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2023, Studien zur Archäologie in Ostmitteleuropa/Studia nad Pradziejami Europy Środkowej
10 pages
1 file
The Middle Bronze Age, associated primarily with the so-called Tumulus culture, represents one of the least understood periods of Poland’s prehistory. Knowledge of the communities of the second half of the second millennium BC is based primarily on the results of archival studies of funerary objects - barrows. The progressive development of remote sensing, including LiDAR technology within archaeology became an impetus a few years ago to start research dedicated to the recording of Bronze Age barrows in the area of the Krotoszyn Forest (southwestern Wielkopolska). Over time, the scope of this research was expanded and the results are presented to the reader in the next volume in the SAO/SPEŚ series. This book is the culmination of several years of work by Polish and German archaeologists focused on Middle Bronze Age research. The area of their research became the region of southwestern Wielkopolska. In this part of Poland, due to the large amount of forests that survived the dynamic development of agrotechnology from the end of the 19th century, there are still a relatively large number of archaeological sites with their own landscape form preserved. The vast majority of them are barrows that are relics of the Middle Bronze Age cultural landscape. The book presented to the reader includes the results of rescue and non-invasive research, as well as the compilation of archival materials at the disposal of individual museums. The compiled information made it possible to determine the state of current knowledge about the Middle Bronze Age in the region of southwestern Wielkopolska, and was confronted with information from neighboring regions of Central Europe. The excavations and research that led to this publication were carried out by the National Science Center of Poland - (NSC - project no. 2012/05/B/HS3/03714 and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation – project number 2901391021–SFB 1266 and under Germany´s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2150 ROOTS - 390870439).
The site of Szczepankowice, situated 24 kilometres southwest of Wrocław is considered to be one of the most important for studies of the Early Bronze Age in Central Europe. In this paper we present a new assessment of the archaeological potential of the Szczepankowice (sites 1–4) and the surrounding area, based on research including metal detecting, field walking, excavations and geophysical prospection undertaken in 2012. The purpose of the evaluation was to determine the presence or absence, extent, condition, character, quality and date of archaeological deposits within the area. Earlier discoveries including large quantities of boulders still found on the surface, potentially indicated presence of funerary monuments such as barrows at Szczepankowice.
in: Jaeger M., Kneisel J., Czebreszuk J. (eds) Revisiting the Middle Bronze Age Barrows in South-Western Poland (SAO/SPEŚ series, Bonn), 2023
Recherches Archéologiques NS 1, 2009
Iaie Pan Sygn P 244, 1984
Excavations were resumed of an upper Palaeolithic loess site at Piekary (1), Kraków province (W. Morawski, Zakład Archeologii Małopolski IHKM PAN, Kraków). The NE limit of a large concentration of artifacts of workshop character was determined. The assemblage has been assigned to the Laugeric-Lascaux Interstadial.
Analacta Archaeologica Ressoviensia, 2017
In the autumn of 2016 a geomagnetic survey was conducted in Skołoszów, site. 7, Dist Jarosław. The magnetic prospection took place on a low hill spanning 2.12 ha in total. Distribution of the anomalies, as visible on a map depicting obtained data, reflects numerous structures related to human activity in the area during the prehistory and historic times. Among them are two features interpreted as residues of funerary rituals taking place at the site. One of them pertains to Middle Neolithic earthen long barrow, whereas the second by its shape resembles Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age tumuli. Apart from the latter, one can discern numerous anomalies potentially related to pits and ditches. Interpretation of the geophysical imagery was based upon the results of excavations conducted in 2010 in the nearby section of Skołoszów, site 7. In the process, funeral structures in the types of earthen long barrow and a presumable tumulus were recorded. Thus, it is possible to confront observations inferred from the results of non-invasive, magnetometric survey, with data obtained by means of more direct exploratory methods. Besides the prehistoric record, our investigation resulted in reconstruction of the trenches most probably dating to the First World War.
