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The effects of increased exogenous N availability on rates of litter decomposition were assessed in several field fertilization trials. In a jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) forest, needle litter decomposed at the same rate in control plots and in plots fertilized with urea and ammonium nitrate (1350 kg N ha-I) with or without P and K. Mixed needle litter of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.), western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) incubated in plots recently amended with sewage sludge (500 kg N ha-I) lost less weight during 3 years than did litter in control plots. Forest floor material also decomposed more slowly in plots amended with sewage sludge. Paper birch (Betula papyrijera Marsh.) leaf litter placed on sewage sludge (1000 kg N ha-I), pulp sludge, or sewage-pulp sludge mixtures decomposed at the same rate as leaf litter in control plots. These experiments demonstrate little effect of exogenous N availability on rates of litter decomposition. The influence of endogenous N availability on rates of litter decomposition was examined in a microcosm experiment. Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latijolia Engelm.) needle litter collected from N-fertilized trees (525 kg N ha-I in ammonium nitrate) were 5 times richer in N than needles from control trees (l.56% N versus 0.33~ N in control trees), but decomposed at the same rate. Green needles from fertilized trees contained twice as much N as needles from control trees (l.91 % N versus 0.88% N), but decomposed at the same rate. These experiments suggest that N availability alone, either exogenous or endogenous, does not control rates of litter decomposition. Increased N availability, through fertilization or deposition, in the absence of changes in vegetation composition, will not alter rates of litter decomposition in forests.
Forests, 2015
The litter decomposition process is closely correlated with nutrient cycling and the maintenance of soil fertility in the forest ecosystem. In particular, the intense environmental concern about atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition requires a better understanding of its influence on the litter decomposition process. This study examines the responses of single-species litter and litter mixture decomposition processes to N addition in Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) ecosystems. Chinese pine litter, Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb.) litter, and a pine-oak mixture were selected from a plantation and a natural forest of Chinese pine. Four N addition treatments, i.e., control (N0: 0 kg N ha´1¨year´1), low-N (N1: 50 kg N ha´1¨year´1), medium-N (N2: 100 kg N ha´1¨year´1), and high-N (N3: 150 kg N ha´1¨year´1), were applied starting May 2010. In the plantation, N addition significantly stimulated the decomposition of the Chinese pine litter. In the natural forest, N addition had variable effects on the decomposition of single-species litter and the litter mixture. A stimulatory effect of the high-N treatment on the Chinese pine litter decomposition could be attributed to a decrease in the substrate C:N ratio. However, an opposite effect was found for the Mongolian oak litter decomposition. The stimulating effect of N addition on the Chinese pine litter may offset the suppressive effect on the Mongolian oak litter, resulting in a neutral effect on the litter mixture. These results suggest that the different responses in decomposition of single-species litter and the litter mixture to N addition are mainly attributed to litter chemical composition. Further investigations are required to characterize the effect of long-term high-level N addition on the litter decomposition as N deposition is likely to increase rapidly in the region where this study was conducted.
Silva Fennica, 2014
2014). Interaction of initial litter quality and thinning intensity on litter decomposition rate, nitrogen accumulation and release in a pine plantation. Silva Fennica vol. 48 no. 4 article id 1211. 13 p.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 1998
ÐChronic atmospheric N input may alter the rate of decomposition and N cycling during needle litter decomposition. Fresh needle litter from Douglas ®r (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was exposed to high (>37 kg N ha À1 yr À1) and strongly attenuated rates of natural N deposition (4±6 kg N ha À1 yr À1), achieved by means of transparent roofs in the ®eld. Needle litter was exposed in polyethylene litterbags for 2 yr in the ®eld. The isotope 15 N was added as a tracer with throughfall to study the fate of throughfall-N in the decomposing litter. The rate of decomposition was not aected by the amount of N deposition in the Douglas ®r stand. In the Scots pine stand the rate of decomposition was temporarily reduced at the low-N input rates. Three years of reduced N input did not alter litter decomposition or N dynamics through a change in litter substrate quality (e.g. N concentration). However, eects of the amount of N deposition on litter substrate quality are likely to become evident after several more years of reduced N input. In both litter species total lignin increased initially (within 4 mo) to 50% of the total dry weight and remained at this level while the loss of mass continued. The amount of N deposition aected the N concentration during the ®rst months of decomposition as characterized by a net N immobilization. Retention of the annual throughfall-NH 4 input by the annual litterfall was 0.3 kg N ha À1 yr À1 at strongly attenuated N input rates (9% of throughfall-NH 4 input) and 1.6±2.2 kg N ha À1 yr À1 at natural high rates (4±7% of throughfall-NH 4 input). The 15 N tracer results indicate that throughfall-N was retained mainly in easily-decomposable fractions that rapidly decomposed again after the 15 N addition stopped. The results suggest a dierent critical C-toN ratio in litter exposed to high and strongly reduced N input rates. This may result from a shift in decomposer communities or a change in the C and N metabolism of microorganisms .
Forest Ecology and Management, 2000
The decomposition rate of fresh plant litter may decrease from ca. 0.1% per day in fresh litter to 0.00001 per day or lower in more completely decomposed material. This is due to changes in its organic-matter quality as the recalcitrant chemical components become enriched in the material. The decrease in decomposability (substrate quality) is complex, involving both direct chemical changes in the substrate itself and the succession in micro-organisms able to compete for the substrate with a given chemical composition. The concept`substrate quality' varies among litter species, though.
Ecological Monographs, 2012
Despite the importance of litter decomposition for ecosystem fertility and carbon balance, key uncertainties remain about how this fundamental process is affected by nitrogen (N) availability. Resolving such uncertainties is critical for predicting the ecosystem consequences of increased anthropogenic N deposition. Toward that end, we decomposed green leaves and senesced litter of northern pin oak (Quercus ellipsoidalis) in three forested stands dominated by northern pin oak or white pine (Pinus strobus) to compare effects of substrate N (as it differed between leaves and litter) and externally supplied N (inorganic or organic forms) on decomposition and decomposer community structure and function over four years. Asymptotic decomposition models fit the data equally well as single exponential models and allowed us to compare effects of N on both the initial decomposition rate (k a) and the level of asymptotic mass remaining (A, proportion of mass remaining at which decomposition approaches zero, i.e., the fraction of slowly decomposing litter). In all sites, both substrate N and externally supplied N (regardless of form) accelerated the initial decomposition rate. Faster initial decomposition rates corresponded to higher activity of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes associated with externally supplied N and greater relative abundances of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria associated with green leaves and externally supplied organic N (assessed using phospholipid fatty acid analysis, PLFA). By contrast, later in decomposition, externally supplied N slowed decomposition, increasing the fraction of slowly decomposing litter (A) and reducing lignin-degrading enzyme activity and relative abundances of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Higher-N green leaves, on the other hand, had lower levels of A (a smaller slow fraction) than lower-N litter. Contrasting effects of substrate and externally supplied N during later stages of decomposition likely occurred because higher-N leaves also had considerably lower lignin, causing them to decompose more quickly throughout decomposition. In conclusion, elevated atmospheric N deposition in forest ecosystems may have contrasting effects on the dynamics of different soil carbon pools, decreasing mean residence times of active fractions in fresh litter (which would be further reduced if deposition increased litter N concentrations), while increasing those of more slowly decomposing fractions, including more processed litter.
PLOS ONE, 2016
There is evidence that anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition enhances carbon (C) sequestration in boreal soils. However, key underlying mechanisms explaining this increase have not been resolved. Two potentially important mechanisms are that aboveground litter production increases, or that litter quality changes in response to N enrichment. As such, our aim was to quantify whether simulated chronic N deposition caused changes in aboveground litter production or quality in a boreal forest. We conducted a long-term (17 years) stand-scale (0.1 ha) forest experiment, consisting of three N addition levels (0, 12.5, and 50 kg N ha-1 yr-1) in northern Sweden, where background N deposition rates are very low. We measured the annual quantity of litter produced for 8 different litter categories, as well as their concentrations of C, N, phosphorus (P), lignin, cellulose and hemi-cellulose. Our results indicate that mosses were the only major litter component showing significant quantitative and qualitative alterations in response to the N additions, indicative of their ability to intercept a substantial portion of the N added. These effects were, however, offset by the other litter fractions where we found no changes in the total litter fluxes, or individual chemical constituents when all litter categories were summed. This study indicates that the current annual litter fluxes cannot explain the increase in soil C that has occurred in our study system in response to simulated chronic N application. These results suggest that other mechanisms are likely to explain the increased soil C accumulation rate we have observed, such as changes in soil microbial activity, or potentially transient changes in aboveground litter inputs that were no longer present at the time of our study.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2000
Forest floor samples from a 25-year-old plantation of three tree species (Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.), and paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.)) growing on the same site were incubated (aerobically) in the laboratory for 29 days. Rates of N mineralization in the forest floors of Douglas-fir (165.1 µg/g) was significantly greater than either birch (72.9 µg/g) or lodgepole pine (51.2 µg/g). Douglas-fir forest floors also had the highest N concentration, lowest C/N ratio, and highest NH 4-N concentrations, followed by paper birch and lodgepole pine. Douglas-fir forest floors also mineralized more N per unit of either N or C than the other species. There were no differences in rates of CO 2-C mineralization in forest floors among the three species. Nitrogen mineralization rates were positively correlated with the N concentration of the forest floor (r 2 = 0.81) and also with the C/N and NH 4-N concentration of the forest floor. Nitrogen concentration, C/N, and lignin/N of foliar litter were poor predictors of N mineralization rates resulting from Douglas-fir litter having the lowest N concentrations in litter but the highest rates of net N mineralization in the forest floor. Nitrogen mineralization in the forest floor was negatively correlated (r 2 = 0.67) with the lignin concentration in foliar litter. Douglas-fir litter had low lignin concentrations, which may allow more of the mineralized N to remain in inorganic forms rather than being bound in humus. Our results suggest that a component of Douglas-fir might improve N availability in coniferous forest floors. Résumé : Des échantillons de la couverture morte prélevés dans une plantation âgée de 25 ans, où croissent sur le même site trois espèces d'arbres, le douglas de Menzies (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), le pin lodgepole (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) et le bouleau blanc (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), ont été incubés en condition aérobique au laboratoire pendant 29 jours. Le taux de minéralisation de N dans la couverture morte du douglas de Menzies (165,1 µg/g) était significativement plus élevé que ceux de la couverture morte du bouleau (72,9 µg/g) ou du pin lodgepole (51,2 µg/g). La couverture morte de douglas de Menzies avait également la concentration en azote la plus élevée, le plus faible rapport C/N et la concentration en N-NH 4 la plus élevée suivi du bouleau blanc et du pin lodgepole. La couverture morte de douglas de Menzies minéralisait également plus de N par unité de N ou de C que celle des autres espèces. Il n'y avait pas de différence dans le taux de minéralisation de C-CO 2 entre les couvertures mortes des trois espèces. Le taux de minéralisation de N était positivement corrélé avec la concentration de N dans la couverture morte (r 2 = 0,81) et également avec le rapport C/N et la concentration de N-NH
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2001
The effects of internal and external nitrogen (N) on the turnover of carbon (C) and N in the early stage of decomposition of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needle litter were studied in a 142-d laboratory incubation experiment. Different doses of external N (as NH 4 Cl) were added to litter with different internal N contents. Both internal and external N contributed in covering the N demand under the given circumstances. For needles with an internal N content of 12.9 mg N g 21 dry litter, the mass loss and respiration rate were more than 40 and 30% higher, respectively, than for needles with an internal N content of 5.4 mg N g 21 dry litter. The importance of the initial internal N content for the decomposition rate decreased with time. The decay rate increased by more than 60% when 1.1 mg NH 4-N g 21 dry litter (14 d) 21 was applied compared to no addition of external N. No further increase in decomposition rate was observed when the external dose increased to 3.2 mg NH 4-N g 21 dry litter (14 d) 21. The positive effect of the external N addition was signi®cantly lower for needles with a high content of internal N. The releases of dissolved organic compounds (DOC and DON) were not signi®cantly affected by internal or external N. In spite of the effective N retention, the leaching of inorganic N generally increased with higher levels of both internal and external N. More than 85% of the N loss from the litter with added external N was in the form of leached NH 4 1. The N 2 O emission increased with increased N status, whereas no clear relationship was found between N 2 O emission and NO 3 2 leaching. The increased N status due to N fertilisation or atmospheric N deposition may result in considerable changes in a forest ecosystem. The overall effect on the organic matter storage and the cycling of important nutrients depends, however, on the in¯uence of N in later decomposition stages and on litter producing related processes.
Soil Biology and …, 2008
Elevated nitrogen (N) deposition can affect litter decomposition directly, by raising soil N availability and the quantity and quality of litter inputs, and indirectly by altering plant community composition. We investigated the importance of these controls on litter decomposition ...
Plant and soil, 2007
A field-scale experiment with nitrogen (N) addition treatments was performed in three forest typesa pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) forest, a pinebroadleaf mixed forest (mixed) and a mature monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest (mature)in tropical China. Two kinds of leaf litter, Schima superba Chardn. & Champ. and Castanopsis chinensis Hance, were studied using the litterbag technique after more than 2 years of continuous N additions. The objective of this study was to understand the cumulative effect of N addition on litter decomposition in the tropical forests and to determine if the initial effects of N addition changes over time. Results indicated that leaf litter decomposition was significantly faster in the mature forest than in the mixed or pine forests. The mean fraction of mass remaining after 12-months of decomposition was: mature (0.22)<mixed (0.50)<pine (0.51) for the two litters. Nitrogen addition significantly depressed litter decomposition in the pine forest and the mature forest, but had no significant effect in the mixed forest. These results suggest that N deposition has significant cumulative effect on litter decomposition.
Electrum, 2019
Stratigrafie del Paesaggio, 2022
Current rheumatology …, 2010
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Journal of Business and Social Sciences
Recognition memory and featural similarity between concepts: the pupil’s point of view, 2018
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2004
Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2024
EDITORIAL OFFICE MDPI St. Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel, Switzerland, 2021
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2014
Biomaterials, 2013
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Biuletyn Instytutu Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin, 2015
Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly, 1991