Grant Agreement No.: 957216
Call: H2020-ICT-2018-2020
Topic: ICT-56-2020
Type of action: RIA
D6.3 Final Evaluation and
Revision: v.1.0
Work package
Task 6.3 Trials and validation
Due date
Submission date
Deliverable lead
Carla San Miguel (COSSP), Chiara Iorfida(COSSP), Jose Boix (COSSP), Pablo
Ferrer (COSSP), Pedro Pérez (COSSP), Christos Politis (SES), Alexandr Tardo
(CNIT), Ivo Bizon Franco de Almeida (TUD), José Luis Cárcel (FV), Joan Meseguer
(FV), Giacomo Bernini (NXW), Pietro Piscione (NXW), Erin E. Seder (NXW), Miguel
Cantero (5CMM), Manuel Fuentes (5CMM), Miriam Ortiz (5CMM), Héctor Donat
(5CMM) Nuria Molner (UPV), Francisco Javier Curieses (UPV), Raúl Lozano (UPV),
Iván Viciedo (UPV), David Gomez-Barquero (UPV), Nuria Oyaga de Frutos (NOK),
Clemens Saur (NCG), Carsten Weinhold (BI), Laura Gonzalez Estebanez (ASTI),
Rodrigo Martinez (ASTI), Joe Cahill (iDR), Shane Bunyan (iDR), Eddy Higgin(iDR),
Jose Costa-Requena (CMC)
Alexandr Tardo (CNIT), Nuria Molner (UPV), David Gomez-Barquero (UPV),
Francisco Javier Curieses (UPV), Raúl Lozano (UPV), Iván Viciedo (UPV), Carsten
Weinhold (BI), Christos Politis (SES), Efstathios Katranaras (SEQ), Pablo Ferrer
iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
(COSSP), Chiara Iorfida (COSSP), Carla San Miguel (COSSP)
This deliverable provides the achieved results in the deployment of PoCs and
Demos for the different trials, including the technical validation of iNGENIOUS use
cases. It follows the plan defined in D6.1 – Initial Planning for Testbeds and the setup and development and integration activities defined in D6.2 PoC Development,
Platform and Test-bed Integration.
PoCs, Demos, Trials, Test Cases, Set-up, Execution, KPIs, Impact Assessment,
Lessons Learned and Potential improvement
The information, documentation and figures available in this deliverable are
written by the "Next-Generation IoT solutions for the universal supply chain"
(iNGENIOUS) project’s consortium under EC grant agreement 957216 and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the
information contained herein.
Copyright notice
© 2020 - 2023 iNGENIOUS Consortium
Project co-funded by the European Commission in the H2020 Programme
Nature of the deliverable:
Dissemination Level
Public, fully open, e.g. web
Classified, information as referred to in Commission Decision 2001/844/EC
Confidential to iNGENIOUS project and Commission Services
* R: Document, report (excluding the periodic and final reports)
DEM: Demonstrator, pilot, prototype, plan designs
DEC: Websites, patents filing, press & media actions, videos, etc.
OTHER: Software, technical diagram, etc.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Executive Summary
The present document is the output of Task 6.3 Trials and Validation and
describes the measurement campaigns and trials developed in iNGENIOUS
Proof of Concept (PoCs) and Demonstrations (Demos).
Once detailed the objectives of the PoCs and Demos, the setup and execution
activities for the validation and demonstration are presented, as well as possible
issues occurred during the execution and mitigation actions adopted.
Then, the validation and results presentation are described following the test
case verification and KPI calculation.
Finally, the deliverable summarizes the impact assessment, lessons learned
and potential improvements on a technical level for trials and testbeds.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 17
PoC - Automated Robots with Heterogeneous Networks .................. 19
PoC - Transportation Platforms Health Monitoring .............................. 33
Demo – Situational Understanding in Smart Logistics Scenario ..... 45
Demo – Improved Drivers’ Safety with MR and Haptic Solutions .... 66
Demo – Intermodal Asset Tracking via IoT and Satellite .................... 76
PoC - Supply Chain Ecosystem Integration ............................................. 98
Additional Research Activities – Satellite Direct Access .................... 113
Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 120
References ......................................................................................................................... 123
Annex I: Factory UC - Automated Robots with Heterogeneous Networks124
Annex II: Transport UC - Transportation Platforms Health Monitoring ...... 138
Annex III: Port Entrance UC - Situational Understanding in Smart Logistics
Scenario ............................................................................................................................. 148
Annex IV: AGV’s UC - Improved Drivers’ Safety with MR and Haptic Solutions
Annex V: Ship UC - Intermodal Asset Tracking via IoT and Satellite ........... 182
Annex VI: DLT’s UC - Supply Chain Ecosystem Integration ............................ 195
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List of figures
Figure 1:
gNB (left), EasyBot (top-middle), eBot (bottom-middle) and Tribot
(right) 20
Figure 2:
Architecture of factory UC demo in Burgos ......................................... 21
Figure 3:
Execution of the demo in Burgos ............................................................ 22
Figure 4: Setup illustration at TUD’s testbed used to demonstrate the
integration between Flexible PHY/MAC, 5G core, and MANO. .................... 23
Figure 5:
Web GUI showing two end-to-end network slices provisioned. .. 23
Figure 6: Grafana KPI dashboard visualization of UE to UE with video
streaming running. 1) Top: Downlink throughput – iperf3 test (Pink). 2)
Middle: Uplink throughput – iperf3 test (Pink) and video streaming (Purple).
3) Bottom: RTT uplink – influxDB connection (Yellow) and iperf3 test
(Purple). ........................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 7: Grafana KPI dashboard visualization of UE to core without video
streaming running. 1) Top: Downlink throughput – iperf3 test (Orange). 2)
Middle: Uplink throughput – iperf3 test (Orange). 3) Bottom: RTT uplink –
influxDB connection (Yellow) and iperf3 test (Purple). .................................. 28
Figure 8: Grafana KPI dashboard visualization of UE to core with video
streaming running. 1) Top: Downlink throughput – iperf3 test (Blue). 2)
Middle: Uplink throughput – iperf3 test (Blue) and video streaming (Purple).
3) Bottom: RTT uplink – influxDB connection (Yellow) and iperf3 test
(Purple). ........................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 9:
Illustration of the components used in the measurement setup. 29
Figure 10: Sensing and GW Modules for Rail-Health Data Logging ................ 33
Figure 11: Rail-Health Flatspot Harshness and Bearing Defect Demonstrator
(Concept & Design) ...................................................................................................... 35
Figure 12:
Rail-Health Simulated Fault & Sinusoidal Fault Injector Set-up ... 36
Figure 13: BI's M3 hardware/software co-design platform realized on FPGA
development board, with external Ethernet extension board .................... 36
Figure 14: Raspberry Pi 4B single-board computer with a Trusted Platform
Module (TPM) attached to the GPIO pin header ............................................... 37
Figure 15: Simulated satellite infrastructure with ingress and egress routers,
enabling the smart edge sensor (BI IoT device) to connect to the cloud
server (BI cloud) ............................................................................................................ 37
Figure 16: Main dashboard table showing RATLS connection establishment
and touch controls for enabling and disabling remote attestation .......... 38
Figure 17: Secondary display showing smart sensor state and defect
classification. ................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 18: Data Integration and ML-Based Algorithm Approach ..................... 47
Figure 19: Data Integration and ML Pipeline Division Approach ...................... 47
Figure 20: Data sources and model components developed for the
demonstration............................................................................................................... 49
Figure 21:
Autoregressive + ML method to predict TTT ........................................ 51
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 22: Final TTT data frame ...................................................................................... 51
Figure 23: Gate In time series analysis ....................................................................... 52
Figure 24: Gate In SARIMA model instantiation ...................................................... 52
Figure 25: Random Forest Regressor hyperparameter tunning for the TTT
model .............................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 26: TTT Random Forest model instantiation and fitting......................... 53
Figure 27: Port Call and Gate Access online data ingestion setup ................... 54
Figure 28: Overview of the cloud service architecture used in the
demonstration............................................................................................................... 55
Figure 29: Autoregressive + ML based TTT prediction setup .............................. 55
Figure 30: Overview of predicted vessels arriving to port of Valencia in the
Awake.AI web application. ....................................................................................... 57
Figure 31: Predicted route and arrival time to port of Valencia for a selected
vessel. .............................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 32: Port Entrance UC demonstration custom web interface ............... 58
Figure 33: True TTT vs prediction TTT using the gate-in/out validation service.
.............................................................................................................................. 59
Figure 34: Port Entrance UC IoT Tracking dashboard for one week testing 59
Figure 35: Diagram of Services ....................................................................................... 61
Figure 36: Main setup and components integrated in the trial. ........................ 66
Figure 37: Testing area in the Port of Valencia ....................................................... 67
Figure 38: AGVs A, B and C for the AGV’s UC ........................................................... 68
Figure 39: Nokia’s (left) and Fivecom’s (right) cockpits. ...................................... 69
Figure 40: Unity application developed for the digital twin. ............................... 71
Figure 41: Real scenario (left) and digital twin with the AGV included (right).
............................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 42: Remote cockpit including the SensGlove haptic gloves, VR glasses
and Digital Twin............................................................................................................ 72
Figure 43: End-to end architecture of the final demo........................................... 79
Figure 44: i) RF Uplink ground Station: ATF #33 Antenna, Diameter: 9m, Vertex,
Tx/Rx, Ku-band, ii) RF Downlink Ground Station: MBA#102 Antenna,
Diameter: 4.5m, Multi-Beam Antenna, Rx only, Ku-band, and iii) SES GEO
Satellite ASTRA 2F (28.2oE) - Europe Ku-band beam ...................................... 80
Figure 45: i) Satcube transportable satellite terminal and ii) Smart IoT Gateway
............................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 46: Front and back of the iDirect’s 5G-enabled Velocity™ Intelligent
Gateway hub ................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 47: iQ200, iQ Desktop and 9350 Modem ....................................................... 81
Figure 48: i) 22G1 purchased container and ii) iNGENIOUS Container ............. 82
Figure 49: Final demo device installation .................................................................. 83
Figure 50: End-to end architecture of the final demo (part II) ........................... 84
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 51: iNGENIOUS container starting rail transport from Valencia to
Madrid. ............................................................................................................................. 84
Figure 52: SatCube, Smart IoT GW and iNGENIOUS container at the Port of
Valencia ........................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 53: Temperature of the iNGENIOUS container during the trip from
Valencia to Piraeus and vice versa. ....................................................................... 86
Figure 54: Humidity of the iNGENIOUS container during the trip from Valencia
to Piraeus and vice versa........................................................................................... 86
Figure 55: Overview screenshot of the Cloud-side dashboard, giving a general
impression of the received data during the real-time measurements at the
Port of Valencia on 21 November 2022 ................................................................. 87
Figure 56: GPS location of the IoT devices during the real-time measurements
at the Port of Valencia on 21 ..................................................................................... 87
Figure 57: Temperature, measured in real-time from the IoT devices, in the
Port of Valencia on 21 November 2022 ................................................................. 88
Figure 58: Humidity, measured in real-time from the IoT devices, in the Port of
Valencia on 21 November 2022 ................................................................................ 88
Figure 59: Battery state of charge of the IoT devices, measured in real-time in
the Port of Valencia on 21 November 2022 ......................................................... 89
Figure 60: Door state of the iNGENIOUS container, measured in real-time in the
Port of Valencia on 21 November 2022 ................................................................. 89
Figure 61: Accelerometer measured in real-time in the Port of Valencia on 21
November 2022 ............................................................................................................. 90
Figure 62: End-to-end latency for transmitting the measured data from the IoT
devices to the SES Cloud through satellite at the port of Valencia on 21
November 2022 ............................................................................................................. 90
Figure 63: Ship UC Demo part B – IoT message received. .................................... 91
Figure 64: GPS location reported by the sensor in Part B trip ........................... 92
Figure 65: Temperature, humidity and accelerometer values by the sensor in
Part II trip ........................................................................................................................ 92
Figure 66: DLT Events Visualizer representing the DigitalAsset and the
associated Trustpoint for the VesselArrival event in Livorno seaport. ....102
Figure 67: IoT device used for sealRemoved event...............................................103
Figure 68: DLT Events Visualizer representing the DigitalAsset and the
associated Trustpoint for the sealRemoved event in Valencia seaport. 104
Figure 69: Service vehicle in the Port of Livorno with the IoT tracking device
installed on board. ......................................................................................................105
Figure 70: Tracking Application - Livorno Dashboard......................................... 106
Figure 71: Heat sensors installed in iDR lab in Killarney. .................................... 114
Figure 72: Transmission of IoT data over satellite lab and live testbed setups
Figure 73: Microsoft Azure IoT cloud dashboard showing IoT information. 116
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 74: Example of in-house IoT cloud dashboard, based on Grafana,
showing IoT information. ......................................................................................... 116
Figure 75: Example of in-house IoT cloud dashboard, based on Grafana,
showing IoT information. ......................................................................................... 118
Figure 76: Tribot architecture .......................................................................................124
Figure 77: EasyBot architecture ................................................................................... 125
Figure 78: Ebot architecture.......................................................................................... 126
Figure 79: Tribot AGV ....................................................................................................... 126
Figure 80: EasyBot AGV ................................................................................................... 126
Figure 81: Ebot AGV.......................................................................................................... 126
Figure 82: 5G base station .............................................................................................. 127
Figure 83: 1RSRP values obtained through the walk test around the industrial
unit. ............................................................................................................................. 135
Figure 84: End-to-end architecture iperf3 test UE to UE. ................................... 136
Figure 85: End-to-end architecture iperf3 test UE to core. ................................ 136
Figure 86: End-to-end architecture used for the KPI measurement setup with
5Probe. ............................................................................................................................ 137
Figure 87: Overview of prediction model components, required features, and
source datasets. .......................................................................................................... 148
Figure 88: Kernel density estimates of the empirical distributions of actual and
simulated total container dwell times in the port of Valencia. ................. 149
Figure 89: Vessel ETA prediction model pipeline ..................................................150
Figure 90: Simulated vs. actual weekly numbers of containers leaving port of
Valencia by truck .........................................................................................................151
Figure 91: MLOps pipeline overview. ..........................................................................151
Figure 92: Gate-in dataset resampled ........................................................................ 152
Figure 93: Port Call Dataset ........................................................................................... 152
Figure 94: Final TTT data frame .................................................................................... 153
Figure 95: Gate In time series analysis ...................................................................... 153
Figure 96: SARIMA hyperparameter tunning for the Gate In model ............. 154
Figure 97: Port Entrance UC database structure ................................................... 155
Figure 98: IoT tracking service deployment infrastructure. .............................. 156
Figure 99: Final vessel ETA prediction model accuracy statistics*.................. 172
Figure 100: 5G Network connection setup ................................................................. 175
Figure 101: Relation between modems and devices .............................................. 175
Figure 102: SenseGlove haptic gloves ..........................................................................176
Figure 103: Example of RTT during Valencia Port tests. ........................................179
Figure 104: Example of the decoded frames during Valencia Port tests. ...... 180
Figure 105: Example of the downlink data rate for AGV-B during Valencia Port
tests. ............................................................................................................................ 180
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 106: Indoor bluetooth range for Neurodigital (left) and SenseGlove
(right) haptic gloves ................................................................................................... 181
Figure 107: Outdoor bluetooth range for Neurodigital (left) and SenseGlove
(right) haptic gloves. .................................................................................................. 181
Figure 108: iDR lab testbed system overview ...........................................................183
Figure 109: i) iDR Lab testbed including an iQ200, iQ Desktop, 9350 modems,
IoT GW & Satellite Channel Emulators x2, ii) iDR Lab Testbed generic sensor
used to measure temperature and humidity of the lab and iii) iDR Lab
Testbed iDirect’s 5G-enabled Velocity™ IGW hub ..........................................183
Figure 110: Scenario 1 architecture for the demonstration of the use case. ..196
Figure 111: Scenario 2 architecture for the demonstration of the use case. .197
Figure 112: Scenario 3 architecture for the demonstration of the use case. 198
Figure 113: Scenario 4 architecture for the demonstration of the use case. .199
Figure 114: sequence diagram for the demonstration of the Scenario 1. ..... 200
Figure 115: DigitalAsset for the VesselArrival event in Livorno seaport. ...... 200
Figure 116: DigitalAsset for the VesselDeparture event in Livorno seaport. .201
Figure 117: DigitalAsset for the GateIn event in Livorno seaport. .....................201
Figure 118: DigitalAsset for the GateOut event in Livorno seaport. ................ 202
Figure 119: Trustpoint of the VesselArrival event in Livorno seaport. ............ 202
Figure 120: Trustpoint of the VesselDeparture event in Livorno seaport. ..... 203
Figure 121: Trustpoint of the GateIn event in Livorno seaport. ......................... 203
Figure 122: Trustpoint of the GateOut event in Livorno seaport...................... 204
Figure 123: Sequence diagram for the demonstration of the Scenario 2. .... 204
Figure 124: sealRemoved event data at DVL level. ................................................ 205
Figure 125: Sequence diagram for the demonstration of the Scenario 3. .....206
Figure 126: IoT Tracking Sensor message format. ..................................................206
Figure 127: IoT Tracking Sensor GPS message. ....................................................... 207
Figure 128: GPS data coming from the Symphony M2M Platform and
aggregated at DVL level. ......................................................................................... 207
Figure 129: Sequence diagram for the demonstration of the Scenario 4. .....208
Figure 130: The main interactions between the DVL and Pseudonymized
Module. ......................................................................................................................208
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
List of tables
Table 1.
Mapping of use-case names to test-case identifiers ......................... 18
Table 2.
Data flows in Burgos' demo ....................................................................... 22
Table 3.
Factory UC issues on execution ............................................................... 24
Table 4.
Factory UC Test case verification ............................................................ 25
Table 5.
Factory UC KPIs .............................................................................................. 26
Table 6.
Flexible PHY/MAC throughput measurements with UDPtest ...... 30
Table 7.
Transport UC issues on execution ........................................................... 39
Table 8.
Transport UC Test case verification ........................................................ 40
Table 9.
iDR Lab Testbed Usage................................................................................. 41
Table 10.
Transport UC KPIs ......................................................................................... 42
Table 11.
IoT Tracking based TTT measurement tests ........................................ 60
Table 12.
Port Entrance UC Issues on execution ................................................... 61
Table 13.
Port Entrance UC Test case verification ................................................ 62
Table 14.
Port Entrance UC KPIs Results ................................................................. 64
Table 15.
AGV UC Issues on execution...................................................................... 72
Table 16.
AGV’s UC Test case verification ................................................................ 73
Table 17.
AGV UC KPIs .................................................................................................... 74
Table 18. AGV UC KPIs. Comparision Neurodigital vs GloveSense haptic
gloves. .............................................................................................................................. 74
Table 19.
SES’s ASTRA 2F Space Segment............................................................... 80
Table 20.
Ship UC Issues on execution ..................................................................... 85
Table 21.
ICMP RTT of Satellite Link............................................................................ 91
Table 22.
Ship UC Test case verification ................................................................... 93
Table 23.
Ship UC KPIs .................................................................................................... 94
Table 24.
Scenarios used for the demonstration of the DVL/DLT UC ............ 99
Table 25.
DVL/DLT UC Issue on execution. ............................................................ 108
Table 26.
DVL/DLT UC Test case verification. ....................................................... 109
Table 27.
DVL/DLT UC KPIs. ......................................................................................... 110
Table 28.
Satellite channel characterization SNR values .................................. 118
Table 29.
Information flows for Tribot AGV ............................................................124
Table 30.
Information flows for EasyBot AGV ....................................................... 125
Table 31.
Information flows for Ebot AGV .............................................................. 126
Table 32.
AGVs employed demonstration in Burgos. ......................................... 126
Table 33.
Main parameters and configuration of 5G network......................... 127
Table 34.
Equipment for factory UC demonstration in Burgos.......................128
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Table 35.
UC1_TC_01 verification ................................................................................. 129
Table 36.
UC1_TC_02 verification ................................................................................ 129
Table 37.
UC1_TC_03 verification ................................................................................ 129
Table 38.
UC1_TC_04 verification................................................................................130
Table 39.
UC1_TC_05 verification ................................................................................130
Table 40.
UC1_TC_06 verification ................................................................................. 131
Table 41.
UC1_TC_07 verification ................................................................................. 131
Table 42.
UC1_TC_08 verification ................................................................................. 131
Table 43.
UC1_TC_09 verification ................................................................................ 132
Table 44.
UC1_TC_10 verification ................................................................................. 132
Table 45.
UC1_TC_11 verification .................................................................................. 133
Table 46.
UC1_TC_12 verification ................................................................................. 133
Table 47.
UC1_TC_13 verification ................................................................................. 133
Table 48.
UC1_TC_14 verification .................................................................................134
Table 49.
UC1_TC_15 verification .................................................................................134
Table 50.
UC3_TC_01 verification ................................................................................138
Table 51.
UC3_TC_02 verification ...............................................................................138
Table 52.
UC3_TC_03 verification ............................................................................... 139
Table 53.
UC3_TC_04 verification ............................................................................... 139
Table 54.
UC3_TC_05 verification ............................................................................... 139
Table 55.
UC3_TC_06 verification .............................................................................. 140
Table 56.
UC3_TC_07 verification .............................................................................. 140
Table 57.
UC3_TC_08 verification ............................................................................... 141
Table 58.
UC3_TC_09 verification ............................................................................... 141
Table 59.
UC3_TC_10 verification ................................................................................142
Table 60.
UC3_TC_11 verification .................................................................................142
Table 61.
UC3_TC_12 verification ................................................................................142
Table 62.
UC3_TC_13 verification ................................................................................143
Table 63.
UC3_TC_14 verification ................................................................................143
Table 64.
UC3_TC_15 verification ............................................................................... 144
Table 65.
UC3_TC_16 verification ............................................................................... 144
Table 66.
UC3_TC_17 verification ............................................................................... 145
Table 67.
UC3_TC_18 verification ............................................................................... 145
Table 68.
UC3_TC_19 verification ............................................................................... 145
Table 69.
UC3_TC_20 verification .............................................................................. 146
Table 70.
UC3_TC_21 verification ............................................................................... 146
Table 71.
UC3_TC_22 verification............................................................................... 147
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Table 72.
UC3_TC_23 verification............................................................................... 147
Table 73.
UC5_TC_13 description ................................................................................158
Table 74.
UC5_TC_13 description ................................................................................ 159
Table 75.
UC5_TC_15 description ................................................................................ 159
Table 76.
UC5_TC_16 description ............................................................................... 160
Table 77.
UC5_TC_17 description ................................................................................ 161
Table 78.
UC5_TC_18 description ................................................................................ 162
Table 79.
UC5_TC_19 description ................................................................................ 163
Table 80.
UC5_TC_20 description ............................................................................... 163
Table 81.
UC5_TC_21 description ............................................................................... 164
Table 82.
UC5_TC_01 verification ................................................................................ 165
Table 83.
UC5_TC_02 verification ...............................................................................166
Table 84.
UC5_TC_03 verification ...............................................................................167
Table 85.
UC5_TC_04 verification ...............................................................................167
Table 86.
UC5_TC_05 verification .............................................................................. 168
Table 87.
UC5_TC_06 verification .............................................................................. 168
Table 88.
UC5_TC_07 verification ...............................................................................169
Table 89.
UC5_TC_08 verification ...............................................................................169
Table 90.
UC5_TC_09 verification ...............................................................................169
Table 91.
UC5_TC_10 verification ............................................................................... 170
Table 92.
UC5_TC_11 verification ................................................................................ 170
Table 93.
UC5_TC_12 verification ............................................................................... 170
Table 94.
UC5_TC_13 verification .................................................................................171
Table 95.
UC5_TC_14 verification .................................................................................171
Table 96.
UC5_TC_15 verification ................................................................................ 172
Table 97.
UC5_TC_16 verification ................................................................................ 172
Table 98.
UC5_TC_17 verification ................................................................................ 173
Table 99.
UC5_TC_18 verification ................................................................................ 173
Table 100. UC5_TC_19 verification ............................................................................... 174
Table 101.
UC5_TC_20 verification .............................................................................. 174
Table 102. UC5_TC_21 verification ............................................................................... 174
Table 103. UC2_TC_01 verification ................................................................................ 177
Table 104. UC2_TC_02 verification ............................................................................... 177
Table 105. UC2_TC_03 verification ............................................................................... 177
Table 106. UC2_TC_04 verification ............................................................................... 177
Table 107. UC2_TC_05 verification ...............................................................................178
Table 108. UC2_TC_06 verification ...............................................................................178
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Table 109. UC2_TC_07 verification ...............................................................................178
Table 110.
Overview of iDR lab testbed activities ................................................. 184
Table 111.
UC4_TC_01 verification............................................................................... 184
Table 112.
UC4_TC_02 verification ...............................................................................185
Table 113.
UC4_TC_03 verification ...............................................................................185
Table 114.
UC4_TC_04 verification ..............................................................................185
Table 115.
UC4_TC_05 verification .............................................................................. 186
Table 116.
UC4_TC_06 verification .............................................................................. 186
Table 117.
UC4_TC_07 verification ...............................................................................187
Table 118.
UC4_TC_08 verification...............................................................................187
Table 119.
UC4_TC_09 verification .............................................................................. 188
Table 120. UC4_TC_10 verification............................................................................... 188
Table 121.
UC4_TC_11 verification ................................................................................ 188
Table 122. UC4_TC_12 verification ............................................................................... 189
Table 123. UC4_TC_13 verification ............................................................................... 189
Table 124. UC4_TC_14 verification............................................................................... 189
Table 125. UC4_TC_15 verification ............................................................................... 190
Table 126. UC4_TC_16 verification ............................................................................... 190
Table 127. UC4_TC_17 verification ............................................................................... 190
Table 128. UC4_TC_18 verification ................................................................................ 191
Table 129. UC4_TC_19 verification ................................................................................ 191
Table 130. UC4_TC_20 verification ............................................................................... 191
Table 131.
sealRemoved event data model............................................................. 205
Table 132. UC6_TC_01 verification. ..............................................................................209
Table 133. UC6_TC_02 verification. .............................................................................209
Table 134. UC6_TC_03 verification. ..............................................................................210
Table 135. UC6_TC_04 verification. ..............................................................................210
Table 136. UC6_TC_05 verification. ............................................................................... 211
Table 137. UC6_TC_06 verification. .............................................................................. 212
Table 138. UC6_TC_07 verification. .............................................................................. 213
Table 139. UC6_TC_08 verification. ..............................................................................214
Table 140. UC6_TC_09 verification. .............................................................................. 215
Table 141.
UC6_TC_10 verification. ............................................................................... 216
Table 142. UC6_TC_11 verification. ................................................................................ 217
Table 143. UC6_TC_12 verification. ...............................................................................218
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3rd Generation Partnership Project
Authority to Authority
Advanced Encryption Standard
Artificial Intelligence
Automazione Integrata Dogane Accise (Integrated Automation Customs Excise)
Automatic Identification System
Automatic Guided Vehicle
Application Programming Interface
Business to Authority
Business to Business
Baseband Unit
Bitcoin Native Token
Consumer Internet of Things
Central Processing Unit
Common Service Entity
Comma Separated Values
Distributed Ledger Technology
Data Virtualization Layer
End to End
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
Exploratory Data Analysis
Expected Time of Arrival
Expected Time of Departure
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
Frame Error Rate
Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostics Analysis
Field Programmable Gate Array
Geographic Anomaly Detection
Global Positioning System
Global System for Mobile Communications
Global System for Mobile Communications
Graphic User Interface
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HyperText Transfer Protocol
Information and Communications Technology
Internet Control Message Protocol
International Electrotechnical Commission
International Mobile Subscriber Identity
Internet of Things
Internet Protocol
International Organization for Standardization
Information Technology
Local Area Network
Lift On – Lift Off
Long Range
Long Term Evolution
Machine to Machine
Media Access Control
Mobile Edge Computing
Machine Learning
Mixed Reality
Network Address Translation
Non Disclosure Agreement
Network Exposure Function
Network Function Virtualization
Non Standalone
Network Service Descriptor
Network slice management function
Network slice subnet management functions
Non Terrestrial Networks
Network Data Analytics Function
Outdoor Unit
Operating System
Occasional Use
Personal Computer
Port Community System
Port Management Information System
Proof of Concept
Power Supply Unit
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Quality of Experience
Quality of Service
Research and Development
Radio Access Network
Radio Frequency
Roll On – Roll Off
Robot Operating System
Root of Trust
Raspberry Pi
Remote Radio Head
Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
Software Defined Radio
Secure Hash Algorithm
Signal to Noise Ratio
Simple Objects Access Protocol
System Requirement
Test Case
Transmission Control Protocol
Transport Layer Security
Tele-operated Driving
Tuscan Port Community System
Truck Turnaround Time
Use Case
User Data Protocol
User Equipment
User Plane Function
User Requirement
Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications
Universal Software Radio Peripheral
Virtual Private Network
Very Small Aperture Terminal
Vertical Service Management Function
Wide Area Network
Wireless Fidelity
Work Package
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In this chapter, the deliverable's objective and structure are described as well
as useful information for the reader is provided.
Objective of the Document
The main objective of the deliverable is to present the validation of results of
iNGENIOUS PoCs and Demos, by describing the measurement campaigns and
trials developed.
Following the methodology defined deliverable in D6.1 Initial planning for
testbeds [1], where specific test cases have been identified, and the work
developed in D6.2 PoC development, platform and test-bed integration [2],
where specific test cases have been identified, and the work developed in the
D6.2 [2], where set-up and configuration activities have been defined, it details
the achieved results in the deployment of the PoCs and Demos and includes
their technical validation against the requirements defined in WP2.
The deliverable first presents the main objectives of the demonstrations,
highlighting the technologies and solutions tested to improve logistics
activities along complex supply chains.
Once detailed the objectives, the setup and execution of the demonstrations
are provided by describing the configuration of the solutions used and the
activities carried out for the execution of the PoCs and Demos. Issues occurred
during the execution are identified and the mitigation actions adopted are also
In order to ensure the validation of results achieved, per each PoC and Demo,
the verification of the test cases is described, by detailing the results achieved.
Then, the calculation of KPIs is presented, providing reference to the test cases,
target defined and reached. Any deviations from the defined target are
described and justified. To complete the validation of the results, an impact
assessment is presented, describing main achievements and impact reached.
Finally, D6.3 [3] provides a set of lessons learned during the PoCs and Demos
execution and validation. Additionally, the document offers potential
improvements on a technical level that could be further developed in the
existing demonstrations.
The following sections present the results of each PoC and Demos, which are
Automated Robots with Heterogeneous Network, Improved Drivers’ Safety
with MR and Haptic Solutions, Transportation Platforms Health Monitoring,
Intermodal Asset Tracking via IoT and Satellite, Situational Understanding in
Smart Logistics Scenario and Supply Chain Ecosystem Integration.
In addition to the presentation of results and validation, the deliverable also
provides a description of additional research activities carried out during the
project and focuses on demonstrating satellite direct access to transmit IoT
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Structure of the Document
The deliverable follows the following structure:
• Section 2 focuses on the use of automatic robot control for industrial
automation (Factory UC).
• Section 3 focuses on the transportation platform to show how asset health
tracking can lead to lower operational costs and higher asset availability
(Transport UC).
• Section 4 focuses on enhancing the situational understanding of events in
maritime ports and terminals (Port Entrance UC).
• Section 5 focuses on improving the driver’s safety by combining the use of
mixed reality and haptic solutions for controlling AGVs in a real scenario (AGV
• Section 6 focuses on providing End-to-End (E2E) asset tracking using various
connection and backhaul technologies (Ship UC).
• Section 7 focuses on providing two different interoperable layers in order to
abstract the complexity of the underlying machine-to-machine (M2M)
platforms and DLT solutions (DVL/DLT UC).
• Section 8 focuses on additional research carried out during the project which
was outside the scope of the selected use cases.
• Annexes include additional information on the UCs, mainly on execution and
test case verification. The annexes follow the same structure of the
deliverable to allow readers to easily find information for each specific
section. The main sections reported are filled only in case there was
additional information to report.
In all the sections the execution and results obtained in each demo and PoC
are described.
Navigating this document
The deliverable provides an overview of the activities related to trials and
measurement campaigns performed in the PoCs and Demos and their
validation against requirements and KPIs defined in WP2. In this deliverable to
help readers to map the UCs to the test case validation, we use the identifiers
such as “UC1_TC_01”, which refers to test case #01 of the Factory UC. Therefore,
the following table is provided:
UC name
UC short name
Test case
Automated Robots with Heterogeneous Networks
Factory UC
Improved Drivers’ Safety with MR and Haptic Solutions
Transportation Platforms Health Monitoring
Transport UC
Intermodal Asset Tracking via IoT and Satellite
Ship UC
Situational Understanding in Smart Logistics Scenario
Port Entrance UC
Supply Chain Ecosystem Integration
Table 1. Mapping of use-case names to test-case identifiers
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2 PoC - Automated Robots with
Heterogeneous Networks
Objective and Description
technological integration in the
Factory UC is divided into two parts.
The first part, hereafter named full5G-RAN PoC, shows the successful
integration of a fully 5G compliant
industrial communications network.
This setup consists of 5G modems
that were developed by 5CMM, which
are responsible for exchanging
information among industrial enddevices and the 5G base station unit
(gNB). The data received over the air
at the gNB is then routed through the
5G core provided by CMC. The enddevices that are used in this PoC are
AGVs provided by ASTI. The main
objective of this demonstration is to validate the communication performance
among these industrial devices through a lightweight 5G-compliant modem.
Thus, it represents an important step towards the employment of 5G wireless
technology in industrial scenarios.
The second part, named flexible-RAN PoC, showcases the integration of non3GPP physical layer (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) techniques with
a 5G core network, which is in turn managed by the end-to-end network slice
orchestration framework (i.e., the MANO), which is composed by an end-to-end
network slice management function (NSMF) integrated with two dedicated
network slice subnet management functions (NSSMFs) for the 5G core and the
flexible-RAN. The non-3GPP radio access technology is referred as Flexible
PHY/MAC in previous deliverables throughout the project timeline.
For each PoC one testbed has been developed. The full-5G-RAN setup is located
in the University of Burgos, Spain, where the final integration of the
components as well as the performance evaluation have been carried out in
February 2023. The flexible-RAN PoC setup is assembled in the laboratories of
the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. The final integration and
performance evaluation have also been carried out in February 2023.
Setup and Execution
The following subsections provide description of the setup and execution of
Factory UC. Additional information can be found in Annex I – Setup and
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Part I
The demonstration takes place in Burgos, Spain, more concretely in an
industrial space in the University of Burgos, where the Joint Research Unit
between ASTI and the University of Burgos is located. The setup components
• gNB (RRH + BBU + GPS) n40: The gNB consists of Nokia outdoors miniMacro Airscale model. The BBU is connected to RRH through Single Mode
Fiber and 10 Gbps network capacity. The BBU gets the time synchronization
through GPS signal. The base station was configured with a bandwidth of 20
MHz in the range 2370 – 2790 MHz.
• 5G Core Standalone: The 5G core is installed in E900-4E Supermicro with 2
SFP+ interfaces of 10 Gbps where one of them is connected to the gNB BBU.
The 5G Core is installed in bare metal where all the 5G Core network
functions are running as individual processes over Linux Ubuntu 20.04LTS.
The Supermicro server has additional 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps network interfaces
if needed for connecting the 5G Core to a Data Network (DN).
• 3 AGVs:
o eBot: 5G modem + raspi + RealSense.
o Tribot: 5G modem + raspi + controller.
o EasyBot: 5G modem + raspi + humidity and temperature sensors.
• 5G modem for connecting the PCs to the network as another UE.
Figure 1:
gNB (left), EasyBot (top-middle), eBot (bottom-middle) and Tribot (right)
In Figure 2 the architecture of the setup and how all the components are
interconnected is illustrated.
The eBot has a 5G modem connected to the 5G LAN and to one Raspberry Pi
with CAN bus via ethernet. This Raspberry Pi receives the control commands
sent by a laptop through the 5G network and translates them to the data that
the AGV understands. In addition, there is also an Intel RealSense camera
connected to the Raspberry Pi that sends the real-time video back to the
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The Tribot also has a 5G modem connected and one Raspberry Pi with CAN bus
via ethernet. The controller is connected directly to the 5G Core, and it sends
the control commands to the Tribot. The Raspberry Pi receives the data and
sends it to the AGV. The AGV is sending information about its internal variables
(linear speed, rotation speed, level battery, errors states and others) to the core.
The EasyBot is moved automatically following a black magnetic band on the
floor of the facility. It is connected to a 5G modem and provides the core with
information about the temperature and humidity of the environment by using
sensors installed in the AGV with a Raspberry Pi. In this case, these values are
collected by the sensor DHT11 with Arduino and sent to the Raspberry.
The specific architecture of each AGV and more details about the AGVs and
setup deployments can be found in Annex I – Setup and Execution.
Figure 2:
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Architecture of factory UC demo in Burgos
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Figure 3:
Execution of the demo in Burgos
All data flows in the demo are summarized in Table 2.
Control commands
Real-time camera flow
Controller motion actions
Internal variables from AGV
Humidity and temperature
Table 2. Data flows in Burgos' demo
Part II
This PoC focuses on showcasing the integration between the flexible PHY/MAC,
5G core and MANO. The deployed setup diagram is shown in Figure 4, which
illustrates how the MANO software components, such as the end-to-end
NSSMF, Core NSSMF and RAN NSSMF, are connected to TUD’s testbed
equipment. The information exchange among the Flexible PHY/MAC and the
RAN NSSMF is accomplished through the Tactile API developed within WP5.
This API is based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format and the
configuration files are exchanged via the user datagram protocol (UDP).
The implemented PHY protocol running at the Flexible PHY/MAC base station
(BS) listens continuously and waits to get the resource allocation from the RAN
NSSMF. This latter component sends a JSON file via UDP containing the desired
resource allocation for each application (UE). Then, the Flexible PHY/MAC BS
extracts this information and analyses it (total of allocations must be ≤ 100%),
and distributes the resources among the UEs accordingly sending
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acknowledgement message to the MANO to let it know about the current
status. Whenever an error occurs, e.g., if the total of allocations is more than
100%, or the allocation was not successful, the BS informs the MANO about the
error and waits to receive a new resource distribution.
The Flexible PHY/MAC BS forwards the data traffic from each application UE
using tunnel interfaces provided by a gNB emulator named UERANSIM. Hence,
the traffic of the Flexible PHY/MAC is encapsulated in the 5G compliant format
before being routed through the 5G core.
Figure 4:
Setup illustration at TUD’s testbed used to demonstrate the integration between
Flexible PHY/MAC, 5G core, and MANO.
From a software deployment perspective, the NSMF, the two NSSMFs, and the
web graphical user interface have been deployed as docker containers in the
TUD testbed. The NSMF realizes the high-level logic for end-to-end network
slice management and orchestration, the Core NSSMF interacts with the 5G
core to configure and provision tailored slices in the 5G core network, while the
RAN NSSMF manages the resources at the Flexible PHY/MAC RAN level.
Figure 5 depicts the outcome of two end-to-end network slices provisioned into
the TUD testbed, each of them composed by a 5G core subnet slice and a
Flexible PHY/MAC RAN subnet slice.
Figure 5:
Web GUI showing two end-to-end network slices provisioned.
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The following subsections provide description of issues encountered during the
demonstration and mitigation actions to solve them.
Description of the issue
Mitigation measures
Some radio links between UEs
and BS in the setup of part II have
lower throughput than expected
due to the processing capacity of
the host PCs.
Instead of employing a video transmission to
demonstrate the setup, emulated devices are used to
send data streams from each UE.
Laser of eBot AGV in part I was
detecting itself as an obstacle
Recalibration of the laser following ASTI instructions.
5G Core deployment in bare
virtualized environment due to
lack of Internet access
The 5G Core was deployed as Non-Public Network (NPN)
without Internet access which made the installation in a
virtualized environment based on containers not
possible, since the installation required downloading
SW packages from Linux repositories. To overcome this
limitation the 5G Core was installed in bare metal after
downloading SW binaries into the server.
Table 3. Factory UC issues on execution
Validation and Results
This section provides a detailed description of the validation results obtained
after the execution of the demonstration. Impact is analyzed after explaining
the result validation, verification of test cases, KPIs and assessment of the UC.
In this section, the results of each test case, identified in D6.1 [1] for the Factory
UC are presented. When writing these contributions, it is planned to have the
final review in Valencia. To this end, the UPV testbed is taken into consideration
instead of the ASTI testbed, because of the connectivity problems encountered.
Specifically, the ASTI testbed is isolated from the Internet, thus it was not
possible to remotely connect to it, and the installation of the necessary software
from the different remote locations was not possible.
For some test cases, beyond the result of the test case itself, is reported also the
testbed/lab where it has been executed.
Test Case ID
UC1_TC_01 – Hardware and software implementation
UC1_TC_02 – Core network integration testing
UC1_TC_03 – Gateway test
UC1_TC_04 – Onboard industrial IoT network slice templates and NF descriptors
UC1_TC_05 – Automated deployment of industrial IoT network slice instance
UC1_TC_06 – Automated termination of industrial IoT network slice instance
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UC1_TC_07 – Manual scaling of an industrial IoT network slice instance
UC1_TC_08 – Automatic slice configuration through 5GC NSM
UC1_TC_09 – Automated deployment of industrial IoT network slice instance and
of an edge robot control application as part of network slice instance
UC1_TC_10 – Automated termination of industrial IoT network slice instance and
of edge robot control application as part of network slice instance
UC1_TC_11 – Subscription to either NWDAF or NEF for collecting monitoring and
analytics information related to the network slices, NFs and UEs
UC1_TC_12 – Deletion of either NWDAF or NEF active subscription
UC1_TC_13 – Automated slice scaling triggered by AI\ML platform using NWDAF
UC1_TC_14 – Robot interface connectivity
UC1_TC_15 – Test of API
Table 4. Factory UC Test case verification
A couple of the tests listed above have been partially achieved. In particular,
UC1_TC_01 validated the implementation of the Flexible PHY/MAC, and as it is
explained in the next subsection, the target latency was achieved. However, the
target throughput wasn’t achieved due to the spectrum bandwidth available.
Similarly, the same reasoning for the partial of the target KPIs of UC1_TC_01 can
be applied to UC1_TC_02 since the PHY throughput is the network bottleneck.
In summary, the main aim of the test cases execution and verification was to
validate the implemented heterogeneous hardware and software network
technologies in support of the industrial IoT scenario with automated robots
and AGVs (namely the CMC 5GC, the 5CMM modems, the ASTI AGVs, the TUD
Flexible PHY/MAC, the NXW end-to-end network slice orchestration
framework). Specifically, the tests covered the integration and validation of the
CMC 5GC, the 5CMM modems, the ASTI AGVs, the TUD Flexible PHY/MAC, the
NXW end-to-end network slice orchestration framework, which have been
demonstrated to fulfil the planned functionalities and achieve the defined
tests. In summary, according to the table above, this verification covered the
following aspects:
• The Nokia commercial gNB supporting the band N40 was installed and
configured to operate with the assigned frequency license and bandwidth
i.e. 20MHz.
• The CMC 5GC was installed in Supermicro server and configured with
operator and network code assigned for Non Public Networks (NPN) i.e.
MCC=999 and MNC=99. The integration between the CMC 5GC and the NXW
end-to-end network slice orchestration for 5G network slices automated
deployment and operation.
• The integration between the TUD Flexible PHY/MAC and the NXW end-toend network slice orchestration for flexible RAN automated control and
management and transparent interworking the legacy 5G networks.
• The automation capabilities of the NXW end-to-end network slice
orchestration for 5G network slices lifecycle management (including
onboarding, instantiation, scaling operations), assisted by AI/ML.
• The implementation of FPGA-based PHY based on generalized frequency
division multiplexing.
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A detailed description of the test cases execution and verification is provided in
the Annex I – Validation and Results.
The following table shows the KPIs that were measured and considered
relevant during the use case validation. A detailed explanation on how the
measurements of the KPIs were taken can be found in the KPIs.
Test Case
0,01 km2
0,001 km2
< 30 km/h
8 km/h
Data rate per camera
6 – 24 Mbps
6 – 6,5 Mbps
Data rate per robot UE-UE
(without camera)
10 Mbps
14,6 Mbps (UL/DL)
Data rate per robot UE-core
(without camera)
10 Mbps
46,1 Mbps (DL)
14,6 Mbps (UL)
Data rate per robot UE-UE
(with camera)
10 Mbps
8,95 Mbps (UL/DL)
Data rate per robot UE-core
(with camera)
10 Mbps
42 Mbps (DL)
9,01 Mbps (UL)
Datagram transmission
reliability (uplink)
100% up to 20
Connection density per
E2E latency for remote
control (command from
application to remote
10-50 ms
12-50 ms
Reliability for remote control
99,999% (no
during tests)
Throughput (Flexible-RAN)
Max: 10 Mbps
Min: 0.1 Mbps
Max: 2.94 Mbps
Min: 0.34 Mbps
E2E Latency (Flexible-RAN)
Max: 10-50 ms
Min: 1-5 ms
Max: 2.9 ms
Min: 1.6 ms
Table 5. Factory UC KPIs
Regarding the coverage KPI, the walk test (to measure the quality of the radio
signal) was performed in the interior of the industrial unit, considering an area
of 0,001 km2. This area was considered sufficient for the use case execution, thus
not measuring the outside of the industrial unit. The setup includes the 5GLAN
feature available in the 5G Core that allows to create private group of devices
that can only connect with each other. The 5G Core creates a virtual interface
for interconnecting all the devices part of the same 5GLAN group. Other devices
outside the 5GLAN group will not be able to connect to the ones in the group.
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The 5GLAN allows to isolate and secure the communications within a virtual
private group created by the 5GLAN.
The camera was set to send a video streaming with 1280x720 pixels resolution.
With that configuration, the uplink traffic sent by the camera was oscillating
between 6 and 6,5 Mbps. In Figure 6Figure 6:, in the middle graph, the video
streaming throughput is shown in purple.
As it is further explained in the KPIs, the throughput of the network was
measured considering different setups: a setup in which the tests were being
performed from the UE to the core (see Figure 85) and another with the tests
being performed between 2 UEs (see Figure 84). Also, different conditions were
considered: with and without video streaming running.
The first test performed was the communication between two modems
connected to the 5G network with the core 5GLAN feature. The iperf3 test
showed a throughput of 14,6 Mbps UL/DL without video streaming running and
8,95 Mbps with the video streaming running. The average RTT (Round-Trip
Time) during the test was about 200 ms with video streaming running in Figure
6. In these tests, the RTT between command from the applications to a remote
device can be analyzed, where the values (with video streaming running) range
from 50ms to 100ms, therefore it can be concluded that the approximate E2E
latency is between 25ms to 50ms.
Figure 6:
Grafana KPI dashboard visualization of UE to UE with video streaming running. 1) Top:
Downlink throughput – iperf3 test (Pink). 2) Middle: Uplink throughput – iperf3 test (Pink)
and video streaming (Purple). 3) Bottom: RTT uplink – influxDB connection (Yellow) and
iperf3 test (Purple).
The second test was the communication between a UE and a laptop connected
directly to the 5G core. Without video streaming running the result of the
throughput measured with iperf3 was of 46,1 Mbps DL and 14,6 Mbps UL and
the average RTT obtained was about 120 ms (see Figure 7). With the video
streaming running 42 Mbps DL and 9,01 Mbps UL were obtained as throughput
and 190 ms as the average RTT (see Figure 8) We can observe that the
throughput is lower and the RTT is higher, since the real-time video consumes
bandwidth and resources.
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Figure 7:
Grafana KPI dashboard visualization of UE to core without video streaming running. 1)
Top: Downlink throughput – iperf3 test (Orange). 2) Middle: Uplink throughput – iperf3 test
(Orange). 3) Bottom: RTT uplink – influxDB connection (Yellow) and iperf3 test (Purple).
Figure 8:
Grafana KPI dashboard visualization of UE to core with video streaming running. 1) Top:
Downlink throughput – iperf3 test (Blue). 2) Middle: Uplink throughput – iperf3 test (Blue)
and video streaming (Purple). 3) Bottom: RTT uplink – influxDB connection (Yellow) and
iperf3 test (Purple).
It was considered relevant for the UC to measure the maximum bandwidth that
the 5G network could support in the uplink. This measure can help to figure out
the maximum data transmission from the UE to the core without loss of
packets. To perform the measure, iperf3 test was used on UDP mode, analysing
the bandwidth limit where UDP datagrams started being lost, this limit was
established in 20Mbits. We can determine that it is possible to send up to 20
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Mbits per second of data without loss datagrams. In the use case validation, it
was only 6-7Mbits per second of video streaming transmission, thus implying
we have about 13 Mbits to transmit more information from the UE to the 5G
To determine the performance of the Flexible PHY implementation with
different numerologies, end-to-end measurements were conducted using the
tool UDPtest, which was developed at the Vodafone Chair Mobile
Communication Systems (TUD). This software tool generates UDP packets,
transmits them to an IP address and port and receives them from another port.
The size and the time between the UDP packets can be set, hence varying the
data throughput. The tool can measure the throughput, the latency and the
frame error rate (FER). The measurement setup is visualized in Figure 6. The
tool UDPtest is running on Device 1, which in an NI USRP-2974. The UDP
packets are transmitted over an Ethernet connection to the Device 2, an NI
PXIe-1082 with and NI USRP-2944R. This device runs the PHY transmitter and
sends the signal over the wireless channel to the Device 3. This device is an NI
USRP-2974 which runs the PHY receiver. The received UDP packets are
forwarded over Ethernet to the Device 1, which measures the throughput, the
frame error ratio (FER) and the latency.
Figure 9:
Illustration of the components used in the measurement setup.
A wireless line-of-sight (LoS) channel was set with a distance of 4 meters in a
controlled and static laboratory environment. A transmit power of 0 dBm was
defined and the sample rate was fixed to 𝐵 = 20 MHz. 3.75 GHz was used for the
carrier frequency. For 𝑁 ≥ 1024, the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) with 16 bits
was applied, and CRC with 8 bits otherwise. Eight (𝑁pilots ) pilot symbols are
employed at all payload configurations, and 𝑁 represents the number of
samples of each multicarrier symbol. However, a smaller number of pilots,
𝑁pilots = 4, are used for the control channel. The time between the UDP packets
was defined to be 200 μs for 𝑁 ≥ 2048 and 100 μs otherwise.
Without considering the host processing limitations, the throughput of the
PHY is calculated based on the PHY parameters and the occupied bandwidth:
throughput PHY =
𝑁bitsFrame ,
where 𝑁frame = 𝑁preamble + 𝑁payload defines the number of samples in a frame.
The number of samples in the preamble is defined as Npreamble = 2𝑁chirp + 𝑁CP +
𝑁CS and for the payload as 𝑁payload = 𝑁 + 𝑁𝐶𝑃 + 𝑁𝐶𝑆 . The length of the chirp, the
cyclic prefix (CP) and the cyclic suffix (CS) are defined as 𝑁chirp = 64, 𝑁CP = 32 and
𝑁𝐶𝑆 = 15, respectively. The overhead ratio, describes how many samples of the
frame are used for the preamble, and is given as:
overhead ratio =
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𝑁preamble + 𝑁payload
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We propose 11 different configurations of the PHY in order to meet different
application requirements. The configurations are divided into four groups,
namely, H, M, L and C. Specifically, H, M and L represent the high, medium and
low throughput configurations, respectively, while C is reserved for the control
information. The calculated and the measured throughput for the different
configurations are depicted in Table 6 where the FER = 0 was achieved for all
configurations, meaning that the wireless link was reliable during these tests.
PHY (Mbps)
Too few
bytes for
Table 6. Flexible PHY/MAC throughput measurements with UDPtest
The measured throughput is computed with the tool UDPtest using the whole
PHY module as seen in Table 6. The difference between the measured
throughput and the throughput of the PHY arises due to the limited processing
speed of the host, which is not able to handle a higher UDP throughput without
dropping packets.
The measured end-to-end latency is similar for all configurations ranging
between 1.6 ms and 2.9 ms. In the PHY, a smaller frame size leads to a smaller
latency. However, due to no significant smaller latency in the measurements, it
can be concluded that the major latency comes from the host UDP processing
and the UDP communications over the network.
The throughput of the configuration C0 was not measured, since the tool
UDPtest cannot generate smaller UDP blocks than 30 bytes. However, the
transmission of the control information should be robust, which is achieved
with the configuration C0. This was verified by several measurements in both
LoS and non-LoS wireless channels. It was observed that when the received
signal is synchronized, the control information is reliably detected.
This use case focused on cooperative automated robots for future smart factory
production lines or warehouses, which are enabled by the integration of a
heterogeneous network that interconnects end-devices from different
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technologies and dynamically adapts itself to the application requirements.
With the deployment of edge computing, the industrial network will be
regarded as a distributed computation platform that enables the
programming and scheduling of robots and other resources for multiple tasks.
The PoCs of this use case demonstrate how 3GPP-compliant wireless
communications systems are able to provide services for industrial scenarios.
The allocation of the robot's controller into the MEC provides important costsaving benefits and new functionalities. This strategy allows simplifying and
reducing the hardware within the robots, as hardware to compute the control
strategies is deployed in the MEC and can be shared by all robots. The
advantages are not only cost-saving related but to all benefits of virtualization:
easy deployment, flexibility, replicability, and redundancy, among others, are
extensible to the robot sector. This allows to improve the efficiency, flexibility
and quality of the supply chain and production processes handled by robots.
In industrial facilities, AGVs, robots, transport vehicles and people circulate. All
of them could be equipped with devices capable of sensing the environment.
In this way, they could capture information on temperature, humidity, noise,
presence of particles in the air, etc. of the points where they are passing
through. All this information could be monitored in real time and it can be
possible to detect events and anomalies in the processes, allowing decisions to
be made about the processes based on the data collected by the sensors.
Additionally, this information could be used to train predictive maintenance
systems to react to anomalies in the production chain before they occur.
The validation of the end-to-end network slice management capabilities on top
of the flexible RAN and PHY-MAC technologies represents a highly impacting
result, as it demonstrates the integration of non-standard RAN technologies
with legacy 5G networks, specifically in private 5G scenarios for smart factories.
Indeed, while the PHY-MAC developed in the project, and deployed and
demonstrated in the TUD testbed is a non 3GPP standard technology, the
integration performed with the 3GPP compliant Cumucore 5GC validates the
feasibility of its deployment, and use in legacy 5G private networks. This allows
to avoid the deployment of multiple ad-hoc non-standard networks, and thus
enable the integration of heterogeneous technologies under the same 5G
private network.
Moreover, the use of end-to-end network slice orchestration capabilities
enables full network automation by provisioning network and computing
resources for operation in private 5G networks for industrial IoT scenarios. This
allows to drastically reduce the complexity of private 5G networks
management and control, especially in industrial contexts and environments
where networking expertise might be limited. In addition, the validated endto-end orchestration functionalities enable the delivery of tailored slices in
support of diverse concurrent vertical services, including AGV and robot control,
AR/XR video streams, IoT sensing/actuation traffic.
The deployment of 5G as Non-Private Network (NPN) with 5GLAN and TSN
functionality can address the needs of industrial use cases that require secure
mobile communications. NPN can bring secure infrastructure connected only
to local data network and optimize specific industrial scenarios resources.
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Lessons Learned and Potential
A possible improvement in the protocol for sending sensor data to the base
station is using an event-based sampling approach. Currently, sensor data is
captured periodically with a constant sampling period. Each time a sensor
sample is taken it is sent to the station. The value of the sensed variable may
not have changed in value from the previous sample, but it is sent anyway. In
contrast, in event-based sampling, the sensed variable information is only sent
when an event is detected, i.e. a relevant change in the variable. In this way, by
using event-based sampling, communication bandwidth could be saved.
The 5GLAN brings some added value when creating private groups of devices
to be connected within the industrial network. However, networking and IP
planning has to be done differently than public networks which connect from
mobile devices to public Internet and require Firewall and NAT. Instead, the
5GLAN connects mobile devices to fixed devices in the same Data network
which requires flat IP addressing and proper routing policies to ensure device
to device communication between wired and wireless devices.
It has been observed during the measurements with the Flexible-RAN setup
that significant contribution to the observed end-to-end latency comes from
the networking protocol on top of the MAC and PHY layers. This means that for
obtaining end-to-end latencies close to 1 ms, more attention should be paid to
the upper layers of the communications protocol stack. A potential
improvement for the Flexible PHY/MAC is the ability to support runtime
reconfigurability of the PHY in a frame-by-frame fashion.
The integration, testing and demonstration activities which involved the endto-end network slice orchestration framework have shown the importance of
the availability of well-defined and accurate management and control APIs for
the support of full automation in service and slice deployment and operation.
Specifically, the early availability of the CMC 5GC APIs, as well as those exposed
by the PHY-MAC control, allowed to implement in software proper network
slice management logics, and also prepare mock-ups to carry out standalone
early integration and validation activities. This is a crucial aspect and lesson
learned especially when software and hardware components are provided by
different vendors or institutions in general. However, it is equal (if not more)
important to have standardized APIs and operational workflows. While this is
true for the 5GC, where API exposure is at the hearth of the 3GPP specifications
(with the Network Exposure Function – NEF - functionalities ), still for the 5G
RAN this is an open issue. Different vendors still expose custom and tailored
(often non-open) APIs to control and manage their RAN network functions. In
this direction, the wide adoption of standard (or de-facto standard) solutions
like the one from the Open RAN (O-RAN) architecture would allow to further
improve the multi-vendor interoperability for end-to-end 5G networks, as well
as make introduction of full automation in slice and services management and
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PoC - Transportation Platforms Health
Objective and Description
The Transport UC demonstrates safe
and secure micro-edge sensors for
monitoring and detecting wear and
tear of wheels and axles of cargo train
carriages. The micro-edge sensors are
attached to each axle and pooled via
edge-gateways capable of data
fusion. These gateways in turn are
connected via terrestrial and nonterrestrial (e.g., satellite) access
networks to cloud servers for trend
maintenance alert management. The
overall communication is encrypted
for security purposes with an added
layer of remote attestation to ensure
identity and software integrity of the
communication endpoints.
Figure 10:
Sensing and GW Modules for Rail-Health Data Logging
Smart Edge Sensors: During the project, two real-world test series with a total
of seven train carriages hosting 75 injection faults were conducted. This
resulted in 12,630 datasets. These were analysed via machine learning
algorithms. Eventually, the machine learning algorithms were refined with
physical models. The refined algorithm was tested and retested with empirical
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and physical fault model simulation and simulator signals. The resulting rerefined algorithms were then reapplied to the initial real-world data.
The PoC demonstration for final review covers how smart edge sensors can
detect and quantify various defects and communicate to cloud platforms for
long trend analysis and maintenance alert management.
The edge sensor demonstration includes a physical fault simulator, the sensors
for signal pick-up, the near real-time computation engine for feature
generation, classification, and meta signal generation, as well as the interface
to the end-to-end secure communication platform.
End-to-end Secure Communication: In addition to demonstrate the
vibroacoustic sensors and how they work, the use case also highlights how
smart edge sensors can report their measurements using novel infrastructure
for secure communication. In the Transport UC, safety depends not only on the
accuracy of the smart edge sensors, but also on the security of the
communication. To ensure safety of the train equipment, defects must be
reported (i.e., not redirected or suppressed) before an accident can happen.
Therefore, the sensor must be able to transmit securely the information about
the defect to a control centre of the train company. It should be able to use
whatever connectivity option is available at a certain time and location, but the
security of the communication must be ensured.
To this end, the iNGENIOUS project innovates in the area of secure embedded
computers and end-to-end secure communication over networks. The PoC
demonstrates a computer architecture targeted at IoT devices, along with the
operating system M3, which is co-developed with this architecture. The M3
hardware/software co-design follows an isolation-by-default approach to make
building secure IoT devices easier. Currently, it is realized as a system-on-chip
architecture on a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Details about this
architecture, its capabilities and security properties are described in Chapter 3
of D3.3 [3].
The FPGA/M3 component aims to demonstrate end-to-end secure encryption
and integrity protection of the sensor information, which is transmitted from
an IoT device to a cloud server using industry-standard Transport Layer Security
(TLS). However, the main purpose of this part of the PoC demonstrator is to
enable even stronger security guarantees by enhancing TLS with remote
attestation. BI integrated remote attestation with TLS to create a combined
protocol called RATLS (Remote Attestation with Transport Layer Security). In
addition to establish cryptographic protection of the communication, this
protocol also enables the secure exchange of information about the identity
and integrity of software running on both the IoT device and the cloud server.
RATLS is demonstrated with mutual attestation of both the IoT device and
cloud endpoints.
The RATLS connection between the IoT device and the cloud is routed through
a simulated satellite link to demonstrate feasibility and also the ability to ensure
ubiquitous connection between the sensor and cloud.
The PoC demonstration of the Transport UC has taken place in labs at BI and
NCG in March 2023 (M30 of the project) and makes use of the satellite testbed
provided by iDR.
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Setup and Execution
The PoC demonstration is a lab-based setup showing how rail-health
monitoring could be implemented. It consists of six main components: 1) a
physical train axle fault-simulator, 2) vibration sensors for signal pick-up, 3) a
FPGA-based computing engine for signal pre-processing and fault
classification, 4) the M3 FPGA for IP communication and remote attestation, 5)
a simulated satellite link for reporting detected defects from IoT sensor to the
cloud, and 6) an interactive demonstration dashboard.
Train axle fault-simulator and vibration sensor: While the Transport UC is a
real-world application, it is not possible to demonstrate evolving commercial
transport lorry defects in a practical manner in real-time. Therefore, the PoC
demonstration consists of a live demo via a physical rail-health fault-simulator.
The physical fault-simulator can simulate defect-free operation or flat spots
with or without additional bearing defects. The concept design of defectsimulator, as well as its physical realization is shown Figure 11. The rail axle runs
on a rolling stand simulating the rail track. Surface defects on the rolling stand
simulate real-world equivalent flat-spots of 3 to 8 cm in width. As the rolling
stand is moved parallel to the wheel axle, various combinations of single and
multiple flat spots can be simulated and fault-injected into the sensing system.
Bearings supporting the axle can be chosen with or without bearing defects
(inner, outer, roller, or combination). Both speed and load parameters can be
adjusted. This allows the testing and data collection of millions of simple and
complex fault combinations, far exceeding the available real-world data.
Figure 11:
Rail-Health Flatspot Harshness and Bearing Defect Demonstrator (Concept & Design)
This physical fault simulator was correlated with known real-world data and
then used to validate theoretical simulation fault models. Theoretical
simulation fault models were very important in this development to determine
maximum sensing resolution requirements and in understand sensing limits.
Theoretical data was used for boarder testing of the embedded hardware
algorithm implementation. Embedded hardware typically uses lots of
approximations, to stay performance and energy efficient. To make sure that
there are no undesirable effects, boarder testing is a very effective validation
technique. Figure 12 shows the test setup for simulated fault injection and
physical sinusoidal fault injection testing.
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Figure 12:
Rail-Health Simulated Fault & Sinusoidal Fault Injector Set-up
The combination of real-word, simulation and physical-fault model testing
ensures that the integrity of the algorithms developed survives real world
variation and allows recognizing even previously unseen real-world events.
FPGA-based IoT computer and cloud server: The third main component is an
FPGA-based prototype of a secure-by-default embedded computer. The FPGA
is shown Figure 13, together with an Ethernet extension board that enables
network connectivity. The FPGA is connected to the microcontroller of the NCG
sensor via a UART link. The system-on-chip synthesized onto the FPGA is the
hardware part of a hardware/software co-design that supports the M3
operating system. The M3 OS hosts an application that has access to the UART
interface. This application obtains both the raw sensor data and the defect
classification from the NCG smart sensor and sends the data to a server
application running on a Raspberry Pi 4B single-board computer (fourth
component, see Figure 14). This Raspberry Pi represents a cloud server of the
hypothetical train company, which monitors their assets and would react to
reported defects by sending affected carriages to maintenance.
Figure 13:
BI's M3 hardware/software co-design platform realized on FPGA development board,
with external Ethernet extension board
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The Raspberry Pi 4B uses a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) as the root-of-trust
for generating an attestation report about the server software running on the
single-board computer. On the IoT device side, a signature service running on
a dedicated processor tile simulates the root-of-trust that BI designed for the
M3 hardware/software co-design platform. On both the IoT device and the
cloud endpoint, RATLS obtains a software attestation report from the
respective root-of-trust that is part of the system. Using these attestation
reports, both endpoints validate the identity and integrity of the software
running their respective peer.
Figure 14:
Raspberry Pi 4B single-board computer with a Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
attached to the GPIO pin header
Simulated satellite link: To simulate the satellite network for this testbed, iDR
provided access to a simulated satellite emulator that connected to real
satellite remotes and hub terminals, which are accessible via ingress and egress
routers at iDR and SES premises. As shown in Figure 15, BI’s FPGA and the
Raspberry Pi connect via the internet to the simulated satellite network
endpoints to establish an RATLS connection over the simulated satellite. For
this use case, the simulated satellite network characterised the timing
behaviour of a real satellite in geo-stationary (GEO) orbit.
Figure 15:
Simulated satellite infrastructure with ingress and egress routers, enabling the smart
edge sensor (BI IoT device) to connect to the cloud server (BI cloud)
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Demonstration Dashboard: There is sixth component of the PoC
demonstration for the Transport UC that is an interactive dashboard. The
dashboard was built by BI and consists of a table with a large touchscreen (see
Figure 16) that visualizes the state of the RATLS connection establishment and
data transmission. Remote attestation can be switched on and off to
demonstrate the security enhancements.
Figure 16:
Main dashboard table showing RATLS connection establishment and touch controls for
enabling and disabling remote attestation
A secondary display (Figure 17) shows the internal state of the smart sensor and
the raw data measured by the vibroacoustic sensor, as well as the classification
of the vibration patterns (“OK” and various types of “flat spots” and “bearing
Figure 17:
Secondary display showing smart sensor state and defect classification.
The PoC demonstration included the following steps:
NCG train axle simulator: Configuration of “no defect” as well as various
types of defects (“flat spots”, etc.) that are measured using the vibroacoustic sensor. The measured data and classification are shown on the
secondary screen of the dashboard and explained.
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2. BI cloud server: Configuration of the cloud server to run either “correct”
or “manipulated” software, which will be checked by the FPGA/M3-based
IoT device.
3. BI FPGA/M3-based IoT device: Reporting of detected defect type to the
Raspberry Pi cloud server by initiating, via the touchscreen, the
transmission using both standard TLS (state of the art) and RATLS (with
stronger guarantees about connection).
4. BI touchscreen table: Discussion of the results and security properties
of the transmission for “correct” / “manipulated” software and “standard
TLS” / “RATLS” configurations.
5. iDR data logs: Review of telemetry captured for RATLS transmission over
the simulated satellite link to verify data encryption.
The following subsections provide description of issues encountered during the
demonstration and mitigation actions to solve them.
Description of the issue
Mitigation measures
Early during execution of the project, BI
identified the risk that an FPGA-based
hardware implementation of a root-of-trust for
the M3 platform would not be ready to use for
According to the mitigation plan for the
identified risk, the software-based parts of the
root-of-trust were run on a dedicated
processor tile to simulate the behaviour of a
fully integrated root-of-trust in the hardware.
The risk and mitigation measures have been
documented in D6.1 [1], D6.2 [2], and D3.3 [3].
A stability issue caused certain application
scenarios to crash consistently, including the
remote-attestation scenario that is required
for demonstrating the Transport UC. A bug in
the FPGA-based hardware design of the M3
platform is suspected to be the cause for this
debugging capabilities of the experimental M3
platform, the bug has not been fixed at the
time of writing. Development, testing, and
integration activities were slowed down.
As a mitigation, the M3 hardware design and
operating system have been downgraded to
the base version used for the mid-term
review. This version was known to be
sufficiently stable for the remote attestation
scenario. System services and integration for
client-side measured application launch and
root-of-trust signature service have been
Table 7. Transport UC issues on execution
Validation and Results
In this section, the results the test cases identified in D6.1 [1] are summarized.
In this section, the test case verification is reported. More additional information
on test case results can be found in Test Cases Verification.
Test Case ID
UC3_TC_01 – Lifetime Operation – Battery Life
UC3_TC_02 – Connectivity Frequency
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UC3_TC_03 – Connectivity Coverage
UC3_TC_04 – Edge Storage
UC3_TC_05 – Multimodal Connectivity
UC3_TC_06 – Monitoring Resolution
UC3_TC_07 – Monitoring Capability
UC3_TC_08 – Cloud Defect Validation (Optional)
UC3_TC_09 – Gateway Defect Validation
UC3_TC_10 – Security (Phishing)
UC3_TC_11 – Security (Listening)
UC3_TC_12 – Security (Flash)
UC3_TC_13 – Security (Commanding)
UC3_TC_14 – Data Encryption
UC3_TC_15 – Functional Safety
UC3_TC_16 – Fire/Explosion Safety
UC3_TC_17 – The radio access should be able to run local application processing
when user selects low latency for selected applications
UC3_TC_18 – Extended Satellite Coverage – Confidentiality of satellite
backhauled sensor data
UC3_TC_19 – Communication Load Optimization
UC3_TC_20 – OTA upgradeability (Optional)
UC3_TC_21 – Extended Satellite Coverage – Satellite Multi-Protocol Support
UC3_TC_22 – Extended Satellite Coverage – IP Connectivity
UC3_TC_23 – Extended Satellite Coverage – Satellite backhaul latency
Table 8. Transport UC Test case verification
The Transport use case is evaluated based on three groups of test cases.
Smart edge sensors: The first set of test cases (UC3_TC01 through UC3_TC09,
UC3_TC15, UC3_TC16) covers the smart edge sensors developed by NCG. In
summary, the results for these tests show that commercial rail health
monitoring is technically and economically possible, even when considering
KPI changes not known at the beginning of this project. Remaining, or shall we
call them new problems such as 30 instead of 12 years of autonomous operation
can be addressed with emerging new technologies such as triboelectric energy
harvesters. The research proved that commercial rail-health monitoring can be
achieved with very high defect resolution with low-cost Bill-of-Material designs.
It also showed defect validation at the edge is far more cost and energy efficient
than in the cloud, and that edge classification can be easily validated via simple
statistical classifiers to achieve high levels of functional safety integrity. The
edge sensing concepts developed for rail-health can be easily ported to other
domains – such as industrial condition monitoring of rotary equipment (pumps
and motors), giving us a platform for economic growth.
IoT device security and communication with the cloud: The second set of
tests, performed by BI, aims at demonstrating that the state of the art in IoT
communication security and IoT device security has been advanced. Both
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aspects were considered together and cover the enhancements made to the
M3 hardware/software co-design platform and the Transport Layer Security
Protocol (TLS).
Test cases UC3_TC_11, UC3_TC_12, and UC3_TC_13 cover the extension of TLS
with the concept of remote attestation, which resulted in the combined RATLS
protocol. They also cover the integration of RATLS with two roots-of-trust:
Industry-standard TPM 2.0 (used in the Raspberry Pi that represents the cloud
server) and the root-of-trust that has been designed and partially implemented
for the M3 platform. This part of the Transport use-case PoC demonstration
shows that security guarantees for cooperation and communication between
an IoT device and a cloud server are stronger that with standard TLS, as both
endpoints mutually attested each other. This attestation performs a verification
of the identity and integrity of the software on either device, resulting in endto-end secure communication between a trustworthy device and cloud server.
Satellite connectivity: The final set of test cases covers the simulated satellite
link, aimed at demonstrating feasibility and the ability to ensure ubiquitous
connection between the sensor and cloud. The simulated satellite link mimics
the timing behaviour of a real satellite in geo-stationary orbit.
The iDR simulated satellite network was used for staging and testing
configurations on an ongoing basis and to validate test cases UC3_TC_18,
UC3_TC_21, UC3_TC_22, and UC3_TC_23. Figure 15 provides an overview of the
simulated satellite network setup and how is it was used to connect the IoT
device to the BI cloud.
Table 9 provides a summary of the dates the end-to-end testing was performed
along with a brief description of activities carried out using iDR’s simulated
satellite network.
Lab testing
Use case testing
Design &
configuration for
Midterm demo
Initial testbed
testing over
satellite network
Transport UC
Satellite testing
Transport UC
Satellite testing
Final Demo
Final Demo
Lab testing
Designed testbed
Verified initial test setup including satellite lab
system, GEO satellite simulator and routing.
Introduced satellite delay of 560ms and test
BI successfully routed experimental TLS
variant without FPGA over simulated satellite
BI successfully routed experimental TLS
variant using FPGA over simulated satellite
Verified testbed and routing was in
configured correctly. Tested & validated endto-end IP connectivity over simulated satellite
Performed end-to-end demonstration
between BI endpoints over simulated satellite
network and gathered relevant captures
Table 9. iDR Lab Testbed Usage
A detailed description of the test case execution and verification is provided in
Annex II – Validation and Results.
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In this section, KPIs defined for Transport UC are listed and the results are briefly
Test Case
12-year operability without
maintenance. 5+ data points
per day.
Low power MCU OK
Low energy COM OK
Critical Event
Wake up on event
30 fault intensity classes FS
1 fault intensity classes FS
Defect validation
No additional load sensor
No additional speed sensor
Flat spot 5+ OK
Bearing defects 3 OK
Statistic defect val. OK
No load sensor OK
No speed sensor OK
Less than €25 per Sensor
2 sensors per axle OK
1 sensor per axle 90% OK
SIL Level 2 PFH/PFD Metrics
Argumentation possible
Fire &
ATEX Compliance
ATEX battery OK
Low energy reserve OK
Gateway–Cloud Security +
Sensor–Gateway Security
End-to-end secure
communication +
endpoint identity and
integrity verification
Concept BLE Mesh
Concept Lora Mesh
Concept NB-IoT +
Satellite Backhaul
Multimodal connectivity
Security Attack
Table 10.
Transport UC KPIs
The original edge sensor KPIs were fully achieved. The additional targets
defined after the start of the project were not achieved. For economic reasons,
the lifetime expectancy was increased from 12 to 30 years. This makes battery
operation unachievable. Larger batteries are also not ATEX compliant, so the
energy concept has to shift from battery operated to harvester operated.
Fortunately, there is enough vibrational energy to in the range between 1001000Hz to make vibrational energy harvesting possible. Tribo-electric energy
harvesting is cheap and capable, the question is if such an extensive lifetime
can be achieved with such technology. The research has been started, outside
the scope of the iNGENIOUS project.
The KPI on Security Attack Robustness is non-quantitative, as it relates to
improved security. This KPI has been met, as additional security guarantees
(end-to-end secure communication with verifiable endpoint identity and
integrity) are enabled by integration of remote attestation with TLS.
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The iNGENIOUS Transport UC focuses on eight improvement areas when
compared with conventional IoT sensors:
Energy Harvesting – 25+ years of operation.
Always On – Incident Location Determination.
Micro Edge Sensing – Low Power Computing.
Mesh – Healthiest Node Communication.
Lora – Pay per Uses Data Transmission.
Cloud – Feature based Fault Verification.
Secure Authorized – TLS + Remote Attestation.
Novelty Detection – Sensor Swarm spiced with Novelty Loggers.
Satellite Connectivity – coverage extension and satellite IoT payload
Part of the work was purely conceptional, while another part achieved full
function maturity. The combination of Edge-Computing, Edge-Node
Attestation and Multi-Modal communication enables further projects.
The ideal edge sensor requires no physical wiring and no battery maintenance.
It is always-on when needed; and can be used in mobile and stationary
applications. This requires smart low-power designs.
Sensors collect inherently sensitive information. It can be personal and/or it can
be commercial information. To ensure unauthorized access TLS and data
encryption are not enough. Remote attestation stops unauthorized access and
prevents brute force attacks. It is an ideal security extension for financial and
medical IoT applications.
Information gaps due to communication outage can be costly, Multi-modal
connectivity reduces communication outage while optimizing bandwidth
usage and minimizing communication cost. In this particular use-case, the
optimization of communication energy was the key driving factor. EdgeSensors and Edge-Gateways running on batteries or harvesters are always
energy starved. Using the most energy efficient communication paths for all
sensors as a swarm is the best way to stretch limited energy reserves. Adding
satellite connectivity extends the possible use-cases to far out of reach regions,
warzones, and shipping applications.
The work invested in building both physical and theoretic fault models for train
carriage axles has a wonderful side-effect for future-based research. Vibrational
tribo-electric energy harvesting is an essential area for future development. The
physical fault-generator can be used to quantify available energy levels in
defect-free and defect-invested situations. Neuromorphic computing is very
good at pattern recognition. In a very noise contaminated environment,
pattern recognition is not very effective. However, the simulated fault model
can be used to define signature points to be recognized in signal patterns. This
will allow us to develop extremely efficient neuromorphic classifiers in the
As the applied technologies span so many use-cases, further cooperation
between the cooperation partners involved is almost ensured. Currently there
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is discussion on a joint medical edge application using remote attestation to
ensure security and confidentiality.
NCG will exploit the research performed in the Transport UC by partnering with
Rail-Tech Software as a Service (SaaS) providers and by providing accelerated
AI development support. The SaaS provider manages domain specific
knowhow and data commercialization. The Edge IoT Sensor developed for this
UC will be developed further and then licenced to the Rail-Tech SaaS Partners.
Remote attestation is not a new concept, but to this date, it is hard to deploy in
practice in distributed systems like IoT networks. By integrating remote
attestation with industry-standard TLS, the Transport UC removes a barrier that
system designers face when developing new IoT solutions with strong security
requirements. Furthermore, the isolation-by-default approach of the M3
platform with a root-of-trust integrated will make it easier to build embedded
computers for IoT devices. Overall, this work has the potential to build a more
secure and therefore more trustworthy Internet of Things. But the principles
and building blocks can be applied to any distributed system beyond IoT.
Lessons Learned and Potential
Rail-Health condition monitoring involves many stakeholders. Each of them
wants to reap benefits from this innovative technology, but in the end only one
stakeholder will pay for the IoT investment. In this particular use case, it is the
rail-carriage leasing operator, which wants to minimize maintenance cycles. If
possible, regular 6-year maintenance intervals shall be shifted to 12 years or
longer. Accident prevention, reduction of rail track damage from poorly
maintained assets, and better planning cycles, are not considered in the overall
business case. And twelve years amortization duration is fairly long. Without
legislation requirements on accident prevention, or penalties on infrastructure
damage due to poor managed assets, it takes really gutsy Chief Finance
Officers s to accept such a long Return on Investment period. But without
proven in use track records and field data, it is difficult for technology
innovations to influence regulatory policy. Automotive airbags were first
equipped in the early 1970s, while mandated legislation did not follow until
1999. So, the challenge is to find an early adopter and/or expand the use case
benefits to get more traction.
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4 Demo – Situational Understanding in
Smart Logistics Scenario
Objective and Description
The main objective of the use case
and its demonstration was to
maritime ports and terminals by
combining multiple data sources
models able to predict and optimize
the time spent by trucks inside the
port facilities, i.e., truck turnaround
times (TTT).
To achieve this main objective, the
present use case demonstration
proved the following aspects:
• Ingestion and integration of
online data sources (PCS data,
Gate In/Out events, etc.) in two
different scenarios: the Port of
Valencia and the Port of Livorno.
Vessel schedules, cargo flow and truck traffic level calculation and
predictions for both the Port of Valencia and Livorno scenarios by exploiting
different ML-based prediction models.
TTT calculation and prediction at both ports Valencia and Livorno by
exploiting different ML-based prediction models.
Development of online API able to provide vessel schedule, cargo flow, truck
traffic and TTT predictions.
Development of visualization interface showing historical and real-time
predictions for the vessel schedules, cargo flow, truck traffic and TTT
Visualization of the past and ongoing accuracy of predictions for each
Testing real-time positioning of trucks inside the Port of Valencia and Port of
Livorno by using IoT tracking devices.
Development of a Geographic Anomaly Detection module to validate the
positioning data obtained from IoT tracking devices.
Development of a graphical interface for visualizing the IoT tracking
measurements with maps in the Port of Valencia and Livorno.
TTT validation by comparing the data obtained through ML-based prediction
models and the information retrieved from IoT tracking tests.
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The main part of the Port Entrance UC was performed through the statistical
validation of Artificial Intelligence models developed using large historical
datasets collected from the ports, and by demonstrating the operation of
models with continuous data integrations in an online cloud environment.
Dedicated dashboards were designed to show charts for the predicted
parameters. These charts visualize the predictions for main target metrics
including vessel arrival times, container traffic rates, and truck turnaround
times. The predictions were performed by exploiting a combination of MLbased prediction models. Statistical analysis of the accuracy of these models
was implemented using data science best practices, e.g., by applying nested
cross-validation to estimate model performance in an unbiased manner.
Complementing this demonstration, real-time positioning data was visualized
and represented in a graphic interface based on HERE maps API [4]. For case
of the port of Valencia, this data was collected by the IoT tracking devices
installed in trucks performing regular import/export operations at the port. For
the port of Livorno, this positioning data is provided by the IoT tracking devices
installed in the cars owned by the port’s staff, which were used to simulate a
The different steps of the demonstration were executed in different time
periods at the ports of Valencia and Livorno. AWA and FV carried out the
deployment of ML-based models for predicting TTT in a software-based
environment during the last week of January and the first weeks of February.
At the port of Valencia, real IoT tracking tests were performed between 15th and
22nd of January. At the port of Livorno, these tests were performed between 6th
and 19th of February.
Through this demonstration, the project managed to prove that the situational
understanding of events in maritime ports and terminals can be enhanced by
combining multiple data sources and exploiting Machine Learning and IoT
ML-based models were developed to optimize and predict TTT by exploiting
data from different data sources such as Port Community Systems (PCS),
summary declarations and Gate Access Systems. Additionally, IoT technology
was exploited to validate the results obtained from ML-models through the
data obtained in real-time positioning tests performed over trucks in the port
of Valencia and Livorno.
By enhancing situational understanding and optimizing truck turnaround
times, maritime ports and terminals could reduce truck traffic congestion in
peak traffic times. An efficient optimization of the flow of trucks contributes to
reduce congestions and queues, thus leading to higher port and terminal
performance. At the same time, the reduction of queues and congestion leads
to lower CO2 emissions.
Setup and Execution
The process of setup and execution of this demonstration was split in two main
parts: one related to the integration of data sources and the development and
deployment of ML-based algorithms, and another related to the execution of
IoT tracking tests.
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In this activity, the setup and execution were designed according to the
traditional data science approach where data analysis, data ingestion, data
preparation, model development, model deployment and data visualization
phases are typically executed.
Since the demonstration applies mainly machine learning models designed to
be trained using supervised learning and statistical models based on
distribution fitting, this activity has been conducted by following a two-step
strategy, first exploiting historical or offline data sources in model development
and training, and then deploying the models for inference using real-time or
online data (see Figure 18).
Figure 18:
Data Integration and ML-Based Algorithm Approach
Within both stages, the phase related to ML model development and
deployment was performed through a combined strategy where two different
ML pipelines were designed to approach the problem from two possible angles:
Figure 19:
Data Integration and ML Pipeline Division Approach
On the one hand, AWA designed a ML pipeline based on the combination of
different AI models for vessel Estimated Times of Arrival (ETA), cargo exchange
volumes per vessel port call and container dwell times, which were used to
generate estimates of future port gate exit event rates, and in turn were used
as inputs in predicting the variation of truck turnaround times at the port. This
approach assumes a worst-case scenario where only port call data is available
for the service in the online phase. This can be assumed to be a common
scenario in many commercial deployment cases, as e.g. cargo exchange and
vehicle gate event data is not readily available for all organizations in most
ports. Furthermore, the combination of models and data features used in this
pipeline is designed to provide as accurate predictions as possible for long-term
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operations, e.g. several weeks ahead, primarily on a daily or weekly level of
temporal granularity.
On the other hand, FV designed an ML pipeline relying on the use of
autoregressive models (i.e., SARIMA) and typical regression models for
calculating truck turnaround times. By exploiting use of autoregressive models,
this approach relies on past gate in events to predict future gate in events in
the short term. These future gate events are used as input for the TTT regressive
model that predicts the final truck turnaround times. This approach relies on a
best-case scenario approach where port call and gate in data is available.
Consequently, and because of the nature of autoregressive models, this
pipeline is able to provide accurate results in the short-term.
According to the proposed approach, the execution procedure of the different
phases for both offline and online phases is described as follows:
Offline Stage
a) Data Inspection: Multiple offline data sources were first leveraged for
developing and training ML-based algorithms. In particular, the set of data
sources used in this first stage were:
• Vessel Port calls: Historical dataset extracted from ValenciaportPCS API
that contains information related to the arrival and departure of vessels,
i.e., port calls, at the port of Valencia for 2019 and 2020 time periods. The
dataset was provided in CSV format and is composed of 11818 registers and
15 columns, including information related to the vessel name, Estimated
Time of Arrival (ETA), Estimated Time of Departure (ETD), Actual Time of
Arrival (ATA), Actual Time of Departure (ATD), terminal of operation, etc.
• Vessel Master: Historical dataset extracted from VESSL system (owned by
FV), which includes detailed information of the characteristics of a large
set of vessels performing container shipping activities. The dataset is
available in CSV format and is composed of 3280 rows and 9 columns,
where each row refers to a vessel and columns include information like
the IMO and vessel dimensions (length, breadth, draught, Gross Tonnage,
TEU, etc).
• Summary Declarations (COARRI): Historical dataset obtained from
ValenciaportPCS that contains information related to the containers
loaded and discharged from vessels arriving and departing from the port
of Valencia in 2019 and 2020 period. The dataset was provided in CSV
format and is composed of 145703 rows and 35 columns where each row
refers to a container discharge event and columns provides information
related to the vessel name, port call identifier, container plate, operation
type, container full or empty, timestamp for the loading or discharge from
the vessel, etc.
• Gate Access Data (Gate In): Historical dataset obtained from Gate Access
Systems that contains information related to vehicle ingress to the port of
Valencia between 2019 and 2020. The dataset was provided in CSV format
and is composed of 3.946.842 rows and 15 columns where each row refers
to a vehicle entry to the port. Columns provide information related to the
gate in event such as the gate id, truck plate number, vehicle country, gate
in timestamp, etc.
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• Gate Access Data (Gate In – Gate Out events): Historical dataset
obtained from Gate Access Systems that contains information related to
the ingress and departure of trucks to the port of Valencia in 2019 and
2020. The dataset was provided in CSV format and is composed of 178378
rows and 5 columns, where each row refers to the combination of gate in
and gate out event for one vehicle, and columns provide information
related to the truck plate, container plate and the timestamp for the
ingress and the exit of the truck.
• Global Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data: Global maritime
regulations require commercial vessels to transmit their locations and
other vessel information through the global VHF-based AIS system. An
extensive set of global AIS data was collected during the project to enable
development of prediction models for vessel traffic schedules, and
implementation of online predictions based on streaming data. This data
was ingested at a rate with order of magnitude 5-10 million messages per
hour, resulting in a raw dataset of global AIS data starting from 2021 with
total magnitude of order 100-200 billion AIS messages. This data was
filtered and processed to produce labelled vessel voyages to target ports,
which were used in machine learning model development.
b) AWA Pipeline: As previously described, AWA’s pipeline focused on the
development of predictive models for vessel ETA, cargo exchange volumes
per vessel port call, and the distribution of dwell times of containers in the
port before exiting by truck. These models were used to generate estimates
of future port gate exit event rates, which in turn were used as inputs in
predicting the variation of truck turnaround times at the port. This modelling
was limited to the subset of data where timing information was available for
all steps of the cargo flow in the port, including vessel arrival, container
discharge, and exit through the gate by truck.
Figure 20:
Data sources and model components developed for the demonstration.
b.1) Offline Data Preparation:
On a high level, the datasets used in the development can be divided into
vessel traffic (AIS) data, port call data, cargo operations data, and gate event
data. The main objective in offline data preparation in the AWA pipeline was
to combine the available datasets in a way that enabled tracking the times
of related events surrounding the port operations. For example, a vessel is
tracked over its voyage to the port, the voyage can be associated with port
call information (such as start and end times, locations, cargo information,
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etc.), cargo operations during the port call can be associated with
timestamps for individual cargo item movements (e.g. a container
discharged from the vessel), and hinterland events (such as a truck exiting
the port) can be associated with individual cargo items. On a higher level,
creating these connections requires each dataset to include identification
information also present in other associated data. Once data was prepared
for analysing the individual steps in container flow through the port, models
were developed to describe and predict related time durations. Developed
prediction model components include vessel arrival time prediction, cargo
exchange volume prediction, container dwell time prediction, and truck
turnaround time prediction.
b.2) Model Development:
The fundamental idea in the developed prediction pipeline is that
individual vessel arrival times can be estimated using existing information
sources and machine learning (ML) models, and while it is difficult to
predict the dwell time of an individual container in the port, the total flow
rates of containers related to the vessel port calls can be approximated
using stochastic models.
The model pipeline simulates the number of containers transported by
trucks out of the port during a selected time range. This is implemented as
a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, which models the rate of containers exiting
the port by adding a predicted number of randomly sampled container
dwell times to predicted vessel arrival times.
For training the prediction models, the vessel arrival times are obtained
from the actual times of arrival in the Valencia port call dataset, and the
numbers of outbound containers by truck are estimated from the container
operations and gate events datasets. The distributions for container dwell
times are estimated empirically by distribution fitting.
In addition to the discharge and port dwell time distributions, which are
here assumed to be stationary, the main dynamic inputs needed for the
model described above are the vessel arrival times and numbers of
containers to be discharged per vessel to be carried out of the port by
trucks. Of these, the container discharge numbers can be expected to be
more difficult to obtain from external sources, as terminal operators do
typically not share such cargo exchange information publicly. To enable
predictions without receiving this information, dedicated regression
models are applied to predict the cargo discharge volumes per port call.
These were implemented as extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) models,
with model selection and hyperparameter tuning performed using 3-fold
cross-validation and testing of the model selection and acquisition of test
data for performance evaluation obtained using additional 10-fold nested
To apply the above-described traffic prediction models over as long-time
frames and as accurately as possible, future vessel arrival schedules were
predicted using global Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. A
separate prediction model pipeline was developed to predict for a given
vessel its current destination, the geographical voyage trajectory to this
destination, and the duration of the voyage along this trajectory. These
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component models applied various machine learning techniques trained
using extensive historical vessel traffic data.
The truck traffic rate variation obtained as output of the predictive
simulation system described in 149 of Annex III was used as an input feature
in predicting truck turnaround times at the port. This was determined to be
the most important input feature in feature importance analysis of
regression models for truck turnaround time. These regression models
were implemented using the XGBoost framework and the cross-validation
procedures described above for cargo volume prediction.
c) FV Pipeline: There is an alternative method to predict the TTT of the port,
especially for short-term time periods (i.e. 24-48 hours). This method
combines two artificial intelligence models. The first one consists of an
autoregressive method (i.e., SARIMA) to predict the number of trucks that
will enter the port (i.e., Gate-IN events). The second one uses a Machine
Learning algorithm (i.e., Random Forest Regressor) to predict the TTT using
the output of the previous model and other variables such as vessel traffic,
hour, and the day of the week (see Figure 21).
Figure 21:
Autoregressive + ML method to predict TTT
c.1) Offline Data Preparation:
After identifying the data sources required to approach the TTT prediction,
data needed to be prepared and merged to create the final datasets to be
injected as input to the ML-models. In this case, since TTT can be directly
influenced by maritime and terrestrial events, the data sets exploited to
feed TTT models were port calls dataset and gate access data (including
gate in and gate out events). The dataset used to train the TTT prediction
model contains the following variables (see Figure 22):
Figure 22:
Final TTT data frame
On one side, gate access data was first processed with the following data
preparation by: i) importing the datasets containing gate-in and gate-out
events to Jupyter Notebook; ii) merging these datasets using the truckplate parameter for the matching; iii) dropping the truck plate parameter;
iv) calculating the TTT for each gate-in and gate-out pair by subtracting
the timestamp of the former to the later; and, v) resampling the resulting
dataset to calculate the average TTT on an hourly basis.
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Moreover, the vessel port call dataset the vessel master dataset was
processed together by using the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) parameter, classifying the vessels into 6 groups depending on the
vessel’s size, and resampling the resulting dataset on an hourly basis.
In parallel to the above data preparation tasks, to train the gate-in
prediction model, the gate-in dataset has been resampled to calculate the
number of trucks per hour from the first to the last timestamps appearing
in the datasets.
The final step consisted of merging the three prepared sub-datasets to
obtain the one shown in Figure 22 For more detailed information about
the data preparation tasks, the reader is referred to the Annex III.
c.2) Model Development:
Gate-IN forecast model
After representing the Gate-in dataset in a chart – by executing the
seasonal_decompose() function from the python’s statsmodels library – it
can be seen that the data has a strong seasonal component (see Figure 23).
For this chart plot, the weekends have extracted.
Figure 23:
Gate In time series analysis
In time series forecasting, autoregressive models (a.k.a ARMA models) are
used to give good results. For the gate-in prediction, the SARIMA [5]
(Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Averages) model was used.
The model development phase consists of finding out the (p,d,q)×(P,D,Q)m
parameters [6] that allow us to generate the model and train it with the
dataset prepared. To do so, an accurate analysis of the time series was
performed using various functions of the statsmodels. Using the results of
this analysis, the auto_arima() method of the pmdarima library [7] was run
to get the best parameters of SARIMA model (i.e. p,q,P and Q). The best
model parameters’ combination is (2,0,2)(1,0,0)24.
The model was generated using the SARIMAX() class of statsmodels library
and fitted with the dataset using its fit() function.
Figure 24:
Gate In SARIMA model instantiation
TTT prediction model
With the TTT_train dataset obtained after the data preparation phase,
values were first normalized to [-1,1]. To find out the best configuration
parameters (a.k.a hyperparameters) that control the learning process of our
models, the whole set of observations was split into a train set and a test
set. The former was used to initially fit the model while the latter was used
to evaluate the predictions done by the fitted model with the true values
from this partition. A good rule of thumb in ML is to split the dataset in
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80/20. In this, a random split of our observations (see line 8 in Function 2)
was made using the Panda’s sample function of our dataset class.
The next step consisted of finding the best hyperparameters for the ML
algorithm used to generate the model. In this case, a Random Forest
Regressor [8] using the RandomForestRegressor class of ScikitLearn library
was leveraged. The most common parameters to fit were the number of
decision trees (i.e. the n-value) and the depth of the trees (d-value). A for
loop (see Figure 25) was developed to consecutively train a new RF model
changing the values for these hyperparameters, calculate the Mean
Absolute Error for each iteration, and save the result in a separated dataset.
The combination of hyperparameters that generated the model with the
lowest MAE is 10 number of decision trees and 7 as the maximum depth of
the trees.
Figure 25:
Random Forest Regressor hyperparameter tunning for the TTT model
Finally, the model was generated by instantiating the RandomForestRegressor
class with the selected hyperparameters and fitting the model with the training
Figure 26:
TTT Random Forest model instantiation and fitting
Online Stage
a) Data Inspection:
• Port calls: Data extracted in real-time from ValenciaportPCS API that
contained information related to the arrival and departure of vessels, i.e.,
port calls, at the port of Valencia. The data was provided in JSON format
and includes information related to the vessel name, Estimated Time of
Arrival (ETA), Estimated Time of Departure (ETD), Actual Time of Arrival
(ATA), Actual Time of Departure (ATD), terminal of operation, etc.
• Gate Access Data (Gate In and Gate Out events): Data extracted in realtime from PI System OSIsoft (M2M platform) that contains information
related to the ingress and departure of trucks to the port of Valencia. The
data was provided in JSON format and includes information related to the
truck plate, container plate and the timestamp for the ingress and the exit.
b) Data Ingestion:
To deploy the model, its input data that was used to compute the prediction
needs to be available and accessible online through an API. The Gate-in, port
call and gate-in/out data were made accessible through the implementation
described in the architecture of Figure 27.
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Figure 27:
Port Call and Gate Access online data ingestion setup
In the setup of Figure 27, there are two main components that make the
models’ input data available online:
• PortCall API: Component implemented in python that provides a
HTTP/REST API to access future port call schedule information through a
GET request with given date parameters at the request. This API was
consumed by the component running the prediction models. This
component was implemented using the Flask [9] tool which provides a
Swagger front-end for the API test and documentation. It leverages the
flask_restx and flask_httpauth libraries. The information returned in this
API was retrieved directly from the Port Community System of the Port of
• Gate API: Component that provides an HTTP/REST API to access the gate
in and out information. It also runs a message processing mechanism that
simplifies the way it is accessed by the PI System. This module was
implemented using the Node-Red [10] tool in which two separated files
have been generated. The first, called Gate_in_api.json, includes the
mechanisms to calculate the number of vehicles that entered the port
within the time interval provided with the GET request to this API. The
second one, called Gate_in_out_api.json, provides the code to calculate
the average TTT for the given time interval at the received request. This
API call was used for the online validation of the TTT predictions.
The components above are executed on two different Docker components
in a Linux virtual machine running in the datacenter of Fundación
c) Online Data Preparation: The data preparation followed the same
approach explained in the offline stage.
d) AWA Model Deployment: The developed models were deployed as
microservices in a Kubernetes cluster managed by Awake.AI in the Amazon
Web Services (AWS) cloud platform, as illustrated in Figure 28. The system
consists of multiple microservices for data ingestion and processing,
continuous monitoring of events, and applying prediction models using
latest available input data. The microservices communicate streaming data
through a Kafka messaging backend and on-demand requests through
REST APIs. Various databases in the cloud environment are used to enable
stateful service operation as necessary. To demonstrate the prediction
models developed for the use case, the vessel ETA models are integrated to
the commercial Awake.AI Smart Port web application enabling interactive
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visualization and testing of the models. In addition, all developed models
are included in a custom service which implements the entire developed
prediction pipeline and provides a custom web interface for testing and
Figure 28:
Overview of the cloud service architecture used in the demonstration.
e) FV Model Deployment:
As for the autoregressive-based method to predict TTT, the models’ execution
setup used is shown in the diagram of Figure 29. The whole process to get the
TTT prediction was triggered by calling the
using a Http GET request.
Figure 29:
Autoregressive + ML based TTT prediction setup
In Figure 29 we can observe four main modules which were deployed in Docker
• API – This module provides an HTTP/REST API to request for a TTT
prediction for the next 24 hours. It is implemented in Python with the file. In this file, the GET requests are received which
triggers the coordination of prediction’s calculation. It first calls the
prepare_data() function of file to get the input
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parameters for the TTT prediction. Once the input parameters are
retrieved, the make_prediction() function of file is
executed to compute the prediction. The result is enveloped in a GET
JSON response with the 24 forecasts of TTT, one for each consecutive hour
from the moment of the API call.
• Data Processing – In this module the process to get ready the input
parameters for the TTT predictive model is executed. In the file the is invoked to get the port call
schedule of next 24 hours from the Por Call API. The raw data gotten from
this API call is processed to calculate the vessel traffic per vessel category
in the next 24 hours. In this file, the file from the
Model Execution module is also called to compute the Gate_In prediction
that provides the number of trucks that will enter the port in the next 24
hours. Finally, the file creates the weekday and the
hour variables, joins them with the port call and gate in variables’ values
and returns the data to the API module to trigger the prediction of TTT.
• Model Execution – This component executes the TTT and Gate In
predictions. To do so, it provides the and
make_prediction() functions to compute the prediction based on the
input parameters given in the call. In the the
Gate_In_model.pkl file – which holds the model produced in the offline
phase – is first loaded and then, the get_forecast(steps=24) function of the
SARIMA model is executed to get the output array with the prediction
values. The TTT prediction is similarly computed inside the In this case, the TTT_model.pkl file is loaded to extract
the Random Forest model and the predict() built-in function of the
RandomForestRegressor class is executed.
• Model Update – In this module the SARIMA model that predicts the
number of trucks is updated with a dedicated linux cron job that executes
the file daily. The file calls the
model_update() function of python file which runs and
trains a new SARIMA model with an updated array of past Gate In events
as input data. The new array of port entries is retrieved with the Gate API
available under the URL The
generated model is then saved (using the dump() function of pickle
Python library) in the Docker volume within the file system of the virtual
machine of running the execution setup.
f) Visualization Web Interface: The visualization web interface has been
designed to represent the main outputs obtained from both ML pipelines.
Figure 30 and Figure 31 below show the visualization of vessel ETA
predictions implemented in the Awake.AI Smart Port web application. These
have been developed into a stand-alone commercial service during the
iNGENIOUS project and are included as the first step in the multimodal
traffic prediction pipeline in the demonstration. In Figure 30, global vessel
data is filtered to show vessels currently predicted to be arriving to port of
Valencia. Hovering over a vessel shows an info box with basic vessel and
voyage data and the predicted arrival time. In Figure 31, a single vessel has
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been selected, which provides the predicted route and ETA, along with
additional vessel details.
Figure 30:
Figure 31:
Overview of predicted vessels arriving to port of Valencia in the Awake.AI web
Predicted route and arrival time to port of Valencia for a selected vessel.
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Figure 32:
Port Entrance UC demonstration custom web interface
The other parts of the developed prediction pipeline were demonstrated using
a custom service developed specifically for this purpose. This integrates
necessary port call information from APIs provided by the ports, vessel data
from global commercial providers, vessel schedule predictions from other
Awake.AI microservices as outlined above and applies the developed ML
models and predictive simulations to estimate future traffic rates. Figure 32
shows a screenshot of the custom web interface developed for the
Truck Turnaround Time Validation
The predictions obtained after the execution of the demonstration can be
observed in the different graphs represented in Awake’s visualization
framework, shown in Figure 30, Figure 31 and Figure 32.
Gate-in/out Validation Service
To validate predictions for a specific time frame, FV developed a new service
that extracts information related to past real gate in and gate out, enabling the
calculation of real truck turnaround times and the validation of predictions a
posteriori. The service, which can be accessed through the following API:, provides an array of the
real truck turnaround time values observed for the time frame when the
prediction was obtained.
After running the validation service, real results and predictions are
represented in the TTT visualization framework:
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Figure 33:
True TTT vs prediction TTT using the gate-in/out validation service.
As explained in the Annex III, on test case descriptions, main performance tests
for the developed models are performed using historical datasets to provide
sufficient statistical coverage for estimating the results. However, as there may
be differences in the statistics of the modeled processes as seen in historical
data versus current inputs, smaller subsets of data are collected from the online
service running the developed models, and online service performance is
compared to the historical data analysis results. Obtained test results with
online data for the whole prediction pipeline indicate a 13 % relative median
absolute error in daily maximum turnaround time, which corresponds well with
the respective results obtained with more comprehensive historical datasets.
IoT Tracking Validation
In addition to the validation procedure performed through the specific
validation service developed by FV, IoT tracking test results can also be used as
a reference for assessing if the magnitude of the predictions is in line with the
magnitude of real events. In particular, UPV developed a dashboard where
tracking results gathered with the IoT tracking devices can be visualized
helping the easier analysis and understanding of a truck situation at a glance.
An example of the data obtained for a one-week testing period at the port of
Valencia is shown in Figure 34.
Figure 34:
Port Entrance UC IoT Tracking dashboard for one week testing
As it can be observed in the figure above, many tracking points were obtained
for trucks entering and exiting the port several times per day. By analyzing the
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entry and exit timestamp at the port gate, TTT values can be calculated. In
particular, the following values were extracted from this analysis:
Port Entry Date
Port Exit Date
3/2/2023 8:33:18
3/2/2023 12:01:13
3/2/2023 15:57:07
2/2/2023 9:37:32
½/2023 10:19:20
30/1/2023 15:07:17
3/2/2023 9:26:41
3/2/2023 13:22:05
3/2/2023 17:21:09
2/2/2023 10:09:45
½/2023 15:57:38
30/1/2023 17:45:21
Table 11. IoT Tracking based TTT measurement tests
The results shown in Table 11 demonstrate that typically TTT times obtained in
the time frame of daily working hours, the values have the same order of
magnitude as the ones shown in Figure 33 (i.e., from 1 to 3 hours). It is worth to
note that the measurements taken by the IoT tracker do not coincide in time
with the results shown in the Figure 33 and, thus, it is not possible to directly
compare these measurements with predictions made by the algorithms.
Part II
The setup related to the execution of IoT tracking tests required both the setup
of devices and a number of services for data management.
The tracker device selected for carrying out the IoT tracking was a MT821
manufactured by Mictrack (its specifications in Annex III). This device is a Mini
waterproof GPS tracker that uses the latest CAT M1 & NB-IoT technology to
provide low power consumption and optimized data transmission at low cost.
The tracker was configured to work with NB-IoT and specific IP. This device
send data of two types: cell data and GPS data. The important data are the GPS
data whose format is as follows:
The set of services developed to obtain data from the tracker as well as its
representation on the dashboard are:
1. Uc_5 database – PostgreSQL Database for persist data.
2. comm_protocol – Server UDP used to wait data from any device that send
this data format type and saves GPS coordinates.
3. dashboard – Flask Application (HTTP Server) in Python.
4. Geographic Anomaly Detection (GAD) – Script in Python whose purpose is
to detect possible anomalies in the tracker tracks.
These services are represented in the following diagram:
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Figure 35:
Diagram of Services
Looking at this diagram, we can see which services comm_protocol, dashboard
and GAD need to have a connection to the database. In this case, comm_protol
is responsible for storing the data in the database. On the other hand, the
dashboard and GAD services use the database to get data. These two-services
fetch data for:
• The GAD service reads data from temp_gps_tracker_gps_data to generate
anomaly results via images and CSV files.
• The dashboard reads data from different tables to get GPS data, weather
data and port entries for a specific day. It also fetches resources generated
by GAD services to display them in the view.
For more information and details about the installation process or execution,
the reader is referred to the Annex III – Setup and Execution.
Issues on Execution
The following subsections provide description of issues encountered during the
demonstration and mitigation actions to solve them.
Description of the issue
Mitigation measures
Lack of comprehensive data for
Simplification of applied models, estimation of the
performance effects of missing data.
Lack of data availability for realtime exchange (online)
Developing additional models to estimate missing
features (results in performance degradation, which is
evaluation using available historical datasets.
Lack of APIs to access critical data
Implementing parts of the validation using offline
Lack of coverage of commercial
LTE/NB-IoT/LTE-M networks
of hauliers
installing IoT tracking devices
Field tests were performed with IoT tracking devices to
verify the coverage at the Port of Valencia and Livorno
Tracking was performed when trucks are inside the port
facilities. UPV and FV configured tracking devices
Table 12.
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Validation and Results
This section provides a detailed description of the validation results obtained
after the execution of the demonstration. Impact is analyzed after explaining
the result validation, verification of test cases, KPIs and UC assessment.
In this section, the results of each test case, identified in D6.1 [1] for the Port
Entrance UC are presented.
Test Case ID
UC5_TC_01: Quality of historical datasets
UC5_TC_02: Integration of different data sources
UC5_TC_03: Prediction model accuracy in training
UC5_TC_04: Performance evaluation in production
UC5_TC_05: Reception of trucks’ geoposition
UC5_TC_06: Onboard supply chain slice templates and NF descriptors
UC5_TC_07: Automated deployment of network slice
UC5_TC_08: Automated termination the slice instance
UC5_TC_09: Manual scaling of a running slice instance
UC5_TC_10: MANO interaction with DVL for collecting data
UC5_TC_11: MANO interaction with DVL to stop collecting
UC5_TC_12: Automated slice scaling with DVL collected data
UC5_TC_13: Correctness of datasets time event information
UC5_TC_14: Correctness of datasets resource ID information
UC5_TC_15: Vessels’ ETA prediction model performance
UC5_TC_16: Web application for visualizing analytics
UC5_TC_17: Web application alert on truck traffic levels
UC5_TC_18: Web application authentication
UC5_TC_19: communication interfaces DVL, TPCS and M2M Platforms
UC5_TC_20: communication interface between the AI-based Platform and the
UC5_TC_21: Dashboard visualization with real time and historical data
Table 13.
Port Entrance UC Test case verification
For what concerns the test case verification, the 62% of test cases were
executed successfully. The other 38% of test cases were not executed as the
development involved was discarded for non-applicable (N/A). The original goal
of test cases 06-09 was to develop an AI/ML algorithm for closed-loop slice
optimization based on the combination of application/M2M (from DVL)
collected and processed data with network related data (from the 5GC).
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However, as explained in D6.2 [2] for the related development activities, at the
Port Entrance UC the cross-layer MANO does not control nor manage any 5G
network, and the DVL deployed on the field cannot provide insightful data for
the network slice optimization purposes. For these reasons, it was agreed with
the FV and CNIT to not provide such AI/ML driven network slice optimization
capabilities. Nonetheless, some of these test cases (test cases 6-9) can be
mapped into the test cases of AGVs UC.
The UC5_ TC_10, UC5_ TC_11 and UC5_ TC_12 have not been executed because
no relevant data for ML training have been identified from DVL.
More details on the execution of Port Entrance UC test cases as the description
and the results obtained can be found in Annex III.
The following table shows the KPIs that were measured and considered
relevant during the use case validation.
Times (TTT)
Idling Times
Test Case
10% reduction
≤ 10 % mean error*
*Note: median
values are
considered instead
of mean to handle
outliers and skew
present in the error
≥ 99 % uptime
Data Source
≥ 3 sources
Sufficient by
ISO/IEC 25012
Data Quality
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High data
privacy and
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7% reduction of TTT predictions/simulations
if the truck traffic (input parameter) variance
is reduced to a rolling mean with window
length of 5 days.
25% reduction of TTT predictions/simulations
if the truck traffic used is the mean of the
gate events’ dataset.
ETA predictions
Relative median absolute error 5 %, averaged
over voyage durations.
Traffic rate distributions
Relative median error of predicted container
exit volumes:
daily 13 %,
weekly 4 %.
Turnaround times
Long term model: Relative median error of
predicted daily maximum turnaround time
10 %.
AWA platform availability (hosting use case
service and application) 100 % over past 90
Valencia: 4 online sources (AIS data, vessel
data, port call data, truck gate event data)
Livorno: 2 online sources (AIS data, vessel
Data accuracy, consistency, credibility, and
currentness are found sufficient for the
application. Data completeness should be
improved for future exploitation by ensuring
that truck turnaround data is fully captured.
AWA applications and services implemented
in high availability, fault tolerant cloud
environment using multiple availabilty zones
per service. Automated service monitoring,
security scanning, and alerting
implemented. Authentication used in all
iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
MT821 tracking device used for a series of
tests, has generated GPS data with an error
of less than 3 meteres.
Data Protection
Impact assessed
The impacts have been considered an
analyzed for all the demonstrations with the
update made to the documents D7.5 and
Privacy User
Approval through
the exchange of
some mails and
The logistics company as well as the truck
driver have been duly informed of the proof
we aimed to do in the project, the period in
which we needed to keep the tracker inside
the truck and which data we were going to
ity and
of personal
Any personal or identifiable data from the
truck driver was collected in the IoT Tracking
demo (i.e., Part II)
Truck plates are not considered as
confidential nor personal data as it is not
linked with any person at all. Geo-positioning
of the IoT trucking device has been turned
off once the truck abandons the port area.
Logs of
Table 14.
Port Entrance UC KPIs Results
For many prediction problems, the data source availability in the online stage
is a requirement with a major impact on the accuracy of the predictions. As can
be seen in the Table 14, the errors obtained in the predictions meet the
established targets (average TTT error equal to 10%) with the data available.
Moreover, it has been proven that the TTT reduction is achievable if the variance
of the truck arrivals at the port is minimized, a quite probable scenario as it is a
general goal of ports, nowadays, through the implementation of national single
windows for dispatching containers in a scheduled manner.
All in all, the sufficient availability and quality of the data has allowed to obtain
acceptable levels of efficiency of the models. All this enabled the service
deployment in production. The prediction service is up and running in a cloud
environment. As for the IoT Tracking part of the demonstration, the expected
level of accuracy in the geo-positioning of Trucks was also achieved.
In large city ports, upon the arrival of large ships there is the risk of congestion
building up within the city. While traffic peaks could be reduced, for example,
by expanding the opening hours of the port, it would be more efficient to target
the use of resources such as extended operation times only to those days or
weeks where traffic peaks will occur. As stated, e.g. in the Port Authority of
Valencia’s environmental and energy policy, “Modern port management and
market competition have led port companies to concentrate and increase the
volume of their activities, and accordingly they use ever larger amounts of
resources, which makes the inclusion of eco-efficient management criteria
increasingly more important.” The prediction capabilities developed in the use
case are targeted to enable planning and management of operations
according to such criteria. One of the key targets in the sustainability policy of
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the port is prevention and minimisation of emissions, consumption, discharges,
noise, and waste produced because of its activities. A key motivation of the
work performed in the use case is to provide tools for better predicting the
truck congestion which contributes to emission and noise in the port city.
Being able to predict congestion is an important enabler for taking steps to
reduce related disadvantages. Further details on potential impacts and future
exploitation plans of the presented developments are described in the
deliverable D7.3 of the project.
Lessons Learned and Potential
During the execution of the present demonstration, and with all the historical
data and data sources made available, two main outcomes have been
• Reaching the objectives, requirements, and KPIs set for the predictive
analytics application is found to be feasible both regarding offline machine
learning model development and online service deployment.
• Improvements could be obtained primarily by enhancing the coverage of
available historical datasets and current data integrations.
Besides the lessons learned mentioned above, the following points for
improvement identified too:
• The long-term prediction pipeline was demonstrated with minimal data
available in service deployment. Test results with historical data indicate that
having access to some additional features would improve the achievable
results regarding prediction accuracy. Useful data already existing in port
systems include e.g. cargo exchange volume per port call, distribution of
modalities for exchanged cargo per port call (transhipment, train, truck).
• Additional data inputs would help to better capture outlier cases e.g. in truck
turnaround (temporary high congestion), which is the main challenge with
the current models; however, available data correlated to such scenarios was
not identified during the project.
• The data available for evaluating truck turnaround times was not complete
and would benefit from infrastructure (gate monitoring system)
improvements to ensure that all port visits and related timestamps are fully
• Further testing is needed to evaluate and optimize the developed
application for production use. A primary issue to consider would be to
experiment with potential mechanisms and practical changes in port traffic
operations/planning with the aim to translate improved predictability into
reduced congestion.
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5 Demo – Improved Drivers’ Safety with MR
and Haptic Solutions
Objective and Description
This use case focuses on improving
the driver’s safety by combining the
use of mixed reality (MR) and haptic
solutions for controlling AGVs in a real
scenario. In this particular case, the
demonstration has been done in the
port of Valencia. The particular setup
used in the trial is depicted in Figure
36. Autonomous vehicles used on
industrial areas may need eventually
human help to accomplish with
difficulties on the road. With an
immersive and remote cockpit this
human support can be done in an
intuitive way, allowing the operator to
control different AGVs from a far
indoor cockpit, avoiding potential
dangers of industrial areas. This is known as Teleoperated Driving.
Figure 36:
Main setup and components integrated in the trial.
The pillars of this use case are the telepresence of the operator to know the
environment in which the vehicle moves around and the interaction with the
operator to control it. The use of haptics to control AGVs is also the key of this
demonstration. To support the telepresence service, several 360º video cameras
with low latency have been installed in the AGV provided by ABB. In the case of
the interaction for vehicle’s control, this is achieved with the cockpit and the
use of haptic gloves that allow the vehicles to be managed remotely and to
obtain feedback from the sensors in real time.
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Through the storage and graphical representation of different KPIs in relation
to the state of the network and the application, conclusions have been drawn
about different aspects.
For the demonstration of this use case, we ran the AGVs modifying the load on
the 5G network to analyse how each of the AGVs responds. The scheme to
follow was as follows:
1. A prioritized AGV (provided by ABB) was moving inside Passengers Dock
area with remotely or autonomous control.
2. A normal user represented by a smartphone started to generate different
traffic density on the same 5G network for a load test:
a. Test 1: No load
b. Test 2: TCP DL 100 Mbps
c. Test 3: TCP DL 400 Mbps
3. Meanwhile, the different KPIs were collected for storage and graphic
representation with Grafana.
Different measurements have been carried out to analyse the behaviour of the
5G network in different circumstances. These tests have been the following:
Average Downlink Throughput up to 132 meters.
Average Uplink Throughput up to 132 meters.
Maximum Average Latency with radio load up to 132 meters.
Maximum Average Latency without radio load up to 132 meters.
Maximum Average Latency with radio load and Latency prioritization up to
132 meters.
The final demo for this Use Case was held from November 28 to December 1 at
a specific area in the passengers’ dock of Valencia Port, shown in Figure 37.
Figure 37:
Testing area in the Port of Valencia
The KPIs were measured to ensure that the network and the system
accomplish with the system requirements to perform ToD. This requires a low
latency with the maximum throughput connectivity to ensure a realistic driving
environment for the operator. Three video streams, driving commands and
ACK messages needed to be transmitted in real time to the cockpit.
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The main objective of the demonstration is to prove an innovative ToD and
ensure a proper connectivity for the AGV to perform the ToD. Also, in a second
part of the demonstration the new haptic gloves from SenseGlove were
validated and a digital twin was developed for improving the remote cockpit.
Setup and Execution
The following subsections provide description of the setup and execution of
AGV UC. Additional information can be found in Annex IV – Setup and
Part I
The demo was planned with three real AGVs moving in the Passengers Dock,
which images can be found in Annex IV:
AGV-B: NOK’s Robotnik AGV.
AGV-C: 5CMM’s Robotnik AGV.
Figure 38 shows the three different AGVs used in AGV UC.
Figure 38:
AGVs A, B and C for the AGV’s UC
Each of the AGVs was connected to the 5G network through an Asus mobile
phone via tethering which details can be found in Annex IV.
Each test scenario considers two different smartphones as 5G modems:
• Smartphone for generating traffic: used to generate different levels of traffic
during the execution of each test case.
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• Smartphone for AGVs connectivity with Ethernet Interface: mounted in all
the AGVs for the 5G mmW n258 connectivity.
Two implementations were done to control AGVs, as shown in Figure 36:
• NOK’s Cockpit: Used to control NOK’s and ABB’s AGVs remotely via ToD. It is
composed of the MR glasses, in which the AGV’s video is received with extra
information about latency and other parameters; the steering wheel, which
controls the AGV direction; the pedals, which set the AGV speed; the gear
change, which allows the AGV to be moved forwards or backwards.
• 5CMM’s Cockpit: Used to control 5CMM’s and ABB’s AGVs remotely or onsite. The Haptic Gloves are used to control the AGVs by doing different
gestures, as well as to receive haptic feedback. The Haptic Gloves can be
connected to the cockpit with Bluetooth for enabling an on-site control. In
the remote version, MR glasses are also used to receive the AGV’s video,
creating a remote immersive experience. In the on-site version, the user is
directly seeing the AGV, so no glasses are needed.
Figure 39:
Nokia’s (left) and Fivecom’s (right) cockpits.
For the measurement of KPIs, NOK has developed an infrastructure that allows
them to be measured at two different levels: application and platform. At the
application level, all the values that have to do with the system that allows
remote driving of vehicles are obtained. Some of these values are referring to
the AGV, such as speed or rotation, and others referring to the cockpit such as
the FPS at which the video from the cameras is decoded, the RTT of the video
stream or the throughput. On the platform side, all the measurements of KPIs
that are related to the state of the 5G network and the machines that are
responsible for its operation are carried out. In these values are the ping latency
to modems RTTs and the values of throughput, memory usage, and CPU and
GPU utilization, both in the MEC and in the 5G Core.
Three main cases were defined for the execution of the demo, the first of them
with two sub-cases. Each case/sub-case was run three times.
In the first case the ABB’s AGV was moving inside Passengers Dock area with
autonomous control. It detected an obstacle in its path and stopped giving
control to the remote driver who circled it manually and returned control to the
AGV. This case has two variants that give rise to two sub-cases. In the subcase
1, the teleoperated driving is done by the remote driver using the NOK’s Cockpit.
In the subcase 2, the AGV start a supervision mode either remotely or on-site
using the haptic gloves to control the AGV with intuitive hand movements. In
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this use case, for the 5G connection, an International Mobile Subscriber Identity
(IMSI) identified with the name “IMSI-AGV-A-1” which is prioritized has been
assigned to the AGV. All the details about it can be found at Annex IV.
The second case consists of the remote driving of the NOK’s AGV inside
Passengers Dock area using the NOK’s Cockpit. As in the previous case, a new
prioritized IMSI called “IMSI-AGV-B-1”, which details can be found at Annex IV,
has been assigned to the AGV.
In the last case the 5CMM’s AGV was moving inside Passengers Dock area with
autonomous control and the operator supervised it either remotely or on-site.
The operator used the haptic gloves to send the AGV to different predefined
points to follow and when and obstacle is found, it circled it autonomously and
continued its way. The operator can also stop or resume the AGV movement
using the haptic gloves. For the 5G connection the “IMSI-AGV-C-1”, which was
prioritized, was assigned to the AGV. All the details about the IMSI can be found
at Annex IV.
While the AGV was running in each case, a normal user was connected using
another IMSI which was no prioritized to generate three different load test:
• Test 1: No load.
• Test 2: Traffic load of 100 Mbps.
• Test 3: Traffic load of 400 Mbps.
Part II
As an extension to the demo performed in the port of Valencia, a second part
of this use case was carried out in UPV campus. The main objective was to
integrate and validate the new haptic gloves from SenseGlove purchased by
Fivecomm in their cockpit. The purpose was also to improve the remote cockpit
by creating a digital twin to monitor the AGV in a digital environment.
The first activity consisted in the integration of the new haptic gloves for
controlling the AGV. A new functionality was added in these devices called
force-feedback, which stands for the resistance when trying to curve the fingers
to emulate the sensation of grabbing an object. This feature was implemented
for the control of the AGV as well as all the gestures recognition. The
specifications of the haptic gloves are further explained in Annex IV – Setup and
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Figure 40:
Unity application developed for the digital twin.
In a second step, a digital twin was developed. The velodrome in the UPV
campus was modelled in a 3D environment and imported in the Unity
application used in the cockpit. The Unity application interface is represented
in Figure 40.
The position and orientation data gathered from the sensors in the AGV was
sent in real-time to the cockpit for the representation in the digital twin,
permitting to see the robot in the same position as in the real world. Figure 41
shows a comparison between the real scenario and the digital twin
Figure 41:
Real scenario (left) and digital twin with the AGV included (right).
As in the first part of the demonstration in the port of Valencia (Fivecomm’s
cockpit), the gloves were used to indicate the AGV to move autonomously to a
predefined point, being possible to stop and resume the movement anytime.
Apart from the position and orientation data, a video flow was sent from the
robot to the cockpit with a real-time camera, as well as the GPS coordinates
and the data from the proximity sensor to know how far the AGV is to the
closest object. All this feedback data is represented in the cockpit application
and can be seen in Figure 42. More details are provided in Annex IV.
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Figure 42:
Remote cockpit including the SensGlove haptic gloves, VR glasses and Digital Twin.
The following subsections provide description of issues encountered during the
demonstration and mitigation actions to solve them.
Description of the issue
Mitigation measures
5G network down by saturation
Restarting the core in Madrid.
Mobiles did not connect correctly to
the 5G network, so an IP was not
obtained with which to establish
The connection via tethering with the
AGV system was lost when the mobile
screen was locked
Restarting mobile phones to
connection to 5G network.
2. Restarting the 5G core in Madrid.
Correctly configure the mobile settings together with
the "Caffeine" application to avoid screen lock and
tethering disconnection.
Autonomous mode not operational
when executing the demo
Remote control using the haptic gloves instead
VPN problem when connecting the
Manual configuration of the routing tables and VPN
Battery of the haptic gloves not lasting
more than 10 minutes
Charging all the time. If the gloves shut down
restarting the application
Bluetooth range does not cover the
full area. Gloves disconnecting when
they are far from the server
Keeping close to the cockpit (< 20 m)
Table 15.
AGV UC Issues on execution
Validation and Results
The results obtained in the demonstrations of this use case have been, in
general terms, satisfactory. Most of the values established as target have been
met and the deviations obtained in some of them have been reasonably
justified. In addition, it has been possible to carry out remote driving of the three
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considered AGVs with the two cockpits designed using the 5G network
deployed in the Port of Valencia.
In this section, is summarized the results of each test case identified in D6.1 [1]
Test Case ID
UC2_TC_01 - Perform measurements of 5G millimeter wave coverage in
UC2_TC_02 - AGV teleoperation via 5G millimeter wave in Segovia.
UC2_TC_03 - Immersive cockpit.
UC2_TC_04 - Fivecomm’s cockpit integration for AGV teleoperation.
UC2_TC_05 - Perform measurements of 5G millimeter wave coverage in
Valencia Port.
UC2_TC_06 - ASTI AGV teleoperation via 5G millimeter wave in Burgos.
UC2_TC_07 - ASTI AGV teleoperation via 5G millimeter wave in Valencia Port.
Table 16.
AGV’s UC Test case verification
All the defined test cases have successfully passed, obtaining the values of the
different KPIs of interest. This has allowed an analysis of the use case and the
needs of the network to carry out remote driving of vehicles with different
cockpits. More details about each test case, such as the description, detailed
expected results and detailed actual results can be found in Annex IV –
Validation and Results.
In this section the KPIs for each test case are presented. To get the target value
we used the values defined in the D2.1 [11]. Results are shown in Table 17:
Test Case Reference
~ 500 m
412 m
End-to-end latency
< 100 ms
Min: 25,06 ms
Max: 38,2 ms
Avg: 32,8 ms
Valencia Port Coverage
UC2_TC_02, UC2_TC_05
~ 500 m
420 m
Port End-to-end latency
< 100 ms
Min: 28,1 ms
Max: 33,9 ms
Avg: 30,3 ms
Valencia Port Availability
UC2_TC_02, UC2_TC_03
UC2_TC_04, UC2_TC_07
> 99.999 %
100 %
Valencia Port Reliability
UC2_TC_02, UC2_TC_03
UC2_TC_04, UC2_TC_07
> 99.999 %
Valencia Port Mobility
UC2_TC_02, UC2_TC_03
UC2_TC_04, UC2_TC_07
< 30 Km/h
12,3 Km/h
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Min: 9,2 Mbps
Max: 10,8 Mbps
Avg: 9,97 Mbps
Min: 32,6 ms
Max: 162,1 ms
Avg: 53,9 ms
Min: 5,41 Mbps
Max: 19,2 Mbps
Avg: 13,2 Mbps
Min: 24,3 ms
Max: 212,7 ms
Avg: 57,4 ms
Min: 9,06 Mbps
Max: 11,13 Mbps
Avg: 10,3 Mbps
Min: 207,3 ms
Max: 507,9 ms
Avg: 498,1 ms
Min: 9,19 Mbps
Max: 10,8 Mbps
Avg: 10,1 Mbps
Min: 30,9 ms
Max: 164,8 ms
Avg: 67,2 ms
Valencia Port
AGV-A Data rate
~ 10 Mbps
Valencia Port
AGV-A End-to end latency
< 100 ms
Valencia Port
AGV-C Data rate
~ 10 Mbps
Valencia Port
AGV-C End-to end latency
< 100 ms
AGV-B Data rate
~ 10 Mbps
AGV-B End-to end latency
< 100 ms
Valencia Port
AGV-B Data rate
~ 10 Mbps
Valencia Port
AGV-B End-to end latency
< 100 ms
Velodrome mobility
< 30 km/h
10,8 km/h
Velodrome video
360p: 2,5 Mbps
720p: 8 Mbps
1080p: 16 Mbps
Table 17.
For this use case, all the parameters that directly affect the remote driving
quality of an AGV with a 5G network have been considered. Consequently, all
the KPIs are related to the level of network saturation (data rate, latency), and
its features (availability, coverage, mobility, reliability). As most of the
measurements are carried out periodically along the demonstration duration,
the statistics that most realistically represent each of them are required.
In general, there was not a big deviation from target value. In the case of
coverage, the values that appear in the table are limited by the space available
to make the test. For the end-to-end latency deviation in Burgos tests, this is
because it was an integration job between ABB and NOK that was carried out
remotely and not in person. The objective of these tests was to be able to
remotely drive the ABB’s AGV with the NOK’s cockpit correctly.
A new KPI was added for the measurement of the performance in the
velodrome demo (Velodrome video throughput). This KPI measures the
throughput used in the demo for different video qualities. A comparison of the
old and new haptic gloves was carried out, and the results appear in Table 18.
Bitrate (wired)
Bitrate (wireless)
Bluetooth range
375 kbps (UL) - 250 kbps (DL)
75 kbps (UL) - 20 kbps (DL)
32 m (outdoor) - 12 m (indoor)
Not possible
52 kbps (UL) - 6 kbps (DL)
9 m (outdoor) - 5 m (indoor)
Table 18.
AGV UC KPIs. Comparision Neurodigital vs GloveSense haptic gloves.
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Potential benefits that can be achieved in this scenario include, automatic
handling of assets, human-machine iteration by working remotely in
unexpected circumstances and scalability (e.g., working remotely in multiple
sites governed by AGVs).
There are a lot of places where AGVs are used to facilitate human work. The
main environments in which this situation occurs is in factories, ports, airports,
or warehouses, places where the transport of goods is necessary. These
autonomous vehicles facilitate the task of transportation in these places but
have a problem in reacting to unforeseen events during their journey. Although
most of them incorporate into their system a mechanism that allows the
vehicle to stop after an unforeseen event, it is possible that after this stop the
vehicle doesn’t know how to continue. This problem is solved in this scenario in
which the remote driver can take control of the AGV, solve the issue, and return
control back to the AGV.
As for the immersive component of the solution, immersive vehicle driving
allows the operator to feel like driving a real car from the driver's seat which
makes driving more real and therefore safer.
Lessons Learned and Potential
In relation to remote driving with the use of 5G networks in an immersive
environment, the main lesson learned is that safe driving is possible with the
established components. However, optimal performance of the network is
needed. We observed that the service is still highly dependent on the network
performance. When the latency obtained is higher than the established limit,
the communication between the operator and the AGV is affected, putting
security at risk.
Another component with room for improvement is the haptic glove reaction
capability. Both gloves tested in INGENIOUS (Neurodigital and SenseGlove) are
a good alternative for providing orders, but the haptic feedback in both models
does not feel completely natural yet.
The arrangement of the cameras and their overlapping in the cockpit are also
essential so that the operator feels comfortable and can drive safely. As a
possible improvement in this aspect, we recommend exploring the use of new
cameras to improve the immersion experienced by the teleoperator and
therefore security.
In terms of potential improvements in the administration of the 5G network, it
has been detected that it is necessary to separate the uplink and downlink into
different slices, as well as to assign different priorities depending on the needs,
in order to obtain a better distribution of network traffic and, therefore, a better
driving experience.
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6 Demo – Intermodal Asset Tracking via IoT
and Satellite
Objective and Description
Ships are equipped with legacy
communication networks allowing
the exchange of information with
port terminals when the ship is
docking, but not when it is sailing.
However, no sensors are installed in
containers to monitor and collect
real-time data on cargo location and
conditions and container safety.
Thus, the Ship Use Case aims at
providing E2E asset tracking via
satellite backhaul from the IoT RAN to
centre, enabling real-time/periodic
parameters (temperature, humidity,
GPS, movement, bumps, etc.) of
shipping containers when they are
sailing on the sea, while terrestrial IoT
connectivity is provided when the ship approaches the port and while on land.
To enable this ubiquitous coverage, IoT tracking devices have been installed on
the shipping containers transported on both maritime and inland segments.
The end-to-end intermodal asset tracking would allow shipment information
to be ubiquitously available across all connected platforms and interested
parties in real-time.
As part of the Ship Use Case of the iNGENIOUS project, live over-the-air and lab
demonstrations were conducted, paving the way towards inter-modal asset
tracking via IoT and Satellite, such as:
• Live over-the-air mid-term demo in Valencia, Spain, on 27-28 April 2022.
• Live over-the-air final demo in Valencia, Spain, on 03 October-09 November
2023, 21-23 November 2022 and 01-09 March 2023.
• Ongoing lab demonstration and support using the iDR lab testbed.
The mid-term and final live over-the-air (OTA) demonstrations together
included and demonstrated:
Installation of sensors on iNGENIOUS container.
Installation of the Smart IoT GW on the ship.
Installation of the satellite terminal at the Port of Valencia.
iNGENIOUS container transport by ship from the Port of Valencia to the Port
of Piraeus and vice-versa.
• iNGENIOUS container transport by rail from the Port of Valencia to Madrid
Rail Terminal.
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• iNGENIOUS container transport by truck from Madrid Rail Terminal to
• Integration of the Smart IoT GW with the sensors.
• Integration of the Smart IoT GW with the M2M platform.
• End-to-end connectivity using satellite backhaul.
• Graphic interface for representing the real-time data from the sensors.
The difference between the live over-the-air mid-term and final demo was that
in the mid-term demo, the iNGENIOUS container was not transported by ship,
truck or train, and also the satellite terminal was not deployed at the Port of
Valencia. Instead, a VPN connection was established to simulate a direct
Ethernet connection between the Smart IoT Gateway located at the Port of
Valencia, Spain and the satellite terminal deployed at SES’s premises in
Betzdorf, Luxembourg. The “Satellite VPN” was tunnelled over this VPN to
provide the satellite connection towards the IoT Cloud/Data centre. The live
over-the-air mid-term demo was used to validate the configurations and
connectivity of the Smart IoT Gateway with IoT sensors, the satellite terminal
and the IoT Cloud /Data Centre in order to de-risk the live over-the-air final
demo. Hence, in the following sections, we will describe only on the live overthe-air final demo.
The iDR lab testbed was designed and implemented to reflect the live overthe-air setup and was used throughout the project to prepare for and stage the
live demonstrations with limited windows of live satellite capacity. This testbed
proved to be a valuable asset for this use case as it ensured optimal use of the
valuable live satellite capacity. More information about the iDR lab testbed can
be found in the Annex V.
The live over-the-air final demo is split into two parts. The first part included the
ship transportation of the iNGENIOUS container from Piraeus to Valencia and
vice versa, while the second part included the container transportation using a
truck. The workflow is described below:
Part I
1. The iNGENIOUS container was equipped with heterogeneous IoT devices
able to monitor the real time location of the cargo, the status of the sensor’s
battery, internal environment of the container such as temperature and
humidity and detect critical events such as door opening, arrived at the
Container Terminal on the 3rd of October. The container was loaded on to a
COSCO vessel at the Port of Valencia on the 4th of October 2022. The next day
the vessel started its trip towards the Port of Piraeus.
2. During the trip, the heterogeneous IoT devices were sending status updates
once per day.
3. The Smart IoT GW was installed on the bridge of the COSCO vessel to
aggregate the messages from the IoT devices.
4. The COSCO vessel arrived at the Port of Piraeus on 8 October 2022 and the
container was discharged. Subsequently, the container was stored at the
COSCO Piraeus Terminal whilst waiting for its return trip.
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5. On the 27th of October, the iNGENIOUS container was loaded on another
COSCO vessel and on the same day the vessel started its trip towards the
Port of Valencia.
6. During the trip, the heterogeneous IoT devices were sending status updates,
again once per day.
7. The Smart IoT GW was removed from the first vessel and installed on the
bridge of the second COSCO vessel to aggregate the messages from the IoT
8. The vessel arrived at the Port of Valencia on 8 November and the iNGENIOUS
container was discharged on the same day. It was then transported to the
depot near the Port of Valencia on 9 November 2022.
9. The Smart IoT GW was also removed from the vessel. After analysing the
collected data from the Smart IoT GW, the researchers noticed connectivity
issues with the IoT devices during the trip. However, the sensors themselves
had the capability to store the data.
10. On 21st of November, the satellite terminal was installed at the Port of
Valencia, as well as the Smart IoT GW, while the iNGENIOUS container was
placed nearby (<20m) (see Figure 52).
11. The communication between the Smart IoT GW and the IoT devices was
established, and the satellite connection was setup.
12. The data was then sent to the IoT Cloud/Data centre via the satellite backhaul
connection. The baseline space segment, which was used corresponds to
SES’s GEO ASTRA 2F satellite, which provided seamless connectivity
between the satellite terminal at the Port of Valencia and iDirect’s 5Genabled Velocity™ Intelligent Gateway (IGW) hub located at the SES teleport
in Betzdorf, Luxembourg.
13. Subsequently, the data was visualized from a graphical interface connected
to the IoT cloud.
Part II
14. The iNGENIOUS container was transported form the depot to Valencia Port
Rail Terminal the 1st of March 2023. The next day, March the 2nd the container
was loaded in a COSCO train and transported to Madrid.
15. During the trip, the heterogeneous IoT devices were sending status updates
once per hour.
16. The Smart IoT GW was not installed because during inland transport the IoT
devices sent data by NB-IoT directly to the cloud.
17. The COSCO train arrived at Madrid Rail Terminal on 2nd March 2023 and the
container was discharged. Subsequently, the container was stored at the
Madrid Dry port whilst waiting for its return trip.
18. On the 9th of March, the iNGENIOUS container was loaded on a truck
transported to Valencia.
19. During the trip, the heterogeneous IoT devices were sending status updates,
again once per hour.
20. The truck arrived at the depot the same day, March 9th at 17:07.
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21. Subsequently, the data was visualized through a graphical user interface
connected to the IoT cloud.
Setup and Execution
The following subsections provide description of the setup and execution of
Ship UC.
Part I
The end-to-end demonstration setup of the Part I of the live over-the air final
demo (where the iNGENIOUS container is discharged from the vessel and
stored at the Port of Valencia) is illustrated in Figure 43. It was built upon the
following elements by the respective iNGENIOUS project partners:
• SES: Provided end-to-end managed services, powered the space segment
with its existing ASTRA 2F geostationary satellite system (28.2oE), and
delivered seamless connectivity between the remote and the hub platform
located at its teleport in Betzdorf, Luxembourg. Furthermore, SES provided
the satellite terminal and the Smart IoT Gateway.
• iDR: Provided iDirect’s 5G-enabled Velocity™ Intelligent Gateway which
incorporates SDN/NFV and MEC capabilities and enables the satellite
integration into a 3GPP 5G core network architecture as a 5G access network.
Furthermore, iDR provided MEC server and VSAT modems along with the
support required to provide the satellite backhaul connectivity.
• FV: Provided the IoT devices, the iNGENIOUS shipping container, access to
the Port of Valencia, and the access point for establishing internet
• COSSP: Provided a Ship for shipping the iNGENIOUS container from Valencia
to Piraeus and vice versa and prepared all the documents for maritime
Figure 43:
End-to end architecture of the final demo.
More details are provided in the following sections.
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Satellite Capacity and Space Segment: Occasional Use (OU) Satellite capacity
has been provided by SES over ASTRA 2F satellite. As can be seen in 80, satellite
capacity was provided for the live over-the-air demonstrations as well as other
periods in preparation for the live demonstrations to test the end-to-end
system including the iDirect 5G-enabled Velocity™ IGW and modem.
OU Book.
Satellite Hub Activities
Initial testbed testing
over live satellite
Mid-term demo
Final Demo
Table 19.
Feasibility testing using
End to end testing with
SatCube and IoT
SatCube testing in
preparation for midterm demo
SES’s ASTRA 2F Space Segment.
Figure 44: i) RF Uplink ground Station: ATF #33 Antenna, Diameter: 9m, Vertex, Tx/Rx, Ku-band, ii)
RF Downlink Ground Station: MBA#102 Antenna, Diameter: 4.5m, Multi-Beam Antenna, Rx
only, Ku-band, and iii) SES GEO Satellite ASTRA 2F (28.2oE) - Europe Ku-band beam
Uplink Ground Station: A 9m Ku band antenna located at SES’s teleport in
Betzdorf, Luxembourg was used for the RF uplink (Figure 44).
Downlink Ground Station: Furthermore, a 4.5m Ku band, multi-beam antenna
located at SES’s teleport in Betzdorf, Luxembourg was used for the RF downlink
reception, and it can be seen in Figure 44.
Satellite Terminal: The SatCube Ku-band small-factor transportable terminal
(see Figure 45Figure 45:) is a light weight, compact, portable satellite terminal
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that enables broadband connectivity almost anywhere on earth. More
information can be found in D6.2 [2].
Smart IoT Gateway: The Smart IoT GW is pictured in Figure 45. The main
platform of the Smart IoT GW is the Raspberry Pi 4 and it is protected by a
universal and modular metal case. More information can be found in D6.2 [2].
Figure 45:
i) Satcube transportable satellite terminal and ii) Smart IoT Gateway
5G-enabled Velocity™ IGW hub: iDirect’s 5G-enabled Velocity™ IGW hub (see
Figure 46) is installed at the SES teleport facility in Luxembourg. This test
system is hosted on a Dell R630 server which is specifically configured and
administered to support the iNGENIOUS use case demonstrations.
Figure 46:
Front and back of the iDirect’s 5G-enabled Velocity™ Intelligent Gateway hub
Modems: iQ200, iQ Desktop and 9350 modems (see Figure 47) were used to
verify and test satellite connectivity prior to the live over-the-air
Figure 47:
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iQ200, iQ Desktop and 9350 Modem
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MEC Server: For the live demonstration at the Port of Valencia a MEC server
(Raspberry Pi 3 model B and a network switch were used to facilitate the
integration of the Smart IoT GW and the satellite network and also to make the
deployment easier to manage.
iNGENIOUS Container: FV purchased a twenty-foot dry shipping container
following 22G1 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard,
where specific external dimensions (Length: 6,058 m; Width: 2,438 m and
Height: 2,591 m) are defined (see Figure 48).
The container was purchased for demonstrating inter-modal asset tracking
through the installation of IoT tracking and monitoring sensors, which can
gather measurements and transmit the information via LoRa and NB-IoT.
For performing the live over-the-air final demo, the container was customized
and painted by FV, adding the project logo along with the logos of all partners
involved in the UC, as shown in Figure 48.
Figure 48:
i) 22G1 purchased container and ii) iNGENIOUS Container
During the final demonstration, the container was monitored and transported
from Valencia to Piraeus in a round trip by combining terrestrial (inside the
ports of Valencia and Piraeus) and maritime transportation (from Valencia to
Sensors: FV outsourced the acquisition of a set of IoT Sensors (more
information in D6.2 [2]) which were integrated together with LoRa and NB-IoT
communication modules and then installed on the shipping container for
monitoring cargo conditions and container status when terrestrial and
maritime transportation is performed. Thanks to the integration of LoRa and
NB-IoT communication modules, IoT sensors were able to communicate data
with the Smart IoT GW developed by SES. All sensors were integrated together
with the communication modules and assembled in a single IoT tracking
device. After ensuring this integration and the communication with the Smart
IoT GW, the device was installed on the iNGENIOUS container.
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Figure 49:
Final demo device installation
Terrestrial Communication: FV ensured the availability of Commercial NB-IoT
coverage for performing IoT tracking tests inside the Port facilities. The
coverage of these technologies was tested by UPV and FV through the
execution of car-driven tests inside the facilities of Valencia Port. IoT tracking
devices use this coverage for reporting the tracking and monitoring
Port Facilities: FV and COSCO ensured the access to Valencia Port and COSCO
terminal facilities for performing this demonstration. COSCO terminal at the
Port of Valencia was the place where iNGENIOUS container was loaded and
discharged as part of the trip to Piraeus. As for the mid-term demonstration,
FV also managed the access to a specific depot inside the Port.
Ship: A different ship was used for each voyage during the first part of the final
demo. For the first trip from Valencia to Piraeus, the iNGENIOUS container was
loaded on a COSCO Vessel, CSCL Venus, which is a 14074 TEU vessel. For the
return trip from Piraeus to Valencia, another COSCO vessel was used,
particularly, a 13114 TEU vessel called COSCO Glory.
Vessel Trip Transport Documentation: The documentation, needed for the
vessel trip, was prepared by COSCO. More information can be found in D6.2 [2].
Part II
The end-to-end demonstration setup of the second part of the live over-the air
final demo (the iNGENIOUS container was also loaded to the truck) is illustrated
in Figure 50.
In particular, it was built upon the following elements by the respective
iNGENIOUS project partners.
• FV: Provided the IoT devices, the iNGENIOUS container, the access to the
Port of Valencia and the terrestrial communication.
• COSSP: Provided the transport of the iNGENIOUS container by rail from
Valencia to Madrid as well as a truck for transporting the iNGENIOUS
container form Madrid to Valencia. Furthermore, COSSP prepared all the
documents for the rail and truck transports.
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Figure 50:
End-to end architecture of the final demo (part II)
More details are provided in the following sections.
Truck: For the inland transport from Madrid to Valencia during the second part
of the final demo, the container was transported on a truck by a COSCO’s
transport provider.
Truck Transport Documentation: The documentation needed for the inland
transport by truck was prepared by COSCO. This included the release order, the
acceptance order and the transport order.
Rail: During the second part of the final demo, the container was transported
in the Valencia-Madrid Rail corridor by train. The propulsion of the locomotive
was diesel-based. The train had 18 wagons of 90 feet, having the capacity to
transport 72 TEU containers. In Figure 51 you can see the iNGENIOUS container
during the second part of the Final Demo.
Figure 51:
iNGENIOUS container starting rail transport from Valencia to Madrid.
Rail Transport Documentation: The documentation needed for the terrestrial
rail transport was prepared by COSCO. This included the release order, the
acceptance order and the transport order.
The following subsections provide description of issues encountered during the
demonstration and mitigation actions to solve them.
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Description of the issue
Mitigation measures
The satellite terminal was not installed on the
ship for several reasons: 1) very high cost (more
than 40K) for buying a tracking GEO satellite
terminal, 2) a lot of effort (site survey,
installation, etc.). In this particular UC, the effort
and the cost would have been doubled because
we had to use two different ships for the
shipping of the iNGENIOUS container from
Valencia to Piraeus and vice versa and 3)
equipment installation follows very strict time
schedules aligned with maintenance periods.
The iNGENIOUS container, equipped with the
sensors, was transported from Valencia to
Piraeus and vice versa. During the trip, the
Smart IoT GW, installed on the bridge of the
ship, and the sensors faced connectivity issues.
Sensors were not able to gather GPS data while
the container was being transported in the
maritime segment. This issue was faced
because the container was hidden by several
layers of containers and the GPS antenna did
not have direct visibility with the GPS satellite
for establishing GPS communication and
retrieving tracking information.
Table 20.
In line with the proposal, a fixed satellite
terminal was installed in the Port of
transmission regulatory licence of the
satellite terminal at the Port of Valencia
was obtained after a formal request to the
Spanish Ministry.
The sensors had the capability to store the
data collected during the trip from
Valencia to Piraeus and vice versa. When
the ship arrived at the Port of Valencia
and the connectivity issues were resolved
the data was transmitted to the Smart IoT
GPS tracking information could be
provided in the maritime segment by
integrating AIS data with the stream of
information provided by the IoT sensors.
AIS data provides tracking information
linked to the vessel position. As an
alternative, GPS tracking information
could also be provided if the Smart IoT
GW integrated a GPS antenna, following
a similar approach as for the AIS.
Ship UC Issues on execution
Validation and Results
In this section, the results the test cases identified in D6.1 [1] are summarized.
Part I
Data collected during the trip from Valencia to Piraeus and vice versa
The data collected from the IoT devices during the trip from Valencia to Piraeus
and vice versa should have been sent in real time to the Cloud through satellite
backhaul. However, as mentioned earlier, the installation of the satellite
terminal on a COSCO vessel could not be carried out during this project. For
this reason, the Smart IoT GW was capable of storing the data during the trip
and transmitting it over satellite when the ship arrived again at the Port of
Valencia, where a satellite terminal was installed.
However, the Smart IoT GW and the IoT devices faced some connectivity issues
during the trip and hence the Smart IoT GW was not able to gather and store
the data. But the IoT devices, themselves, also had the capability to store their
data and transmit it when the communication with the Smart IoT GW could be
set up. And this is exactly what happened on 21 November, where the satellite
terminal was installed at the Port of Valencia, as well as the Smart IoT GW, while
the iNGENIOUS container was placed in the near vicinity (<20m) (see Figure 52).
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Figure 52:
SatCube, Smart IoT GW and iNGENIOUS container at the Port of Valencia
When the connectivity issues between the IoT devices and Smart IoT GW were
resolved, the collected data during the trip was transmitted to the Smart IoT
Gateway, and then it was sent to the SES Cloud through satellite backhaul and
we were able to observe the collected data in the Grafana dashboards.
Figure 53:
Temperature of the iNGENIOUS container during the trip from Valencia to Piraeus and
vice versa.
Figure 54:
Humidity of the iNGENIOUS container during the trip from Valencia to Piraeus and vice
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Data collected on 21 November at the Port of Valencia
After the transmission of the collected data, from the round trip to Piraeus, to
the SES Cloud, we continued the tests at the Port of Valencia. This time, we
transmitted in real-time the data from the IoT devices to the SES Cloud. As
mentioned earlier and shown in Figure 52, on 21 November 2022, the satellite
terminal was installed at the Port of Valencia, as well as the Smart IoT GW, while
the iNGENIOUS container, equipped with the IoT devices, was placed in close
proximity (<20m).
With the communication between the IoT devices and the Smart IoT Gateway
as well as the satellite connection established, the IoT devices were sending in
real time the measured data. The Smart IoT GW then collected it and pushed it
towards the SES Cloud via satellite backhaul. This automatic process worked
flawlessly, and we were able to observe the collected data in the Grafana
dashboards of the SES Cloud servers. From that point on, all periodic
transmissions coming from the IoT devices were immediately forwarded to the
Cloud server.
Figure 55:
Overview screenshot of the Cloud-side dashboard, giving a general impression of the
received data during the real-time measurements at the Port of Valencia on 21 November
Figure 56:
GPS location of the IoT devices during the real-time measurements at the Port of
Valencia on 21
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Figure 55 provides an overview screenshot of the Cloud-side dashboard, giving
a general impression of the received data, where we noticed consistent
transmissions of temperature, humidity, battery state and GPS values. The door
state (or signal state) was only transmitted if triggered, which did not work
consistently. Furthermore, the accelerometer values were only included in
three sensor messages.
Figure 56 presents the GPS location of the IoT devices at the Port of Valencia.
The measured GPS points showed an approximate accuracy of around 50m,
being distributed in a radius of roughly 25m around the actual location of the
IoT devices. This might be partially caused by the fact that at some point during
the demonstration, the IoT devices were removed from the iNGENIOUS
container and placed closer to the Smart IoT GW.
Figure 57:
Figure 58:
Temperature, measured in real-time from the IoT devices, in the Port of Valencia on 21
November 2022
Humidity, measured in real-time from the IoT devices, in the Port of Valencia on 21
November 2022
In the beginning, the IoT devices were sending status updates every 90 seconds
and after 30 minutes of consistent transmissions, the frequency changed to
every 5 minutes. This can be seen in Figure 57, where we can also see that the
temperature is over 19°C at around 11:15AM and steadily increased to 21°C
around 15:00PM, fairly realistically representing a temperature trend, when the
IoT devices were wind-protected during the demonstration.
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Like the temperature, the humidity was measured consistently, ranging from
55% to 60%, as can be seen in Figure 58Figure 58:. It seems adequate,
considering the proximity to the sea and the perceived humid weather
conditions during the demonstration.
Furthermore, Figure 59 illustrates the battery state of charge, where the power
steadily declined from 90% to 77% over the demonstration period of 4 hours
and 15 minutes. This represents a drop of around 13% for 61 transmissions made
at an average rate of 4.25 transmissions per minute. Considering that the
intended transmission rate for the actual trip was one transmission per day, the
battery of the sensor device should have more than enough capacity to cover
the whole duration of the trip.
Figure 59:
Battery state of charge of the IoT devices, measured in real-time in the Port of Valencia
on 21 November 2022
Moreover, as the door state is only transmitted when triggered by a change
event of the physical state of the door, Figure 60 does not show a consistent
graph as for the previous metrics. We can see a total of six opening events
received and three closing events. This is an indication that some intermediate
state change events have been dropped, as the data should represent an
alternating pattern between the opened and closed state.
Figure 60:
Door state of the iNGENIOUS container, measured in real-time in the Port of Valencia
on 21 November 2022
In addition, over the period of the demonstration, we received three data
transmissions containing the accelerometer payload. The values are within the
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expected range, as one axis has an acceleration value of around 1G (here: Z-axis),
while the remaining two have a value close to 0G (see Figure 61).
Figure 61:
Accelerometer measured in real-time in the Port of Valencia on 21 November 2022
Figure 62 illustrates the end-to-end latency for transmitting the measured data
from the IoT devices to the SES Cloud through satellite, where the average
latency was 613 ms.
Figure 62:
End-to-end latency for transmitting the measured data from the IoT devices to the SES
Cloud through satellite at the port of Valencia on 21 November 2022
Finally, Table 21 below shows the results of the end-to-end round-trip time (RTT)
(ICMP) tests carried out between the MEC server (FV) and the satellite network
edge gateway at the satellite hub. The RTT can vary depending on the location
of the remote terminal but the typical RTT for the satellite hop of the data path
is between 560ms and 570ms. In this example, it would mean the extra hops
contributed to an increased overhead of approximately 23ms to 33ms of the
overall RTT.
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Betzdorf Teleport egress point -> Satellite Terminal
--- ping statistics --1050 packets transmitted, 1048 received, 0% packet loss, time 1049013ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 570.345/593.199/1185.147/23.257 ms
Satellite Terminal -> Betzdorf Teleport egress point
--- ping statistics --1042 packets transmitted, 1041 received, 0% packet loss, time 1040968ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 577.292/593.949/677.548/15.083 ms
Table 21.
ICMP RTT of Satellite Link
Part II
The data collected from the IoT devices during the trip from Valencia to Madrid
by train, and back from Madrid to Valencia by truck, was sent in real time to the
Cloud through the terrestrial (commercial) network using the device’s NB-IoT
The messages received at the IoT Cloud can be visualized in the Figure 63Figure
63:. The message includes the measured temperature, humidity,
accelerometer, and GPS location at the date and time 2023-03-03 09:03:32. This
figure also shows that the location captured by the IoT devices corresponds to
the middle point of the entire trip of the demo’s Part II (the Madrid Dry port).
Figure 63:
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Ship UC Demo part B – IoT message received.
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In the Figure 64, it is shown an overview screenshot of the Cloud-side
dashboard (provided from FV), giving a general impression of the received data,
where we noticed consistent transmissions of the GPS values.
Figure 64:
GPS location reported by the sensor in Part B trip
As for the rest of the parameters, the Figure 65 shows an overview screenshot
of the Cloud-side dashboard (provided from FV) listing and plotting the
historical values of temperature, humidity and accelerometer parameters sent
by the sensor during the trip done by the container.
Figure 65:
Temperature, humidity and accelerometer values by the sensor in Part II trip
Several Test Cases were identified in the D6.1 [1]. In this section, we present their
actual results, while more information can be found in Annex V – Validation and
Test Case ID
UC4_TC_01: Integration and installation of sensors and communication modules
on iNGENIOUS container
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UC4_TC_02: Over-the-air tests for evaluating LoRa and LTE connectivity at the
container in maritime and terrestrial scenarios at the Port of Valencia
UC4_TC_03: Develop an application where data gathered by IoT sensors and
actuators is stored and visualized
UC4_TC_04: Container transport from the Port of Valencia to the Port of Piraeus,
including storage at the Port of Piraeus until next loading
UC4_TC_05: Container transport from the Port of Piraeus to the Port of Valencia
UC4_TC_06: Terrestrial transport by truck from Port of Valencia to hinterland
and vice versa
UC4_TC_07: Site Survey for exploring the practical viability of accommodating
and installing the Smart IoT Gateway aboard, as well for exploring the
theoretical viability of installing VSAT antenna on the vessel
UC4_TC_08: Validate proposed satellite backhaul infrastructure
UC4_TC_09: Validate end to end connectivity using Satellite backhaul
UC4_TC_10: Verify uplink and downlink Satellite backhaul capacity meets Use
Case KPI requirements
UC4_TC_11: Verify uplink and downlink Satellite backhaul latency
UC4_TC_12: Validate confidentiality of satellite backhauled sensor data
UC4_TC_13: Connectivity of the Smart IoT GW with sensors
UC4_TC_14: Connectivity of the Smart IoT GW with M2M space (direct)
UC4_TC_15: Connectivity of the Smart IoT GW with M2M space (VSAT)
UC4_TC_16: Smart IoT GW will receive and process sensor data
UC4_TC_17: Smart IoT GW configuration via remote management
UC4_TC_18: Smart IoT GW will receive and process sensor data during outages
UC4_TC_19: Smart IoT GW Security
UC4_TC_20: Smart IoT GW Integration with other systems
Table 22.
Ship UC Test case verification
The main aim of the test cases execution and verification was to guarantee that
the core elements of the Ship use Case were able to act as initially defined and
planned. According to the table above, this verification covered the following
• The verification of the functionalities of the Smart IoT GW.
• The integration of the IoT devices with the Smart IoT GW.
• The integration of the Smart IoT GW with the satellite terminal and the M2M
• The verification of the satellite connectivity.
• The verification of the container transportation.
• We should also mention that the UC4_TC_07 has failed, because as we
reported in the D6.2 [2], the site survey did not take place The verification of
the container transportation.
We should also mention that the UC4_TC_07 has failed, because as we reported
in the D6.2 [2], the site survey did not take place. COSSP contacted Marine
Operating Center Department for authorization, however due to COVID
restrictions, COSSP headquarters prohibited boarding the ship if not necessary.
As a mitigation action, the partners contacted a feeder service provider, that
agreed to do the site survey in the feeder vessel, however due to high level of
work, provider availability and timing, the site survey was finally cancelled.
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The KPIs of the Ship Use Case as defined in the Deliverable D2.1 [11]:
The KPIs of the Ship Use Case as defined in the Deliverable D2.1 [11]:
Battery life
message size
message size
(messages per
Connectivity of
IoT devices
Test Case Reference
≥ 99.9%
≥ 99.9%
≥ 99.9%
≥ 99.9%
> 12 years
5 years
UC4_TC_01, UC4_TC_10
200 bytes
110 bytes
UC4_TC_01, UC4_TC_10
2500 bytes
250 bytes
Maximum at
every 10
Once per day during
the trip from Valencia
to Piraeus and vice
versa. Once per 5
minutes during the
real-time over-the-air
demo at the Port of
LoRa, Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth and
LoRa and Wi-Fi
UC4_TC_02, UC4_TC_03,
UC4_TC_04, UC4_TC_05,
UC4_TC_06, UC4_TC_08,
UC4_TC_09, UC4_TC_13,
UC4_TC_14, UC4_TC_15,
UC4_TC_16, UC4_TC_18,
UC4_TC_02, UC4_TC_04,
UC4_TC_05, UC4_TC_06,
UC4_TC_08, UC4_TC_09,
UC4_TC_13, UC4_TC_14,
UC4_TC_15, UC4_TC_15,
UC4_TC_16, UC4_TC_18,
UC4_TC_01, UC4_TC_03
UC4_TC_02, UC4_TC_08,
UC4_TC_09, UC4_TC_13,
UC4_TC_16, UC4_TC_18
UC4_TC_01, UC4_TC_02,
UC4_TC_04, UC4_TC_05,
UC4_TC_06, UC4_TC_10,
UC4_TC_16, UC4_TC_18
UC4_TC_02, UC4_TC_04,
UC4_TC_05, UC4_TC_06,
UC4_TC_14, UC4_TC_15,
UC4_TC_16, UC4_TC_18,
UC4_TC_02, UC4_TC_11,
UC4_TC_16, UC4_TC_18
UC4_TC_02, UC4_TC_04,
UC4_TC_05, UC4_TC_06,
UC4_TC_01, UC4_TC_04,
UC4_TC_05, UC4_TC_06
Table 23.
613 ms
≤ 90
45 km/h (ship)
≤ 90 km/h(truck) 45
km/h (ship)
25 m
Ship UC KPIs
All the KPIs defined for the Ship Use Case are intended to guarantee the set
technical requirements. Such requirements include the availability and
reliability of the satellite connectivity, as well as the capability the capability of
the Smart IoT GW to gather and process data from heterogeneous IoT devices.
During the validation phase, no significant deviations from the target values
were faced and all the KPIs were considered fulfilled.
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Ship container tracking is an essential part of the supply chain and logistics to
make them more efficient. Monitoring and seamlessly tracking the container
in near real-time provides all the supply chain players and stakeholders full
traceability and optimises the transport and storage of container goods. Any
event related to a container is quickly reported and analysed and acted on e.g.,
alternative sourcing plans if needed.
By tracking and tracing the cargo, the operator will monitor the asset
movement, record the actual routes, transit times, stationing in the facilities
and congestion points for every transport mode. By analysing the transit
performance, the operator can make informed decisions by choosing preferred
routes, carriers or even modes of transport.
Real time monitoring of temperature, humidity, accelerometers and even
simple contact sensors allow the operator to assess additional critical
information for various goods in transport. Temperature and humidity are
relevant for perishable goods and abnormal variations in the values will indicate
to customers will not receive the goods in adequate condition or that they need
the immediate maintenance to avoid the loss of goods e.g., prepare a new
transport to receive goods needed on time or solve possible future disputes.
Furthermore, the accelerometer output will provide real-time indication about
the integrity of the goods and the container. Similarly, abnormal variations may
trigger subsequent inquiries which may conclude for example, that an accident
occurred. Knowing where this accident happened helps to know the
responsibility and if an intervention is required.
Continuous contact sensors data may certify that the goods are transported
securely in their containers, and no unauthorized access occurred. If a door
alarm event took place, the operator will alert security entities to counteract the
potential illegal action.
In summary, the continuous monitoring and awareness of the goods as they
pass through the various supply chain steps, from beginning to end, will allow
all suppliers and consumers to have confidence in the quality and safety of the
products they are supplying and consuming. Furthermore, the continuous
monitoring of goods, over land and sea, will ensure early intervention if
something goes wrong which could result in major cost savings for the
suppliers and avoid loss of good.
Lessons Learned and Potential
Shipping companies want to track and trace containers. To do so, in this Ship
Use Case, IoT devices were installed on the containers that can report location
and other parameters (e.g., temperature, humidity, etc. in the container) to a
central server. As containers travel in areas where there is no terrestrial
coverage, satellite communication was provided to ensure that the containers
are tracked when they are travelling by ship at sea or are travelling by
train/truck through remote areas without terrestrial network coverage.
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Furthermore, a Smart IoT GW was used which ensures efficient connectivity
from heterogeneous IoT devices, by harmonizing different IoT technologies and
application protocols and formatting the data to be transferred in an intelligent
and efficient way across the network.
The design of the Ship Use Case, the description of each individual component
and the trial results presented in the previous sections provide evidence to the
significant team effort made by the partners to meet the iNGENIOUS project
objectives, as well as those set forth by the specific iNGENIOUS Ship Use Case.
The over-the-air live demonstration of the Ship Use case was successfully
delivered and produced new insights and useful results for the way forward.
However, the use case also faced several challenges. Overall, it was learned that
over-the-air live demos are very much different and more complex than lab
simulations, especially in the maritime domain, for several reasons:
• Equipment installation on a ship follows very strict time schedules aligned
with maintenance periods, which means that it is challenging to get the
authorization and align with the ship timetables.
• A ship site survey should be planned from the very beginning of the project,
as it adds important value. The site survey will explore the potential locations
for the installation of the VSAT antenna system on the ship as well as will
identify how the communication between the Smart IoT GW and the
container will be obtained, where the Smart IoT GW will be installed, etc.
• Formal requests for getting the approval for the transmission regulatory
licence of the satellite terminal at the Ports should be submitted at least four
months before the over-the-air live demos.
• Direct line of sight is desirable for the communication of the Smart IoT GW
with the IoT devices. That is not always available (e.g., when a container is at
the bottom of a stack on a container ship) and in this case the
communication is lost or is quite poor.
Regarding the IoT network several improvements were identified. For example,
the Smart IoT GW is quite effective and scalable. Assuming the IoT devices
inside the container should send updates every ten minutes and that a LoRa
WAN session lasts less than one second, the Smart IoT GW is able to gather and
process data simultaneously from around 600 IoT devices. However, some
additional improvement can be researched, including:
• Implementation of additional sensor space interfaces is needed in order to
be able to support different use cases. At the moment, LoRaWAN and Wi-Fi
are the sensor space interfaces supported by the Smart IoT GW. However, we
plan to add support for additional communication technologies, such as
Bluetooth, Serial, etc.
• Improve the configurability of the Smart IoT GW. Currently, the Smart IoT GW
features a basic configuration interface, allowing to manipulate its behaviour
in a limited way. It is planned to extend these capabilities, allowing it to be
fully configurable and controllable by an operator.
• Remote management improvements. The implemented cloud-integration
of the Smart IoT GW allows for downstream commands to be sent towards
the Smart IoT GW. Using these commands, remote management and action
triggering can be implemented to influence the behaviour of the Smart IoT
GW from anywhere in the world.
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• Improved software packaging and over-the-air updates are needed. The
software packaging should be improved to allow for straight-forward
deployment of the whole system, for example using Debian packages. In
combination with the previous point, this could also be extended to allow
the installation of over-the-air updates to a deployed Smart IoT GW.
An overall learning from the project was that the continuous monitoring and
analysis of the shipping container or goods requires large scale coordination
and oversight which cannot be performed by one entity alone along the supply
chain. Today, each area is working on improving their own tracking however it
requires oversight of many different areas and technologies to meet the
continuous monitoring goal that was set out by this use case. There may be an
opportunity here for new entrants to coordinate and provide this service.
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7 PoC - Supply Chain Ecosystem
Objective and Description
Standard approaches for efficient and secure data management are still
missing and the interoperability
across heterogeneous machine-tomachine (M2M) platforms still
needs to be tackled on a case-bycase and platform-by-platform
basis due to a wide number of
choices, formats and configurations
within the IoT domain. Moreover,
many of available M2M solutions
have been developed in the form of
interoperability is limited by the
scope of the solution. On the other
Technologies (DLTs) industry is
different alternatives: there is still a
lack of consistent standardization
across different available DLT
solutions that do not interoperate
with each other. DLT’s security capabilities are not fully exploited. The DVL/DTL
UC is focused on the interoperability between different M2M platforms as well
as different DLT solutions.
The main aim of this use case is to provide two different interoperable layers in
order to abstract the complexity of the underlying M2M platforms and DLT
solutions, guaranteeing at the same time data privacy by means of most
common pseudonymization techniques.
