Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 747–753
Direct heterogeneous electron transfer reactions of fungal laccases
at bare and thiol-modified gold electrodes
Marcos Pita a, Sergey Shleev b,c,d,*, Tautgirdas Ruzgas d, Vı́ctor M. Fernández a,
Alexander I. Yaropolov c, Lo Gorton b
Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquı́mica CSIC, Marie Curie 2, 28049 Madrid, Spain
Lund University, Department of Analytical Chemistry, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Institute of Biochemistry, Laboratory of Chemical Enzymology, 119071 Moscow, Russia
Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society, SE-205 06 Malmö, Sweden
Received 17 February 2006; received in revised form 2 March 2006; accepted 6 March 2006
Available online 4 April 2006
Mediatorless (direct) electron transfer between bare and thiol-modified gold electrodes and fungal laccases from different sources has
been demonstrated. The electrochemical activity of the enzymes from basidiomycetes Trametes hirsuta, Trametes ochracea, and Cerrena
maxima under aerobic and anaerobic conditions can clearly be observed using cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemistry. Bioelectroreduction of oxygen by T. hirsuta laccase immobilized on amino-thiophenol-modified gold electrodes, starting at +625 mV vs. NHE,
is demonstrated and differences in bioelectrocatalysis of the enzyme immobilized on bare and thiol-modified electrodes are shown. It was
found that hydrogen peroxide was one of the products of oxygen electroreduction on gold electrodes modified with fungal laccases,
whereas no significant peroxide formation was observed for T. hirsuta laccase immobilised on thiol-modified gold electrodes. Thus, a
hypothesis about two different mechanisms of oxygen electroreduction by fungal laccases adsorbed on bare and thiol-modified electrodes
is proposed.
2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Laccase; Redox potential; T1, T2, and T3 sites; Gold electrode; Cyclic voltammetry
1. Introduction
Studies of direct electron transfer (DET) reactions
between laccases and electrodes yield important fundamental information about the thermodynamic and kinetic
aspects of direct oxygen reduction to water, with no formation of highly toxic reactive oxygen species [1,2]. Moreover,
the understanding of the heterogeneous reactions facilitates
practical applications of laccases, such as creation of biosensors [3–6] and biofuel cells [7–9].
Laccase (benzenediol: oxygen oxidoreductases, EC catalyses the oxidation of different kind of phe-
Abbreviations: DET, direct electron transfer; ET, electron transfer.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 46 222 8191; fax: +46 46 222 4544.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (S. Shleev).
1388-2481/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
nols, amines and lignins, as well as some inorganic ions,
coupled to the reduction of molecular oxygen to water
[10,11]. The enzymes contain four metal ions historically
classified into three types, e.g., T1, T2, T3, according to
their spectral characteristics [11]. The T1 copper is responsible of the enzyme blue colour with a characteristic lightabsorbance band with a wavelength around 610 nm. The
T2 copper cannot be detected by UV–vis spectroscopy,
however, it generates a characteristic EPR-signal [12,13].
The bi-nuclear T3 copper is diamagnetic, so it is not EPR
detectable. However, the T3 copper displays a spectral
absorbance shoulder in the region of 330 nm [11] and it
has a characteristic fluorescence spectrum [14,15].
The most remarkable characteristic of laccase is the
redox potentials of the T1 Cu sites, which have been determined by potentiometric titrations with redox mediators
M. Pita et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 747–753
for a great number of different laccases. The values of the
redox potentials of the T1 site vary between 430 and
790 mV vs. NHE [13,16–19]. Laccases are classified into
three groups according to the redox potential of the T1 site
and their primary structures, namely low, middle, and high
redox potential enzymes [2,13]. The last group is of special
interest in biotechnology, e.g., for different bleaching [20–
22] and bioremediation processes [23,24], as well as for biosensors [25–27] and biofuel cells [28–30].
Gold is often used as electrode material due to its stability as a noble metal, and its many possibilities for the
immobilization of biomolecules. However, until present,
few reports exist concerning electrochemical studies of high
potential laccases at gold electrodes [31–35]. It has been
shown that different fungal laccases exhibited electrochemical activity on bare and thiol-modified electrodes with a
midpoint potential close to 400 mV vs. NHE, which is
too far away from the redox potential of the T1 site of fungal enzymes [32,33,35]. Some authors [32] concluded that
the T1 site is in DET with gold, despite a considerable difference between the formal potential measured with cyclic
voltammetry (410 mV) and the redox potential of the T1
site (780 mV) determined with redox titration. In a previous work another explanation is suggested, namely that
the T2 site of laccase is in DET contact with gold causing
the determined low redox potential values of the enzymes
[35] and the hypothesis that the redox potential of the T2
copper site in low- and high-potential laccases from different sources might be very similar, i.e. approximately
400 mV, has been proposed [2,35]. The recently published
results related to bioelectrocatalysis of plant (Rhus vernicifera) and fungal (Trametes hirsuta) laccases immobilised on
thiol-modified gold electrodes showed almost similar redox
potentials of oxygen electroreduction for both enzymes,
while the absence of any electrochemical activity for plant
and fungal laccases was found under anaerobic conditions
[34]. Thus, the data on the ET process between high redox
potential laccases and gold are rather limited and some
results are not fully understood. Therefore we wanted to
investigate the possibility of achieving DET for several fungal laccases from different basidiomycetes under aerobic
and anaerobic conditions using bare and thiol-modified
gold electrodes, as a way to gain insight into the mechanism of oxygen electroreduction by fungal laccases.
2. Experimental
2.1. Chemicals
Sulphuric acid, H2O2, Na2HPO4, KH2PO4, EDTA,
NaF, and KCl were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt,
Germany). Cystamine, L-cysteine, 4-aminothiophenol,
2,2 0 -azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate)
(ABTS) were from Sigma Chem. Comp. (St. Louis, MO,
USA). Absolute ethanol (99.7%) was from Solveco Chemicals AB (Täby, Sweden). All chemicals were of analytical
grade. The buffers were prepared using water (18.2 MX)
purified with a Milli-Q system (Millipore, Milford, CT,
2.2. Enzymes
The following basidiomycetes Trametes hirsuta (Wulfen) Pilát, Trametes ochracea (Pers.) Gib. and Ryvarden,
and Cerrena maxima (Mont.) A. David & Rajchenb were
used for laccase production and these strains were obtained
from the laboratory collection of the Moscow State University of Engineering Ecology (Moscow, Russia). Detailed
accounts of the preparative scale production of these laccases and their biochemical characterisation have been previously published [13]. Homogeneous preparations of these
laccases were stored in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.5, at
18 C.
Horseradish peroxidase (HRP, Type VI, 300 units/mg,
MW 40.0 kDa, RZ 2.7) was purchased from Sigma.
2.3. Electrochemical measurements
2.3.1. Spectroelectrochemical studies of laccases
Electrochemically driven mediatorless redox transformations of the enzymes were carried out using a spectroelectrochemical cell consisting on a gold capillary
electrode with a diameter of 0.8 mm and total volume of
0.7 ll. The design of the cell was described elsewhere [36].
The potential of the spectroelectrochemical cell was controlled by a three-electrode potentiostat (BAS LC-3E, Bioanalytical Systems, West Lafayette, IN, USA). Cyclic
voltammograms of laccase in the gold capillary electrode
were recorded using a three-electrode potentiostat (BAS
CV-100 W Electrochemical Analyser with BAS CV-100W
software v. 2.1.). In both steady state and the CV measurements an Ag|AgCl|KClsat reference electrode (200 mV vs.
NHE) and a platinum counter electrode were used. The
absorbance spectra were monitored with PC2000-UV–
VIS, a miniature fibre optic spectrometer from Ocean
Optics (Dunedin, FL, USA) with an effective range
between 200 and 1100 nm. The pre-treatment of the gold
capillary working electrode of the spectroelectrochemical
cell was carried out as described previously [35].
2.3.2. Electrochemical measurements on planar disk gold
Electrochemical measurements were performed using
the BAS CV-100W potentiostat as above, however, in this
case the reference electrode was an Hg|Hg2Cl2|KClsat electrode (SCE, 242 mV vs. NHE), and the counter electrode
was a bare gold electrode. The supporting electrolyte was
a 100 mM phosphate buffer at pH 5.0. The cyclic voltammograms were recoded from +140 to +1040 mV vs.
NHE at three different scan rates: 10, 50, and 250 mV/s.
For cleaning the gold electrodes, they were first immersed
in freshly prepared Piranha solution (3:1 H2SO4 98%:
25% H2O2 30%) for 5 min. Next, the electrode surface of
the working gold electrode was polished on DP-Suspension
M. Pita et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 747–753
and on alumina FF slurry (0.25 lm and 0.1 lm, Stuers,
Copenhagen, Denmark), rinsed with Millipore water, and
sonicated between and after polishing for 10 min. Then
the electrode was electrochemically treated in 0.5 M
sodium hydroxide (100 mV/s scan rate; between 60 and
1360 mV vs. NHE), in 0.5 M sulphuric acid (100 mV/s;
between 60 and 1840 mV vs. NHE), and finally in
100 mM EDTA in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH 5.0 for
30 min at the constant applied potential of +790 mV vs.
NHE. The electrode was kept then in 0.5 M sulphuric acid
until use, when it was rinsed thoroughly with water. The
gold counter electrode was cleaned by dipping for 5 min
into Piranha solution and then rinsed with water
For physical adsorption of laccase on the electrode surface, the electrode was mounted with its surface facing up
and 10 lL of the laccase solutions (approximately 10 mg/
ml of C. maxima, 8 mg/ml of T. ochracea, and 18 mg/ml
of T. hirsuta) were placed on the gold surface. The electrode was covered to avoid evaporation, and let it to react
for 3 h.
Covalent binding of laccase onto the electrode was
accomplished through different self-assembled monolayers
(SAMs) interfaces. First, gold electrodes were immersed
into a 100 mM thiol solution. For L-cysteine and cystamine, the solvent for the thiol was Milli-Q water, and for
4-amino-thiophenol the solvent was absolute ethanol.
The SAM was let to assemble for at least 4 h. In parallel,
10 lL of the laccase solution (same concentrations as taken
for physical absorption, see above) were transferred into
0.2 ml of a 10 mg/ml NaIO4 in H2O at pH 5.0 and react
for 30 min (pH is given by the periodate salt), in order to
oxidise the sugar residues on the enzyme surface. After
that, the pH was raised to 7 by adding 0.4 ml of 100 mM
phosphate buffer. The oxidised sugar residues were allowed
to react with the primary amine functionality present in the
SAM, forming a Schiff base, after immersing the waterrinsed SAM-modified electrode into the modified enzyme
solution for 1 h. Afterwards, the electrodes were ready to
be used.
2.4. Measurements of H2O2 production
The concentrations of H2O2 were measured spectrophotometrically using Uvikon 930 spectrophotometer (Kontron Instrument, Everett, MA, USA). A 0.89 ml aliquot
was taken from the electrochemical cell and placed into a
1 ml cuvette. Then, ABTS (9.1 mM) and HRP (0.5 mg/
ml) were added as electron donor and catalyst, respectively,
in order to get a final volume of 1 ml. The concentration of
oxidised ABTS was measured at 405 nm (e = 36,800
M1 cm1), which corresponds to the concentration of
H2O2 according to the following reaction:
H2 O2 þ ½ABTSred þ 2Hþ ! 2H2 O þ ½ABTSox
Control experiments (measurements without applying any
potential on the electrode) were performed and the results
were taken into account for the interpretation of the
3. Results and discussion
Recently, ET between a bare gold electrode and the T1
site of T. hirsuta laccase in solution was undisputedly confirmed by spectroelectrochemical measurements [35]. It was
shown that the blue colour vanishes when the applied
potential was switched from being oxidative to being
reductive. The bleaching was associated with the reduction
of the T1 site of T. hirsuta laccase in the gold capillary electrode under anaerobic conditions [35]. In this work similar
results were obtained for two other fungal laccases (C.
maxima (Fig. 1) and T. ochracea (data not shown)). The
redox transformations of the enzymes were found to be
reversible and the laccases could be re-oxidised, either by
applying an oxidising potential or by the introduction of
oxygen. In our former work [35], only redox transformations of the T1 site were studied spectroelectrochemically;
in the present work the redox state of both the T1 and
T3 copper sites have been controlled simultaneously with
a broader spectral measurements (330 nm region – T3 copper site, 600 nm region – T1 copper site). The possibility to
obtain fully reduced enzymes was shown for all three
enzymes (e.g., Fig. 1, curve 3 for C. maxima laccase). It
should be mentioned that more than 70% of the initial
enzyme activity is retained after the DET electrochemical
titration procedure from oxidised to reduced enzyme and
vice versa. The activity of the laccases was measured before
and after redox transformations using ABTS as enzyme
substrate [35]. In spite of the retained activity of the
enzymes inside the capillary gold electrode and the possibility for DET between the electrode and the enzymes, only
small bioelectrocatalytic currents were obtained in the presence of molecular oxygen (see Fig. 1, inset for C. maxima
The electrochemistry of T. hirsuta, T. ochracea, and C.
maxima laccases inside the capillary gold electrodes was
further investigated with cyclic voltammetry. For all studied enzymes the anodic wave revealed irreversible electrochemistry; after the electrode had been subjected to an
oxidative potential, the anodic wave became much less pronounced. The difference between the anodic peak potentials
was rather small and found to be about 30 mV for the three
laccases. Our results indicate that the oxidation process of
the different copper ions in the active sites of laccases is significantly faster than that of the reduction process. These
data are in good agreement with previously found behaviours of plant and fungal laccases on different gold electrodes [32,33,35,37]. However, it should be noticed that
the electrochemical behaviour of C. maxima and T. ochracea laccases inside the capillary gold electrode was different
from the behaviour shown by the enzyme from T. hirsuta
[35]. Mainly, a much less pronounced (T. ochracea laccase)
or even the absence (C. maxima) of a cathodic Faradaic
process was observed, which suggested a sufficiently low
M. Pita et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 747–753
E p ,a = 560 mV
Current / μA
Potential / mV vs. NHE
Wavelength / nm
Fig. 1. Electrochemical reactions of Cerrena maxima laccase inside the capillary gold electrode (0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.5; the enzyme concentration
was approximately 8 mg/ml). Mediatorless spectroelectrochemical oxidation and reduction of the laccase; 1, 2, and 3 are absorbance spectra of the enzyme
at 875 mV (‘‘fully oxidised’’), 300 mV (‘‘partly reduced’’), and 200 mV (‘‘fully reduced’’), respectively. Inset: electroreduction of oxygen (second scan)
inside the capillary gold electrode with (1) and without (2) Cerrena maxima laccase (scan rate – 10 mV/s; start potential – 1000 mV.
rate constant for the heterogeneous ET compared to the
value for T. hirsuta laccase (0.7 · 104 cm s1) calculated
in [35].
To study the behaviour of the immobilized enzyme, cyclic voltammetry measurements of gold disc electrodes modified with the laccases have been performed (data not
shown). The CVs obtained under anaerobic conditions
for T. ochracea laccase contained only one single high
potential ET process at +857 mV (vs. NHE). The process
is more clearly pronounced when the scan rate was high.
Similar CVs were obtained for C. maxima laccase, whereas
the CVs of T. hirsuta laccase contained two well-pronounced ET processes at +486 and +903 mV vs. NHE. It
should be noticed that the shape of the CVs for laccases
adsorbed on bare gold electrodes strongly depends on the
time allowed for the adsorption of the enzymes as well as
the concentrations of the enzymes. For instance, when a
low concentration of T. hirsuta laccase was used, only a
weak high redox potential process at approximately
+900 mV was observed, whereas in the case of a high concentration of the enzyme (18 mg/ml) and 1 h of adsorption
a well-pronounced low-redox potential process could be
clearly seen (data not shown). Most likely, both the adsorption time and the enzyme concentration strongly affect the
orientation of the laccase on the surface along with partial
denaturation of the enzyme on the electrode.
A strong Faradaic current due to catalytic oxygen
reduction under aerobic condition is observed in Fig. 2A
(curve 1), starting at a potential of approximately
+320 mV vs. NHE. It is also seen that addition of sodium
fluoride to the solution does not affect this process. The
conclusion drawn from this fact is that fluoride ions, a
strong inhibitor of fungal and plant laccases, does not inhibit oxygen reduction on gold electrodes modified with
adsorbed laccases. It can be suggested that the oxygen bioelectroreduction at laccase/gold electrodes takes place with
no involvement of the intramolecular ET, which is hindered by fluoride ions [10,11,38].
The electrochemistry of laccases immobilised on a gold
surface through covalent attachment to an amine-terminated-self assembled monolayer has also been studied for
T. hirsuta, T. ochracea, and C. maxima laccases. Three
different thiols have been used in the present study, viz. cystamine, L-cysteine, and 4-aminothiophenol. A well-pronounced and stable electrochemical signal was observed
only in the case of 4-aminothiophenol-modified gold electrodes. It was shown that the electrochemistry of the
enzymes on the modified thiol electrodes under anaerobic
conditions resulted in two well-pronounced ET processes,
at low and high potentials, with an Em5 of approximately
400 and 800 mV, respectively (data not shown). The peak
current for the reduction process is lower than that for
M. Pita et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 747–753
Current/ µA
H 2O 2
NaF anaerobic (4)
Potential / mV vs. NHE
Current/ µA
H 2O 2
NaF anae
H 2O
Potential / mV vs. NHE
Fig. 2. Representative cyclic voltammograms of (A) Cerrena maxima and
(B) Trametes hirsuta laccases immobilised on (A) bare and (B) 4aminothiophenol self-assembled monolayer (SAM) modified gold (BAS)
disc electrodes (0.1 M phosphate buffer pH 5.0; scan rate – 10 mV/s;
second scan). (A) CVs of Cerrena maxima laccase under aerobic and
anaerobic conditions, and in the absence or presence of sodium fluoride
starting at 1040 mV. (B) CVs of Trametes hirsuta laccase under aerobic or
anaerobic conditions, and in the absence or presence of sodium fluoride
starting at 1040 mV.
the oxidation. These features of the CVs are similar to
those CVs of the enzyme on bare gold electrodes despite
the fact that a self-assembled monolayer used here usually
avoid enzyme denaturation on metal electrode surfaces.
Taking into account this asymmetry between the reduction
and oxidation currents, which has also been shown previously for plant laccases [37], it can be suggested that the
difficulties with electroreduction of laccases related to the
kinetics of the redox center reaction, which is lower than
the oxidation of the electrodes, is due to the slow intramolecular ET process of the enzymes. In Fig. 2B, curve
1, a bioelectroreduction of molecular oxygen by T. hirsuta
laccase immobilised on the thiol-modified gold electrodes is
clearly seen. The electrochemical signal starts slightly from
+625 mV vs. NHE, however, a more drastic increase is
seen only from +510 mV vs. NHE. Here it can be mentioned that, to our best knowledge, this potential is the
highest potential for bioelectrocatalytic reduction of oxygen by laccase on a gold electrode reported up today. In
other words, this is the closest value to the redox potential
of the T1 site of the enzyme, which is found to be of
780 mV vs. NHE [13,35]. This CV is compared with
another CV registered in the presence of sodium fluoride,
and for this CV it only appears the reduction wave analogous to the wave presented for laccase-modified gold electrodes without thiols (cf. Fig. 2A and B, curves 3). Also, in
the absence of oxygen, there is no biocatalytic response on
the electrode (curves 2 and 4).
