature extraction
techniques. They used a fuzzy technique to detect
microcalcification patterns and a neural network to classify
them. Their work achieved a classification rate of 88.9% for
classifying the microcalcification as benign or malignant.
Lee et al. [14] designed a shape recognition-based neural
network for capturing geometric information of MCs. They
achieved sensitivity 86.1% and specificity 71.4% in a dataset
of 40 mammograms. Papadopoulos et al. [16] used features
characterizing individual MCs and MC clusters; they
employed a rule-based system, an artificial neural-network
and a support vector machine for classification of MC
clusters and achieved an Az=0.81.
As compared to the morphology-based studies, the
proposed method performs within the reported ranges.
However, we should note that the feasibility of the proposed
texture-based classification scheme was demonstrated on a
difficult dataset since all mammograms analyzed correspond
to heterogeneously dense and extremely dense breast
parenchyma. On the other hand, the success of the various
morphology-based classification schemes depends strongly
on the robustness of the segmentation algorithm [1], [40],
[41]. Especially in case of dense breast parenchyma abutting
the MCs, classification is a challenging task due to difficulty
induced in the segmentation process. The proposed method
by requiring a coarse rather than an accurate segmentation of
individual MCs, seems to overcome the limitation of dense
breast parenchyma.
In conclusion, the proposed method has shown promising
results suggesting that texture analysis of tissue surrounding
MC clusters can contribute to computer-aided diagnosis of
breast cancer. Completion of the proposed method should
include a larger dataset and investigation of additional
classification schemes as well as textural features (wavelet
and multi-wavelet). Validation of the hypothesis of the
surrounding tissue texture analysis will be accomplished by
investigating the correlation between computer extracted
textural features and pathoanatomical findings.
This work is supported by the European Social Fund
(ESF), Operational Program for Educational and Vocational
Training II (EPEAEK II), and particularly the Program
PYTHAGORAS I (Β.365.011). We also wish to thank the
staff of the Department of Radiology at the University
Hospital of Patras for their contribution in this work.
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Best Features
Mean value of grey level
Mean of Difference Entropy
Range of Local Homogeneity
Range of Difference Variance
Mean of SRE
Mean of LRE
Mean of RPERC
Skewness from S5L5
Mean from R5L5
Mean from L5L5
STD from S5L5
STD from W5L5
k = number of neighbors.
Sensitivity (%)
Specificity (%)
Accuracy (%)