The main components of this use case include the Data Virtualization Layer
(DVL) and the cross-DLT layer (TrustOS). The DVL allows to federate the
underlying M2M platforms as well as external data sources (e.g., the Port
Community System), while the TrustOS components allows to federate a set of
DLTs on top.
The demonstration of this use case took place in February 2023 and it was
performed by considering four different scenarios where several software
components and platforms are involved, as summarized in Table 24:
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Scenario Id
Related UC
This scenario is focused on GateIn, GateOut,
VesselArrival and VesselDeparture events in Livorno
and Valencia seaports. Such events are retrieved from
the DVL and stored in a form of TrustPoints in different
DLTs through TrustOS component.
This scenario is focused on sealRemoved event in
Valencia seaports. Such event is retrieved from the
DVL and stored in a form of TrustPoints in different
DLTs through TrustOS component.
This scenario is focused on tracking of trucks in Livorno
seaport. Geolocation real-time data are retrieved from
the DVL and visualized in a map through a Web
This scenario is focused on the pseudonymization of
personal data (truck plate number) through a
Pseudonymization Function integrated with the DVL.
Table 24.
Ship UC
Port Entrance UC
Port Entrance UC
Scenarios used for the demonstration of the DVL/DLT UC
A detailed description and the main architecture used for each scenario, is
described in Annex VI – Objective and Description. The first demonstration of
this DVL/DLT UC was performed during the mid-term review meeting in May
2022 with a limited set of functionalities.
The final part of the demonstration took place in February 2023 by relying on a
remote interaction with the following software components hosted in partners’
premises (e.g., staging environments and cloud-based infrastructures):
TrustOS (owned by TIOTBD).
DVL (owned by CNIT).
TPCS (owned by AdSPMTS).
Awake.AI platform (owned by Awake).
Tracking Web Application (owned by UPV).
M2M platforms (owned by CNIT, NXW, SES and FV).
DLTs (owned by CNIT, TIOTBD, PJATK and FV).
DLT Events Visualizer (owned by PJATK and TIOTBD).
Setup and Execution
According to the DVL/DLT UC’s scenarios listed in the previous section, the
following setup was used for the validation and demonstration of each
In this scenario, the following software components were used and properly
configured for the execution of the demonstration:
TPCS: an instance of the Port Community System hosted in a staging
environment in Livorno and managed by CNIT. The underlying SQL Server was
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not synchronized with the production environment and the datasets used for
the demonstration of the scenario (for the case of the Port of Livorno) were
historical ones (2021). This component provided datasets to DVL for the GateIn,
GateOut, VesselArrival and VesselDeparture events’ implementation in Livorno
PISystem M2M Platform: an instance of the M2M platform used by the Port of
Valencia and hosted in FV facilities. This component provided datasets for the
GateIn and GateOut events’ implementation in Valencia seaport.
DVL: an instance of the Data Virtualization Layer (Teiid) running in a dedicated
virtual machine within the Staging Farm in Livorno seaport. The platform is
managed by CNIT. It retrieves data stored in TPCS and PISystem M2M Platform
and exposes such data (properly aggregated and formatted in a form of GateIn,
GateOut, VesselArrival and VesselDeparture events) through a RESTful API to
the Integration Bridge.
Integration Bridge: a microservice hosted in TIOTBD facilities in Spain which
acts as an intermediate component between DVL and TrustOS. It asks the DVL,
every 60 seconds, if there are new GateIn, GateOut, VesselArrival or
VesselDeparture events. If the information belongs to a new event, the event’s
digital asset is created in TrustOS, otherwise the existing digital asset is updated
accordingly. The access to the DVL (by invoking the API of considered events)
is provided with “ReadOnlyRole” enabled on DVL side, so that the entity is not
able to perform any changes to the underlying datasets.
TrustOS: an instance of the Cross-DLT platform deployed in TIOTBD facilities in
Spain. It allows to distribute the information of the TrustPoints among available
DLTs by means of a common API.
DLTs: testntets of different DLTs the TrustOS is integrated with. These includes:
Ethereum and Polygon (deployed in TIOTBD facilities in Spain), IOTA Private
Tangle (deployed in CNIT facilities in Livorno), Bitcoin (both testnet and mainet
deployed in PJATK facilities in Gdansk) and Hyperledger Fabric (deployed in FV
and TIOTBD facilities in Spain). The DLTs store the TrustPoint of the GateIn,
GateOut, VesselArrival or VesselDeparture events.
DLT Events Visualizer: a web-based application hosted in PJATK facilities in
Gdansk (dedicated server) which is integrated with TrustOS. It allows end-users
to visualize the different events recorded on TrustOS and DLTs as well as to
verify the TrustPoints. It provides then two main functionalities: Asset View
VesselDeparture events) and TrustPoint View (information of a TrustPoint
stored in a specific DLT).
The aim of the demonstration of this scenario is to test the integration between
the DVL, TPCS, TrustOS, PISystem M2M platform and the DLTs in the context of
semantic and syntactic interoperability of the heterogeneous Machine-toMachine platforms, as defined by the Challenge 2 (advancements on security,
privacy and interoperability) of the iNGENIOUS project.
Moreover, it addresses the DLT interoperability topic by relying on a cross-DLTs
layer that abstracts the complexity of the underlying DLTs and serving as a
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standard interface between DLT networks and the higher layers of the
The demonstration of this scenario consisted of several steps as described
below (and depicted in the sequence diagram in Annex VI – Objective and
Step 1: the Integration Bridge was able to correctly consume implemented APIs
at DVL for the retrieval of the GateIn and GateOut events (for the Port of
Valencia) as well as of the GateIn, GateOut, VesselArrival and VesselDeparture
events (for the Port of Livorno).
The GateIn and GateOut events from the Port of Valencia were retrieved from
the PISystem M2M Platform which is integrated with the DVL. All the other
events were correctly retrieved from the TPCS platform used in Livorno by
means of implemented RESTful APIs.
Step 2: for each retrieved event from DVL (through the Integration Bridge
component), TrustOS was able to create a DigitalAsset as well as the associated
The Trustpoint was then stored among integrated DLTs by means of a common
API which allowed TrustOS to write and read the information in/from a given
In the Annex VI – Setup and Execution, the pictures depict both the
DigitalAssets and Trustpoints for each considered event stored either on
TrustOS and on the specific DLT (identified by the attribute “networkId”).
Step 3: the Integration Bridge was able to ask the DVL, every 60 seconds, if
there were new GateIn, GateOut, VesselArrival or VesselDeparture events.
When the information belonged to a new event, the corresponding
DigitalAsset was correctly created in TrustOS.
When the information belonged to an existing event, the existing DigitalAsset
was updated accordingly.
Step 4: once the TrustPoint related to a given DigitalAsset was stored both in
TrustOS and in a given DLT, the DLT Events Visualizer application allowed the
end-users to correctly visualize their own DigitalAssets and Trustpoints.
The Figure 66 depicts how a DigitalAsset and the associated Trustpoint were
represented through the DLT Events Visualizer (assetId 001 linked to the
VesselArrival event in Livorno seaport):
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Figure 66:
DLT Events Visualizer representing the DigitalAsset and the associated Trustpoint for
the VesselArrival event in Livorno seaport.
In this scenario, the following software components were used and properly
configured for the execution of the demonstration:
IoT Sensor: physical IoT device installed on iNGENIOUS container stored in
Valencia for monitoring purposes, which sends data to the Smart IoT Gateway.
Smart IoT Gateway: physical gateway which connects to the IoT sensor
mounted on the iNGENIOUS container over the wireless LoRa interface as well
as to the M2M space on the network/cloud side (Eclipse OM2M Platform).
Eclipse OM2M Platform: an instance of the machine-to-machine platform
deployed in a cloud-based environment in Luxembourg owned by SES which
allowed to store data coming from the Smart IoT Gateway.
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DVL: an instance of the Data Virtualization Layer which retrieves data stored in
Eclipse OM2M M2M platform and exposed such data (properly formatted in a
form of sealRemoved event) through a RESTful API to the Integration Bridge.
Integration Bridge: a microservice which acts as an intermediate component
between DVL and TrustOS as described in Scenario 1. In this case the
sealRemoved event is considered.
TrustOS: an instance of the Cross-DLT platform, as described in Scenario 1.
DLTs: test nets of different DLTs the TrustOS is integrated with, as per Scenario
1. The DLTs store the TrustPoint of the sealRemoved event.
DLT Events Visualizer: a web-based application, as described in Scenario 1.
The aim of the demonstration of this scenario is to test the integration between
the DVL, Eclipse OM2M Platform, TrustOS and DLTs. It consisted in the test
steps described below (and depicted in the sequence diagram in Annex VI –
Setup and Execution).
Step 1: the IoT sensor (see Figure 67) was removed from the iNGENIOUS
container (to simulate the door opening event) and the data was sent to Eclipse
OM2M Platform through the Smart IoT Gateway (according to in-field tests
performed in Valencia in November 2022).
Figure 67:
IoT device used for sealRemoved event.
Step 2: the Integration Bridge component interacted with DVL in order to
check if a new sealRemoved event was available. The DVL was able then to
retrieve data from the Eclipse OM2M Platform. The data was aggregated at DVL
level according to a given data model so that the sealRemoved event was
correctly made available to the Integration Bridge. The event was obtained by
combining static and dynamic information.
Step 3: TrustOS component retrieved sealRemoved event from the DVL
through the Integration Bridge and correctly created both a Digital Asset and
a TrustPpoint with the same procedures described in Scenario 1.
Step 4: the TrustPpoint was then stored among the DLTs, as per Scenario 1.
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Step 5: once the TrustPpoint related to a given DigitalAsset was successfully
stored both in TrustOS and in a given DLT, the DLT Events Visualizer application
allowed the end-users to visualize their own DigitalAsset (related to the
sealRemoved event with assetId 005) and the associated TrustPpoint, as
depicted in Figure 68:
Figure 68:
DLT Events Visualizer representing the DigitalAsset and the associated Trustpoint for
the sealRemoved event in Valencia seaport.
In this scenario, the following software components were used and properly
configured for the execution of the demonstration:
IoT Tracker: physical IoT device (Micktrack MT821) installed on a testing vehicle
in Livorno seaport. It sends data to Symphony M2M platform.
Symphony M2M Platform: an instance of the M2M platform running in a
dedicated virtual machine within the Staging Farm in Livorno seaport
(remotely accessible through a VPN). The platform is managed by NXW and
process and stores data coming from the IoT device.
DVL: an instance of the Data Virtualization Layer which retrieves data stored by
Symphony M2M platform and exposes such data through a RESTful API (when
the Tracking Application requests it).
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Tracking Application: a web-based application hosted in a private server in
Valencia and managed by UPV. It visualizes data provided by DVL by means of
a GUI. The access to the DVL is provided with “ReadOnlyRole” enabled on DVL
side, so that the entity is not able to perform any changes to the underlying
The aim of the demonstration of this scenario is to test the integration between
the DVL and Symphony M2M Platform. It consisted of the test steps described
below (and depicted in the sequence diagram in Annex VI - Setup and
Figure 69:
Service vehicle in the Port of Livorno with the IoT tracking device installed on board.
Step 2: a dedicated HAL southbound plugin (Tracker SBI Plugin implemented
in Symphony M2M platform) successfully received, filtered and transformed
structured data from the IoT tracking sensor into the internal format supported
by the HAL. A custom HAL northbound plugin (NBI Plugin implemented in
Symphony M2M platform) allowed then to integrate the Symphony Data
Storage by storing data collected from the underlying HAL southbound plugin
by using a message broker based on RabbitMQ. The data was then exposed
through a RESTful interface which is integrated with DVL.
Step 3: on one hand the DVL integrated the interface exposed by Symphony
M2M platform and on the other hand it exposed a RESTful interface which was
used by a Tracking Application to consume datasets coming from the IoT
tracking device. This interface was integrated with the Tracking Application
which correctly performed requests to DVL to retrieve such data.
Step 4: the DVL retrieved GPS data from the Symphony M2M platform by
performing a data mapping according to the Tracking Application
requirements. The picture included in Annex IV – Setup and Execution, depicts
the structure of data available at DVL level by using Postman tool to perform
the POST request.
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Step 5: the data was correctly made available to the Tracking Application as a
result of the HTTP request.
Step 6: the Tracking Application provided a GUI for a graphical representation
of the main path undertaken by the service vehicle with the tracking device on
board within the Port of Livorno area, as shown in Figure 70:
Figure 70:
Tracking Application - Livorno Dashboard.
In this scenario, the following software components were used and properly
configured for the execution of the demonstration:
TPCS: an instance of the Port Community System which provides datasets to
DVL for the GateIn and GateOut events occurring in Livorno seaport.
Mobius OneM2M Platform: an instance of the Machine-to-Machine platform
hosted and running in a staging environment in Livorno seaport, managed by
CNIT. The platform is responsible for collecting data coming from the IoT
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devices installed within the seaport. In the context of this scenario, the platform
stores the meteorological data coming from two distributed monitoring
stations within the seaport.
DVL: an instance of the Data Virtualization Layer which retrieves data stored by
Mobius OneM2M and TPCS platforms and exposes such data through a RESTful
API (when requested by the Predictive Analytics Application).
Pseudonymization Module: a microservice-based application hosted in a
dedicated virtual machine (managed by TEI) accessible only via VPN in a
staging environment in Livorno seaport. The microservice allows to retrieve
GateIn and GateOut events from DVL (for the Port of Livorno), pseudonymize
and store them by using available pseudonymization techniques and expose a
pseudonymized dataset to DVL by a RESTful interface so that external
applications may consume such datasets through the DVL component. It also
provides interfaces for the management of all stored datasets (e.g., deleting of
the pseudonyms which retention period has expired). The access to the DVL
(by invoking the API of considered events) is provided with “ReadOnlyRole”
enabled on DVL side, so that the entity is not able to perform any changes to
the underlying datasets.
Predictive Analytics Application: a cloud-based application managed by
Awake for performing predictive analysis in the scope of the Port Entrance use
case for both the Port of Valencia and the Port of Livorno. Further details are
given in the Chapter 6 of this document. The access to the DVL (by invoking the
API of considered events) is provided with “ReadOnlyRole” enabled on DVL side,
so that the entity is not able to perform any changes to the underlying datasets.
The aim of the demonstration of this scenario is to test the integration between
the DVL and Mobius OneM2M Platform. In addition, the demonstration aims at
extending the DVL’s capabilities by providing a Pseudonymization Module with
a pseudonymization functionality for personal data management (e.g., truck’s
plate number) in line with GDPR requirements. Pseudonymized data can be
then used by third-party applications for analytics and/or analysis purposes by
guaranteeing data confidentiality.
The demonstration of this scenario consisted of several steps as described
below (and depicted in the sequence diagram in Annex VI – Setup and
Step 1: using two distinct RESTful interfaces implemented in the DVL
(HistoricalGateInEvent() and HistoricalGateOutEvent()) the Pseudonymization
Module was able to read once per day all historical GateIn and GateOut events
(in Livorno seaport) by considering a time window set to 24h for the
demonstration scope.
Step 2: the Pseudonymisation Module successfully applied the selected
pseudonymization algorithm (Hashing Without Key - HWK) on the fetched
personal data in GateIn/GateOut events (truck’s plate number attribute), before
storing them within an encrypted database. The Figure 129 and Figure 130
depict the above-mentioned interactions.
Step 3: the pseudonymized events were then retrieved through the DVL (which
exposes an additional RESTful interface called FetchGateEvents()), by the
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Predictive Analytics Application, and were used for the AI-based algorithms
training which are part of the Port Entrance UC (further details and the main
outcomes of this scenario are given in the Demo – Situational Understanding
in Smart Logistics Scenario of this document).
During the DVL/DLT use case demonstration, no significant issues occurred.
Nevertheless, the main issues faced during the preparation of the execution
were based on technical aspects, and they have been properly addressed
through appropriate development activities. Such issues are briefly
summarized in 108.
Description of the issue
Mitigation measures
Lack of a mechanism to keep TrustOS
synchronized when new events are available
in DVL (both are passive components)
Implementation of an intermediate layer
(namely Integration Bridge) which allows
checking whether new events are available in
DVL does not support the response format
(XML) of the Eclipse OM2M platform API
Implementation of an additional service within
the DVL which allows parsing the API’s
response correctly.
A token-based authentication is not natively
supported by the DVL to interact with the
PISystem APIs
between the tracking IoT sensor and
Symphony M2M Platform
Table 25.
Implemented the authentication procedure
within the VDB (which defines the API to be
integrated with TrustOS) to interact with
Development of a dedicated southbound
plugin for proper hardware abstraction in
Symphony M2M platform.
DVL/DLT UC Issue on execution.
Validation and Results
In this chapter, the main results and outcomes of the DVL/DLT UC are provided.
The verification process was based on the validation of the defined test cases
which allowed fulfilling the user and the system requirements respectively.
Moreover, the KPIs’ assessment is described according to the main
expectations initially set for the use case. Finally, the impact assessment of the
solution as well as potential improvements to be done in the future are briefly
presented and discussed.
In the context of the DVL/DLT UC, the following test cases were performed so
that both the user and system requirements were fulfilled as defined and
described in D2.1 [11]. The test cases were initially defined in D6.1 [1] while the
description of all related development and integration activities with technical
details are reported in D6.2 [2]. The following table provides a list of all test cases
for this use case that were performed and verified (further details are included
in Annex VI – Validation and Results):
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Test Case ID
UC6_TC_01 - Interaction between OneM2M platform and Data Virtualization
UC6_TC_02 - Interaction between OM2M platform and Data Virtualization
UC6_TC_03 - Interaction between PISystem platform and Data Virtualization
UC6_TC_04 - Interaction between DVL, Integration Bridge, TrustOS and the set
of DLT providers
UC6_TC_05 - Mapping of the access roles for Data Virtualization Layer
UC6_TC_06 - All personal data received by Data Virtualization Layer has to be
UC6_TC_07 - DVL (authorized entity) can fetch data, in pseudonymized format,
from PF module
UC6_TC_08 - Personal Data storage
UC6_TC_09 - Data Owner can request to the platform to cancel personal data
UC6_TC_10 - Views and query results caching capability
UC6_TC_11 - Interaction between TPCS and Data Virtualization Layer
UC6_TC_12 - Integration between Symphony M2M Platform and Data
Virtualization Layer
Table 26.
DVL/DLT UC Test case verification.
The main aim of the test cases execution and verification was to guarantee that
the core elements of the iNGENIOUS Interoperable Layer (namely DVL and
TrustOS) were able to act as initially defined and planned in the scope of this
use case. According to the table above, this verification covered the following
• The integration between the DVL and the underlying M2M platforms as well
as data sources for data aggregation;
• The integration between the DVL and TrustOS by means of an Integration
Bridge for maritime events retrieval;
• The integration between the TrustOS and the DLTs on top for maritime
events storage;
• The integration between the DVL and a Pseudonymization Module for
personal data pseudonymization based on HWK technique.
In this section, the list of identified KPIs is provided for the DVL/DLT use case.
Each KPI is further described in KPIs with additional technical details used for
their assessment. For each KPI, the related testing activities are also reported
in a form of test cases. In addition, the target values (the ones set at the
beginning of the project) are benchmarked against the actual values resulted
from the validation and demonstration of the DVL/DLT use case. The Table 27
provides a summary of such comparison.
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Test Case
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Data Virtualization
Layer scalability
Data Virtualization
Layer data
Data Virtualization
Layer access
≥5 heterogeneous and
simultaneous M2M platforms as
data sources
Role-based access control
identity for
with 8
Cross-DLT layer
access control
Role-based access control
Cross-DLT layer
At least 4 simultaneous DLT
Availability of the
DLT connectivity
The DLT connectivity layer should
be highly available
Data processing
time in DLTs
Each request for the given DLT
should be processed in less than
one minute
Less tan 30
At least 4 concurrent requests
8 concurrent
Confidentiality and
integrity protection
of personal data
Logs of privacy
Table 27.
All the KPIs defined for the DVL/DLT use case are intended to guarantee
technical requirements set for the proposed solution (namely iNGENIOUS
Interoperability Layer). Such requirements include the scalability and
availability of both the DVL and TrustOS (Cross-DLT layer) components, as well
as the capability to properly manage the access to all considered data sets by
addressing data privacy and confidentiality aspects.
Originally, it was planned to have at least five heterogeneous M2M platforms
among all iNGENIOUS use cases, but one of them (namely NB-IoT Platform)
was never used as M2M platform in the context of the project. Nevertheless, this
deviation did not impact the overall scalability of the DVL component, which
was additionally integrated with an external data source (namely TPCS).
During the validation phase, no significant deviations from the target values
were faced and all the KPIs were considered fulfilled.
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First of all, the DVL/DLT use case allowed to tackle the lack of standardization,
which is one of the issues that are currently hindering massive consumer
uptake of IoT technologies. This was achieved by providing a new approach for
the interoperability based on the federation of different IoT platforms within
heterogeneous domains, overcoming the compatibility issues between both
standard and non-standard, proprietary and custom M2M solutions. Secondly,
the use case addressed the abstraction of different available DLTs, going
beyond the distinction between public and private DLTs, by providing a
common layer for their interoperability within a heterogeneous environment
and ensuring an immutable data storage as well as removing (or reducing) the
need of the third trusted party that holds records of events (during the lifetime
of the project, the most important aspect of the DLTs in the context of supply
chain was data immutability and accountability rather than smart-contract
compatibility). By means of this approach, the organizations and companies
could spend less on building and managing data integration processes for
connecting distributed data sources, benefiting in terms of costs and time
savings by quickly validating new business models using an agile approach to
data integration. In addition, the lack of interoperability between independent
blockchain-based systems and use cases, is preventing DLTs from being
applied in large industrial ecosystems and unleashing their full potential and
benefits. The implementation of a blockchain and DLT interoperability leads to
a significant breakthrough towards global blockchain use cases and systems.
Instead of being forced to deploy the technology for corporate business cases
with a small number of participants, iNGENIOUS interoperable layer enables
the exchange of data and the orchestration between different use cases. This
allows the transformation of limited use cases into global ones, with a
corresponding business impact. Finally, iNGENIOUS interoperability layer
enables the communication and exchange of data that allows users and
companies with a way of governing their data in every network, fulfilling one of
the promises of blockchain technology and decentralize identities that is to
return the control of their data to users.
Lessons Learned and Potential
During the demonstration of the DVL/DLT UC and based on the requirements
as well as constraints of the implementation approach that was adopted, the
following aspects were identified in relation to further improvement of the
considered solution (namely Interoperability Layer): i) TrustOS and DVL are
implemented as a single access point for both the underlying data sources (e.g.,
M2M platforms) and DLTs on top (namely Bitcoin, IOTA, Hyperledger Fabric and
Ethereum). This approach may, in principle, lead to a single-point-of-failure
issue. In order to further improve the proposed solution, a distributed approach
may be used: more than one instance of both software components can be
deployed and synchronized so that in case of a failure, another instance can be
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used without compromising the availability of the interoperability layer; ii) Four
different scenarios have been used for the validation of the DVL/DLT use case.
Only two of such scenarios (Scenario 2 and Scenario 3) were validated using
real-time data due to technical constraints. This slightly limited the validation
process of both TrustOS and DVL components in a real environment with more
realistic conditions. In order to further test and validate the proposed solution,
more than two data sources, with real-time capabilities, would be beneficial; iii)
Due to the project’s constraints, only five different DLTs have been used to
validate the DVL/DLT use case. In a real context, the supply chain ecosystem (at
least in the maritime context) includes a lot of actors: terminal operators,
maritime agencies, freight forwarders, carriers, institutional bodies, etc.
Considering a real scenario, the proposed solution may be tested by involving
a wider range of actors and assuming each of them relies on a different DLT
solution for their own business.
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8 Additional Research Activities – Satellite
Direct Access
The purpose of this section is to capture additional notable research carried out
during the project which was outside the scope of the selected use cases. The
exploratory research was always planned from a project perspective but not
directly impacting the uses cases defined.
One such activity was the research carried out by iDR in the area of direct access
of IoT devices over satellite. Satellite technology was used in the Transport and
Ship use cases with focus on using satellite to backhaul the IoT information
between the IoT gateway and the cloud. However, satellite direct access for IoT
devices is where IoT devices connect directly to the satellite network, which in
turn connects to the IoT cloud/data center. This allows delivery of the IoT
content in a more efficient and cost-effective manner by utilizing a Direct-toSatellite approach rather than using the satellite to backhaul IoT traffic. This
section describes the setup, testing and results from the satellite direct access
Objective and Description
The objective of this activity was to research satellite direct access concepts.
Direct access of IoT devices over satellite can be categorized in the following
three areas.
Non-3GPP IoT access - Direct access of IoT devices over satellite using
proprietary non-3GPP access technologies is already supported by many
industry partners today. Within iNGENIOUS, iDR researched the use of their
own proprietary access technologies to determine if they were suitable for
connecting IoT devices over satellite.
• 3GPP 5G NR-NTN - 5G New Radio Non-Terrestrial Network support is a new
feature added in 3GPP Release 17. This offers the capability to use a standard
5G NR waveform over satellite links. This could offer new opportunities for
both the direct access and satellite backhaul use cases.
• 3GPP NB-IoT NTN - 3GPP have also made changes to NB-IoT and LTE-M to
support NTN. These changes were studied in Release 16 and included in
Release 17. In general, the changes are similar to the changes outlined for 5G
NR-NTN but tailored for NB-IoT.
There was no use case requirement for direct access over satellite solutions
within the iNGENIOUS project, however, within this project research was
carried out on all three areas mentioned above. Details of the iNGENIOUS
research on 3GPP 5G NR-NTN and 3GPP NB-IoT NTN are included in D3.2 [12].
The following sections contain details of Non-3GPP IoT access (direct access)
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Setup and Execution
The satellite direct access research and development work can be further
categorized into two main areas:
• Transmission of IoT data over satellite.
• Satellite radio channel characterization.
The purpose of this research was to investigate and demonstrate the possibility
of generating a robust IoT data transmission message that can be encoded,
transmitted and received over a satellite link and decoded at the other side by
an existing iDR satellite system before forwarding to the IoT cloud. This would
allow existing satellite remote terminals to receive IoT data from sensors and
transmit over satellite without having to make any hardware changes to the
existing satellite nodes. Importantly the IoT data transmission does not require
the setup of an end-to-end data session but uses control plane messaging to
transmit the information.
The research work carried out is summarized below.
Researching IoT payload transmission over GEO satellite network
This research included the enhancement of the existing commercial satellite
system to add capability to transmit and receive an IoT payload. This required
modifications to the access procedure and control plane on the existing VSAT
terminal and satellite hub.
Building Sensor Network in iDR lab testbed
To test and verify the end-to-end IoT data transmission, a lab testbed was setup
which comprised of three IoT nodes (with seven temperature sensors in total)
and a network edge MEC node at the IoT sensor side. The core network side
consisted of a satellite hub for IoT processing and the cloud endpoint which
stored and displayed the received IoT information. An example of the IoT
devices can be seen in Figure 71.
Figure 71:
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Heat sensors installed in iDR lab in Killarney.
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IoT Data Payload Optimisation
Once the initial investigations were complete and the test lab was setup, the
next task was to work on the sensor data encoding at the IoT network edge to
encode the data securely and robustly for transmission over the satellite link.
Once the data was encoded at the network edge it was forwarded onto the
satellite modem for encapsulation and transmission. On the satellite hub side,
the IoT data transmission had to be received, detected and decoded before
being forwarded onto the IoT cloud for storage and analysis.
Satellite Network Validation
The final part of this research was testing in the lab testbed and over the live
satellite network. This was done in the lab by setting up a GEO satellite network
using satellite channel emulators and in the live network using SES’ GEO
satellite connectivity over Astra 2F. In both cases the remote terminal and
satellite hub needed to be upgraded to support the transmitting and receiving
of the IoT data.
Figure 72 below provides an overview of the lab testbed and live over the air
setups both of which were used to test and validate the IoT data transmission.
The same IoT sensors and MEC nodes were used for collecting, concatenating
and encoding the IoT data. Using the same edge network nodes allowed for
seamless switching between the lab testbed and live network when capacity
was made available. Another useful element to the lab setup was the ability to
capture and replay IoT burst information which is highlighted in red in Figure
Figure 72:
Transmission of IoT data over satellite lab and live testbed setups
One important characteristic of how the direct access IoT over satellite network
operates is that the IoT data is sent over the satellite link from the VSAT satellite
terminal to the satellite hub without ever creating a data session over the
satellite. The information is sent using control signaling messages that are
typically used for requesting access to the satellite network prior to a data
session being setup. This means that no data session is required to pass the IoT
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data over the satellite network which allows for a more efficient use of
On the IoT Cloud side, the initial integration was done with the Microsoft Azure
IoT cloud system which was used to store, analyze and display the
communicated IoT information. An example of the Azure IoT dashboard can be
seen in Figure 73.
Figure 73:
Microsoft Azure IoT cloud dashboard showing IoT information.
Maintaining the Microsoft Azure IoT cloud service was proving costly, so it was
decided to move to an in-house IoT cloud system based on Grafana coupled
with an influxDB timeseries databases to provide data storage and
visualization. An example screen shot can be seen in Figure 74 below.
Figure 74:
Example of in-house IoT cloud dashboard, based on Grafana, showing IoT information.
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The purpose of this research was to identify the lowest possible signal to noise
ratio (SNR) that an IoT device could successfully send and receive IoT data over
an existing iDR satellite network using the direct access setup described earlier.
This would be a major consideration when determining the type of IoT devices
and configuration that can be supported on the existing satellite network for
connecting IoT devices using direct access over satellite connectivity.
The research included identifying and analyzing the power and SNR limits for
IoT data transmission for various configurations. This was performed using the
lab test setup shown in Figure 72. The return link (link from the remote
terminal/IoT device to the satellite hub) satellite emulator was used to reduce
the SNR step by step until the IoT data was not received by the satellite hub any
longer. At each step the SNR was recorded and several IoT data messages were
sent to the satellite hub. If the information was received successfully the SNR
was dropped further until the lower limit was reached.
Validation and Results
Transmission of IoT data over satellite
Successful transmission of IoT data over satellite using direct access was
validated and confirmed by the IoT sensors data (temperature sensor data)
being received by the Grafana system and displayed correctly on the Grafana
user interface. An illustration of this can be seen in Figure 75 below which shows
the temperature of the iDR lab in Killarney where the sensors were installed
(see Figure 73).
The correct capture, transmission and display of the IoT sensor information on
the Grafana system confirmed the following steps were completed correctly
(see Figure 72 for system overview diagram):
1. IoT Sensor information was received correctly by the MEC server.
2. MEC server correctly encoded the IoT information in order forward the data
over the satellite link.
3. MEC server forwards the encoded IoT information to the satellite modem.
4. Satellite terminal receives IoT data from the MEC server and transmits it over
the satellite within an IoT burst.
5. IoT burst containing IoT data is received on the satellite hub and extracted
6. IoT data is decoded correctly and passed to influxDB for storage. It is then
retrieved by Grafana for analysis and display.
7. IoT information is displayed correctly on Grafana system.
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Figure 75:
Example of in-house IoT cloud dashboard, based on Grafana, showing IoT information.
Satellite channel characterization
The satellite channel characterization testing required detailed setup and
testing of the satellite system at different power and noise levels to identify the
lowest possible SNR where an IoT burst could still be successfully received by
the satellite hub. The testing was performed on the modified lab and live
networks and a summary of the results are provided in Table 28 below.
IoT Config
iDR Lab dB (SNR)
Narrowband + min bandwidth
Narrowband + min-low bandwidth
Narrowband + mid bandwidth
Spread spectrum + min-low bandwidth
Spread spectrum + mid bandwidth
Table 28.
SES Astra2F Live dB
Satellite channel characterization SNR values
The table shows the lowest recorded SNR value where an IoT burst was received
by the satellite hub. The SNR values recorded for the narrowband setup were
similar for both the lab and live systems which is a good indication that the test
setup was representative of the live network. The satellite remote terminal and
hub equipment used were similar for both, so this was expected.
For the spread spectrum setup, the difference was larger and it may be possible
that the environmental conditions may have been a bigger factor here. Further
investigation is required to determine such difference.
The number of successful IoT transmission received at the various SNR levels
was seen to reduce as the SNR level reduced which is also expected. However,
it proved difficult to get a consistent measurement of the success rate at the
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lower SNR values. For the latter, it should be noted that the setup was a
standard satellite network VSAT deployment that was not tuned for low SNR or
IoT data transmission which was the focus of the testing in this case. Further
research and investigations are required on what the SNR level may be if a
different waveform was used over the satellite e.g. LoRa or NB-IoT.
The ability for an existing satellite system to successfully transmit IoT data over
satellite using the existing control plane mechanisms and without having to
setup a dedicated radio bearer (end-to-end data session) is a powerful
capability that has been identified and tested with this research. It allows the
transmission of IoT data very efficiently as there is no resource overhead
required to set up a dedicated radio bearer. It means there is potential for the
existing satellite system to immediately become an IoT Sensor network without
any major hardware upgrades apart from deploying the IoT sensors and
connecting to the satellite terminal.
It was also shown that the IoT data transmission is robust and can be
transmitted and received at low SNR values which is an important aspect of any
IoT sensor network where the IoT sensors may be located in very remote areas.
The ability to successfully transmit and receive data at low SNR values also
means that there is very little interference with the wider satellite network
which is an important network planning consideration.
The results of this research will provide valuable input to the existing product
deployment capabilities and future planning for IoT solutions over satellite.
Lessons Learned and Potential
The satellite channel characterization testing took a large effort to setup, test
and analyse the large amount of generated data. This is an area that could be
explored further and is so large that it could warrant a dedicated project.
The live over-the-air testing was very useful and confirmed the lab testing
results. In the future more time could be spent on this testing, especially to test
with different hardware configurations which would be more representative of
the IoT sensors network connecting directly to satellite.
There is also potential for improvement on the SNR levels achieved for
successful reception of the IoT burst information. As mentioned above, the test
setup used was not modified or tuned for IoT data transmission apart from the
addition of the IoT burst encoding and detection feature which was added at
the application level. Improvements could be made on the existing waveform
to reach lower SNR levels and improve the success rate of received IoT bursts
for a given SNR. Also investigating the use of other waveforms over satellite (e.g.
LoRa, NB-IoT) could lead to better performance as these waveforms are
designed for low SNR IoT data transmission.
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The document has described the activities related to measurement campaigns
and trials developed in the PoCs and Demos and their validation against KPIs
and requirements defined in WP2 and gathered in D2.1 [11]. For each PoC and
Demo, the objectives of the demonstration have been defined as well as the
set-up and execution activities. Results and test cases validation have been
described and KPIs calculated and accordingly compared with the target
values pursued and defined in D2.1 [11]. The trials conducted in the use cases
allowed to identify main lessons learned and potential improvements that can
be summarized as follows.
The Factory UC focuses on cooperative automated robots for future smart
factory production lines or warehouses. Within the iNGENIOUS project it has
been demonstrated how wireless communications systems based on 3GPP
standards are able to provide services for industrial scenarios. The advantages
highlighted are related to cost-saving and benefits of virtualization, that allow
to improve efficiency, flexibility and quality of the supply chain and production
processes handled by robots, AGVs, transport vehicles and people. All of them
could be equipped with devices, capturing real-time data on temperature,
humidity, noise, presence of particles in the air, etc. In addition, all of this data
can be used to train predictive maintenance system before any anomalies
occur. The results obtained in the tests and trials of this use case allowed to
identify possible improvements in the protocol for sensor data sending sensor
by using an event-based sampling approach, in order to send information only
when an event is detected. Additionally, the 5GLAN use has been identified to
bring added value when creating private groups of devices to be connected
within the industrial network. The integration, testing and demonstration
activities have shown the importance of the availability of well-defined and
accurate management and control APIs for the support of full automation in
service and slice deployment and operation. This has been identified as a crucial
aspect and lesson learned, especially when software and hardware
components are provided by different vendors or institutions in general.
The Transport UC focuses on safe and secure micro edge sensors for
monitoring wheels and axles of cargo train carriages. Within the iNGENIOUS
project, it demonstrated eight improvement areas when compared with
conventional IoT sensors, such as energy harvesting, data cloud and secure
data authorized, etc. One of the key driving factors of the Transport UC is the
optimized and efficient communication energy paths for sensors tested, that
always run on batteries or energy-starved harvesters. Along the development
of these components, it has been detected its possible further usage with the
corresponding updates for joint medical edge applications. The usage of
remote attestation to ensure security and confidentiality for this future
application is under discussion and further cooperation with partners involved
is almost ensured. One of the most important learnings for the future
applicability of these developments is the need of clear legislations for accident
and rail track damage prevention as well as penalties on damaged
infrastructure due to poor maintenance. Furthermore, it is of primary
importance the cooperation among many relevant stakeholders to share not
only benefits from the applied innovative technology but also implementation
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The Port Entrance UC focuses on enhancing the situational understanding of
events in maritime ports by ingesting multiple data. Within the iNGENIOUS
project, it has been demonstrated how prediction capabilities enable to
optimize truck turnaround times (TTT), therefore minimizing truck congestion,
consumption, noise, emissions and time waste. The use case demonstrated
how the inclusion of eco-efficient management criteria is increasing in modern
port management and market competition. One of the most important
learnings obtained is the need of historical datasets availability and updated
data integration allowing to feed machine learning models. The test results
with historical data indicated that having access to some additional features
already existing in port systems and to real-time data improves the prediction
accuracy. In fact, the long-term prediction was demonstrated with minimal
data available and additional inputs such as temporary high congestion were
not taken into account during the testing. These aspects represent the most
important challenges to improve the current use case models and are
considered to be performed prolonging the cooperation among the involved
partners after the project’s end. Such cooperation ensures the viability of a
future integration of the iNGENIOUS work into real operation processes in
smart ports.
The AGV UC focuses on improving the driver’s safety by combining the use of
mixed reality and haptic solutions for controlling AGVs (autonomous vehicles)
in a real scenario, to solve the problem with the actual autonomous vehicles
without remote driver control. Within iNGENIOUS, an innovative Tele-operative
Driving has been demonstrated ensuring a proper connectivity for the AGV,
validating the haptic gloves, and developing digital twin for improving the
remote cockpit. The safe driving is possible with the established components if
the network performance is optimal, under the limit of the latency established.
It has been observed that both tested gloves work well, but completely natural
feeling is not yet achieved. Another observed aspect to be improved for the
technology behind is the immersion experienced by the teleoperator and
therefore safety, exploring the use of new cameras and their overlapping in the
cockpit. For the 5G network administration, in order to obtain a better
distribution of network traffic, it will be necessary to separate the uplink and
downlink traffic into different slices, as well as to assign different priorities
depending on the needs.
The Ship UC focuses on providing end-to-end (E2E) container tracking via IoT
devices, Smart IoT gateway and satellite technology. Within iNGENIOUS
project, it has been demonstrated how shipment information is available across
all connected platforms and interested parties in real-time. The live
demonstration of the Ship UC produced new insights and useful results on
container track and tracing, reporting location and other parameters (e.g.,
temperature, humidity, etc. in the container) to a central server. It was learned
that live demos are very much different and more complex than lab
simulations, especially in the maritime domain, due to the different and several
protocols, regulations and restrictions to be fulfilled. Regarding the IoT network
several improvements were identified, such as implementation of additional
sensor space interface, improvement in configurability and remote
management. As overall learning, the continuous monitoring and analysis of
the shipping container or goods requires large scale coordination and oversight
among multiple entities along the supply chain.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
The DVL/DTL UC focuses on the interoperability between different M2M
platforms as well as different DLT solutions for efficient and secure data
management. Within iNGENIOUS, it has been demonstrated a novel approach
to ensure an immutable data storage and privacy capabilities. This was
achieved by providing federation of different IoT platforms within
heterogeneous domains and common interoperability layer within a
heterogeneous environment. The interoperability layer enables the
communication and exchange of data that allows users and companies to
govern their data in every network, fulfilling one of the premises of blockchain
technology and decentralized identities: to return the control of data to users.
During the demonstration, improvement on the interoperability layer has been
identified in order to avoid a single-point-of failure issue and use a distributed
approach that allows the applications and users to switch to another instance
in case of failure, without compromising the interoperability layer. Moreover, in
order to further test and validate the proposed solution, more than five data
sources, with real-time capabilities, would be beneficial. Considering a real
scenario, where lots of actors are involved in the supply chain ecosystem, the
proposed solution can be tested by considering a wider range of actors and
assuming each of them relies on a different DLT solution for their own business.
Additional research activities have been carried out during the project,
satellite direct access concepts of IoT devices, to demonstrate the ability to
transmit IoT data over satellite using the existing control plane mechanisms
and without having to setup a dedicated radio bearer. This powerful capacity
allows a very efficiently transmission of IoT data without actual resource
overhead required. There is potential for the existing satellite system to
immediately become an IoT Sensor network without any major hardware
upgrades apart from deploying the IoT sensors and connecting to the satellite
terminal. It was also shown that the IoT data transmission is robust and can be
transmitted and received at low SNR, demonstrating that IoT sensors may be
located in very remote areas and the very little interference with the wider
satellite network. This area could be explored further, improving the existing
waveform or investigating the use of other waveforms over satellite.
As conclusion, we can say that with the different Demos and PoCs developed
in the iNGENIOUS project, the following objectives and challenges were
achieved and properly addressed according to the project’s ambition:
new Cellular IoT solutions were developed, using innovative 5G systems at
both New Radio and 5G Core for enabling the enhanced Mobile Broadband
and Ultra-reliable and Low-latency Communications capabilities that the
tactile use cases are demanding.
AI/ML technologies were exploited across all iNGENIOUS architectural
layers, from neuromorphic sensor level to smarter applications passing
through network automation enablers.
a semantic and syntactic interoperability between the heterogeneous
Machine-to-Machine platforms as well as DLT solutions currently used in
the supply chain sector, was enabled and tested.
Finally, the security aspects of IoT systems were enhanced, by developing IoT
devices based on new hardware paradigms that enable strong isolation by
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
iNGENIOUS Consortium, "D6.1 Initial Planning for Testbeds", 2021.
iNGENIOUS Consortium, ""D6.2 PoC development, platform and test-bed
integration"," 2023.
iNGENIOUS Consortium, "D3.3 Secure, private and more efficient HW
solutions for IoT devices", 2022.
HERE Technologies, "Start building customizable maps and spatial
intelligence content using your data," 2023. [Online]. Available:
G. E. P. Box and G. M. Jenkins, Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and
Control, San Franciasco: Holden-Day, 1976.
J. Perktold, S. Seabold and T. Jonatan, "Statsmodels User Guide:
T. Smith, "API Reference: pmdarima.arima.auto_arima," 2022. [Online].
L. Breiman, "Random Forests. Machine Learning," pp. 5-32.
A. Ronacher, "Flask: web development, one drop at a time," 2022. [Online].
[10] OpenJS Foundation, "Node-Red: Low-code programming for eventdriven applications," [Online]. Available:
iNGENIOUS Consortium, "D2.1 - Use cases, KPIs & requirements", 2021.
[12] iNGENIOUS Consortium, "D3.2 Proposals for next generation of
connected IoT modules," 2022.
[13] 5G-eve,
[Online]. [Accessed 2023].
[14] R. Curnow, "Chrony official web page," 12 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2023].
[15] iNGENIOUS Consortium, "D6.3 Final Evaluation and validation", 2023.
[16] "Tradelens
ent%20Publish%20API. [Accessed 2023].
[17] iNGENIOUS Consortium, ""D5.3 Final iNGENIOUS data management
platform"," 2023.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Annex I: Factory UC - Automated Robots with
Heterogeneous Networks
Below information about Factory UC Setup and execution and validation and
Setup and Execution
Part I
The Factory UC was tested with different AGV and operation modes in each
one, using the 5G network for different purposes. The deployments used for the
use case implementation are shown below:
Tribot AGV
This AGV (see Figure 79) has one Fivecomm modem which is connected to the
5G-LAN and it has one RPI with can bus via ethernet. This RPI receives the data
which are been sent by a gamepad. It can see in the next architecture.
Figure 76:
Tribot architecture
The information is sent from the gamepad to the RPI thanks to 5G-LAN and the
information from the AGV goes from the AGV to the laptop ( This
information are the internal variables of the Tribot such as linear speed, rotation
speed, level battery, errors states and others.
Motion actions
Variables from AGV
Table 29.
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Information flows for Tribot AGV
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
EasyBot AGV
This AGV (see Figure 80) is moved automatically thanks a black magnetic band
on the floor of our facility. It gives to the laptop the information the temperature
and humidity of the environment.
In this case, we have the modem connected to the 5glan and it has connected
one RPI to send the information, which is collected by the sensor DHT11 with
Arduino. The architecture is shown in figure bellow:
Figure 77:
EasyBot architecture
Temp. & Humd.
Table 30.
Information flows for EasyBot AGV
This AGV (see Figure 81), has one Fivecomm modem which is connected to the
5GLAN and it has one rpi with can bus via ethernet. This rpi receives the data
which are been sent by a laptop, which has a script to generate the data that
the AGV needs it. It can see in the next architecture. It also has connected a
depth camera, d435i specifically. This camera sends the information by the
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 78:
Ebot architecture
Motion actions
Camera frames
Table 31.
Information flows for Ebot AGV
The main characteristics of these AGVs are detailed in Table 32.
• Towing capacity: 3200 N
• Maximum payload: 5000 Kg
• Dimensions (LxWxH): 1221 x 695 x 762 mm
• Movement: Unidirectional
• Speed range: From 0.035 to 2 m/s
• Battery: Li-lon 24V 120Ah
Figure 79:
Tribot AGV
Figure 80:
EasyBot AGV
Figure 81:
Table 32.
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Ebot AGV
• Towing capacity: 600 N
• Maximum payload: 1200 Kg
• Dimensions (LxWxH): 1700 x 520 x 370 mm
• Movement: Unidirectional
• Speed range: From 0.01 to 1.2 m/s
• Battery: Li-lon 24V 40Ah
• Maximum payload: 350 Kg
• Dimensions (LxWxH): 1052 x 660 x 352 mm
• Movement: Omnidirectional
• Speed range: From 0.05 to 2.2 m/s
• Battery: Li-lon 48V 40Ah
AGVs employed demonstration in Burgos.
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The following table shows the main parameters and configurations of the 5G
network used.
Radio Unit
Baseband Unit
5G core
5G modem
Table 33.
Work on n40 band (2370-2390
20 MHz of bandwith
Rel. 16
Rel 17 inc. network slicing and UPF
with 5GLAN, TSN functions
• Works in both 5G SA and 5G NSA
• Bands supported: n41, n77, n78,
n79, n1, n3, n5, n7, n8, n20, n28,
n38, n40
• Ethernet connection
• Up to 2.1 Gbps (DL)/ 900 Mbps (UL)
in SA
Main parameters and configuration of 5G network
The figure below shows the gNB, deploy at UBU premises, was used to perform
the use case trial.
Figure 82:
5G base station
Other devices
Other devices were used during the demo for communication or sensing
purposes. These devices are listed on the following table.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Raspberry Pi 3
Model B Rev
1.2 with can
(connected to
Raspberry Pi 4
Model B with
can bus hat
(connected to
Raspberry Pi 4
Model B with
can bus hat
(connected to
SOC Type: Broadcom BCM2837
Core Type: Cortex 453 64 bit
No of cores : 4
CPU Clock: 1,2 GHz
USB 4xUSB2.0.
Ethernet: 10/100M.
2.4GHz 802.11n.
4.1 BLE.
Oscilator: 160000.
Bitrate: 10000000 Mbits/s
• SOC Type: Broadcom BCM2711.
• Core Type: Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64 bit.
• No of cores: 4.
• CPU Clock: 1,5 GHz.
• USB: 2xUSB2.0 + 2xUSB3.0 + USB-C OTG.
• Ethernet Gigabit.
• I2C: YES.
• Wi-Fi: 2.4 GHz and 5GHz 8002.11.
• Bluetooth 5.0.
• Oscilator: 120000.
• Bitrate: 250000 Mbits/s.
• 1 CAN port.
• SOC Type: Broadcom BCM2711.
• Core Type: Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64 bit.
• No of cores: 4.
• CPU Clock: 1,5 GHz.
• USB: 2xUSB2.0 + 2xUSB3.0 + USB-C OTG.
• Ethernet: Gigabit.
• Wi-Fi: 2.4 GHz and 5GHz 8002.11.
• Bluetooth: 5.0.
• Oscilator: 120000.
• Bitrate: 250000 Mbits/s.
• 2 CAN ports.
Arduino Uno
• Microcontroller ATmega38P – 8-bit AVR family.
• DC Current on I/O Pins: 40 mA.
• Flash Memory 32 KB.
• SRAM 2 KB.
• Frequency (Clock Speed): 16 MHz.
• Operation Voltage: 3.5 to 5.5 V
• Output Serial data.
• Temperature Range: 0 ºC to 50 ºC
• Humidity Range: 20% to 90%
• Resolution Temperature and Humidity are 16
• Accuracy +- 1ºC and +- 1%
Table 34.
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Equipment for factory UC demonstration in Burgos
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Validation and Results
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Hardware and software implementation
E2E latency for remote control: 10-50 ms
E2E latency for control/human-in -loop control: 1-5 ms
Data rate per robot: 10 Mbps
Data rate for IoT sensors: 0.1 Mbps
E2E latency: max: 2.9 ms, min: 1.6 ms
Throughput: max: 2.94 Mbps, min: 0.34 Mbps
Table 35.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Core network integration testing
E2E latency for remote control: 10-50 ms
E2E latency for control/human-in -loop control: 1-5 ms
Data rate per robot: 10 Mbps
Data rate for IoT sensors: 0.1 Mbps
E2E latency: max: 3.1 ms, min: 1.6 ms
Throughput: max: 2.45 Mbps, min: 0.33 Mbps
Table 36.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
UC1_TC_02 verification
Gateway test
Successful data transmission with different RAN standards
Successful integration among Flexible PHY/MAC and 5G core using
Table 37.
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC1_TC_01 verification
UC1_TC_03 verification
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Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Onboard industrial IoT network slice templates and NF descriptors
The onboarded network slice templates and related descriptors are
successfully maintained by the cross-layer MANO to create new
vertical services and network slices instances.
The network slice templates (NSTs) have been successfully
onboarded into the NSMF catalogue and are visible from the NSMF
web GUI. Two NSTs describing a video streaming and device-todevice communication services have been onboarded. This test case
has been validated first in the NXW lab, for the mid-term review
demo in UPV testbed, and finally in the TUD testbed. The test case is
fully achieved.
Table 38.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Automated deployment of industrial IoT network slice instance
UC1_SR_03, UC1_SR_07, UC1_SR_08
A new network slice instance is created, all the related network and
computing resources have been allocated and the 5G Core NFs are
up and running and ready to be configured. Moreover, the crosslayer MANO maintains the information related to the network slices
instance and the NFs information related.
Based on the outcome of UC1_TC_04, the automated deployment of
the industrial IoT network slice instance has been completed. This
test case has been validated first in the NXW lab, then for the midterm review demo in the UPV testbed, and finally into the TUD
testbed. In the last case, the automated end-to-end slice
deployment includes also resource management on the RAN
segment, assigning the correct amount of radio resources
interacting with the flexible PHY-MAC control APIs. This test case can
be considered passed.
Table 39.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC1_TC_04 verification
UC1_TC_05 verification
Automated termination of industrial IoT network slice instance
UC1_SR_03, UC1_SR_07, UC1_SR_08
The network slice instance is terminated, all the related network and
computing resources have been de-allocated and the 5G Core
virtualized NFs are terminated and the related virtual resources
freed. Moreover, the cross-layer MANO still maintains the
information of the network slice instance terminated.
Based on the outcome of UC1_TC_05, the automated termination of
industrial IoT network slice instance has been completed. As for
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previous tests, this one has been validated initially in the NXW lab,
then demonstrated in the mid-term review in the UPV testbed, and
finally executed in the TUD testbed. The resources allocated in the
5GC and in flexible RAN are freed as expected upon termination of
the end-to-end network slice through the NSMF APIs. Moreover, the
NSMF keeps track of the terminated end-to-end network slice.
Therefore, this test case can be considered passed.
Table 40.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Manual scaling of an industrial IoT network slice instance
The network slice instance is modified, all the related network and
the 5G Core virtualized NFs are modified (or new ones are created)
and the related virtual resources as well
Based on the outcome of UC1_TC_05, the manual scaling of the
industrial IoT network slice instance has been validated initially on
the NXW lab and then on the TUD testbed. As result, downlink or
uplink throughput of the end-to-end network slice (according to the
network slice data model used in the NSMF) can be automatically
scaled, resulting in a re-configuration of the 5GC subnet-slice
(according to the Cumucore 5GC APIs), combined with a reconfiguration of the flexible RAN resource allocation to meet the
application requirements.
Table 41.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Test case description
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC1_TC_07 verification
Automatic slice configuration through 5GC NSM
The network slice is correctly configured by the NSM NF as
Based on the outcome of UC1_TC_07, the process of slice
configuration through the Cumucore 5GC APIs has been automated
within the NSMF and 5GC NSSMF, and validated initially on the NXW
lab and then in the TUD testbed. For this reason, this test case is
being considered passed.
Table 42.
Test Case Id
UC1_TC_06 verification
UC1_TC_08 verification
Automated deployment of industrial IoT network slice instance and
of an edge robot control application as part of network slice instance
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System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
A new network slice instance is created, all the related network and
computing resources have been allocated and the 5G Core NFs are
up and running and ready to be configured. As part of network slice
instance, a robot control application is deployed at the edge and the
related computing resources have been correctly allocated.
Moreover, the cross-layer MANO maintains the information related
to the network slices instance and the related NFs information.
The automated deployment of an industrial IoT network slice
instance is already being validated in the UC1_TC_05 test case.
However, in the TUD testbed the edge application is considered
already deployed. The edge application consists of a video streaming
application sending data relying on the end-to-end network slice
deployed. However, in the NXW lab, the automated deployment of
the video streaming edge application integrated with an end-to-end
network slice has been validated, through a dedicated additional
NSSMF for the management of virtualized edge functions and
applications. For this reason, this test case can be considered passed.
Table 43.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual Result
Automated termination of industrial IoT network slice instance and
of edge robot control application as part of network slice instance
The network slice instance is terminated, all the related network and
computing resources have been de-allocated and the 5G Core
virtualized NFs are terminated and the related virtual resources
freed. As part of network slice instance, also the computing resources
at the edge are de-allocated. Moreover, the cross-layer MANO still
maintains the information of the network slice instance terminated.
The automated termination of an industrial IoT network slice
instance is already being validated in the UC1_TC_06 test case. In the
NXW lab, the automated termination of the end-to-end network
slice, integrated with a video streaming edge application deployed
for UC1_TC_10 has been validated. For this reason, this test case can
be considered passed.
Table 44.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual Result
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC1_TC_09 verification
UC1_TC_10 verification
Subscription to either Network Data Analytics Function (NWDAF) or
Network Exposure Function (NEF) for collecting monitoring and
analytics information related to the network slices, NFs and UEs.
UC1_SR_03, UC1_SR_05, UC1_SR_07, UC1_SR_08
The cross-layer MANO is able to receive the notifications it is
subscribed to.
The automated termination of an industrial IoT network slice
instance is already being validated in the UC1_TC_06 test case. In the
NXW lab, the automated termination of the end-to-end network
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slice, integrated with a video streaming edge application deployed
for UC1_TC_10 has been validated. For this reason, this test case can
be considered passed.
Table 45.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual Result
Deletion of either Network Data Analytics Function (NWDAF) or
Network Exposure Function (NEF) active subscription.
UC1_SR_03, UC1_SR_05, UC1_SR_07, UC1_SR_08
The cross-layer MANO is no longer able to receive the notifications
related to the just removed subscription
As already mentioned in the previous test case validation, there is no
actual subscription to either NWDAF or NEF. However, the
monitoring platform exposes dedicated APIs to control the data
collection, and is integrated with the NSMF that can activate and
deactivate the monitoring jobs. This test case can be considered
passed, and executed in both NXW lab and TUD tested.
Table 46.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual Result
Test case description
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC1_TC_12 verification
Automated slice scaling triggered by AI\ML platform using NWDAF
UC1_SR_07, UC1_SR_11
The cross-layer MANO correctly and automatically scales with the
support of the AI\ML platform the network slice instance.
This test case has been executed and validated in two flavours:
• UC1_TC_13a (NXW lab), the AI/ML engine/agent implements a
decision logic for scaling UPF network functions as a whole upon
UPF load and congestion prediction provided by the ML model,
thus triggering towards the NSMF a UPF scaling action. This is
processed and translated by the NSMF into the creation of new
UPFs instances for the UEs to connect to, and distributing the
data plane traffic.
• UC1_TC_13b (TUD testbed): the AI/ML engine/agent implements a
decision logic for scaling generically the entire end-to-end
network upon slice congestion prediction provided by the ML
model, thus triggering towards the NSMF a network slice scaling
action. This is processed and translated by the NSMF into
consistent 5GC subnet slice re-configuration (increase of slice
uplink or downlink throughput) and flexible RAN resource
allocation (increase of PHY-MAC radio resource allocation).
Table 47.
Test Case Id
UC1_TC_11 verification
UC1_TC_13 verification
Robot interface connectivity
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System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
The devices in the robot can utilize standard Ethernet RJ45 ports to
connect to 5G communication module and connect to 5G network.
The AGVs and the camera were controlled through a Raspberry Pi,
which was responsible to process the control messages from the
controller application to the remote device. The Raspberry Pi was
connected through Ethernet RJ45 to the 5CMM 5G modem,
providing a successful connection with others UEs and 5G network.
On the other hand, the AGVs were successfully connected to the
Raspberry Pi through the CAN bus. Several KPIs (present in Table 5)
were taken to measure the quality of the connection between these
devices using the 5G private network.
Table 48.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
UC1_TC_14 verification
Test of API for application development
Simple application implemented using the available devices and the
connectivity among them should be demonstrated
Emulated applications have their data transmission configured via
the Tactile API, which abstracts the network resources.
The API was successfully used to integrate the Flexible PHY/MAC in
a 5G compliant network configured by the MANO.
Table 49.
UC1_TC_15 verification
This section explains the procedures taken in order to validate the performance
of the network and measure the KPIs.
The coverage of the 5G signal was measured with the scanner R&S® TSME6
from UPV, which can analyse the environment and decode mobile
communication signals, obtaining the main information of the gNB, such as
RSRP (Reference Signal Receive Power), RSRQ (Reference Signal Receive
Quality), SINR (Signal Interference Noise Ratio), PCI (Physical Cell Identifier), SCS
(Sub-Carrier Spacing), among others. The scanner was used around the entire
trial area, verifying the proper configuration and functionality of the installed
gNB (transmitting in band n40, 2370-2390MHz). The walk test was performed
around the industrial unit where the AGVs were circulating. The signal power
received by the scanner (RSRP) was between -50 dBm and -75 dBm (Figure 83),
thus the UEs could receive the 5G signal without a problem. SINR and RSRQ
values measured were adequate for a successful 5G transmission. Also, we
could verify the proper frequency transmission, PCI (54), and the SCS (30 kHz),
which had been configured previously in the gNB.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
5G SA n4
Figure 83:
1RSRP values obtained through the walk test around the industrial unit.
Once the coverage test was performed successfully and the received signal was
proper to operate the AGV, the different devices and robots were connected to
the 5G SA network through 5CMM modems. While the operators control the
AGVs and the stream of data from cameras and robots is transmitted through
the network, some KPIs such as mobility (AGV´s speed), data rate (from the
AGV to the operator and vice versa), latency (Round-Trip-Time, RTT) and,
connection density for robots, and reliability for remote control.
The speed of the AGV is obtained from the internal logs of the robot. At the
same time, the connection density for the robots was simulated by connecting
several modems (3 modems connected to AGVs and another one connected to
the PCs which control the AGV) to the network at the same time and simulating
the same traffic, in order to analyse the performance of the network and the
evolution of the KPIs.
To perform the data rate and latency measurement, 5Probe [13] tool has been
used. This tool has been developed by the consortium of the 5G-EVE project,
which permits measuring the uplink and downlink throughput, RTT and OneWay-Delay (OWD) of the network. The tool was installed on the Raspberry Pi
connected to the AGV. Also, InfluxDB was used to store the parameters
discussed above by the tool, which is installed on an external virtual machine
on a laptop. This virtual machine is time-synchronized through NTP (Network
Time Protocol) protocol using Chrony tool [14]. While the 5Probe tool was
executed, several iperf3 and ICMP tests were performed, two scenarios were
tested: i) Communication between two different UEs of the network (through
5GLAN technology) Figure 84 and, ii) Communication between a UE and a
laptop connected directly to the 5G core Figure 85. The first scenario would
emulate the communication machine-to-machine (M2M) in an industrial
environment were “things” have to exchange data between them using the 5G
radio interface. The second scenario emulates the communication of a
machine connected with 5G to a resource outside the 5G network. The most
remarkable difference between these two scenarios is that, in a 5G network, the
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uplink throughput (UE to 5G network) is usually the most limiting factor in the
communication due to the power of the signal the UEs transmit. In the first
scenario, this “UE to 5G network” traffic is always present in the communication
acting as the bottleneck.
Figure 84:
Figure 85:
End-to-end architecture iperf3 test UE to UE.
End-to-end architecture iperf3 test UE to core.
Grafana has been used to analyse the data stored in the database. The following
Figure represents the full architecture to measure the KPIs using the 5Probe
tool. The results of these tests were shown in Section 2.3 of the main document.
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5G Modem
Pi (control)
5G connectivity
5G SA Network
NTP sync (port 123)
POST KPI data (port 0 6)
Raspberry Pi OS
Port forwarding
22 (ssh )
KPI measure
5G connectivity
5G Modem
Visuali e
Virtual Box
Ubuntu 2 . 4
Port forwarding
0 6 (in uxdb )
123 (ntp)
Figure 86:
KPI storage
Visuali ation
End-to-end architecture used for the KPI measurement setup with 5Probe.
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Annex II: Transport UC - Transportation
Platforms Health Monitoring
Below information about Transport UC Validation and results
Validation and Results
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Lifetime Operation - Battery Life Load Cycles Battery Spec
Lifetime Operation Value
See description below
Table 50.
UC3_TC_01 verification
12 years+ Lifetime Operation @ -20 to +60°C environmental conditions with 5
broadcast per day is theoretically possible. 24-30 years of operation is not
possible, but essential for the business case to avoid sensor replacement.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Minimum Communication Content and Frequency Requirements
Communication Frequency and Fault Latency for Bearing & Critical
Flat Spot detection.
See description below
Table 51.
UC3_TC_02 verification
Micro-Edge Sensor to Gateway communication @5x per day is possible for 12
years. Gateway GSM communication @5x per day is only possible without
extended periods of snow and ice coverage on solar harvester. Changing from
GSM communication from each gateway to LORA communication between
gateways and GSM2Cloud communication form the energy heathiest node
reduces weather-based communication outage by a factor of 10.
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Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Connectivity Coverage
Communication Frequency and Fault Latency for Bearing & Critical
Flat Spot detection.
See description below
Table 52.
UC3_TC_03 verification
GSM connectivity coverage is generally acceptable for 5x daily status reporting.
Regional communication outage is rare and not prolonged. Extended
communication outage is more likely occur in stational situations due to
infrastructure interference. This type of interference can be nearly completely
avoided via Lora-Wan Gateway2Gateway plus healthiest/best connectivity
node GSM2Cloud communication.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
TC3 Connectivity Coverage
See description below
Table 53.
UC3_TC_04 verification
Micro-Edge Sensor meta data storage is trivial due to the small data volume
required. The same applies to Gateway fusion data storage. The edge storage
capability is used to bridge communication outage between Edge2Gateqway
and Gateway2Cloud.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Connectivity Coverage
Multimodal Connectivity Opportunities
See description below
Table 54.
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UC3_TC_05 verification
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Multimodal connectivity results in significant performance (online availability)
improvements. Changing Micro Edge Sensor communication from
BLE_SensorEdge2Gateway to BLE_SensorEdge2 SensorEdge2Gateway allows
to lower communication power, while adding Lora-Wan communication
between Gateways allows reduced gateway power consumption and improved
online availability as described in UC3_TC_03.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Functional Safety Requirements, Customer Requirements
Expected result
Monitoring Resolution
Actual result
See description below
Table 55.
UC3_TC_06 verification
Ideally, increasing fault/speed levels should be time-stamped with the first level
of occurrence. This information can be used to determine when and which
operator is likely to have caused the fault. 5 measurements per day are the
minimum resolution requirement. Wake on dynamic defect energy (PiezoElectric Energy Gradient) is good indicator for fault detection. If subsequent
fault intensity computations at a given speed result in higher than previously
recorded value, than a new, even more intense fault event than previously
recorded has occurred. While the speed is typically not known in fault-free
conditions, it can be easily determined once a fault is present. What cannot be
detected (or at least not with high reliability) are new faults with same or lower
intensity than previous faults.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Functional Safety Requirements, Customer Requirements, Energy
Resources, Application Results
Expected result
Monitoring Capability
Actual result
See description below
Table 56.
UC3_TC_07 verification
The biggest functional challenge of commercial- vs. passenger-rail condition
monitoring is the differentiation of non-critical faults and the one critical fault
buried in a mass of non-critical faults and noise. After two years of continuous
algorithm development, the results exceed expectations. The approach is
completely different from reviewed publications, and the fault resolution is
phenomenal. Fault severity levels can be reliably classified into up to 64 and
possibly more severity levels for flat spots and 4 or more levels for bearing
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defects. This far exceeded the targeted 3-5 severity levels for flat spots and the
OK/NOK classification of bearing defects.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Edge Classification & Edge Pre-Processing Capabilities & Results
Cloud Defect Validation Capability
See description below
Table 57.
UC3_TC_08 verification
Cloud or alternatively Gateway fault validation is not really important if simple
statistical approaches can be applied. This is good news, as defect validation via
Cloud based SVM Engine or similar require more data intensive FeatureVectors which require higher than desired levels of communication energy
resources. Since the implemented micro-edge fault classification is based on a
physical-model (validated by real-world data, empirical and physical fault data,
and hypothetical signal injection), it will beat any neural network-based
approach. The statistical cloud validation checks for continuity and crosschecks neighbouring axles and wheels.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Edge Classification & Edge Pre-Processing Capabilities & Results
Gateway Defect Validation Capability
See description below
Table 58.
UC3_TC_09 verification
UC3_TC_09 is analogue to US3_TC_08. The validation of condition monitoring
defects @Gateway level is at most statistical, or simply data-fusion of MicroEdge Sensor Meta values.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
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System Architectural Design and Communication Architecture
Confidentiality and integrity of connection via TLS
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Actual result
TLS has been determined to be the suitable solution for protecting
confidentiality and integrity of the communication between IoT
sensor and the cloud.
Table 59.
UC3_TC_10 verification
This test case is a not a functional test, but a review activity performed at the
beginning of the project to assess the suitability of TLS in the context of the
Transport use case. Due to its flexibility, industry-wide usage, and strong
security guarantees, TLS has been found to be an excellent foundation for
securing IoT communication security beyond the state of the art.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Security (Listening)
Expected result
Confidentiality and integrity of connection between sensor endpoint
and cloud server protected via TLS
Actual result
TLS v1.3 is used and integrated with remote attestation, ensuring
both the security of the communication channel and strong identity
and integrity of endpoint devices.
Table 60.
UC3_TC_11 verification
This test case shows that the connection between cloud sensor endpoint and
server is established and confidentiality and integrity of this communication
channel is protected via.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Security (Flash)
Expected result
Only cryptographically signed M3 operating system and applications
can start on BI platform
Actual result
Applications and service programs (part of the operating system) are
measured during started for reporting via remote attestation.
Table 61.
UC3_TC_12 verification
Measured startup before execution of applications and service programs
ensures that remote attestation can report the identity and integrity of said
applications and service programs. The original goal of secure startup for the
entire M3 OS turned out too ambitions and could not be realized, because
hardware root-of -trust support could not be implemented (as documented in
Issues on execution). Hence, as an intermediate step, only a specific application
scenario consisting of a set of programs is supported fore measurement and
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remote attestation. Full support for measured startup of all software will be
worked on after the end of the project.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Security (Commanding)
Connection only established, if remote attestation of sensor
endpoint passed; connection refused, if the sensor endpoint does
not pass remote attestation
Connection between cloud sensor endpoint and server is
established only if remote attestation of the IoT sensor and cloud
endpoint passed verification. The connection is refused, if either the
sensor or cloud endpoint fail verification during remote attestation.
Table 62.
UC3_TC_13 verification
A connection between cloud sensor endpoint and server is established only if
remote attestation of the IoT sensor and cloud endpoint passed verification.
The connection is refused, if either the sensor or cloud endpoint fail verification
during remote attestation. Both the IoT sensor and the cloud server will abort
the connection attempt, if the software running on the other device is not
recognized (based on a cryptographic hash fingerprint).
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Data Encryption
Sensor data is encrypted and digitally signed, cloud server can
decrypt and verify signature.
Not pursued
Table 63.
UC3_TC_14 verification
This test case was aimed at confirming that data provided by the sensor can be
encrypted offline and stored in local memory/storage of the FPGA/M3 platform
for later transmission to sensor endpoint. However, the very ambitious goal of
implementing a root-of-trust for the M3 platform in FPGA-based hardware
could not be reached during the duration of the project. The associated risk has
first been documented in deliverable D6.1 [1] and mitigations were described in
D6.1 [1], D6.2 [2] and D3.3 [3]. As a result of a scaled-back software-only simulation
of a root-of-trust, support for encrypting data at rest has been delayed and will
be pursued after the end of iNGENIOUS. Data encryption support is not
essential to demonstrate the improved security guarantees enabled by remote
attestation, which has been the main goal; this limitation therefore does not
impact the use case significantly.
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Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Fault Detection Diagnostics Coverage
See description below
Table 64.
UC3_TC_15 verification
Functional Safety considers the integrity of the signal measurement. Is it
possible to detect a broken sensor, and what safeguards are in place to assure
that critical faults can be detected reliably? A broken sensor can mean no signal
or completely random signal noise. The relative white noise signal energy
between adjacent axles sensors follows both expected and relative ranges. If
this white noise level exhibits unexpected permanent changes in one or the
other direction, then the sensor element must be broken. This can be detected
at both micro-edge device and gateway or cloud level. Likewise, a
communication failure with a micro-edge sensor, or gateway is detected at
cloud level. Therefore, the sensor signal integrity can be assured for all critical
fault modes.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Explosion Safety Requirements, Customer Requirements
ATEX Compliance Gaps
See description below
Table 65.
UC3_TC_16 verification
Fire/Explosion Safety is a specialty requirement for hazardous goods transport
vessels. Such rail carriages typically lack electric connection, because the
technical solutions are cost intensive. Therefore, all sensors and gateways must
be battery and harvester powered, and any energy reserves must be physically
designed not to cause uncontrolled thermal dissipation if physically damage.
ATEX is an example of a standard guiding fire and explosion safety. The rail
market is very segmented and governed by mostly national/regional and not
international standards. ATEX compliant batteries are readily available, as are
ceramic capacitors for sufficient energy reserve to make ATEX compliance
achievable. Therefore, Fire/Explosion compliance is not a technically
challenging compliance issue.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
The radio access should be able to run local application processing
when user selects low latency for selected applications
The data received from the device will be processed as closer as
possible to the device and returned with lower delay than processing
the data in another UPF in the cloud.
Actual result
Table 66.
UC3_TC_17 verification
Not pursued in this use case.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Extended Satellite Coverage: Confidentiality of satellite backhauled
sensor data.
Captured sensor data is indecipherable between Sensor Gateway
and teleport IP egress point
Same as expected result
Table 67.
UC3_TC_18 verification
This test was aimed at validating the confidentiality of sensor data as it transited
the satellite network. Sensor data was sent between two BI endpoints over
iDR’s simulated satellite network. Traces were taken at the ingress and egress
points of the simulated satellite network and they confirmed the packets
sensor data was encrypted correctly.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Communication Load Optimization: The platform shall be able to use
the most appropriate radio technology depending on network
access and communication demands.
Communication Load Optimization
Actual result
Table 68.
UC3_TC_19 verification
Not pursued in this use case.
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Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
OTA upgradeability
After reboot in A/B configuration, the signature-checked software
update is B is running; A is started if signature checks failed on B
Not pursued
Table 69.
UC3_TC_20 verification
This test case aimed to validate robustness against failed or compromised
software updates. Only digitally signed (i.e., authorized, correct, and not
manipulated software) is started on the IoT sensor device. As considered in D6.1
[1], this test case was about and A/B software configuration, where the currently
running and correctly signed software (A) is kept as a fallback in case an
updated, new version (B) fails to start due an incorrect code signature. Due to
the unavailability of a fully-integrated root-of-trust, this capability could not be
implemented during the project. However, the measured startup capabilities
of M3 that are covered by test case UC3_TC_11 ensure that only correct
applications and service programs can be started using a signature check;
fallback to previous version will be worked on by BI after the end of iNGENIOUS
project, when the necessary root-of-trust support has been implemented.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Extended Satellite Coverage: Satellite Multi-Protocol Support;
Validate confidentiality of satellite backhauled sensor data
All protocols tested are shown to work over satellite
Same as expected result
Table 70.
UC3_TC_21 verification
This test was created to show that multi-protocol support was possible over a
satellite network. Multiple protocols were tested and verified over iDR’s
simulated satellite network including; arp, tcp, udp, mqtt, sctp, http and ftp.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Extended Satellite Coverage: IP Connectivity
Sensor data is received successfully at data centre/cloud
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Actual result
Same as expected result
Table 71.
UC3_TC_22 verification
This test was carried out as part of the preparation for the mid-term and final
demonstrations. IP connectivity was established between the edge network
MEC server and hub side gateway server via the simulated satellite network.
Sensor data was successfully sent and received in both directions using the
simulated forward and return satellite links.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Extended Satellite Coverage: Verify uplink and downlink Satellite
backhaul latency
UC3_SR_21, UC3_SR_23
Perform enough tests and preparation to ensure sources of
connectivity issues are known and resolved
Same as expected result
Table 72.
UC3_TC_23 verification
This test was created to simulate the latency of a GEO stationary satellite using
iDR’s lab testbed and verify connectivity between the sensors and cloud/data
center with added latency applied. The typical latency of a GEO stationary
satellite link ranges between 560-580ms depending on environmental
conditions and other factors. In the lab setup the satellite delay was set to
560ms which was verified during multiple testing windows.
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Annex III: Port Entrance UC - Situational
Understanding in Smart Logistics Scenario
Below information about the Port Entrance UC Setup and execution and
validation and results.
Setup and execution
Part I
b.1) Offline Data Preparation
Examples of the features used from historical data are included in Figure
87, which illustrates the relevant content in distinct datasets, and how they
are used in the model development. When these are present in the data,
basic data engineering methods (e.g. database queries, filtering,
transformations, merge operations) are used to combine the datasets as
necessary for subsequent model development. Specifically, the smaller
datasets related to port operations were processed offline using mainly the
Python Pandas library.
Figure 87:
Overview of prediction model components, required features, and source datasets.
The most complex offline data preparation needed in this development
was required for obtaining voyage information and timestamps from global
AIS data. This involved decoding the raw AIS data transmitted globally by
vessels in the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) format,
analyzing the messages to determine voyage start and stop times and
locations (classified according to ports following e.g. global UNECE
UN/LOCODE definitions), and labelling data points along voyages
accordingly. Due to the size of the dataset (as noted above, as a tabular
dataset this would contain of order 10¹¹ rows), this is a computationally
demanding task not well suited for offline batch processing. In the AWA
pipeline, this processing was implemented using continuously operating
cloud-based microservices (implemented in a scalable Kubernetes
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environment), which performed the above described processing
operations over streaming data and store the obtained metadata as logs
for use in a dedicated machine learning operations (MLOps) pipeline
performing machine learning model training and validation, as outlined in
the following subsection.
b.2) Model Development
The monte Carlo simulation used to predict container traffic rates can be
described with the following formulation for the number of containers
transported by trucks out of the port during a selected time range R:
𝑁𝑅,𝑀𝐶 = 𝑀 ∑𝑀
𝑘=1 ∑𝑗 ∑𝑖=1 𝐼𝑅 (𝑇𝑉 + 𝛥𝑉 + 𝛥𝐺 + 𝐼𝐵 [𝑇𝑉 + 𝛥𝑉 + 𝛥𝐺 ] ⋅ 𝑆).
Here, 𝐼𝑅 (𝑥) and 𝐼𝐵 (𝑥) are indicator functions defined as:
𝐼𝑅 (𝑥): = 1𝑖𝑓𝑥 ∈ {𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛 , 𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑥 },0𝑖𝑓𝑥 ∉ {𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛 , 𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑥 },
where 𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛 , 𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑥 are the limits of the time range for which events are
simulated and
𝐼𝐵 (𝑥): = 1𝑖𝑓𝑥 ∈ 𝐵, 0𝑖𝑓𝑥 ∉ 𝐵,
where 𝐵 is a set of blocked days when no events are allowed (for example,
there is typically no truck traffic in the Port of Valencia on Sundays).
𝛥𝑖𝑉 and 𝛥𝑖𝐺 are i.i.d. random variables corresponding to the delay between
vessel arrival and container discharge and the delay between container
discharge and gate exit, respectively. The distributions of these variables are
estimated empirically by fitting to observed events using a KolmogorovSmirnov metric for goodness of fit over 60 candidate distributions.
The combination of the random variables 𝛥𝑖𝑉 + 𝛥𝑖𝐺 estimates the total dwell
time of a container in the port. The figure below illustrates the distribution
of the simulated dwell times compared to the actual observed events.
Figure 88:
Kernel density estimates of the empirical distributions of actual and simulated total
container dwell times in the port of Valencia.
𝑇𝑉 is the arrival time of vessel j, where 𝑇𝑉 ≤ 𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑥 . These times are obtained using
estimated time of arrival (ETA) prediction models, which are composed of
separate predictions for the vessels’ current destination, the geographical
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voyage trajectory to this destination, and the duration of the voyage along this
trajectory. These component models applied various machine learning
techniques trained using extensive historical vessel traffic data. Destination
prediction was performed using a combination of neural network embedding,
classification models, and lookup tables. Trajectory prediction was based on
training a global graph model representing vessel movements around the
world, allowing use of graph algorithms such as Dijkstra’s algorithm to estimate
the minimum cost route between any two locations based on history. Finally,
sea voyage durations were estimated based on a combination of the vessel’s
current speed and regression models trained with historical voyage data to
compensate for typical location-specific variations in vessel speeds. The
regression model training was performed similarly as described above for cargo
volume prediction. An overview of the models and steps used in vessel ETA
prediction is shown in Figure 89.
Figure 89:
Vessel ETA prediction model pipeline
𝑆 is a random variable used to shift generated exit times falling on blocked days.
This is a heuristic meant to disperse values more evenly around the blocked
days instead of e.g. simply shifting the events to the next possible time. In the
considered examples, a uniform distribution is used with a range of
approximately one week.
𝑁𝑗 is the number of containers discharged from vessel j estimated to be leaving
the port by trucks. This is a critical parameter for the simulation, which should
ideally be obtained from operators or port authorities. In the final
demonstration, these were estimated using dedicated ML models. Input
features used in predicting the cargo exchange volumes included (in order of
estimated feature importance) the estimated port call duration, vessel gross
tonnage, arrival hour, vessel length, arrival weekday, vessel beam, and vessel
maximum draught.
𝑀 is the Monte Carlo simulation parameter specifying how many trials are
performed to obtain the cargo flow estimates.
Using the above described models, Monte Carlo simulations of the gate traffic
rates 𝑁𝑅,𝑀𝐶 are implemented as described in 𝑁𝑅,𝑀𝐶 = ∑𝑀
𝑘=1 ∑𝑗 ∑𝑖=1 𝐼𝑅 (𝑇𝑉 + 𝛥𝑉 +
𝛥𝑖𝐺 + 𝐼𝐵 [𝑇𝑉 + 𝛥𝑖𝑉 + 𝛥𝑖𝐺 ] ⋅ 𝑆). (1). The figure below shows weekly simulated vs. true
container exit numbers over the year 2019 for a development data subset.
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Figure 90:
Simulated vs. actual weekly numbers of containers leaving port of Valencia by truck
To enable automated training and updates of those machine learning models
for which source data is continuously available (such as vessel ETA prediction),
a machine learning operations pipeline was implemented. This allowed
orchestrating the entire model training and validation process in a cloud
environment using automatically ingested and labelled training data, enabling
a self-learning ML system. Figure 91 illustrates the data processing flow and
computational environments used in the MLOps pipeline on a high level.
Figure 91:
MLOps pipeline overview.
c.1) Offline Data Preparation:
After identifying the data sources required to approach the TTT prediction, data
needed to be prepared and merged to create the final datasets to be injected
as input to the ML-models. In this case, since TTT can be directly influenced by
maritime and terrestrial events, the data sets exploited to feed TTT models were
port calls dataset and gate access data (including gate in and gate out events).
For estimating truck entry events, some data preparation work was carried out
over the Gate In raw dataset. In this process, the independent variables
considered for the TTT prediction from this dataset were the following:
Num_trucks: variable showing the number of trucks sampled for the
given time and date.
WeekDay: variable indicating the day of the week, from 0 (Monday) to 6
(Sunday), for the new sample
Hour: the hour of the day (1-24) in which the sample was taken
To get a dataset with the number of gate-in events in regular time slots a
resample of the “dataTruckEntryGates” dataset was performed. In addition to
the existing rows, two extra variables “Hour” and “WeekDay” were also included.
The dataset shown in Figure 92 was used as an input for the SARIMA model.
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Figure 92:
Gate-in dataset resampled
For estimating TTT, the preparation of the port calls dataset focused on
quantifying the cargo volume that each vessel could load and discharge. Since
cargo information is not available in our port call historical data, the type of
vessel is identified as the most relevant factor to address the impact of vessel
arrivals and departures at the port of Valencia. To execute this approach, Vessel
port calls and Vessel master datasets were merged to link the vessel port calls
to the characteristics of the vessels (gross tonnage, length, draught, TEU
capacity). The column "category” is a classification of the vessel into 6 groups
(from A to F) considering the size and capacity of the vessel (calculated from
the rest of parameters). After merging both data sets, new variables are created
to quantify the number of vessels per category. These variables were filled after
performing a resampling process where the number of vessels for each
category is calculated per hour, assuming the existing port calls.
Figure 93:
Port Call Dataset
In addition, to quantify the impact of terrestrial operations in TTT estimation,
the gate in and gate out dataset was also ingested and transformed. Initially,
this dataset provided the timestamp of ingress, the truck plate, the timestamp
of exit, the truck plate, and the container number for each combination of gate
in and gate out per truck.
Considering that one of the most relevant factors for quantifying TTT is the
volume of trucks inside the port facilities, the information related to truck plates
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was dropped. To calculate the exact number of trucks located inside the port
facilities per hour, a resampling process was again carried out. Additionally,
since the timestamp for both ingress and exit was available, truck turnaround
time for past events can also be calculated. To complement this approach, the
time frame (hour) and the day of the week were also included in the terrestrial
Since maritime and terrestrial dataframes provided information per hour, a
final dataframe was assembled by combining both of them. Consequently, the
resultant dataframe to be injected as an input for generating the TTT model
was the following:
Figure 94:
Final TTT data frame
c.2) Model Development:
Gate-IN forecast model
After representing the Gate-in dataset in a chart – by executing the
seasonal_decompose() function from the python’s statsmodels library – it could
be seen that the data has a strong seasonal component (see Figure 95). To plot
this chart, the weekends were extracted from the prepared dataset.
