Bewildering early childhood 'pioneers'

2024, Editorial: Pedagogy, Culture & Society Special Issue

Familiarity with ‘the pioneers’ of early childhood is deemed essential knowledge for anyone seeking to understand how contemporary conceptualisations of child/hood have come about, how children are positioned in relation to adults, and how ideas circulate about the ways children behave, learn, interact and find their place in the world. We place ‘(the) pioneer(s)’ in inverted commas precisely because the concept of pioneering is contested and deeply problematic. This Special Issue is committed to critically considering precisely what ‘pioneer’ means in the context of early childhood. Inspired by Snaza’s (2013) proposition to bewilder ‘the pioneers’, this Special Issue pursues ideas about early childhood that are not shaped by, and founded upon Western imaginaries of child/hood/s. Bewildering is a concept and practice that actively disrupts the colonial connotations and implications of ‘the pioneer’, as a civilizing force heading into the wilderness, to prepare the way for the production of certain sorts of humans.


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