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Fired-clay disks with holes found in the Late Neolithic sites of the southern Levant have been proposed as spindle whorls. This analysis of disks from Tabaqat al-Bûma reveals that while their design and characteristics may not be ideal for spinning, they can be functionally used in hand spinning, supporting the concept of expedient tools in textile production during this period.
Research in Wadi Ziqlab, Northern Jordan, has focused on the discovery and excavation of Late Neolithic sites in an attempt to understand its regional settlement system in the sixth millennium cal. BC. Previous evidence suggested that small hamlets or farmsteads may have characterized this settlement system, as represented at Tabaqat al-Bûma. Recent excavations at a site downstream, al-Basatîn, have revealed evidence for a settlement that was partly contemporary with Tabaqat al-Bûma and shared much of its material culture, but seems to have been markedly different in character. Whether for seasonal or some other reasons, its architecture as currently understood consisted of stone platforms and possibly tents, rather than the substantial houses found at the other site. Toward the end of the sixth millennium, like Tabaqat al-Bûma, it was abandoned, not to be reoccupied until Early Bronze I. Résumé : Les recherches dans le Wadi Ziqlab (Jordanie) ont porté sur la découverte et la fouille de sites du Néolithique récent afi n de comprendre le système régional d'implantation des sites au sixième millénaire cal. av. J.-C. Si les recherches précédentes ont suggéré que de petits hameaux ou fermes caractérisaient ce système, ainsi que l'illustre l'exemple de Tabaqat al-Bûma, les fouilles récentes du site d'al-Basatîn, localisé en aval, ont mis en évidence une occupation partiellement contemporaine de Tabaqat al-Bûma. Malgré les fortes similitudes de la culture matérielle avec celle de ce dernier site, al-Basatîn semble d'un caractère différent. Que ce soit pour des raisons saisonnières ou autres, son architecture, telle qu'elle est actuellement comprise, était constituée de plateformes en pierre et probablement de tentes, plutôt que de maisons véritables, comme celles connues à Tabaqat al-Bûma. Vers la fi n du sixième millénaire, le site, à l'instar de Tabaqat al-Bûma, a été abandonné, puis réoccupé à partir du Bronze Ancien I.
Paléorient, 2008
Research in Wadi Ziqlab, Northern Jordan, has focused on the discovery and excavation of Late Neolithic sites in an attempt to understand its regional settlement system in the sixth millennium cal. BC. Previous evidence suggested that small hamlets or farmsteads may have characterized this settlement system, as represented at Tabaqat al-Bûma. Recent excavations at a site downstream, al-Basatîn, have revealed evidence for a settlement that was partly contemporary with Tabaqat al-Bûma and shared much of its material culture, but seems to have been markedly different in character. Whether for seasonal or some other reasons, its architecture as currently understood consisted of stone platforms and possibly tents, rather than the substantial houses found at the other site. Toward the end of the sixth millennium, like Tabaqat al-Bûma, it was abandoned, not to be reoccupied until Early Bronze I. Résumé : Les recherches dans le Wadi Ziqlab (Jordanie) ont porté sur la découverte et la fouille de sites du Néolithique récent afi n de comprendre le système régional d'implantation des sites au sixième millénaire cal. av. J.-C. Si les recherches précédentes ont suggéré que de petits hameaux ou fermes caractérisaient ce système, ainsi que l'illustre l'exemple de Tabaqat al-Bûma, les fouilles récentes du site d'al-Basatîn, localisé en aval, ont mis en évidence une occupation partiellement contemporaine de Tabaqat al-Bûma. Malgré les fortes similitudes de la culture matérielle avec celle de ce dernier site, al-Basatîn semble d'un caractère différent. Que ce soit pour des raisons saisonnières ou autres, son architecture, telle qu'elle est actuellement comprise, était constituée de plateformes en pierre et probablement de tentes, plutôt que de maisons véritables, comme celles connues à Tabaqat al-Bûma. Vers la fi n du sixième millénaire, le site, à l'instar de Tabaqat al-Bûma, a été abandonné, puis réoccupé à partir du Bronze Ancien I.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2021
The Faynan region of southern Jordan became a center of industrial-scale metallurgical production during the Bronze and Iron Ages. However, socio-economic developments of the Pottery Neolithic period (ca. 6500-5500 B.C.E.) that helped set the stage for the rise of complex copper-producing societies are not well-understood. In this paper, we focus on ceramic technology at the early Pottery Neolithic site of Wadi Fidan 61 in the western part of the Faynan region. The composition of 38 pottery sherds is characterized using an analytical approach that integrates petrography, instrumental geochemistry and Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Results indicate six distinct clay recipes and suggest the use of different clay deposits and tempering materials from locations within ca. 5 km of the site. Implications of this compositionally diverse pottery assemblage are considered, possibly linking this initial phase of ceramic production in the Faynan wi...
What social groups were involved in Neolithic craft production? What was the nature of early forms of craft specialization, long before urban economies evolved? One way to look at this is to investigate manufacture of Neolithic prestige goods. Seasonal camps in Wadi Jilat (eastern Jordan) revealed unusually detailed evidence for manufacture of stone beads: debris, blanks, finished beads, and tools for drilling, sawing and abrasion. The material is 'Dabba Marble', a metamorphic rock of which the major source is nearby. This article describes lapidary technology at Jilat 13 and Jilat 25, equivalent in age to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic C (PPNC). Mineral-chemical characterization data on Dabba Marble are presented. These sites raise issues about early craft specialization. These beadmakers seem to have been master craftsmen/women. We suggest that these sites illustrate a particular form of 'site specialization', namely sites located in remote territories and focused on special materials and intensive production of prestige goods. However, these craft activities were also embedded in hunting, herding and, perhaps, ritual, as suggested by figurines and pillars.
After realizing the interpretation of plain, ball-like items of stone or clay as sling bullets is contested (Tsuneki 1998: 111-112), the goal of the thesis was to look for ways to avoid being caught in controversial assumptions about their real function. The first part of this effort has been to identify the common shapes of the plain, rounded small objects cited by researchers as sling missiles. Six basic forms have materialized from the BA thesis (Kubíková 2013). The cylindrical form was disqualified, which has already led to excluding countless plain objects that were formerly eligible for interpretation as sling missiles. The logical next step was to study the range of common weights and sizes of sling projectiles in order to further thin down the large category of plain rounded stone or clay objects. Therefore, the MA thesis tried to establish firm morphological means for the identification of sling projectiles in the archaeological record of sites in the Near East. This effort...
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