Figure 95:
Gate In time series analysis
In time series forecasting, autoregressive models (a.k.a ARMA models) are used
to give good results. For the gate-in prediction, the SARIMA [x] (Seasonal
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Averages) model was used. The model
development phase consists of finding out the (p,d,q)×(P,D,Q)m parameters [x]
that allow us to generate the model and train it with the dataset prepared. The
term p represents the number of autoregressive, the term d refers to the
number of times the differencing between lags is applied to make the time
series stationary, and the q parameter indicates the number of moving average
lags to be used. The parameters 𝑃, 𝐷 and 𝑄 represent the seasonal regression,
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
differencing and moving average orders, and 𝑚 represents the number of data
points (rows) in each seasonal cycle.
First, the time-series was analyzed to get the degrees of stationarity and
seasonality in data as well as the level of autocorrelation and partial
autocorrelation of the different time-series lags. To check if our time-series is
stationary we run Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test using the adfuller() function
of the statsmodels library. As we obtained a value of 4.582775e-16, the data
seems to be stationary, and we do not need to apply differencing to make timeseries stationary (i.e. d = 0 of SARIMAX). To check the level of seasionality order
(i.e. parameter m) we used the plot_acf() and plot_pacf() functions which plot
the correlation of time-series by lag and the direct relationship between an
observation and its lag respectively. From these charts, we verified that the
time-series has a seasonality of 24 (hours) as expected.
Finally, auto_arima() method of the pmdarima library [x] was run to get the rest
of SARIMA parameters (i.e. p,q,P and Q). The best combination of parameters
for the model is (2,0,2)(1,0,0)24.
Figure 96:
SARIMA hyperparameter tunning for the Gate In model
Finally, as mentioned in section 4.2.1, the model was generated and fitted using
the SARIMAX() class and its fit function of statsmodels library.
Part II
Devices - MT821 Specifications
The MT821 device has the following characteristics:
Connectivity: GSM, LTE-M and NB-IoT.
Dimensions : 86 mm x 60 mm x 33 mm.
Weight: 286 gr.
Battery backup: 3.7 V 7800mAh.
Power consumption: 60uA (standby).
Operating temperature: between -40ºC and 85ºC.
Minimum accuracy: 10 m.
GPS receiver sensitivity: -162dBm.
Sensor: 3D accelerometer.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Cold start: 30 s.
Hot start: 15 s.
Classification: IP65 against water.
SIM slot: Micro.
Dashboard - Installation and execution process
Pre-requisites for the installation and the execution of the IoT tracking solution
is the following:
Linux operating system like Ubuntu or some similar Debian Distribution.
Python (version >= 3.8) and **pip** installed.
PosgreSQL server installed
pgAdmin 4 (Optional).
Docker and Docker-Compose
Once the prerequisites for implementation were established, the installation of
a specific data base instance (called uc_5) was deployed with the following
table structure:
Figure 97:
Port Entrance UC database structure
For the installation of the database, the executable '' contained
in the 'script' folder of the project was used. This script checks if PostgreSQL is
installed and generates the database together with the ingenious users and
data. Once the data was available, it was necessary to install a series of libraries
in Python with the pip tool. Pip was used together with the list of libraries
written in the file requirements.txt for this purpose.
For the execution of the dashboard and ‘comm_protoco’ services the
developed script was used. The successful launch of the
script was checked with the script, which should generate the
following output:
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
/home/dashboard/newdashboard/code/iotlogistics-platform/venv/bin/flask run --host=
dashboa+ 7023 0.0 0.5 108256 27332 ?
python3 -m comm_protocol.mt82x
/home/dashboard/newdashboard/code/iotlogistics-platform/venv/bin/flask run --host=0.0.0.
On the other hand, the GAD service was launched via a Docker container using
the following commands inside of GAD directory:
docker build -t gad .
docker run -d --env-file ./GAD.list.env --name gad_container --network host v /home/dashboard/gad:/gad gad
All the different parameters such as addresses, ports, folders and credentials
were loaded as environment variables. These environment were declared in a
file called ‘.env’ and this file was used by all necessary scripts such as
‘’ and ‘’ .
The project was deployed via Docker-compose, through the command '
docker-compose up -d '. This command was launched from the terminal while
being in the project folder inside './test_code/dc-project'. Once launched, the
deployment was shown in Figure 101.
Figure 98:
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
IoT tracking service deployment infrastructure.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Validation and Results
Regarding the present use case, in section 7.2 of Deliverable D6.1 [1] a total of 12
test cases were defined. Apart from these test cases, in the course of the
development of the use case, it was detected the need to create nine additional
test cases with the aim to maximise the coverage of the validation of the
implemented solutions. In this section, these test cases are defined and
described respecting the format established in the Deliverable D6.1 [1] (see
Table 73-Table 80).
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Test Steps
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Situational Understanding and Predictive Models in Smart Logistics
Verification of availability and correctness of time event information
in historical datasets
Historical datasets are available on vessel, container, and truck traffic
in the ports
Data quality test
Local processing environment using Python libraries, e.g. Pandas,
Historical data sets from text files (e.g. CSV), databases or similar
Report quantifying availability of timestamps in input data sets,
evaluation of timestamp validity
Datasets about:
History of port calls at the port
History of cargo flows at the port
History of trucks' entry/exit events
History of meteorological data
AIS data
History of vessels that arrived at the port and their
Data Source Sufficiency, Data Quality
Yes: FV and Port of Livorno
Check availability of timestamps for events.
Check formal validity of timestamps.
Check timestamps for anomalies and outliers (e.g. clearly
incorrect times or event durations).
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Expected result
If possible cross-reference event times between related datasets
(e.g. port calls and AIS data).
Timestamps are missing or incorrect.
Revise datasets, find alternative references for event data.
Correct timestamps are available for majority (e.g. over 95 %) of
Table 73.
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Situational Understanding and Predictive Models in Smart Logistics
Verification of availability and correctness of resource ID information
in historical datasets.
Historical datasets are available on vessel, container, and truck traffic
in the ports.
Data quality test
Local processing environment using Python libraries, e.g. Pandas,
Historical data sets from text files (e.g. CSV), databases or similar
Report quantifying availability of timestamps in input data sets,
evaluation of timestamp validity
Datasets about:
History of port calls at the port
History of cargo flows at the port
History of trucks' entry/exit events
History of meteorological data
AIS data
History of vessels that arrived at the port and their
Data Source Sufficiency, Data Quality
Yes: FV and Port of Livorno
Test Steps
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_13 description
Check availability of resource IDs (e.g. vessel IMO or MMSI
numbers, container and truck IDs (possibly anonymized).
Check formal validity of IDs.
If possible cross-reference IDs between related datasets (e.g.
port calls and AIS data).
IDs are missing or incorrect.
Revise datasets, find alternative references for identifying and
matching resources between datasets.
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Expected result
Correct IDs are available for majority (e.g. over 95 %) of events and
Table 74.
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Situational Understanding and Predictive Models in Smart Logistics
Verification of vessel estimated time of arrival (ETA) prediction model
Historical datasets are available on vessel traffic in the ports,
prediction models have been trained.
Statistical error analysis.
Local processing environment using Python libraries, e.g. Pandas,
Numpy, XGBoost, Scikit-klearn.
ETA prediction model, historical dataset containing necessary input
features for prediction (model-dependent) and actual times of arrival
to target areas.
Statistical analysis of prediction errors, e.g. mean absolute prediction
error (MAE) and standard deviation over remaining time to arrival.
Datasets about:
History of port calls at the port
AIS data
History of vessels that arrived at the port and their
Time Prediction Accuracy
Test Steps
Expected result
Extract subset of historical data not used in prediction model
training (test data).
Find actual times of arrival to the target prediction areas (analysis
of historical AIS data).
Inference of predicted ETAs using test data subset.
Statistical analysis of error statistics for obtained predictions.
Prediction accuracy does not meet expected criteria.
Collection of more or better training data, selection of new model
features or model architectures, model hyperparameter
Prediction results meet set criteria (e.g. less than 10 % MAE relative to
remaining time to arrival).
Table 75.
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_13 description
UC5_TC_15 description
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Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Situational Understanding and Predictive Models in Smart Logistics
Web application functionality for visualizing analytics.
Data integrations, models, backend services, and user interfaces
have been developed.
Usability testing.
Web application accessed by users.
Web service application providing graphic visualization of truck
turnaround analytics.
User feedback on usability of the application.
Yes, ports of Valencia and Livorno.
Test Steps
Test users are provided access and instruction for using web
Feedback is collected from users on application usability.
Expected result
Users either confirm usability of application or provide feedback on
necessary improvements.
Table 76.
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_16 description
Situational Understanding and Predictive Models in Smart Logistics
Web application alert functionality on truck traffic levels.
Data integrations, models, backend services, and user interfaces
have been developed.
Automation testing
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Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Web application front- and backend services.
Configuration of alert and notification conditions.
Verification that system produces alerts and notifications as
Test Steps
Test automation scripts are configured to trigger necessary
alerts and notifications.
Automation tests verify that required alerts and notifications
are shown in the web application.
Expected result
Alerts and notifications are produced according to specifications
Table 77.
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_17 description
Situational Understanding and Predictive Models in Smart Logistics
Web application authentication functionality.
Data integrations, models, backend services, and user interfaces
have been developed.
Automation testing
Web application front- and backend services.
Test user logs in to system.
Verification that log in procedure operates correctly.
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System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Test Steps
Test automation scripts are configured to log in to the web
application using correct and incorrect credentials.
Automation tests verify that the authentication procedure works
Expected result
Users with correct credentials can log in, others cannot.
Table 78.
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_18 description
Situational Understanding and Predictive Models in Smart Logistics
Testing the functioning of the communication interface between
the DVL and the Tuscan Port Community System (TPCS) and
between DVL and the M2M Platforms.
A DVL connecting all data sources is up and running.
This is mainly a software test to check the information retrieving
from the M2M platform and TPCS by means of DVL.
Tools such as Postman, Soap UI or similar.
HTTP REST request with the necessary parameters.
Data coming from the sources being queried.
Trucks/Vessels arrival/departure data, Meteorological data, AIS data.
UC5_SR_21 and UC5_SR_22
Data Availability, Data Source Sufficiency, Data Quality
Yes, Port of Livorno.
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Test Steps
Expected result
Trucks/Vessels arrival/departure data, Meteorological data, AIS
data are sent to a local server at the laboratory;
Through DVL which uses specific APIs, it will be possible to read
the information.
Impossibility to reach the information sources.
Periodical check of the connection between DVL and data sources.
All data provided by the sensor are recovered by means of DVL.
Table 79.
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Situational Understanding and Predictive Models in Smart Logistics
Testing the functioning of the communication interface between
the AI-based Platform and the DVL.
A DVL connecting all data sources is up and running.
This is mainly a software test to check the connection between the
AI-based platform and DVL..
Tools such as Postman, Soap UI or similar.
HTTP REST request with the necessary parameters.
Data coming from the sources being queried.
Trucks/Vessels arrival/departure data, Meteorological data, AIS data.
Data Availability, Data Source Sufficiency, Data Quality
Yes, Port of Livorno.
Test Steps
Expected result
Trucks/Vessels arrival/departure data, Meteorological data, AIS
data are sent to a local server at the laboratory;
Through DVL which uses specific APIs, AI-based platform can
retrieve the information to perform its operations (predictions
made by the models In production).
Impossibility to establish a connection with the DVL.
Periodical check of the connection between DVL and AI-based
All necessary data for AI-based platform are obtained by means of
Table 80.
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_19 description
UC5_TC_20 description
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Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Situational Understanding and Predictive Models in Smart Logistics
Testing the dashboard visualisation with real time and historical data
in the Valencia Port.
The dashboard and tracker devices are fully working. Historical data
is available.
Software (dashboard) and hardware (tracker device) tests.
Web application - front and backend services.
Tracker dataframes with geoposition and speed.
Data visualisation on the Dashboard.
Truck geolocation and speed.
UC5_SR_07, UC5_SR_08, UC5_SR_11, UC5_SR_17
Truck Turnaround Time, Idling Time, Time Prediction Accuracy, IoT
Position Accuracy.
Yes, Port of Valencia.
Test Steps
Expected result
Attach the tracker device to a truck that will enter the port of
Confirm that geofences and real time data are working.
Tracker may lose connectivity.
Use alternative Cellular technology (GSM).
The truck position and speed is shown correctly inside the port.
Table 81.
UC5_TC_21 description
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Test the quality of historical datasets for the development of
predictive and simulation models
Sufficient historical data is available to develop predictive models.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Actual result
The purpose of this test case was to verify that sufficient historical
data is available to develop predictive models according to the
targets of the Use Case. The main dataset requirements identified
during the work were:
History of port calls at the port.
History of cargo flows at the port.
History of trucks' entry/exit events.
AIS data.
History of vessels that arrived at the port and their
The primary criterion in estimating the sufficiency of data for
modeling was whether it was possible to meet model performance
KPIs using the available data. Model performance is estimated in test
case UC5_TC_03; to summarize, it was found that in port of Valencia,
data for port calls, cargo flows, AIS, and vessel information were
sufficient to enable model development according to performance
targets, but access to trucks’ entry and exit events was limited both
in time coverage (data available only for 2019) and vehicle coverage
(not all vehicles exiting the port were captured in the data). This
causes some inaccuracy both in training models and evaluating their
true accuracy. For port of Livorno, there was better coverage of truck
gate events over time, but lack of reliable baseline data for truck
turnaround time estimation was more significant, as less than 50 %
of truck gate exits with containers could be associated with truck
gate entries within a realistic turnaround time margin (8 h).
From the perspective of ISO/IEC 25012 data quality characteristics
and related ISO/IEC 25024 data quality properties, the relevant
characteristics for historical data include accuracy, completeness,
consistency, and credibility. For the purposes of the modeling
performed in the project, we find that the data accuracy, consistency,
and credibility are sufficient (time event data is obtained from official
IoT sensor systems, port call records, or mandatory positioning
systems, and no issues e.g. regarding format, semantic consistency,
or detectable inaccuracy in recorded values were observed).
However, as discussed above, the historical datasets available for the
development are partially incomplete regarding the measurement
of truck turnaround times, which should be addressed in further
exploitation of the results.
All in all, there were some issues with data coverage, but this did not
prevent development of models according to the Use Case
Table 82.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_01 verification
Integration of different data sources
UC5_SR_04, UC5_SR_06
Necessary data sources are available for operating the developed
predictive models
The purpose of the test is to verify that necessary data sources are
available for operating the developed predictive models. These
include the following data types:
Port call data.
Cargo flow data.
Trucks' entry/exit events.
Meteorological data.
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Vessel’s characteristics.
AIS data.
For port of Valencia, all of the listed data sources except cargo flow
data are available and integrated to relevant components of the
developed application (however, meteorological data is not used, as
it was considered not to be essential for the use case). For port of
Livorno, current port call data, cargo flow data, and truck entry/exit
event data are not available through online APIs allowing
integration, preventing online demonstration of the developed
models. Regarding ISO/IEC 25012 and 25024 data quality
characteristics and properties for online service deployment, in
addition to the issues described for UC5_TC_01, data currentness
including frequency and timeliness of updates is critical. For the data
sources available in the online service, these are sufficient. Overall,
the service output time resolution is on a time scale of hours or days
at minimum, and all data sources are updated sufficiently frequently
and with sufficiently up to date information to produce the target
All in all, although there were some issues with data availability, this
did not prevent online demonstration of the developed models
according to the Use Case objectives.
Table 83.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_02 verification
Evaluate prediction model accuracy analysis as part of training
UC5_SR_01, UC5_SR_02
KPIs for time prediction accuracy are met
The purpose of the test is to quantify how closely the performance
KPIs (primarily Time Prediction Accuracy) for the predictive analytics
are met. This testing also enables quantifying the effects of
insufficient historical data as considered in UC5_TC_01, as data
problems affect model performance.
Model accuracy testing was performed by generating test data for
ML-based prediction components using nested cross-validation. In
this process, cross-validation is used in model hyperparameter
optimization. Here for each potential model configuration, the
dataset is split e.g. to three groups of approximately equal size, and
the model training is repeated three times using a different subset
each time to provide an accuracy metric for the tested model
configuration. Furthermore, in nested cross-validation, the entire
dataset is first divided e.g. into ten subsets, and the hyperparameter
optimization (using cross-validation) is repeated ten times with a
different 1/10 subset reserved as test data in each round. This process
enables using a maximal amount of data for model training, while
producing a maximal amount of test data on model performance.
The drawback is that this is computationally complex, e.g. if there are
300 combinations of model hyperparameter candidates defined for
a model, its training is performed 9000 times with the above outlined
In the AWA model pipeline, the component ML models were tested
separately using nested cross-validation as described above, and the
total pipeline was tested also by using the resulting model validation
data as inputs to subsequent pipeline models. This enables
evaluating how inaccuracies in intermediate models affect the
outputs of later steps in the pipeline. Regarding the performance of
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
the final output of the modeling pipeline (long-term truck
turnaround time predictions), the median absolute relative
prediction error is 10 %, which meets the original KPI for Time
Prediction Accuracy. In this metric, the comparison was done with
daily maximum values because especially high turnaround times are
of interest for the use case, and generally the reference turnaround
times can be close to 0 hours, causing large outliers in computing
relative errors. It is possible that this prediction model could be
further improved by extending the truck turnaround reference data
to cover all truck traffic in the port; as noted regarding UC5_TC_01,
currently part of truck gate events in port of Valencia are not
included in the data, and the time coverage of data available for
model training was limited to 2019.
When the observed rates are replaced by predictions from the
preceding pipeline model components (predicted discharge
volumes per port call, predicted container dwell times in port), some
accuracy loss is observed due to compounding error in the
predictions. Specifically, the median absolute relative prediction
error when using only predicted cargo volumes and traffic rates in
the turnaround time model was 13 %, i.e. the accuracy was reduced
by three percentage points. For reference, if the traffic rate input is
completely removed from the turnaround prediction model (i.e. the
full model pipeline is not used), the predictions have significant bias,
and the median absolute relative prediction error is 21 %, or 11
percentage points higher than with the full model, highlighting the
benefit from the developed prediction pipeline.
Similar performance analyses were performed for other prediction
models in the prediction pipeline regarding Time Prediction
Accuracy; the results are summarized for the KPIs in the main
In general, developed models meet the KPIs when sufficient input
data is available.
Table 84.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Performance evaluation of models deployed in production
UC5_SR_01, UC5_SR_02, UC5_SR_03, UC5_SR_10
Test service output corresponds with test results using historical
data and current observations.
The purpose of the test is to evaluate the performance of predictions
made by the models running in an online service. Main performance
tests for the developed models are performed using historical
datasets to provide sufficient statistical coverage for estimating the
results. However, as there may be differences in the statistics of the
modeled processes as seen in historical data versus current inputs,
smaller subsets of data are collected from the online service running
the developed models, and the current model inputs and outputs
are compared to the historical data analysis results. Such testing can
be used to adjust or reconfigure/retrain the models as needed in
case of discrepancies between history and current processes.
All in all, the service is up and running, functioning as expected.
Table 85.
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_03 verification
UC5_TC_04 verification
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Validate the reception of trucks' geoposition data in the M2M
UC5_SR_07, UC5_SR_19
All data provided by the sensor is returned by the M2M platform in
near real-time.
At the port of Valencia scenario, data collected by IoT tracking
devices installed on trucks for obtaining geopositioning data were
not finally integrated in the M2M platform of the Port of Valencia due
to the internal port strategy. To enable the storage and processing of
this information, data was directly stored in UPV server where
tracking information is processed and represented in a dashboard
For the port of Valencia Livorno scenario, the geopositioning data
collected by IoT tracking devices is received and stored in Symphony
M2M Symphony platform. Two different plugins were developed
allowing on one hand to collect data coming from the IoT tracking
device and on the other hand to expose such data to DVL. The DVL
is able to aggregate such data according to a given data model and
expose it through a RESTful interface so that a Web Application
(developed by UPV) can use it by providing a graphical
representation of the main track recorded during the on-field tests.
Table 86.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Onboard supply chain network slice templates and NF descriptors
The onboarded network slice templates and related descriptors are
successfully maintained by the cross-layer MANO to create new
vertical services and network slices instances
The original goal of this set of test cases was to develop an AI/ML
algorithm for closed-loop slice optimization based on the
combination of application/M2M (from DVL) collected and processed
data with network related data (from the 5GC). However, as
explained in D6.2 [2] for the related development activities, at the
Port Entrance UC the cross-layer MANO does not control and
manage any 5G network, and the DVL deployed on the field cannot
provide insightful data for the network slice optimization purposes.
For these reasons, it was agreed with the FV and CNIT to not provide
such AI/ML driven network slice optimization capabilities.
This test case validation can be referred to the validation of the
Automated Robots with Heterogeneous Network test case whose
identifier is UC1_TC_04. The onboarding of supply chain network slice
templates (NSTs) and NF descriptors was demonstrated during the
mid-term review. An NST was onboarded on the NSMF catalogue
and the Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) along with the
corresponding Network Service Descriptors (NSDs) were onboarded
on the Open-Source MANO (OSM) through its GUI.
*For above reasons the test was not run
Table 87.
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_05 verification
UC5_TC_06 verification
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Automated deployment of supply chain network slice instance
UC5_SR_14, UC5_SR_15
A new network slice instance is created, all the related network and
computing resources have been allocated and the 5G Core NFs are
up and running and ready to be configured.
Please refer to actual result of UC5_TC_6.
Additionally, this test case validation can be referred to the validation
of the Automated Robots with Heterogeneous Network test case
whose identifier is UC1_TC_05.
“VALENCIA_LIVORNO_UC5_development_09” in Deliverable D6.2 [2],
the Situational Understanding in Smart Logistic Scenario makes use
of a commercial mobile network which cannot be controlled and
managed by the cross-layer MANO. For this reason, this test cases
cannot be considered applicable.
Table 88.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Automated termination of supply chain network slice instance
UC5_SR_14, UC5_SR_15
A new network slice instance is created, all the related network and
computing resources have been allocated and the 5G Core NFs are
up and running and ready to be configured.
Please refer to actual result of UC5_TC_6.
This test case validation can be referred to the validation of the
Automated Robots with Heterogeneous Network test case whose
identifier is UC1_TC_06. However, as explained in the activity
“VALENCIA_LIVORNO_UC5_development_09” in Deliverable D6.2 [2],
the Situational Understanding in Smart Logistic Scenario makes use
of a commercial mobile network which cannot be controlled and
managed by the cross-layer MANO. For this reason, this test cases
cannot be considered applicable.
Table 89.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
UC5_TC_08 verification
Manual scaling of a running supply chain network slice instance
UC5_SR_14, UC5_SR_15
The network slice instance is manually modified, all the related
network and computing resources have been scaled and the 5G
Core resources accordingly.
Please refer to actual result of UC5_TC_6
Table 90.
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UC5_TC_07 verification
UC5_TC_09 verification
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Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Interaction with the Data Virtualization Layer (DVL) to start collecting
IoT application data from deployed M2M platforms
The cross-layer MANO is able to collect data from DVL
With the reference to UC5_TC_06, the integration between the
MANO platform and the DVL component was not performed. As
explained in UC5_TC_06, DVL deployed on the field cannot provide
insightful data for the network slice optimization purposes, so this
test case cannot be considered applicable.
Nevertheless, the DVL was integrated with available M2M platforms
and it was validated in the DLT’s UC (Scenario 1, Scenario 2, Scenario
3 and Scenario 4) as described in Setup and Execution and
Validation and Results of this deliverable.
Table 91.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Interaction with the Data Virtualization Layer (DVL) to stop collecting
IoT application data from deployed M2M platforms.
The cross-layer MANO does not collect DVL data anymore
Please refer to actual result of UC5_TC_6.
As explained in UC5_TC_06, DVL deployed on the field cannot
provide insightful data for the network slice optimization purposes,
so it cannot be considered applicable.
Table 92.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
UC5_TC_11 verification
Automated slice scaling triggered by AI\ML platform using data
application collected from DVL.
UC5_SR_12, UC5_SR_14, UC5_SR_15, UC5_SR_16
The cross-layer MANO correctly scales the network slice instance
Please refer to actual result of UC5_TC_6.
The original goal of this activity was to develop an AI/ML algorithm
for closed-loop slice optimization-based on the combination of
application/M2M (from DVL) collected and processed data with
network related data (from the 5G Core). However, as already
explained the cross-layer MANO cannot control and manage any 5G
network. Therefore, this test case, cannot be considered applicable.
Table 93.
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_10 verification
UC5_TC_12 verification
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Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
The purpose of this test case was to verify that necessary time event
information for model development is available, that the available
time information is correct. This is closely connected with test case
UC5_TC_01, where some missing data relevant for modeling was
identified. For port of Valencia, it was determined during
development that necessary timestamps were available for
development, these were formally valid, there were not a significant
number of outliers such as clearly incorrect times or durations. For
port of Livorno, the truck gate exit data was missing a large
percentage of events which could be associated to gate entries,
causing uncertainty and significant outliers in estimating true truck
turnaround times (as it is not possible to know whether the available
entry and exit events for a given vehicle actually correspond to the
same port visit).
Necessary data for model development is available.
There were some issues with data coverage, but this did not prevent
development of models according to the Use Case objectives.
Table 94.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
The purpose of this test case was to verify that resources in different
datasets can be connected correctly.
Necessary IDs are available for combining different datasets such as
vessel voyages, port calls, and cargo events.
As expected.
Table 95.
Test Case Id
Test case description
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_13 verification
UC5_TC_14 verification
This test case regards performance evaluation of the vessel schedule
prediction components in the AWA model pipeline. The models
were evaluated during training using a similar nested crossvalidation procedure as described for UC5_TC_03. In addition, the
models were operated as online services with live input data sources
and the produced predictions were logged for performance analysis.
Finally, the log data collected from online predictions was used to
perform a retraining of the ETA optimization model. Figure 99 shows
the performance of the final ETA model in terms of absolute
prediction error mean and median vs. remaining travel time to port.
With the training set of 2154 voyages to port of Valencia, the final
optimized model reaches a median absolute error of approximately
5 % relative to remaining travel time up to 200 h before arrival (this
limit corresponds to > 30 ongoing voyages for computing the error
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
igure 99:
Final vessel ETA prediction model accuracy statistics*.
* Blue dash-dot curve: unoptimized predictions, orange dashed
curve: ML-optimized predictions mean, red curve: ML-optimized
predictions median. Gray dashed lines indicate the 5 % and 10 %
relative error levels.
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Relative prediction error less than 10 %.
Relative prediction error between 5-10 %.
Table 96.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
The web application visualizing the developed model outputs is
made available for test users, and features such as visualization of the
output data are improved according to feedback as needed.
Web application functionalities work according to requirements.
As expected.
Table 97.
Test Case Id
Test case description
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_15 verification
UC5_TC_16 verification
According to the service requirements, an alert functionality was
included in the web service to highlight predicted scenarios where
the output variables (e.g. truck turnaround time) exceed pre-set
thresholds. This functionality was tested by adjusting the threshold
and verifying that the alerts are visualized correctly in the web
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System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Alerts are generated in the service according to specification.
As expected.
Table 98.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
The service authentication functionality was implemented using the
Keycloak identity and access management solution. Tests were
performed to verify that users are able to sign in with correct
credentials, are not able to sign in with incorrect credentials, access
without a user account is not allowed, new credentials can be
created by valid users, and users can correctly log out of the service.
Service authentication functions according to specification.
As expected.
Table 99.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_17 verification
UC5_TC_18 verification
Testing the functioning of the communication interface between
the DVL and the Tuscan Port Community System (TPCS) and
between DVL and the M2M Platforms
UC5_SR_21 and UC5_SR_22
All data provided by the sensor are recovered by means of DVL
As part of the Scenarios from the DLT’s UC, several RESTful interfaces
were developed at DVL in order to allow the cross-DLT layer, based
on TrustOS, to retrieve data for the maritime events from both
seaports (e.g., GateIn, GateOut, VesselArrival, VesselDeparture and
sealRemoved). More precisely, the DVL was integrated with the
following M2M platforms and data sources:
Mobius OneM2M M2M Platform: provides meteorological data
for the Port of Livorno;
PISystem M2M Platform: provides GateIn and GateOut data
for the Port of Valencia;
Symphony M2M Platform: provides data coming from the IoT
tracking device used in the Port of Livorno;
Eclipse OM2M M2M Platform: provides data coming from the
sensors installed on iNGENIOUS Smart Container;
TPCS (Tuscan Port Community System): provides GateIn,
GateOut, VesselArrival and VesselDeparture data for the Port of
For all listed data sources, several wrappers were developed to allow
the communication with the DVL. The DVL extracts all data sets
according to a given data model and exposes them through a set of
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
RESTful interfaces. The usage and testing of such interfaces is further
described in Setup and Execution and Validation and Results of
Deliverable 6.3.
Table 100.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Testing the functioning of the communication interface between
the AI-based Platform and the DVL
All necessary data for AI-based platform are obtained by means of
Please refer to actual result of UC5_TC_6
Table 101.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
UC5_TC_20 verification
Testing the dashboard visualisation with real time and historical data
in the Valencia Port
UC5_SR_07, UC5_SR_08, UC5_SR_11, UC5_SR_17
The truck position and speed is shown correctly inside the port
Predictions and real TTT times can be visualized for real-time and
historical data in the graphs integrated in the visualization
framework developed by AWA, as specified in Issues on execution
of Deliverable 6.3. On the other hand, historical IoT tracking data can
be visualized in the dashboard developed by UPV and explained in
Section 4.2.2 of this deliverable.
Table 102.
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC5_TC_19 verification
UC5_TC_21 verification
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Annex IV: AGV’s UC - Improved Drivers’ Safety
with MR and Haptic Solutions
Below is additional information about setup, execution, validation, and results
of the AGV use case.
Setup and Execution
Part I
The specifications about the 5G connection of each device using the mobile
phone via tethering are the following:
• Mobile phone model: ASUS Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders I007D.
EXP21 Smartphone.
• Ethernet Connector: Tethering by USB-C Interface to Ethernet.
Figure 100:
5G Network connection setup
The details of each 5G modem and the relation with the AGVs and other devices
are described below.
Figure 101:
Relation between modems and devices
The different profiles 5QI had been used to give different priorities to the
different devices in order to test how this affect to the use of 5G network
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Part II
Details of GloveSense haptic gloves are:
• Motion capturing
o 9-axis orientation sensor in the wrist
o 4 flexion and extension sensors (thumb, index, middle, ring)
o Computer-vision algorithms to enhance finger tracking in the field of
view of HMDs cameras
• Haptic feedback
o 2 Linear Resonant Actuators (thumb, index) of vibration magnitude 1.8G
o 1 Voice Coil actuator in the palm of vibration magnitude 4.3G
• Force feedback
o 4 passive modules (thumb, index, middle, ring) that restrict flexion
o Programmable force magnitude until a maximum of 20N at the
fingertips, with a resolution of 0.2N
Figure 102:
SenseGlove haptic gloves
Validation and Results
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Perform measurements of 5G millimeter wave coverage in Segovia.
UC2_SR_03, UC2_SR_11
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Expected result
Actual result
Low latency measurements.
Low latency measurements were obtained in the Segovia tests.
Table 103.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
AGV teleoperation via 5G millimeter wave in Segovia.
UC2_SR_02, UC2_SR_04, UC2_SR_06, UC2_SR_09
Low latency. Proper AGV teleoperation
The AGV had a proper teleoperation thanks to the low latency. The
KPIs were measured during the final test in Valencia Port.
Table 104.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Immersive cockpit.
UC2_SR_07, UC2_SR_08, UC2_SR_12
Good performance of the visualization of the AGV environment
through virtual reality glasses. Good software capture of the
hardware interaction of the cockpit.
The visualization of the AGV environment through virtual reality
glasses and the software capture of the hardware interaction of the
cockpit were good enough for AGV teleoperation.
UC2_TC_03 verification
Fivecomm’s cockpit integration for AGV teleoperation.
UC2_SR_02, UC2_SR_03, UC2_SR_04, UC2_SR_07, UC2_SR_09
Successful teleoperation with fully integrated VR glasses and haptics
gloves. Haptic feedback from the AGV.
Future integration with Nokia.
Successful teleoperation with fully integrated VR glasses and haptics
gloves (including new gloves from Senseglove). Haptic feedback
from the AGV.
Table 106.
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC2_TC_02 verification
Table 105.
Test Case Id
UC2_TC_01 verification
UC2_TC_04 verification
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Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Perform measurements of 5G millimeter wave coverage in Valencia
UC2_SR_03, UC2_SR_11
Low latency measurements.
Low latency measurements were obtained in the Valencia Port tests.
Table 107.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
ASTI AGV teleoperation via 5G millimeter wave in Burgos.
UC2_SR_02, UC2_SR_04, UC2_SR_06, UC2_SR_09
Low latency. Proper AGV teleoperation.
The ASTI AGV was successfully teleoperated in the Burgos thanks to
the appropriate latency conditions.
Table 108.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
UC2_TC_05 verification
UC2_TC_06 verification
ASTI AGV teleoperation via 5G millimeter wave in Valencia Port.
UC2_SR_02, UC2_SR_04, UC2_SR_06, UC2_SR_09
Low latency. Proper AGV teleoperation.
The ASTI AGV was successfully teleoperated in Valencia Port thanks
to the appropriate latency conditions.
Table 109.
UC2_TC_07 verification
Defined as the maximum distance at which the 5G network coverage
continues to be good.
The measured have been performed in Segovia and Valencia Port, both places
where the 5G system have been deployed.
End-to-end latency
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The time it takes for a data packet to travel through the 5G network from source
to destination.
In this use case we have measures latencies of two types: related to the driving
of the AGVs by calculating the RTT in the driving commands; and referring to
the network itself by sending pings from a mobile device.
These latencies have been measured in the different scenarios proposed in the
test cases: AGV-A, AGV-B, AGV-C in Valencia Port and AGV-B in Burgos; also, for
the 5G network in general in Valencia Port and Segovia.
Figure 103:
Example of RTT during Valencia Port tests.
The amount of time that the 5G network is fully operational in the Valencia Port
network system during the test performance.
During the tests carried out, the 5G network was always available, which makes
this measure reach the value of 100%.
The ability of the 5G network to minimize the scope and frequency of incidents,
continue operations while under pressure and recover as quickly as possible.
To measure this value, the number of decoded frames in the cockpit every
second had been considered. The transformation to a percentage measure has
been made with the number of seconds that the acceptable threshold for
driving (25 FPS) is exceeded over the total duration of the test.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 104:
Example of the decoded frames during Valencia Port tests.
The maximum AGV speed at which the 5G connectivity is guaranteed by
providing a suitable QoS.
Data rate
The number of bits transmitted from one device to another or over the 5G
network per second.
As in the case of latency this KPI has been measured in the different scenarios
proposed in the test cases: AGV-A, AGV-B, AGV-C in Valencia Port and AGV-B in
Figure 105:
Example of the downlink data rate for AGV-B during Valencia Port tests.
A Bluetooth coverage test have been carried out with the two pair of gloves:
Neurodigital and SenseGlove. This test is represented below, where we can see
the difference of performance in an indoor and outdoor scenario. It is easy to
check that the Neurodigital haptic gloves have a bigger range of movement, as
it still can perform far from the server they are connected to. On the other hand,
the SenseGlove ones lose connection earlier.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 106:
Figure 107:
Indoor bluetooth range for Neurodigital (left) and SenseGlove (right) haptic gloves
Outdoor bluetooth range for Neurodigital (left) and SenseGlove (right) haptic gloves.
For indoor, the Neurodigital coverage is 12 m, and 5 m in the case of SenseGlove.
For outdoor, the Neurodigital coverage is 32 m, and the SenseGlove coverage is
9 m.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Annex V: Ship UC - Intermodal Asset Tracking
via IoT and Satellite
As mentioned in Demo – Intermodal Asset Tracking via IoT and Satellite, along
with the Intermodal Asset Tracking via IoT and Satellite live over-the-air
demonstrations, we also conducted lab simulations. This Annex provides more
information on the lab testbed along with an overview of the verification testing
and a more detailed description of the KPIs for the use case in general.
iDR Lab Testbed
The iDR Lab Testbed was setup to allow iDR test and validate different
configurations in advance of any live satellite occasional use capacity received
from SES for live demonstrations. iDR built the lab to closely resemble the live
testbed environment hosted at SES’ Betzdorf facility thus allowing minimum
disruption to the live testbed. The testbed proved to be an invaluable asset
throughout the project as a testing environment. The workflow of the iDR lab
testbed setup and demonstrations were as follows:
1. iDirect’s 5G-enabled Velocity™ Intelligent Gateway (IGW) hub was installed
which included an integrated cloud based 5G core network.
2. An NMS server was installed to manage the satellite system.
3. An edge-UPF was integrated and hosted at SES’s teleport allowing for a
local breakout of user plane traffic in Betzdorf.
4. Two satellite channel emulators were deployed to simulate the forward and
return carrier of a satellite link.
5. Three different models of modems were installed (iQ DT, iQ200 & 9350) for
6. A Raspberry Pi model 3 was used as an IoT Gateway.
7. Generic IoT sensors were installed in the iDR lab to emulate the
functionality of the container sensors.
8. Lab demonstrations were used for staging, testing and validation of the
end-to-end system in preparation for the live demonstrations.
From a satellite system perspective, the iDR lab setup is very similar to the live
testbed environment described in section 5 apart from the satellite link which
is provided by two satellite emulators that simulate the forward and return
satellite links. Also, the modem in use was a fixed Very Small Aperture Terminal
(VSAT) modem rather than the SatCube modem used for the live
Similar to the live setup, the lab setup also used iDirect’s 5G-enabled Velocity™
IGW hub which connected to the same Cloud hosted 5G core network used by
the live network.
Furthermore, the iDR lab setup included an in-house IoT test network which
was used for staging, testing and validation of the end-to-end system in
preparation for the live demonstrations.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 108 provides a high-level overview of the iDR lab testbed used
throughout the project, while Figure 109 shows pictures of the equipment
installed in the lab.
Figure 108:
iDR lab testbed system overview
Figure 109: i) iDR Lab testbed including an iQ200, iQ Desktop, 9350 modems, IoT GW & Satellite
Channel Emulators x2, ii) iDR Lab Testbed generic sensor used to measure temperature
and humidity of the lab and iii) iDR Lab Testbed iDirect’s 5G-enabled Velocity™ IGW hub
The iDR lab testbed was used for staging and testing on an ongoing basis
including testing iDR’s end-to-end IoT network. Another major focus of the iDR
testbed was to de-risk the live mid-term and final demonstrations by validating
the configurations and connectivity in advance. Table 110 below provides an
overview of the testing carried out during the initial testbed setup and in
preparation for the mid-term and final live demonstrations.
Live testing
booking ID
Live satellite testing
Lab testing
Initial testbed
testing over live
Verify initial test setup including
satellite lab system, GEO satellite
simulator and IoT sensors.
Introduce satellite delay of
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560mS and test live
Feasibility testing
using SatCube
Test SatCube test configuration.
End to end testing
with SatCube and
IoT network.
Verify SatCube test configuration
and verify end to end IoT
connectivity and operation.
SatCube testing in
preparation for midterm demo
Verify configuration setup for
mid-term demo.
Mid-term demo
Verify configuration setup for
mid-term demo.
Final Demo
Verify configuration setup for
final demo.
Table 110.
Overview of iDR lab testbed activities
Validation and Results
The actual result of the test cases was presented in the Section 6.3.1, while here
more information is provided.
Test Case Id
Test case description
Test Steps
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Integration and installation of sensors and communication modules
on iNGENIOUS container
Integration of sensors in main board
Integration of communication modules in main board
Installation of main board module on iNGENIOUS container
UC4_SR_25, UC4_SR_27
Module with all sensors installed on iNGENIOUS container
Module with all sensors was installed on iNGENIOUS container as can
be also seen in Figure 49.
Table 111.
Test Case Id
Test case description
Test Steps
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC4_TC_01 verification
Over-the-air tests for evaluating LoRa and LTE connectivity at the
container in maritime and terrestrial scenarios at the Port of Valencia
1. LoRa connectivity tests at the laboratory
2. LoRa connectivity tests in the maritime segment (when the
container is on the vessel)
3. LoRa connectivity tests at the Port of Valencia
4. LTE connectivity tests at the laboratory
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5. LTE connectivity tests in the terrestrial segment (when the
container is on the truck)
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
UC4_SR_27, UC4_SR_28
LoRa and LTE connectivity ensured with the container at the
terrestrial and maritime segments
LoRa and LTE connectivity was validated
Table 112.
Test Case Id
Test case description
Test Steps
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Develop an application where data gathered by IoT sensors and
actuators is stored and visualized
1. Structuring and storage of data in a database
2. Development an application for visualization
Application where data gathered by IoT sensors and actuators is
stored and visualized
As we can see in several figures, Figure 53 – Figure 62, we were able
to observe the collected data in the Grafana dashboards of the SES
Cloud servers
Table 113.
Test Case Id
Test case description
Test Steps
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC4_TC_03 verification
Container transport from the Port of Valencia to the Port of Piraeus,
including storage at the Port of Piraeus until next loading
Transport from Valencia port to Piraeus port:
1. Container loading to the ship at the Port of Valencia
2. Transport to the Port of Piraeus by vessel
3. Container unloading at the Port of Piraeus
4. Storage at the Port of Piraeus
UC4_SR_01, UC4_SR_03
The iNGENIOUS container should be transported from the Port of
Valencia to the Port of Piraeus, including storage at the Port of
Piraeus until next loading
The iNGENIOUS container was transported from the Port of Valencia
to the Port of Piraeus (05-08 October 2022) and it was stored there
until the next loading (27 October 2022). More information about the
details of the transportation have been provided in Section 6.2.1.
