Anomalous Hall metals from strong disorder in class A systems on partite lattices
Eduardo V. Castro,1, 2, ∗ Raphael de Gail,3 M. Pilar López-Sancho,3 and María A. H. Vozmediano3
arXiv:1601.07910v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 28 Jan 2016
CeFEMA, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing 100084, China
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC,
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 3, Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid, Spain
(Dated: February 16, 2018)
Topological matter is a trending topic in condensed matter: From a fundamental point of
view it has introduced new phenomena and tools,
and for technological applications, it holds the
promise of basic stable quantum computing. Similarly, the physics of localization by disorder, an
old paradigm of obvious technological importance
in the field, continues revealing surprises when
new properties of matter appear. This work deals
with the localization behavior of electronic systems based on partite lattices with special attention to the role of topology. We find an unexpected result from the point of view of localization properties: A robust topological metallic
state characterized by a non–quantized Hall conductivity arises from strong disorder in class A
(time reversal symmetry broken) insulators. The
key issue is the nature of the disorder realization: selective disorder in only one sublattice in
systems based on bipartite lattices. The generality of the result is based on the partite nature
of most recent 2D materials as graphene or transition metal dichalcogenides, and the possibility
of the physical realization of the particular disorder demonstrated in1 . An anomalous Hall metal
arises also when the original clean insulator is
topologically trivial.
After the seminal work of P. Anderson2 it was understood that in a non-interacting two dimensional electron system at zero temperature in spacial dimension
D ≤ 2 and in the thermodynamic limit, the electronic
wave function will be localized by disorder. In more
realistic situations the scaling theory of localization allowed a classification of the localization behavior of materials into universality classes set by symmetry and
space dimensionality3,4 based on the Altland-Zirnbauer
sets of random matrices5 . The advent of topological
insulators6–8 provided a new class of delocalized states,
the edge states, robust under disorder provided some discrete symmetries were preserved. The symmetry classes
were then adapted to include the topological features and
a “tenfold way" classification was set9,10 .
Centering the attention on the three non–chiral symmetry classes of the original Wigner–Dyson classification
in two dimensions, we expect the following situation: All
states will be localized in the orthogonal class AI (time
reversal symmetry T with T 2 = 1 preserved); a mobility
edge11 , i.e., a well defined energy separating a region of
extended states from the localized states, is expected in
the symplectic class AII (time reversal symmetry with
T 2 = −1 preserved). Finally, in the unitary class A (T
broken), extended states can remain at particular energies. Only classes A and AII support topological indices.
The prototypical examples in classe A are systems showing the integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE) and anomalous quantum Hall systems, the later exemplified by the
Haldane model12 . Spin Hall systems13,14 belong to class
The interplay of topology and localization was first analyzed in the context of the robustness under disorder
of the Hall conductivity quantization in the IQHE15–18 .
This is an example of a Chern insulator that belongs to
symmetry class A (all discrete symmetries are broken) in
the standard classification. The mechanism for localization in both topological classes A, and AII, is referred
to as “levitation and annihilation"19 . For moderate disorder, the states in the edges of the conduction and valence bands start to localize. As disorder increases, the
gap is totally populated by localized states and the extended states carrying the Chern number shift towards
one another and annihilate leading to the topological
phase transition. The difference between the two classes
is that, while in the symplectic class AII, a finite region of
extended states with a well defined mobility edge remains
until the transition takes place, there is no mobility edge
in the unitary class A systems. The extended states carrying the Chern number are located at particular single
We use the Haldane model12 as a typical example of
class A system based on a bipartite lattice. As it is
known, depending on the parameter values, the model
can represent a Chern or a trivial insulator. The main
result of this work is the finding of an extended region
of delocalized states with a well defined mobility edge
for strong disorder in class A systems when disorder is
selectively distributed in only one sublattice. Why this
is surprising is because there is no mobility edge in this
class. Hence our result implies that the standard classification has to be modified. Moreover the final metallic
state is an anomalous Hall metal even in the case when
the clean starting system is a topologically trivial insulator.
FIG. 1. Phase diagram of the Haldane model as a function
of the parameters
M and φ with |t2 /t1 | < 1/3. The condition
|M | = 3 3t2 sin φ sets the boundary between a trivial (Chern
number ν=0 ) and a topological insulator ν = ±1.
In addition to its fundamental interest, the physics
of this work can be realized in actual material systems.
Many of the 2D materials relevant for technological or
fundamental physics are based on bipartite lattices. Most
prominent examples like graphene and its siblings silicene, germanene, or stanene; black phosphorus, boron
nitride, or transition metal dichalcogenides MX2 (M=
Mo, W and X= S, Se) are based on the Honeycomb
lattice20 . The experimental possibility of inducing disorder selectively in one sublattice only, has been proven
in1 .
We use the Haldane model12 as a generic example of
a Chern topological insulator. The Haldane model tight
binding Hamiltonian can be written as
X †
e−iφij c†i cj
ci cj + −t2
H = −t
Potential (Anderson) disorder is implemented by
adding to the Hamiltonian the term i∈A,B εi c†i ci , with
a uniform distribution of random local energies, εi ∈
[−W/2, W/2]. We will discuss two cases: disorder equally
or selectively distributed among the two sublattices. For
selective disorder the sum runs only over one sublattice.
The Haldane model belongs to symmetry class A where
the different topological phases can be characterized by a
Z–topological number, the Chern number ν. In the clean
insulating system it can be computed from the single
particle Bloch states un (k) as:
νn =
Ωn (k)dS,
2π S z
where the integral is over the unit cell and Ωnz (k) is
the z component of the Berry curvature: Ωn (k) =
∇k ∧ An (k) defined from the Berry connection: An (k) =
hun (k)| − i∇k |un (k)i. The non trivial topology of metallic states (anomalous Hall systems) is associated to a finite, non quantized Hall conductivity that can be computed using a Kubo formula. The main technical difficulty in addressing disordered systems is the breakdown
of translational symmetry which prevents working directly in momentum space. The subject being very old,
many numerical and analytical tools have been worked
out to deal with this oddity. Topological systems share
the same problem as most topological indices are naturally defined in k space. We have used a numerical recipe
based on the Kubo formula a to compute the Hall conductivity in the disordered tight binding model similar
to that described in23 .
The localization behavior of the system has been explored with standard tools: Level spacing statistics, and
inverse participation ratio (IPR)10 . A transfer matrix
method24 has been also used to compute the localization
length and confirm the presence of a mobility edge.
ηi c†i ci
+ H.c.,
where ci = A, B are defined in the two triangular sublattices that form the honeycomb lattice. The first term t
represents a standard real nearest neighbor hopping that
links the two triangular sublattices. The next term represents a complex next nearest neighbor hopping t2 e−iφij
acting within each triangular sublattice with a phase φij
that has opposite signs φij = ±φ in the two sublattices.
This term breaks time–reversal symmetry and opens a
non–trivial topological gap at the Dirac points. The
last term represents a staggered potential(ηi = ±1). It
breaks inversion symmetry and opens a trivial gap at
the Dirac
√ points. The topological transition occurs at
|M | = 3 3t′ sin φ as indicated in Fig. 1. We have done
our calculations for the simplest case φ = π/2 and a
typical value t2 =0.1t. M has been set to zero except
when analyzing the topologically trivial case. A physical realization of the model with optical lattices has been
presented in21 (see also22 ).
We first present the case of Anderson disorder equally
distributed in the two sublattices which shows the standard behavior of class A systems: extended states carrying the topological index remain at singular energies,
approach each other as disorder increases (levitation) and
merge (annihilation of the topological index). Figure 2
shows the spectrum for the Haldane model with Anderson disorder equally distributed over the two sublattices
for a disorder strength W = 3t. The dots correspond to
a given eigenenergy for a given disorder realization in a
finite lattice with size d = 30. We have performed 1000
disorder realizations. Superimposed to the spectrum we
show the level spacing variance as a function of energy.
The variance of the level spacing variation contains information on the localization of the states at a given energy
region (details can be found in the supporting information). Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE) and Poisson
FIG. 2.
Level statistics analysis for the Haldane model
with Anderson disorder W= 3t equally distributed over the
two sublattices. States are localized (Poisson distribution) all
along the energy range. Extended states (GUE) are found at
the two singular energies marked in the figure (green lines).
This result agrees with the analysis done in Ref.25 .
FIG. 3. Localization transition studied through level statistics for the Haldane model with Anderson disorder equally distributed over the two sublattices. The horizontal green line
marks the GUE variance. The two extended states present
at W=3t merge around W=5t and annihilate as disorder increases. All states become localized for W > Wc ∼ 5t.
(P) ensemble statistics are associated to extended and
localized states respectively. It is clear that there are
two extended states, one below the gap and another one
above, where the variance clearly approaches the GUE
variance 0.178. These results are in perfect agreement
with those presented in Ref.25 . In Fig. 3 we show the
level statistics variance and the DOS for three different
disorder strengths: W = 4t, 5t, 6t. Levitation and annihilation is clearly operative, and the critical disorder for
localization is in good agreement with that obtained in
ref.26 for the topological transition, 4t < Wc < 5t.
Disorder selectively distributed in only one
sublattice: Topological model
The first unexpected result obtained is that, for selectively distributed disorder in only one sublattice, the
class A system ends up in a robust metallic state where
FIG. 4. Level statistics analysis for the Haldane model with
Anderson disorder selectively distributed over one sublattice.
The red dotted horizontal line marks the variance of the GUE
associated to the presence of extended states. As disorder
increases, the singular energies where extended states were
located at moderate disorder strength W/t = 20 − 30, evolve
to a full extended region of delocalized states with a well
defined mobility edge.
the extended states are separated from the localized
states at the band edges by a well defined mobility edge.
Figure 4 shows a level spacing statistic analysis of the
system for increasing disorder strength. What we see
in the figure is the statistics associated to two characteristic energies in the spectrum: one at the edge (blue
line) where states start to localize first when disorder is
introduced, and one at the middle of the band (green
line) where extended states are expected to persist up to
higher disorder strength. The red dotted horizontal line
marks the variance of the GUE associated to the presence
of extended states. We see that, as disorder increases, the
singular energies where extended states were located at
moderate disorder strength W/t = 20−30, evolve to a full
extended region of delocalized states with a well defined
mobility edge. Fig. 5 shows that the extended region of
delocalized states is a robust feature that persists up to a
disorder strength of W=200t. We have also set up a calculation of the localization length via a transfer matrix
method to confirm the presence of the mobility edge.
The topological nature of the metallic state is reflected
in the calculation of the Hall conductivity shown in Fig.
6. In our previous publication26 we showed that the
Chern insulator suffered a topological transition to a trivial state at a critical disorder strength around Wc ∼ 50t.
FIG. 5.
Level spacing variation for increasing disorder
strengths W/t in the selectively distributed disorder case.
The middle region has the same variance as that of GUE and
corresponds to extended states. Even though the transition is
becoming sharper, the region is not shrinking. This is a clear
evidence for the existence of an extended region of delocalized
states. A mobility edge in the center of the band has emerged
from the singular, isolated energies by increasing disorder.
FIG. 7. Level spacing variation for the disordered trivial insulator in the selectively distributed disorder case. The results
are very similar to these in the topological case in Fig. 5.
FIG. 6. Hall conductivity of the resulting metallic state
emerging from the Chern insulator for disorder strengths
above the critical value for the topological transition. The
conductivity is not quantized and depends on the chemical
potential. Despite the big numerical error bars a finite nonzero value can be granted.
What we see here is the further evolution to an anomalous Hall metal when disorder is further increased and the
metallic state is well established. The panels in Fig. 6
show that the Hall conductivity stays finite in the metallic region for W > Wc . The different curves correspond
to different sizes of the system. We see that for increasing
system sizes σxy is not decreasing what proofs that we
are not dealing with a finite size effect. Despite the large
numerical error bars (bigger for smaller sizes), a finite
conductivity can be granted.
Disorder selectively distributed in only one
sublattice: Topologically trivial case
The second unexpected result is obtained when analyzing the trivial case. As it was mentioned when describing
the Haldane model, the parameters can be tuned to describe a trivial
√ insulator for values of the staggered potential |M | > 3 3t2 sin φ. In order to ascertain the possible
role of topology in the development of the metallic phase,
we have analyzed the localization behavior of the trivial
case with generic values of the parameters chosen so that
T is still broken but the original insulator has a trivial
FIG. 8. A comparison of the Hall conductivity of the resulting
metallic state emerging from the topological (left hand side)
and trivial insulator (right and side). A finite Hall conductivity is obtained in both cases.
gap with zero Chern number. The localization properties
are shown in fig. 7. The final state is metallic with a well
defined mobility edge. The topological nature of the final
state is reflected in the Hall conductivity shown in Fig.
8. We compare
√ the topological M = 0 case with the trivial |M | > 3 3t2 sin φ for t2 /t = 0.1eiπ/2 . We have used
larger system sizes, and higher number of disorder realizations; 105, 105, 104, and 5000 disorder realizations,
respectively for d = 6, 12, 18, and 22. Note that σxy is
finite only in the energy region where states have a larger
amplitude in the non-disorder sublattice. These findings
agree well with the results for the level spacing variance
discussed above.
This work rises a number of additional questions. We
have addressed some of them, others remain open.
For simplicity, a purely imaginary value of the t2 parameter t2 = i0.1t has been used through the work
(φ = π/2). This choice induces an accidental particle–
hole symmetry to the system that technically belongs to
class D. We have performed some additional calculations
with a non–zero real part for t2 to ensure that we are
discussing class A physics and found no qualitative differences. It could be thought that, since disorder affects
only one sublattice, the final metallic state coincides with
the trivial metal of the triangular lattice. The result of
the Hall conductivity makes obvious that this is not so.
We have performed some calculations of partial IPR and
saw that the wave function of extended states has always
some weight in the disordered sublattice. It is interesting
to note that this is so also in the case of vacancy disorder
when the disordered sublattice is depleted.
Irrespective of the topological character of the clean
system, the final state in the class A analyzed is a T broken disordered metal with finite Hall conductivity. Our
results show that, while a topological insulator can be become trivial by an appropriate tuning of the parameters
as happens in the Haldane model, the anomalous Hall
metal is a very robust and a stable phase for T broken
metals in the absence of an external magnetic field.
As we mentioned above, even when for the highest values of disorder, the disordered sublattice is never decoupled from the ordered one. The physics that we observe
all along the work is that of the disordered Honeycomb
lattice, as proven by the fact that the extended states
found in the extreme disorder case have a non zero weight
in the disordered sublattice. Even though the weight in
the disordered sublattice is orders of magnitude smaller
than in the clean sublattice, the two sublattices do not
“decouple". This explains the metallic nature of the final state: An electron in the disordered sublattice can
[email protected]
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