A proposed explanation for our results could be that, in
the presence of fluoride ions or when the enzyme is
adsorbed on bare gold, instead of reduction of oxygen to
water (natural laccase activity), oxygen is bioelectrocatalytically reduced to hydrogen peroxoxide at a much lower
potential. In order to prove this hypothesis the possible
production of hydrogen peroxide by T. hirsuta laccasemodified electrode have been measured via ABTS oxidation catalysed by HRP, either T. hirsuta is adsorbed on
bare gold or covalently attached to a 4-aminothiophenol
SAM-modified electrode. The results are shown in Fig. 3.
In the case of bare gold electrodes (Fig. 3A) it is clearly
seen that when a potential of +440 mV was applied on
the electrode, only a residual production of hydrogen peroxide was observed. However, when the potential was lowered to +240 mV vs. NHE, a bare gold electrode catalyses
the production of a small amount of H2O2, while the laccase modified bare gold electrode catalyses a 3 times higher
production of H2O2 (from 12 nmol for a bare electrode to
36 nmol for a laccase-modified bare gold electrode per
70 min). When Trametes hirsuta laccase was immobilised
on a self-assembled monolayer, the production of H2O2
is the same with or without the enzyme at a high potential
(+440 mV; Fig. 3C), and is equal to the production by the
enzyme-modified electrode when the electrode was polarised at a low potential (+240 mV; 40 nmol). The interesting
result was that, when applying +240 mV to the SAM modified electrode without laccase, the H2O2 production was 70
times higher (2800 nmol) compared to the laccase-modified
SAM-gold electrode (Fig. 3B). The covalent attachment of
the laccase reduces drastically this effect because the
enzyme reduces the oxygen and there is almost no oxygen
left at the gold electrode surface that could be reduced to
form hydrogen peroxide.
In conclusion, bioelectroreduction of oxygen has been
obtained from three different laccases when immobilised
on gold electrodes. Immobilisation on bare gold electrodes
gives a biocatalytic reduction of molecular oxygen, but this
does not occur along the natural enzyme reduction pathway as long as the reduction product is hydrogen peroxide
instead of water, and remains insensitive to sodium fluoride
O2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e ! H2 O2
M. Pita et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 747–753
Bare 240
Bare 440
Lcs Bare 240 (3)
Lcs Bare 440 (4)
H2O2 / nmol
Time / min
SAM 240
Lcs SAM 240
H2O2 / nmol
H2O2 / nmol
SAM 440
Lcs SAM 440
Time / min
Time / min
Fig. 3. Hydrogen peroxide production on bare and thiol-modified gold electrodes polarised at 240 mV and at 440 mV vs. NHE, with and without
immobilised Trametes hirsuta laccase. (A) Bare gold electrode. (B and C) 4-aminothiophenol-modified gold electrode.
This redox process probably does not take place using all
the four copper ions, but only some of them. On the other
hand, when the enzyme is immobilised on the electrode
through the 4-aminothiophenol self-assembled monolayer,
a mixed process of electroreduction of oxygen to water and
to hydrogen peroxide appears. The electroreduction to
water is due to the enzyme’s native activity, and the hydrogen peroxide production finds an explanation on whether a
small amount of oxygen is reduced by 4-aminothiophenol
or by a non-native activity of the enzymes:
2O2 þ 4Hþ þ 4e ! 2H2 O
Thus, the previously proposed schemes of the function of
laccase on carbon and gold electrodes [2,35,39], where the
enzyme is differently oriented onto the electrode surface,
can also be used in order to explain differences in the electroactivity of laccases on bare and thiol-modified gold
The authors thank Dr. Antonio López de Lacey for critical reading and helpful suggestions. The work has been
financially supported by the Swedish Research Council,
by the Swedish Institute (SI), by the Consejerı́a de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid, and the European Social Funding (F.S.E.). The SI is acknowledged for the
support of a postdoctoral fellowship for S.S.
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