Table 114.
Test Case Id
UC4_TC_02 verification
UC4_TC_04 verification
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Test case
Test Steps
Expected result
Actual result
Container transport from the Port of Piraeus to the Port of
Transport from the Port of Piraeus to the Port of Valencia
1. Container loading to the ship at the Port of Piraeus
2. Transport to the port of Valencia by vessel
3. Container unloading at the Port of Valencia
4. Storage at the Port of Valencia
UC4_SR_01, UC4_SR_03
The iNGENIOUS container should be transported from the
Port of Piraeus to the Port of Valencia, including storage at the
Port of Valencia until we conduct the over-the-air demo using
the satellite connection
The iNGENIOUS container was transported from the Port of
Valencia to the Port of Piraeus (27 October – 08 November)
and it was stored there until 21 November 2022 where the
over-the-air demo took place. More information about the
details of the transportation have been provided in Section
Table 115.
Test Case Id
UC4_TC_05 verification
Test case
Terrestrial transport by truck from Port of Valencia to
hinterland and vice versa
Test Steps
Inland segment from the Port of Valencia to Madrid area and
vice versa:
1. Container loading on the truck
2. Inland transport by truck
3. Container unloading
Expected result
Actual result
UC4_SR_01, UC4_SR_03, UC4_SR_23, UC4_SR_27
The iNGENIOUS container should be transported by truck
from the Port of Valencia to hinterland and vice versa
The iNGENIOUS container was transported from the Port of
Valencia to the Madrid Dry Por (01 March – 09 March). More
information about the details of the transportation have been
provided in Section 6.2.2.
Table 116.
Test Case Id
Test case description
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC4_TC_06 verification
Site Survey for exploring the practical viability of accommodating
and installing the Smart IoT Gateway aboard, as well for exploring the
theoretical viability of installing VSAT antenna on the vessel
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Test Steps
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Drafting of list of activities for performing the site survey
Validation with COSCO, the captain and the owner of the ship
Execution of the site survey
Drafting of document summarizing the main outcomes of the
UC4_SR_01, UC4_SR_08, UC4_SR_12, UC4_SR_13, UC4_SR_15
Assessment and validation of power supply requirements,
environment and physical dimensions required, electromagnetic
compatibility, LoRa, Wi-Fi and BT coverage, accessibility and
deployment constraints for installing the Smart IoT GW on board.
Theoretical assessment of a potential installation of the VSAT
antenna onboard
The site survey did not take place as we have described in the D6.2
Table 117.
Test Case Id
Test case description
Test Steps
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Validate proposed satellite backhaul infrastructure
A number of iterations of testing will take place as satellite capacity
is made available, in order to guarantee that the infrastructure will
meet the KPI requirements of the live demonstration
1. Setup – SatCube terminal connectivity to SES live network.
2. Send measurement data from device co-located with SatCube via
satellite to host at teleport side (and vice-versa).
3. Verify receipt of test data in both directions.
UC4_SR_01, UC4_SR_18, UC4_SR_29
Test data exchanged successfully over satellite between terminal
and teleport. Achieved bandwidth and latency results should
indicate sufficient performance to meet use case requirements
Testing completed successfully with SatCube and Fixed VSAT
terminals. Several iterations took place based on the provided
satellite capacity (see Table 19)
Table 118.
Test Case Id
Test case description
UC4_TC_07 verification
UC4_TC_08 verification
Validate end to end connectivity using Satellite backhaul
Setup – Data path establishment between Sensor and Data
centre using satellite backhaul.
2. Publish sensor data from device to data centre/cloud.
3. Verify successful receipt of sensor data.
Test Steps
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC4_SR_01, UC4_SR_18, UC4_SR_24, UC4_SR_26, UC4_SR_29
Sensor data is received successfully at data centre/cloud
Sensor data is received successfully at data centre/cloud as we can
see also in several figures, Figure 53 – Figure 62.
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Table 119.
Test Case Id
Test case description
Test Steps
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Verify uplink and downlink Satellite backhaul capacity meets Use
Case KPI requirements
1. Setup – Data path establishment between Sensor and Data
centre using satellite backhaul.
2. Using iperf or similar utilities, measure UDP and TCP downlink
bandwidth between Satellite Terminal location and Betzdorf
egress point.
3. Using iperf or similar utilities, measure UDP and TCP downlink
bandwidth between Satellite Terminal location and Betzdorf
egress point.
UC4_SR_01, UC4_SR_05, UC4_SR_07, UC4_SR_08, UC4_SR_18
Uplink and downlink capacity should exceed the minimum
requirements defined in Use Case KPIs
The uplink and downlink capacity (see Table 19) was enough for a
successful over-the-air demo
Table 120.
Test Case Id
Test case description
UC4_TC_09 verification
UC4_TC_10 verification
Verify uplink and downlink Satellite backhaul latency
Setup – Data path establishment between Sensor and Data
centre using satellite backhaul.
2. Send test TCP/UDP data uplink and downlink between host
at/co-located with satellite terminal and Betzdorf teleport egress
point, to measure latency observed over satellite segment of
Test Steps
System requirements
UC4_SR_01, UC4_SR_05, UC4_SR_07, UC4_SR_08, UC4_SR_18
Expected result
Latency should be within the limits specified for the use case
Actual result
Using ICMP packets, an average latency of 593 ms was observed
between the satellite terminal and Betzdorf teleport egress point
which is shown in Table 21.
Table 121.
Test Case Id
Test case description
UC4_TC_11 verification
Validate confidentiality of satellite backhauled sensor data
Setup – Data path establishment between Sensor and Data
centre using satellite backhaul.
2. Capture sensor data in transit, at point between Smart IoT
Gateway and Teleport IP egress point.
3. Analyse captured sensor data to verify encrypted status.
Test Steps
System requirements
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC4_SR_01, UC4_SR_05, UC4_SR_07, UC4_SR_18, UC4_SR_21
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Expected result
Actual result
Captured sensor data is indecipherable between IoT Gateway and
teleport egress point
Pcaps were taken of the sensor data at the ingress and egress of the
satellite network to confirm the data was indecipherable as it was
contained within a VPN which was setup between the Smart IoT GW
and the IoT Cloud.
Table 122.
Test Case Id
Test case description
Test Steps
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Connectivity with sensors
Configure GW and sensors (IDs, security…).
Sensors start transmitting meaningful data.
GW receives the messages.
GW processes the messages.
GW stores the messages.
UC4_SR_03, UC4_SR_06
GW and sensors can communicate and exchange data
The Smart IoT GW and the IoT devices communicated and
exchanged data successfully, as we can see in several figures, Figure
53 – Figure 62.
Table 123.
Test Case Id
Test case description
Test Steps
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Test case description
Test Steps
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC4_TC_13 verification
Connectivity with M2M space (direct)
1. Configure oneM2M CSE.
2. Trigger messages on the IoT GW that needs to be routed directly.
UC4_SR_01, UC4_SR_02
Messages are correctly routed to the oneM2M CSE
Messages were correctly routed to oneM2M CSE and this can be
seen in several figures, Figure 53 – Figure 62, as the data are observed
from the SES Cloud through Grafana dashboard
Table 124.
Test Case Id
UC4_TC_12 verification
UC4_TC_14 verification
Connectivity with M2M space (VSAT)
1. Configure VSAT termina.
2. Configure oneM2M CSE.
3. Trigger messages on the IoT GW that needs to be route via
4. Send M2M messages through the VSAT.
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System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Test case description
Test Steps
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Test case description
Test Steps
System requirements
Messages were correctly routed via satellite. All figures, Figure 53 –
Figure 62 presents results through satellite communication
UC4_TC_15 verification
Smart IoT GW will receive and process sensor data
1. Trigger message generation for a specific route type.
2. Change message parameters (type, priority, payload…).
3. Repeat step 2 for the supported message types.
UC4_SR_07, UC4_SR_08, UC4_SR_10,
UC4_SR_17, UC4_SR_19, UC4_SR_23
Correctly formatted messages are routed to the appropriate
Correctly formatted messages were routed to SES Cloud and can be
seen in several figures, Figure 53 – Figure 62.
Table 126.
Test Case Id
Messages are correctly routed via satellite
Table 125.
Test Case Id
UC4_TC_16 verification
Smart IoT GW configuration via remote management
Log in to Smart IoT GW management endpoint.
Send configuration parameters.
Retrieve status and configuration data.
Sensors send alert/warning messages.
Verify that the Smart IoT GW sends the appropriate alerts.
UC4_SR_09, UC4_SR_12, UC4_SR_20
Expected result
The Smart IoT GW changes configuration and shows status
Actual result
The Smart IoT GW changes configuration and shows status
Table 127.
Test Case Id
Test case description
Test Steps
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
UC4_TC_17 verification
Smart IoT GW will receive and process sensor data during outages
Trigger message generation for a specific route type.
Change message parameters (type, priority, payload…).
Verify that messages are being routed.
Disconnect destination endpoint.
Verify that messages are being stored.
Connect back the destination.
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7. Verify that the stored messages are (re)sent again.
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
UC4_SR_12, UC4_SR_12, UC4_SR_14, UC4_SR_15, UC4_SR_16
During the outages, the messages are held and sent again when the
destination network is available
During the outages, the messages were held and sent again when
the destination network was available. During the final over-the-air
demo this happened, as in the beginning we faced some difficulties
to establish the satellite connection while the Smart IoT GW was
receiving data from the IoT devices
Table 128.
Test Case Id
Test case description
Test Steps
System requirements
UC4_TC_18 verification
Smart IoT GW Security
1. The Smart IoT GW captures and processes sensor data.
2. Analyse captured sensor data to verify encrypted status.
Expected result
Captured sensor data are sent to cloud with high level of security
Actual result
Captured sensor data are sent to cloud with high level of security
Table 129.
Test Case Id
Test case description
Test Steps
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
UC4_TC_19 verification
Smart IoT GW Integration with other systems
1. Communication of the Smart IoT GW with the sensors.
2. Communication of the Smart IoT GW with the satellite terminal
or the LTE network.
Sensor data is received successfully at data centre/cloud
Sensor data was received successfully at data centre/cloud as we
can see in several figures, Figure 53 – Figure 62.
Table 130.
UC4_TC_20 verification
The actual result of the KPIs was presented in KPIs, while here more
information is provided.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
• Description: The measured data from the IoT devices, installed in the
iNGENIOUS container, should be ubiquitously available at any time to the
end users with the user’s requested oE level.
• Verification: The live over-the-air tests for the first part of the final demo took
place at the Port of Valencia. The data measured by the IoT devices were sent
to the SES Cloud through satellite connectivity where the used space
segment was the ASTRA 2F GEO satellite. Figure 44 presents the coverage
of the ASTRA 2F in Europe where we can see that the Port of Valencia is
covered all the time. Furthermore, from Figure 57, Figure 58, and Figure 59,
we can see that when the communication between the IoT devices and the
Smart IoT Gateway and the satellite connection were established the data
were sending to the SES Cloud consistently.
• Description: The reliability is an assessment criterion to describe the quality
of the radio link connection for fulfilling a certain service level
• Verification: The live over-the-air tests for the first part of the final demo took
place at the Port of Valencia. From Figure 57, Figure 58 and Figure 59, we
can see that all the data were sending to SES Cloud without any loss and
based on the established frequency for the IoT devices to send updates.
Battery life
• Description: The battery powered IoT UE should be able to operate for the
entire lifetime of the tracked container (>12 years) without large capacity
battery packs and without being replaced during this period of time.
Measured in years.
• Verification: The lifetime of the IoT devices deployed in the iNGENIOUS
container is 5 years with a reporting frequency of 1 message per day.
Furthermore, the battery life of the IoT devices could be observed in realtime in the Grafana dashboards of the SES Cloud servers as shown in Figure
• Description: Satellite coverage will be provided to enable ubiquitous
coverage of the shipping iNGENIOUS
• Verification: The data measured by the IoT devices were sent to the SES
Cloud through satellite connectivity where the used space segment was the
ASTRA 2F GEO satellite. Table 19 presents the details of the provided OU)
satellite capacity for the preparation and execution of the live over-the-air
demo, such as booking confirmation ID, start and end dates, used satellite
and frequency band, bandwidth and satellite hub.
Typical message size
• Description: The typical size of the information sent by the IoT devices should
be 200 bytes.
• Verification: The values for the average and maximum message sizes are
extracted from the syslog for the lora_pkt_fwd service, which is the
concentrator service for the LoRa module, attached to the Smart IoT
Gateway. This log contains entries for all received LoRa transmissions
(including join requests and response), as seen in the screenshots below,
providing of the message in bytes. Using the calculations shown in
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calculation.png, the average and maximum message sizes could be
Maximum message size
• Description: The size of the data payload containing the status information
related to a container can be up to 2500 Bytes.
• Verification: Same explanation as for the typical message size.
Typical frequency (messages per day)
• Description: Depending on the service level required by the owner of the
container and the supply chain associated, the IoT devices installed in the
iNGENIOUS container send regular status update.
• Verification: From Figure 53 and Figure 54, we can see that the IoT devices
were sending messages once per day during the trip from Valencia to
Piraeus and vice versa. While, from Figure 57 and Figure 58 we can see that
this frequency was set up to every 5 minutes for the live over-the-air final
demo at the Port of Valencia.
Connectivity of heterogeneous IoT devices
• Description: The Smart IoT GW is responsible for the appropriate routing and
sorting of sensor data, coming from one or more sensor networks. Sensors
can send messages to the Smart IoT GW either wirelessly (with technologies
such as Wi-Fi, LoRa, Bluetooth), or directly connected to the device (via
ethernet, I2C or SPI).
• Verification: The Smart IoT GW was developed to support LoRa and Wi-Fi
protocols but during the live over-the-air demonstrations only LoRa
communication with the IoT devices was tested. Figure 53, Figure 54, Figure
55, Figure 56, Figure 57, Figure 58 and Figure 59 present the capability of the
Smart IoT GW to receive and process the data, sent from the IoT devices.
• Description: The end-to-end latency which represents the maximum
tolerable elapsed time from the instant a data packet is generated at the
source application to the instant it is received by the destination application
should be less than ≤ 1s.
• Verification: Figure 62 and Table 21 and depict that the end-to-end latency is
in the range of 600 ms.
• Description: Mobility is defined as the maximum vehicle speed at which IoT
connectivity is guaranteed by providing a suitable QoS.
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• Verification: As the sensor was configured to send the data once every hour,
checking this KPI during the demo was not applicable. As all the data was
received in each report sent by the sensor, the actual values assigned to this
KPI were the maximum speed achievable by each of these transport means.
Positioning accuracy
• Description: Degree of correctness provided by the real-time IoT positioning
sensors when tracking the iNGENIOUS container on the ship or the truck.
• Verification: Figure 56 shows the measured GPS points with an approximate
accuracy of around 50m, being distributed in a radius of roughly 25m around
the actual location of the IoT devices.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Annex VI: DLT’s UC - Supply Chain Ecosystem
For each section of the D6.3 [15], additional technical details are reported in
relation to the DVL/DLT UC.
Objective and Description
The main aim of the demonstration for this use case is to show that all data
flows (from the data sources to the end users) are properly implemented and
are processed as expected. More in detail, the demonstration covers the
following aspects:
• For all defined scenarios, the DVL is able to retrieve and aggregate raw data
from all available machine-to-machine platforms (namely OneM2M, Eclipse
OM2M, Symphony and PISystem) as well as external data sources (namely
Port Community System in Livorno).
• The DVL implements a set of remote procedures (exposed by means of
RESful APIs) for GateIn, GateOut, VesselArrival, VesselDeparture and
sealRemoved maritime events as well as for data defined in Scenario 3 and
Scenario 4 to be used by TrustOS and external applications respectively
(namely Awake.AI platform and a Web Application for trucks’ real-time
• The TrustOS component is able to interact with DVL by means of a RESTful
interface and to correctly retrieve the data of the maritime events as per
above. A DigitalAsset (a digital representation of the data) is created for each
of the supported maritime events and stored as a TrustPoint accordingly.
• The TrustOS component communicates with four different DLTs (namely
Bitcoin, Ethereum, IOTA and Hyperledger Fabric) by means of a common
API, and it makes sure that a given DigitalAsset (as well as the relative
TrustPoint) is written among the ledgers of the DLTs as a proof of evidence
for the stored data. A GUI is able then to visualize the main information
related to a DigitalAsset (e.g., TrustPoint, ownership and metadata) stored on
a given DLT as well as on TrustOS so that the end user can double check the
content accordingly.
• Pseudonymization Function is able to detect the truck plate number (for
GateIn and GateOut events in Scenario 4), pseudonymize it and make it
available to DVL by means of a RESTful interface. The DVL exposes such data
by means of a remote procedure and an external application (namely
Awake.AI platform) can consume pseudonymized data accordingly.
The access to DVL is performed according to a role-based policies for all data
consumers (CRUD operations). According to the defined scenarios, data
consumers are represented by the following entities: TrustOS,
Pseudonymization Module, Awake.AI platform and the Web Application for
trucks’ monitoring.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
In this scenario, the DVL is responsible for providing GateIn, GateOut,
VesselArrival and VesselDeparture events for both seaports. In this case,
TrustOS, which is part of the Cross-DLT layer, plays the role of data consumer of
such events. Each event is defined by a given set of attributes according to a
common data model from Tradelens platform [16]. DVL retrieves from the
underlying and available data sources by aggregating available data sets. The
structure of these events is described in deliverable D6.2 [2], along with further
details. GateIn, GateOut, VesselArrival and VesselDeparture events for the Port
of Livorno are obtained by aggregating data from the Port Community System
(TPCS), whereas for the Port of Valencia, only GateIn and GateOut events are
considered and retrieved from the PISystem OSIsoft M2M platform. In both
cases, DVL implements two different connectors/wrappers to interact with
both the PCS and the underlying M2M platform. RESTful interfaces are then
exposed so that TrustOS can consume such events by associating a TrustPoint
and store it across available DLTs. The overall architecture for this scenario is
depicted in Figure 110 and further technical details can be found in D6.2 [2] and
in D5.3 [17]:
Figure 110:
Scenario 1 architecture for the demonstration of the use case.
This scenario is linked to the Ship UC where the Port of Valencia is involved. The
DVL is responsible here for interacting with Eclipse OM2M platform in order to
retrieve data coming from smart sensors installed on the transported
container. In this case the main aim is to detect when the doors of the packed
container are opened by removing the smart seal from the iNGENIOUS
container. This information is retrieved from the M2M platform by means of a
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
RESTful connector/wrapper, processed by the DVL, and exposed to TrustOS
through a consumable RESTful API. As in the Scenario 1, TrustOS can use such
an API to retrieve the event, create a TrustPoint, and distribute it across all DLTs
for secure storage. The overall architecture for this scenario is depicted in Figure
111: and further technical details can be found in D6.2 [2] and in deliverable D5.3
Figure 111:
Scenario 2 architecture for the demonstration of the use case.
This scenario is linked to Port Entrance use case where both Port of Valencia
and Port of Livorno are involved. The DVL is responsible for interacting with the
Symphony M2M platform in order to retrieve GPS data coming from tracking
devices installed on trucks in the Livorno seaport. The device sends data to the
M2M platform for storage. This information is then retrieved by the DVL
through a RESTful connector/wrapper which allows to directly interact with the
platform. Finally, a dashboard-based application consumes the tracking data
by invoking a RESTful API at DVL level. The data are then visualized through a
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
dashboard in real time. The overall architecture for this scenario is depicted in
Figure 112 and further technical details can be found in D6.2 [2]and D5.3 [17]:
Figure 112:
Scenario 3 architecture for the demonstration of the use case.
This scenario is also related to Port Entrance use case implemented in both Port
of Valencia and Port of Livorno. Two different components are involved: Mobius
OneM2M platform and a Pseudonymization Module. The M2M platform is
responsible for collecting meteorological data in Livorno seaport. DVL
implements a RESTful connector/wrapper to interact with this platform,
extracts the available data set, and exposes it by means of a RESTful API so that
an AI-based platform can consume and correlate it with truck-turnaround
times in the Livorno seaport. Moreover, a Pseudonymization Module
component is used to process GateIn and GateOut events in order to identify
personal data and pseudonymize it accordingly (trucks’ plate number). The
module retrieves the GateIn and GateOut events from the Port of Livorno by
using existing RESTful APIs (available from Scenario 1), detects all the attributes
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
which may be potentially sensitive (in our case the truck plate number),
pseudonymizes the attribute according to available pseudonymization
techniques (e.g., hash without key), and stores it within a conversion database.
The DVL is able then to expose a RESTful API to allow an AI-based platform to
consume pseudonymized data sets for training of predictive AI/ML models. The
overall architecture for this scenario is depicted in Figure 113 and further
technical details can be found in D6.2 [2] and D5.3 [17]:
Figure 113:
Scenario 4 architecture for the demonstration of the use case.
Setup and Execution
Technical specifications of the hosting environment and the used APIs in this
scenario are provided in D6.2 [2] and D5.3 [17]:
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 114:
Figure 115:
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
sequence diagram for the demonstration of the Scenario 1.
DigitalAsset for the VesselArrival event in Livorno seaport.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 116:
DigitalAsset for the VesselDeparture event in Livorno seaport.
Figure 117:
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
DigitalAsset for the GateIn event in Livorno seaport.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 118:
Figure 119:
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
DigitalAsset for the GateOut event in Livorno seaport.
Trustpoint of the VesselArrival event in Livorno seaport.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 120:
Trustpoint of the VesselDeparture event in Livorno seaport.
Figure 121:
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Trustpoint of the GateIn event in Livorno seaport.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 122:
Trustpoint of the GateOut event in Livorno seaport.
Technical specifications of the hosting environment and the used APIs for this
scenario are provided in deliverable D6.2 [2] and [17]:
Figure 123:
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Sequence diagram for the demonstration of the Scenario 2.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Port of Valencia
ZIMU13 12 2
SENSOR_DATA/signal_state/... /ct
CSP Iberian Valencia Terminal
SENSOR_DATA/GPS/... /con/latitude
SENSOR_DATA/GPS/... /con/longitude
CONTAINER_INFO/... /con/dev_eui
SENSOR_DATA/signal_state/... /con/signal_state
eventOccurrenceTime86 1
Table 131.
Figure 124:
sealRemoved event data model.
sealRemoved event data at DVL level.
Technical specifications of the hosting environment and APIs for this scenario
are provided in deliverable D6.2 [2] and D5.3 [17]:
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 125:
Sequence diagram for the demonstration of the Scenario 3.
Figure 126:
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
IoT Tracking Sensor message format.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 127:
Figure 128:
IoT Tracking Sensor GPS message.
GPS data coming from the Symphony M2M Platform and aggregated at DVL level.
Technical specifications of the hosting environment and APIs of this scenario
are provided in deliverable D6.2 [2] and D5.3 [17]:
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Figure 129:
Figure 130:
Sequence diagram for the demonstration of the Scenario 4.
The main interactions between the DVL and Pseudonymized Module.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Validation and Results
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Interaction between OneM2M platform and Data Virtualization
Layer. The test should demonstrate the interaction is working
properly according to defined system requirements.
UC6_SR_01, UC6_SR_02
Correct meteorological data retrieval from OneM2M platform.
Correct data processing and its availability at DVL layer.
The implemented RESTful interface in DVL allows to retrieve
meteorological data from two meteorological stations deployed in
Livorno seaport when invoked by Awake.AI platform.
Table 132.
UC6_TC_01 verification.
UC6_TC_01: This test case is intended to verify the integration between the DVL
and OneM2M machine-to-machine platform. A RESTful interface was
developed at DVL allowing data retrieval from the underlying OneM2M
platform. The interface was tested by using Postman as a testing tool in order
to verify that the HTTP request is correctly executed. The HTTP response was
then benchmarked against the expected one, with a positive result:
meteorological data was in line with the defined data model (Scenario 4). The
RESTful interface and the implemented translator between the DVL and
OneM2M platform behave as expected.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Interaction between OM2M platform and Data Virtualization Layer.
The test should demonstrate the interaction is working properly
according to defined system requirements.
UC6_SR_01, UC6_SR_02
Correct sensor data retrieval from OM2M platform. Correct data
processing and its availability at DVL layer.
The implemented RESTful interface in DVL allows to retrieve
sealRemoved event when remotely invoked by TrustOS.
Table 133.
UC6_TC_02 verification.
UC6_TC_02: This test case is intended to verify the integration between the DVL
and Eclipse OM2M machine-to-machine platform. A RESTful interface was
developed at DVL allowing data retrieval from the underlying OM2M platform.
The interface was tested by using Postman as a testing tool in order to verify
that the HTTP request is correctly executed. The HTTP response was then
benchmarked against the expected one, with a positive result: sealRemoved
data was in line with the defined data model (Scenario 2). The RESTful interface
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
and the implemented translator between the DVL and Eclipse OM2M platform
behave as expected.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Interaction between PISystem platform and Data Virtualization
Layer. The test should demonstrate the interaction is working
properly according to defined system requirements.
UC6_SR_01, UC6_SR_02
Correct GateIn/GateOutt data retrieval from PISystem platform.
Correct data processing and its availability at DVL layer.
The implemented RESTful interface in DVL allows to retrieve GateIn
and GateOut events when invoked by TrustOS.
Table 134.
UC6_TC_03 verification.
UC6_TC_03: This test case is intended to verify the integration between the DVL
and PISystem machine-to-machine platform. A RESTful interface was
developed at DVL allowing data retrieval from the underlying PISystem
platform. The interface was tested by using Postman as a testing tool in order
to verify that the HTTP request is correctly executed. The HTTP response was
then benchmarked against the expected one, with a positive result: GateIn and
GateOut data was in line with the defined data model (Scenario 1). The RESTful
interface and the implemented translator between the DVL and PISystem
platform behave as expected.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Interaction between DVL, Integration Bridge, TrustOS and the set of
DLT providers. The test should demonstrate the interaction is
working properly according to defined system requirements.
UC6_SR_05, UC6_SR_08,
UC6_SR_13, UC6_SR_15
Correct storing of the data on the different DLTs.
Correct display of event information and TrustPoints generated for
each of the DLT providers.
Table 135.
UC6_TC_04 verification.
UC6_TC_04: This test case is intended to verify that the interaction between the
DVL, Integration Bridge, TrustOS and DLTs works as expected according to the
defined system requirements. The test consisted in the following steps: i) the
Integration Bridge was able to retrieve the maritime events’ data from the DVL
by using the available set of APIs, ii) the Integration Bridge was able to send
HTTP request to TrustOS for events storage as well as for the creation of the
corresponding set of Digital Assets, ii) TrustOS was able to create the
corresponding truspoints and to store them in all available DLTs (Bitcoin, IOTA,
Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric) by using the common API, iii) the
Integration Bridge was able to detect the availability of new events from the
DVL with a polling mechanism sending a request to TrustOS to update the
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corresponding Digital Asset which was correctly updated, iv) the availability of
all stored trustpoints in DLTs was checked by using a GUI integrated with
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Mapping of the access roles for Data Virtualization Layer consumers
(e.g: TrustOS, Awake.AI and PF module): RBAC – Role-Based Access
The considered Data Virtualization Layer consumer has the
permission to perform only assigned operations (CRUD basic
All available maritime events are retrieved through the exposed
RESTful interfaces at DVL by the following data consumers: TrustOS,
PF module and Awake.AI. For all of them only reading operations are
Table 136.
UC6_TC_05 verification.
UC6_TC_05: This test case is intended to verify that data consumers which
interact with DVL have defined access rules properly set. First, a proper rule
(according to CRUD – Create, Read, Update and Delete) is defined in the
corresponding Virtual Database file (.xml), implemented in DVL. A given data
consumer is then identified in a form of resource path within the Virtual
database (e.g., TrustOS, PF module, Tracking Application, etc.). For the
considered consumer, only READ permissions are assigned. To test the correct
behaviour of the rule, a dummy schema was created, and a testing application
acted as a consumer in order to verify assigned roles were properly working.
This included two different scenarios: i) the data consumer attempts to invoke
a specific operation he is not authorized for and ii) the data consumer attempts
to invoke a specific operation he is authorized for, according to the defined
virtual schema. The test result was positive: in the first scenario, the data
consumer was not able to perform the HTTP request with Update SQL
statement, while in the second case the requested information was correctly
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Supply Chain Ecosystem Integration
All personal data received by Data Virtualization Layer has to be
pseudonymized so that, when stored, it is never in cleartext format.
Incoming personal data
Non-functional test
The test is expected to be executed in a laboratory environment
(Joint Lab staging farm).
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Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Test Steps
Expected result
Actual result
GateIn and GateOut data coming from the Tuscan Port Community
System (TPCS) used in Livorno seaport.
Personal data is pseudonymized (pseudonym).
GateIn and GateOut data
UC6_SR_14, UC6_SR_15, UC6_SR_16, UC6_SR_19
Confidentiality and integrity protection of personal data, Logs of
privacy events.
Pseudonymization function is fed by sensor data;
Personal data are pseudonymized (pseudonym production) and a
retention period is associated to it;
No risks foreseen
No personal data in cleartext format;
In case a conversion table is needed for the selected
pseudonymization function, it is stored in encrypted repository.
GateIn and GateOut events are available at DVL level with the field
“truck plate number” pseudonymized.
Table 137.
UC6_TC_06 verification.
UC6_TC_06: This test case was intended to verify that personal data of the
GateIn/GateOut events handled by DVL is processed by the pseudonymization
function module so that it is not available in clear-text format within the DVL.
HistoricalGateOutEvent. Through such RESTful interfaces, the PF module
fetches the events from the DVL, and then, based on the pseudonymization
technique used (for the test, Hashing-With-Key), generates pseudonyms
associated with the personal data, storing all of them in an encrypted internal
database. As for clarification, the only personal data handled by DVL is the
vehicleId field (namely the truck plate number) of the GateIn/GateOut events
(in Livorno seaport). The test case was successfully verified.
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Supply Chain Ecosystem Integration
DVL (authorized entity) can fetch data, in pseudonymized format,
from PF module
Events exists in PF module
Non-functional test
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Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Test Steps
Expected result
Actual result
The test is executed in a laboratory environment (Joint Lab staging
A request on dedicated interface, FetchGateEvents, with the
following data: {startdate, enddate, gate}
Events in the time frame requested are returned with personal data
in pseudonymized format
Pseudonym stored in encrypted DB into PF module
UC6_SR_14, UC6_SR_17
Confidentiality and integrity protection of personal data, Logs of
privacy events.
The DVL asks for events in a specified time frame;
The Pseudonymization Function (PF) retrieve data events, including
personal data in pseudonym format and returns them to DVL.
Note: only DVL (pseudonymization entity) has the rights to fetch
data from PF module.
No risks foreseen
Only authorized partners can access personal data in cleartext
GateIn and GateOut events are available at DVL level with the field
“truck plate number” pseudonymized.
Table 138.
UC6_TC_07 verification.
UC6_TC_07: This test case aims to verify that personal datasets are not provided
in clear-text format to external applications that access the DVL. In particular, it
has been verified that when an application requests the GateIn/GateOut events
to the DVL through the FetchGateEvents interface, the DVL requests such
events in pseudonymized format to the PF module via the FetchGateEvents
RESTful interface. The events are properly returned with the vehicleId field
(namely the truck plate number) in encrypted format by using a pseudonym.
The FetchGateEvents interface exposed to the DVL is password protected, so
that only the pseudonymization entity (the DVL) can use it. The test case was
successfully verified.
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
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Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Personal Data cannot be stored forever, when retention period
expires personal data has to be cancelled.
Events exists in PF module with date out of retention period
Non-functional test
Test executed on staging environment with local instance of
Pseudonymization Function module running in a dedicated Virtual
All the personal data out of retention period is canceled.
Personal data and pseudonyms in Conversion Table
Confidentiality and integrity protection of personal data, Logs of
privacy events.
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Test Steps
Expected result
Actual result
Every night a process in n Pseudonymization Function module
checks if personal data with expired retention period exist. In that
case it personal data in conversion table.
No risks foreseen
No personal data with expired retention period stored in the
Interoperable Layer.
Personal data with expired retention period are not available.
Table 139.
UC6_TC_08 verification.
UC6_TC_08: The PF module introduces an auditor function that once per day
checks personal data stored in encrypted DB. If the timestamp of the stored
data is older than the retention period (default value set to 5 years) the personal
data is removed. To test this functionality, the retention period was set to 1 day
via the configTemplate API to force the auditor function to delete data. The test
case was successfully verified.
Test Case Id
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Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Supply Chain Ecosystem Integration
Data Owner can request to the platform to cancel own personal
Events exists in PF module
Non-functional test
Test executed on staging environment with local instance of
Pseudonymization Function module running in a dedicated Virtual
All personal data will be canceled after Data Owner requests for
Personal data in Conversion Table, if any
Confidentiality and integrity protection of personal data, Logs of
privacy events.
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Test Steps
Expected result
Actual result
A Data Owner submits a right-to-be-forgotten request, this is
simulated sending a request to “deleteData” API to PF module:
The request is processed by pseudonymization function removing
personal data from conversion table.
No risks foreseen
Personal data involved in the deleteData request is canceled from
PF module.
Personal data are removed from the conversion table.
Table 140.
UC6_TC_09 verification.
UC6_TC_09: To enable the “right to be forgotten” functionality, the PF module
implements the deleteData interface. Through this interface, the DVL
(pseudonymization entity) can ask the PF module to remove specific personal
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
dataset. The test execution verified that after the deletion of the personal data
via deleteData interface, it was not more available in the encrypted DB. The test
case was successfully verified.
Test Case Id
Test case description
System requirements
Expected result
Actual result
Views and query results caching capability in case underlying data
does not change frequently.
Query results are properly cached and properly retrieved by a test
The query results of the SQL statement are retrieved from the cache
when the same RESTful interface is invoked more than one time (for
GateIn, GateOut, VesselArrival and VesselDeparture events in Livorno
Table 141.
UC6_TC_10 verification.
UC6_TC_10: This test case is intended to verify the DVL’s caching capability of
the query’s results in case the data included within the response from the APIs
does not change frequently. In order to retrieve and aggregate data at DVL
level, a specific query was implemented and included in a virtual database
configuration file (.xml). A test application was used to perform the query and
the query results were cached according to the virtual database configuration
file. A test application performed the same query again and the main results
were taken from the cache as expected, instead of being retrieved from the
underlying data source.
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Supply Chain Ecosystem Integration
Interaction between TPCS and Data Virtualization Layer. The test
should demonstrate the interaction is working properly according to
defined system requirements.
TPCS and DVL instances properly configured in a staging
Non-Functional testing (integration test).
Test Environment
The test is expected to be executed in a laboratory environment
(Joint Lab staging farm).
Input to the system
GateIn, gateOut, VesselArrival and VesselDeparture data from TPCS.
Output of the system
Data involved in the
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Virtual view of extracted data at DVL level.
GateIn, gateOut, VesselArrival and VesselDeparture data from TPCS.
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System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Test Steps
Expected result
Actual result
UC6_SR_01, UC6_SR_02
Data Virtualization Layer Scalability
1. By using a tool for APIs’ testing (e.g. Postman), HTTP request is sent
to DVL (note that at this stage the translator for the communication
with TPCS is implemented and unit tests have been performed
2. The result of the HTTP request is visualized and checked in order
to make sure that the expected data are properly formatted (GateIn,
GateOut, VesselArrival and VesselDeparture data in Livorno seaport).
No risks are foreseen.
Correct data retrieval from TPCS. Correct data processing and its
availability at DVL layer.
The GateIn, GateOut, VesselArrival and VesselDeparture events are
properly retrieved and visualized according to the adopted data
Table 142.
UC6_TC_11 verification.
UC6_TC_11: This test case is intended to verify the integration between the DVL
and the TPCS (Tuscan Port Monitoring system) platform. A RESTful interface
was developed at DVL allowing data retrieval from the underlying TPCS
platform. The interface was tested by using Postman as a testing tool in order
to verify that the HTTP request is correctly executed. The HTTP response was
then benchmarked against the expected one, with a positive result: GateIn,
GateOut, VesselArrival and VesselDeparture data was in line with the defined
data model (Scenario 1). The RESTful interface and the implemented translator
between the DVL and TPCS platform behave as expected.
Test Case Id
Responsible Partner
Use Case
Test case description
Type of test
Reference standards
Test Environment
© 2020-2023 iNGENIOUS
Supply Chain Ecosystem Integration
Integration between Symphony M2M Platform and Data
Virtualization Layer. The test should demonstrate the interaction is
working properly according to defined system requirements.
Symphony M2M Platform and DVL instances properly configured in
a staging environment.
Non-Functional testing (integration test).
The test is expected to be executed in a laboratory environment
(Joint Lab staging farm).
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Input to the system
Output of the system
Data involved in the
System requirements
Related KPIs
Are UC’s users
involved in the test?
Who will perform the
Test Steps
Expected result
Actual result
Trucks’ tracking data from Symphony M2M Platform.
Virtual view of extracted data at DVL level.
Trucks’ GPS coordinates.
Data Virtualization Layer Scalability
1. By using a tool for APIs’ testing (e.g. Postman), HTTP request is sent
to DVL (note that at this stage the translator for the communication
with Symphony M2M Platform is implemented and unit tests have
been performed correctly).
2. The result of the HTTP request is visualized and checked in order
to make sure that the expected data are properly formatted.
3. A web application consumes data through a RESTful interface
implemented at DVL level and visualize them correctly.
No risks are foreseen.
Correct data retrieval from Symphony M2M Platform. Correct data
processing and its availability at DVL layer. Correct data visualization
by means of a web based application.
Data are correctly visualized through a GUI and the truck’s path is
displayed in a map.
Table 143.
UC6_TC_12 verification.
UC6_TC_12: This test case is intended to verify the integration between the DVL
and the Symphony machine-to-machine platform. A RESTful interface was
developed at DVL allowing data retrieval from the underlying Symphony
platform. The interface was tested by using Postman as a testing tool in order
to verify that the HTTP request is correctly executed. The HTTP response was
then benchmarked against the expected one, with a positive result:
geolocation data from the IoT tracking device was in line with the defined data
model (Scenario 3). The RESTful interface and the implemented translator
between the DVL and Symphony platform behave as expected.
Data Virtualization Layer scalability: The total number of simultaneous M2M
platforms used during the demonstration was four. Although the Data
Virtualization Layer can suffer from scalability constraints (e.g. use cases based
on data trending/historical analysis), the proposed solution utilizes a cachingbased mechanism to compensate for this issue.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Data Virtualization Layer data processing: Overall latency to retrieve the
maritime events from DVL was measured as a sum between network latency
and the time required for the execution of the specific SQL statement (1400ms
as an average value over five consecutive tests). Real-time data integration
requirement was achieved.
Data Virtualization Layer access control: Data roles, also called entitlements,
are sets of permissions that are defined per VDB that dictate data access
(create, read, update and delete). In the scope of the iNGENIOUS project, for
each exposed API the specific role has been assigned according to the
expected operations to be performed by the applications running on top of
DVL. Once the application is authenticated at DVL (e.g., TrustOS, PF module,
smart applications for trucks’ localization and predictive models), the
“ReadOnly” role is assigned accordingly so that any unauthorized operation
over the underlying data sources is prevented (e.g., create, update or delete).
Therefore, the data access at DVL level is role-based.
Cross-DLT layer access control: A general identity has been generated in
TrustOS to authorise all requests for registration of event information coming
to the platform. It was decided to do so for simplicity, but for future versions an
identity could be generated for each of the identified entities that need to log
information both in TrustOS and in the different DLT providers and thus provide
granularity of roles.
Cross-DLT layer scalability: TrustOS currently has integration with different
DLT providers (Ethereum, Göerli, Besu, Polygon and Mumbai). In addition,
integration with Bitcoin, IOTA, Hyperledger Fabric has been included for the
iNGENIOS project. Currently it is possible to register information (TrustPoints)
of the different events coming from the DVL simultaneously in all these DLTs.
Availability of the DLT connectivity layer: TrustOS is running within an
environment supported by Telefonica based on 8x5 schedule (8 hours per day,
from Monday to Friday).
Data processing time in DLTs: The type of request that offers the highest
latency are write requests, specifically, in this case, these requests are related to
the creation of TrustPoints based on event information. Depending on the DLT
provider selected, this request will have a variable latency because it is
necessary to wait for the confirmation of the block in which the transaction is
added. Since the block generation time of the DLT providers used is different, it
has been established that the response to the request is always generated as
soon as the transaction identifier is available. This never exceeds a maximum of
15 seconds.
Cross-DLT concurrent requests: Currently, it is possible to launch a number of
8 concurrent requests for the creation of a TrustPoint (one for each of the DLT
providers). This is achieved through replication, high availability and load
balancing of the TrustOS instance.
Confidentiality and integrity protection of personal data: Personal data are
stored in the Pseudonymization Function (PF). The PF module uses password
protected RESTful API, which means that only authorized user (the DVL, acting
as pseudonymization entity) can have access to the data. PF uses a table for
conversion and this table is encrypted.
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iNGENIOUS | D6.3: Final Evaluation and Validation (V 1.0)
Logs of privacy events: The personal data is handled by DVL through
Pseudonymization Function module. This module aims to obfuscate the data
substituting the sensible info with pseudonyms. During this process the
microservices involved (of Teiid and PF modules) produce logs information for
debugging purposes. This KPI want to measure, in percentage, how many logs
avoid including sensible information (the personal data). To cover all the SW a
static analysis on code has been performed on last SW revision, checking that
personal data is never included in log in cleartext format, so this KPI reach the
target (100%).
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