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2008, Agile 2008 Conference
12 pages
1 file
In agile software development, planning meetings play a pivotal role in establishing a concrete understanding of customers' requirements. Using tools to enhance the effectiveness of the planning meetings without affecting the agility of the practices or disturbing the traditional settings is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose the use of digital tabletops as a means of collaboration in agile planning meetings for collocated teams. To support this proposal, we introduce Agile Planner for Digital Tabletops, a planning tool that was specifically designed for use on large horizontal displays. A multipart study involving a variety of qualitative methodologies was conducted to evaluate this approach. The study involved 14 individual participants plus a five member agile team. The individual evaluation suggested that in general, the tool is usable with minor issues to be considered in future design revisions. The agile team evaluation revealed a significant interest in the tool and its added benefits to the agility of the planning meeting with some issues to be further enhanced.
2008 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human Computer Systems, 2008
This paper introduces the Tabletop AgilePlanner, an advanced prototype that applies tabletop technology to support collocated and distributed agile planning meetings. By introducing the novel tabletopbased project planning tool, this paper contributes to the agile and tabletop research in threefold: First, it provides real world experience of using a digital tabletop to solve practical problems, not just a demonstration of tabletop capabilities. Second, it shows a multipart usability evaluation that exposes the benefits and limitations of using digital tabletop to develop project planning applications. Third, it expresses some trade-offs that impact the design of the Tabletop AgilePlanner. Since the design experience and trade-offs come from a real practice, this paper provides insights into the construction of real world tabletop applications.
Agile Processes in …, 2007
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Digital tabletops are emerging interactive systems that support group collaborations. To utilize digital tabletops for agile planning meetings, we migrated a desktop based planning tool-AgilePlanner to a digital tabletop. This paper reports on challenges of the migration and illustrates differences between user interactions on a digital tabletop and on a desktop. Moreover, lessons and experiences learnt from our design process are highlighted to facilitate future tabletop application design.
In modern construction projects, reliable planning is of paramount importance. However, despite good planning practices, new tasks not mentioned on the lookahead schedule frequently appear during the week of execution. These new tasks are an added burden to the work plan and will ultimately impact construction workflow. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of " Instantask " , as a mobile application addressing this problem. " Instantask " attempts to facilitate an agile response to these unplanned tasks by making them visible to its users as soon as they are noticed and recorded. The users represent all concerned project participants: managers, site engineers, foremen, and tradesmen. The proposed application aims at enhancing fast, clear, and effective coordination between users to mobilize the action plan needed to address these new tasks on site. Additionally, the application will track and document the emergence of these tasks to improve future planning activities. The paper presents a prototype user interface of the application. The benefits of using " Instantask " are tested by conducting a social network analysis comparison via SocNetV. The paper highlights that firms already adopting lean construction practices or those companies in the beginning stages of implementing them would greatly benefit from this application.
Agile Development Conference (ADC'05), 2005
Existing project planning software for agile development processes offers limited support for face-to-face, synchronous collaboration. In this paper, we describe an environment, AgilePlanner, that supports team collaboration during planning meetings. Our approach utilizes advanced technologies of pen computing and digital tabletops to create a collaborative work environment to emulate project planning using index cards. It combines the benefits of paper index cards with those of traditional desktop planning solutions. AgilePlanner is intended as an integral resource in the planning process. Proceedings of the Agile Development Conference (ADC'05) 0-7695-2487-7/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE Proceedings of the Agile Development Conference (ADC'05) 0-7695-2487-7/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE Proceedings of the Agile Development Conference (ADC'05) 0-7695-2487-7/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE
2006 IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE'06), 2006
Supporting agile teams from afar as they plan projects is a challenge. In this paper, we present a planning tool, MasePlanner, which supports agile teams as they collaborate in a distributed environment during their planning meetings. Combined with an audio link, our tool supports natural interaction similar to those found in collocated agile planning environments. MasePlanner supports planning in both vertical and horizontal tabletop workspaces by allowing participants to use interaction techniques such as moving and piling of story cards. By implementing a strong index-card metaphor, the tool aims to be more closely aligned with natural environments 1 Our own MASE system [2] was one of the first. Now several commercial (e.g. [3, 4]) and open source tools (e.g. [5]) are available.
Interacting with Computers, 2009
Agile software development promotes feedback, discipline and close collaboration between all members of the development team, and de-emphasises documentation, 'big design up front' and hierarchical processes. Agile teams tend to be co-located and multi-disciplinary, and rely heavily on face-to-face communication and seemingly simple physical artefacts to support interaction. In this paper we focus on the functionality of two key physical artefacts -the story card and the Wall -which, individually and in combination, underpin the team's activity. These artefacts have two main roles -one which enables a shared understanding of requirements and one which facilitates the development process itself. We consider these roles from two perspectives: a notational perspective and a social perspective. This discussion shows how the two perspectives -the notational and the social -intertwine and are mutually supportive. Any attempt to replace these physical artefacts with alternative support for an agile team needs to take account of both perspectives, and the complex relationships between them.
Kültepe, Ġç Anadolu Bölgesi'nde, Kayseri sınırları içinde, Kızılırmak Nehri'nin 16 km güneyinde bulunmaktadır. Höyük ve aşağı şehirden oluşan yerleşimde ilk bilimsel kazılar 1948 yılında Prof. Dr. Tahsin Özgüç başkanlığında başlamış ve 2006 yılına kadar devam etmiştir. 2006 yılından itibaren de Prof. Dr. Fikri Kulakoğlu başkanlığında kazı ve araştırmalar devam etmektedir. Tez çalışmasının konusunu oluşturan Hellenistik Dönem seramikleri Kültepe'nin höyük kısmında ele geçmiştir ve MÖ 4. yüzyılın sonu ile MÖ 1. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına tarihlenmektedir. Bu seramikler arkeometrik kil analizlerinden alınan destek ile ithal ve bölgesel üretim formlar olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Tüm seramikler içinde ithal örnekler % 4'lük bir paya sahiptir. Bu örnekleri Siyah
The Revolution of Dignity and “Russian spring”: a critical and philosophical view from the perspective of forming the “Russian world” principle. // The Revolution of Dignity: On Its Way to History Focus Topic Postmodern Revolutions: Maidan in the Context of Global Protest Movements of the Late 20..., 2021
Author considers the process of the Revolution of Dignity within philosophical framework, making an attempt to analyze its fundamental ideas, based on the definition of philosophy as an enterprise of constructing and asserting worldviews and systems of ideas. Author states that every revolution in itself is “tyrannical” event for political consciousness, and that the very naming of any event as revolution pretend to form any metanarrative about something great reality which (de)forms our perception of history and politics. Author tries to avoid biases of retrospective and metaphysical wishing thinking while not ignoring phenomenological authenticity of the very event and of the meaning of actions as it was understood by the very actors. Analyzing fundamental ideas, author describes six levels of these ideas, i.e. domestic policy aspect (and within it, aspect of the right to resisting dictatorship), national liberation aspect, anticolonial, antitotalitarian and civilizational aspects. Author shows these aspects or set of values and motivations have been changed throughout revolutionary process, and different set of values have been dominating in different stages of revolution. The Revolution of Dignity is part or stage of bigger revolutionary transformative process that covers the time from 1990, so it can be named as Maidan-3 after Maidan-1 (1990) and Maidan-2 (2004). This bigger revolutionary process has two dimensions: liberal-democratic and national-liberational, and develops within the context of struggle between Russian or Soviet imperial colonial power and modern Ukrainian nation, former colony and province, fighting for its sovereignty and inclusive institutions. As Russian world taken by definition of “subjective unity of political elites, political and symbolical capital, identity, that forms all-encompassing universal global project aimed at enhancing and expanding Russian power as political subject, and doctrine that provide its ideological legitimation”, is determining factor for course of events of the Revolution, author claims the “Russian spring” is also the part in this course, as a stage of counterrevolution and intervention. The course of revolutionary events in Ukraine is compared with some details of French and American, as well as Russian revolution. Волковський В. Революція Гідності та "русская весна": критично-філософський погляд щодо перспективи формування доктрини "русского мира". // Революція Гідності: на шляху до історії. Відп. ред. І. В. Пошивайло, Л. В. Онишко. – К.: Національний музей Революції Гідності, 2021. С.61-77. The Revolution of Dignity and “Russian spring”: a critical and philosophical view from the perspective of forming the “Russian world” principle. // The Revolution of Dignity: On Its Way to History Focus Topic Postmodern Revolutions: Maidan in the Context of Global Protest Movements of the Late 20th – Early 21st century . Scienсе Forum Of The National Museum Of The Revolution Of Dignity. Collection of research contributions. Volume 2 KYIV: National Memorial to the Heavenly Hundred Heroes and Revolution of Dignity Museum, Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance, Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukrainian Catholic University, 2021, 61-77
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