Wroniecki P., Sikora J., Brejcha R. 2017. Knowing Without Digging? Non-invasive Research of the Krzczonów Earthwork and its Surroundings. Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia 12, 177–198The topic of this paper is a non-invasive research case study of a protected monument mound in Krzczonów, Świętokrzyskie voivodeship in Lesser Poland. It explores the possibilities of non-invasive methodological approaches in the recognition of archaeological sources by asking whether it is possible to procure relevant information without conducting excavations. A new interpretation of the mound’s function and chronology is based on data derived from multi-method field surveys including remote sensing (satellite imagery, UAV, light aircraft, ALS), geophysical (magnetic gradiometry, earth resistance), total station measurements and analytical field walking prospection along with comparison of archival field-walking data. We would like to hypothesize that, contrary to the protected monument list, the Krzczonów earthwork is not a prehistoric feature but could be related to the end of 14 th up to the beginning of the 16th century. In this case it could be understood as a remnant of a motte-type castle.
An increasingly important role in the study of prehistoric ultural landscapes is played nowadays by various methods of non-invasive archaeological prospection, such as aerial photography, remote sensing, airborne laser scanning and terrestrial geophysical surveying. In Polish archaeology, which has pioneered in many aspects the use of aerial photography and geophysical methods, investigations of this kind have a long history and can boast many successful applications, but the intensity of their use continues to be uneven. In the case of the region of Silesia (southwestern Poland), non-invasive prospection has been sporadic and hardly regular. However, recent projects have yielded data that will most likely increase the number of known Neolithic and Early Bronze Age sites in Silesia, especially ditch enclosures and other monuments. The implementation of modern archaeological prospection methods has often contributed to a better understanding of already recorded sites and has been beneficial not only in furthering knowledge about the past, but also in protecting the archaeological heritage.
Iaie Pan Sygn P 244, 1979
The Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Large scale rescue excavations conducted for five years at Brzoskwinia-Krzemionki (19), Kraków province (K. Sobczyk, B. Ginter, Muzeum Archeologiczne and Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków) have led to the discovery of further flint workshops associated with the late palaeolithic Magdalenian techno-complex. At Sromowce Niżne (21), Nowy Sącz province (J. Rydlewski, P. Valde-Nowak, Komisja Archeologiczna Oddziału PAN, Kraków) excavations were continued of a late palaeolithic camp site associated with assemblages containing curved backed bladelets and end-scrapers of the Tarnowa type. The character of relics indicates the presence of a workshop whose activity was based on the use of radiolarite for the production of tools. Late palaeolithic sites were moreover discovered and explored at Lipnica Wielka (22),
Iaie Pan Sygn P 244, 1983
The Palaeolithic and the Mesolithic The excavations at Łykowe (9), Sieradz province, site 1 (M. Cyrek and K. Cyrek, Muzeum Archeologiczne i Etnograficzne, Łódź), operied in 1978, were continued. Exploration of a flint workshop, related to a camp, was concluded, revealing several thousand flint artifacts with a late Palaeolithic character. The second season of excavations at Płonka-Strumianka (6), Białystok province (E. Gieysztor-Szymczak, Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne, Warszawa) produced a further 6 thousand flint artifacts representing the late Palaeolithic industry of the Masovian cycle with local characteristics. In the fifth season at the site of Januszkowo Kujawskie (5), Bydgoszcz province (A. Prinke, Muzeum Archeologiczne, Poznań) the exploration of an extensive concentration of flint artifatcs was concluded. The early Neolithic date of the complex and its association with the Komornica culture were confirmed.
у: Урош Шуваковић (ур.), Културно наслеђе Косова и Метохије – историјске тековине Србије на Косову и Метохији и изазови будућности, Канцеларија за Косово и Метохију Владе Републике Србије / Универзитет у Приштини / Филозофски факултет у Приштини, Београд, , 2013
Novos Estudos - CEBRAP, 2015
Közigazgatási Eljárási Jogi Közlemények, 2024
XXII Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC 2020, El Calafate, Santa Cruz), 2020
Perfiles Educativos, 2015
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Analele Universitatii "Ovidius" Constanta - Seria Chimie, 2013
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2000
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Chemischer Informationsdienst, 1982
Computer Graphics Forum, 1999