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2024, Rapport Weekliks 7 Julie
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Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, 2017
Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 2019
Geraadpleegde bronne Cochrane, N. "'Closure' is vir die tuinvoëls bedoel". Rapport, 10 Sept. 2017, Vermaak/Boeke/closure-is-vir-die-tuinvoels-bedoel-20170909#loggedin. Geraadpleeg op 12 Nov. 2018. L i t N e t. " Ky k N E T-R a p p o r t p r y s e 2 0 1 8 : Commendatio's En Foto's." LitNet, 27 Sept. 2018. Geraadpleeg op 12 Nov. 2018. Steinmair, D. "Taljaard takel omstrede temas in sielkundige riller ". Netwerk24, 28 Jul. 2017. taljaard-takel-omstrede-temas-in-sielkundigeriller-20170728. Geraadpleeg op 12 Nov. 2018.
Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 2020
Literator, 1989
This article explores the deconstructive technique of the reversal of oppositions by applying it to "uitgedun" (depleted, or depletion) from T.T. C loete's first collection, Angelliera. The single most im portant opposition in the poem , viz. betw een the basic and the complex or the rich (already a reversal of the usual polarity), is shown to be reversible. The absent rich and full state is necessary to confer a positive meaning on what is essential. The text, however, contradicts itself in the first stanza. T here it reaches out to a possible full and rich state in the future, which contradicts the celebration of the basic or depleted state in the rest of the poem. The basic state is celebrated as a state of presentness to the self, after a period of self-alienation to the not so basic. How ever, the different m etaphors of circulation-of blood, of m erchandise and of bodies-in the end rather suggest an absence of selfhood, a self split and alienated from itself by cheap exchange in various circulations.
Misplaced benefaction and grievances of the "Liquorice Allsorts family": A law and literature investigation of Zelda Bezuidenhout's Die waarde van stil bure The law and literature field of study, which is still being developed in South Africa, is an interdisciplinary field of study that offers readers of fiction an opportunity to reflect critically on the role and function of law in a broader context, including the possibility to evaluate, within a defined scope, complex social and legal issues such as lawlessness, discrimination and injustice. This field of study furthermore creates the ideal lens for a critical review of social, legal and cultural practices influenced by the law.
'proximal' deictics relating to the speaker's present context and situation of utterance ('here', 'thi.3', 'these' , 'now', the present tense, et cetera) have a far more important function in the drama than the unmarked 'distal' variety regarding distant or excluded objects, times and places ('there', 'that', 'those', 'then', the past tense, et cetera), which instead, are typical of the narrative language". Dit hang onder meer saam met die feit dat die vertelinstansie in die drama
Litnet Akademies : 'n Joernaal vir die Geesteswetenskappe, Natuurwetenskappe, Regte en Godsdienswetenskappe, 2016
Samewerkingsnetwerke binne kulturele bedrywe is reeds met verwysing na film (byvoorbeeld Guillaume en Latapy 2006) en musiek (Gleiser en Danon 2003) bestudeer. In Suid-Afrika is die Afrikaanse filmbedryf ook sodanig ontleed (Senekal 2015b). In die huidige artikel word die samewerkingsnetwerke in die hedendaagse Afrikaanse toneelbedryf (2010-2015) bestudeer. Met verwysing na toneelproduksies wat in hierdie tydperk by die Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees (KKNK), Aardklop en Vryfees opgevoer is, word die samewerkingsnetwerk tussen alle rolspelers as 'n netwerk ontleed, met inagneming van alle persone wat by hierdie produksies betrokke was. Die netwerkstruktuur word in sy geheel bestudeer, maar die fokus val op die identifisering van die belangrikste rolspelers en veral op die konsep van 'n pad in netwerke. Daar word bevind dat die Afrikaanse toneelbedryf minder heg verbind is as die filmbedryf, met 20 aparte groeperings wat in die netwerk voorkom en nie met die res van die netwerk skakel nie. Daar word ook aangedui watter persone by die grootste getal produksies in die toneelbedryf betrokke was-ook of hulle by die regie, teks of as akteur betrokke was-en die mees sentrale en belangrikste figure in die netwerk word uitgelig.
Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 2008
Embodiments of death in the novels of Lettie Viljoen/Ingrid Winterbach References to death and mortality play an (increasingly) important role in the works of Lettie Viljoen/Ingrid Winterbach. In this article the central role of personifications of death in her novels is investigated. There are mainly two important ways in which death is embodied in her novels since 1993, i.e. as an ubiquitous, but simultaneously absent male figure, such as Jama in Karolina Ferreira (translated as The Elusive Moth, 1993, 2005), Jan de Dood in Buller se plan (Buller's plan, 1999) and Theo Verwey in Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (The book of coincidence and refuge, 2006) and the femme fatale and angel of death, respectively represented by a seductive woman with red hair and pale skin and either an emaciated woman in black, or a black woman as in Landskap met vroue en slang (Landscape with women and snake, 1996) Buller se plan and Niggie (translated as To Hell with Cronjé, 2002, 2007). These personifications function as so-called memento moriiconographic reminders of mortality. Although death obtains a specific personal appearance through personification, it does not become more knowable or representable in the works of Viljoen/Winterbach, however. In fact, these embodiments repeatedly rather underline the ungraspable nature and unknowableness of death. In the novels since Karolina Ferreira there is, eventually, a sustained tension between the attempts to make death more knowable and representable on the one hand and, on the other, the understanding or concession that all these attempts are, ultimately, insufficient and limited.
Academia Biology, 2023
Yogavani (September), 2024
transcript Verlag eBooks, 2005
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations
Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching, Kaplan Business School, Singapore, 2024
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 1996
Atherosclerosis, 1997
The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 2020
Brazilian Journal of Development, 2021
Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 2005
Journal of entomology and zoology studies, 2018