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aquilo que não se expõe não se vende".
Pesquisas feitas em algumas empresas revelaram os seguintes dados:
1. ADMINISTRAÇÃO DOS RECURSOS Administrar recursos nas empresas é fonte geradora de eficiência no mercado. Os capítulos estudados tratam da administração dos recursos materiais e patrimoniais. A administração dos recursos materiais engloba a sequência de operações que tem seu início na identificação do fornecedor, na compra do bem, em seu recebimento, transporte interno e acondicionamento, em seu transporte durante o processo produtivo, em sua armazenagem como produto acabado e em sua distribuição final ao consumidor final. Já a administração de recursos patrimoniais trata da sequência de operações que tem início na identificação do fornecedor, passando pela compra e recebimento do bem, para depois lidar com a sua conservação, manutenção ou, quando for o caso, alienação. Para estudar as técnicas de administração de recursos faz-se necessário, primeiro, entender o seu conceito de recurso, bem e patrimônio. Recurso é tudo aquilo que gera ou tem a capacidade de gerar riqueza. São fatores de produção mais clássicos: capital, terra e trabalho. Nos dias atuais, a tecnologia ganha espaço cada vez mais como recurso importante nas empresas. Bens são muitas vezes considerados como sinônimos de recursos por transmitirem a ideia de que são capazes de gerar produtos e serviços e, portanto, produzir riquezas. Patrimônio pode ser conceituado como conjunto de bens, valores, direitos e obrigações de uma pessoa física ou jurídica que possa ser avaliado monetariamente e que seja utilizado na realização de seus objetivos sociais. O desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia só se dá quando necessário. O manejo com os recursos pode se tornar um problema quando o volume desses recursos cresce acentuadamente e, para isso, usar uma tecnologia disponível na administração é a melhor escolha. Uma das tecnologias disponíveis chama-se PRP (Product Realization Process). Esta tecnologia tem o objetivo de garantir que seja fornecido um produto de qualidade, no prazo desejado e conforme as expectativas do mercado, oferecendo informações sobre as etapas do desenvolvimento do produto, abrangendo todos os departamentos da empresa.
As imagens utilizadas neste livro foram obtidas a partir dos sites PHOTOS.COM e SHUTTERSTOCK.COM". Av. Guedner, 1610 -Jd. Aclimação -(44) 3027-6360 -CEP 87050-390 -Maringá -Paraná NEAD -Núcleo de Educação a Distância -bl. 4 sl. 1 e 2 -(44) 3027-6363 [email protected]
RECURSOS MATERIAIS E PATRIMONIAIS APOSTILA I 2 -Aumentar a qualidade sem preocupação em prejudicar outras áreas da Organização. Busca pela eficácia.
Payment of transactions towards a cashless society is a trend that cannot be avoided. All these things can happen because of cooperation, trust and human desire to be more practical from the community. Through this study, the researcher gets a new model from author analysis based on 23 previous literature synthesis and find out six independent variables that espouse adoption of e-payment to support small-medium enterprise payment system, that are performance expectancy, culture, acceptance of technology, social influence, security, and effort expectancy. The result of this study would be useful to understand about the adoption of e-payment to support the small-medium enterprise payment system.
Parrhesia, 2023
This article contributes to the discussion of philosophical archaeology in Foucault's early works by reexamining its influences and recent developments using two concepts that appear in The Order of Things, but which have been underdeveloped-a 'history of the Same' and a 'history of the Other'. I trace the ways these two projects can be seen as arising out of Kant's original formulation of philosophical archaeology and how their interrelationship has been pursued by Agamben and other contemporary thinkers. First, I offer Foucault's considerations of Kant's Anthropologie as context. Then, I consider how Kant raises two proposals for a History of the Same-early as a 'rational history' and later as a 'history of reason'. Third, I argue that by placing Kant within a history of the Western search for order, Foucault brings forth a paradox in Kant's philosophical history. He shows it to be a mere 'history of the Same' against which Foucault's 'histories of the Other' were initially situated. This is called an 'historiological' insight because it raises the question of the relation between possible histories. Finally, I highlight Agamben's particularly fruitful extension of Foucauldian archaeology-called 'paradigmatology'-as a means of broadening archaeology's scope and aims in the future. In the final section, I argue that the modality of the singular at work in Agamben entails a reconsideration of the example's critical and productive capacities, particularly in relation to that constellation of events it collects as archaeology. This is what I call a 'history of the Same among others'. In closing, I consider critiques of Kant, Foucault, and Agamben by Mbembe, which also lead us to think about a 'history of others among the Same'.
Biogas dihasilkan apabila bahan-bahan organik terurai menjadi senyawa-senyawa pembentuknya dalam keadaan tanpa oksigen (anaerob). Fermentasi anaerobik ini biasa terjadi secara alami di tanah yang basah, seperti dasar danau dan di dalam tanah pada kedalaman tertentu. Proses fermentasi adalah penguraian bahan-bahan organik dengan bantuan mikroorganisme. Fermentasi anaerob dapat menghasilkan gas yang mengandung sedikitnya 50% metana. Gas inilah yang biasa disebut dengan biogas. Biogas dapat dihasilkan dari fermentasi sampah organik seperti sampah pasar, daun daunan, dan kotoran hewan yang berasal dari sapi, babi, kambing, kuda, atau yang lainnya, bahkan kotoran manusia sekalipun. Gas yang dihasilkan memiliki komposisi yang berbeda tergantung dari jenis hewan yang menghasilkannya (Firdaus, U.I., 2009).
A major objective of the ProMine project was to develop a Pan-EU GIS data management and visualization system for natural and man-made mineral endowment and the implementation of a Pan-EU predictive resource assessment, and thus to provide a renewed picture of European metallogeny. To reach this objective, ProMine work package 1 produced pan-European databases of primary and secondary mineral resources, the ProMine Mineral Deposit (MD) and Anthropogenic Concentration (AC) databases. The present version of the MD database contains 12,979 records (mines, deposits, occurrences or showings) and covers 34 European countries. The total number of records of the AC database is 3408. As an exhaustive inventory of mineral wastes in Europe was far beyond the scope of the project, ProMine focused on major anthropogenic concentrations (i.e. mining and ore processing wastes) and on the most interesting in terms of volume/tonnage and content (e.g. possible presence of critical metals). After briefly presenting the databases-their structure, the way they were fed and their content-the present chapter focuses on how they can allow (i) geological approaches such as the spatial and temporal distributions of commodities and/or deposit types (and, in turn, the identification of metallogenic epochs), as well as (ii) statistics calculation on the main commodities and metallogenic types present in Europe and their contribution to the EU mineral budget. In addition, it is shown that the thorough and homogeneous data contained in the MD database also allows calculation of mineral potential and predictive maps
Journal of the American Philosophical Association
Putri Yahdiana Rambe, 2024
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2017
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012
Journal of Applied Phycology, 2011
Proceedings, 2017
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2008
actes de la 12ème conférence "Guerres, Espoirs, Désespoirs et Paix dans l'histoire", série : Savoir sans frontières N°11 publié par Tunisian World for Studies, Research and Development, 2022
Carolina Digital Repository (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2014
Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, 2013
Infection and Immunity, 1978
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana