Visualization of Agents and Their Interaction
within Dynamic Environments
Elena García1, Virginia Gallego1, Sara Rodríguez1, Carolina Zato1,
and Javier Bajo2
Computer and Automation Department, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Computer Department, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
[email protected]
Abstract. Many new technical systems are distributed systems that involve complex interaction between humans and machines, which notably reduces their usability. The properties of Agent Based Simulation make it especially suitable for
simulating this kind of system. However, it is necessary to define new middleware
solutions that allow the connection of simulation and visualization software. This
paper describes the results achieved from a multiagent-based middleware for the
behavior simulation and visualization of agents. The middleware modules presented in this study allow a complete integration of technologies for the development of Multiagent Systems and Agent Based Simulation, the construction of
virtual organizations of agents, and the connection to external modules that
represent the entities of the agents.
Keywords: Multi-agent systems, Simulation, Visualization, Virtual Organizations.
1 Introduction
Agents and Multiagent Systems (MAS) are adequate for developing applications
in dynamic, flexible environments. Autonomy, learning and reasoning are especially important aspects for an agent. The development of open MAS, and of Virtual Organizations (VO) [17][18][23][6] in particular, is still a recent field of the
multiagent system paradigm, and its development will allow the application of
agent technology in new and more complex application domains. The contribution
from agent based computing to the field of computer simulation mediated by ABS
(Agent Based Simulation) provides benefits such as methods for evaluation and
visualization of multi agent systems, or training future users of the system [7].
Many new technical systems are distributed systems that involve complex interaction between humans and machines, which notably reduces their usability. The
properties of ABS make it especially suitable for simulating this kind of system.
The idea is to model the behaviour of human users in terms of software agents.
J. Casillas et al. (Eds.): Management Intelligent Systems, AISC 171, pp. 15–24.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
E. García et al.
However, it is necessary to define new middleware solutions that allow the connection of ABS simulation and visualization software.
There are two ways to visualize Multiagent System simulation: agent interaction
protocol and agent entity. In the former, a sequence of messages between agents and
the constraints on the content of those messages is visualized. The latter method
visualizes the entity agent and its iteration with the environment. Most software programs, such as JADE platform [2][15] and Zeus toolkit [5], provide graphical tools
that allow the visualization of the messages exchanged between agents.
The toolkits MASON [12], Repast [13][16] and Swarm [19] provide the visualization of the entity agent and its interaction with the environment. Swarm [19]
is a library of object-oriented classes that implements the Swarm conceptual
framework for agent-based models, and provides many tools for implementing,
observing, and conducting experiments on ABS. MASON [12] is a multiagent
simulation library core developed in Java. It provides both a model library and an
optional suite of visualization tools in 2D and 3D. Repast [16] is a free and opensource agent-based modelling and simulation toolkit. There are other studies like
Vizzari et al. [22] that have developed a framework supporting the development of
MAS-based simulations based on the Multilayered Multiagent Situated System
model provided with a 3D visualization.
This paper describes the results achieved from a multiagent-based middleware
for the behavior simulation and visualization of agents. The middleware, called
MISIA (Middleware Infrastructure to Simulate Intelligent Agents), allows simulation, visualization and analysis of agent behavior [8]. MISIA makes use of technologies for the development of well-known and widely used Multiagent Systems,
and combines them so that it is possible to use their capabilities to build highly
complex and dynamic systems. Moreover, MISIA presents a reformulation of the
FIPA protocol [20] used in JADE [15], achieving several advantages such as independence between the model and visualization components, improvement on
the visualization component, which makes it possible to use the concept of “time”,
essential for simulation and analysis of the behavior of agents, and improvements
to user capabilities, including the addition of several tools such as message visualization, 2D (and 3D agents), analysis behavioral, statistics, etc [8].
The main contribution of this paper is to present the modules that form the core
of the platform and allow: the integration of both technologies, the construction of
Virtual Organizations of agents, and the connection to external modules to
represent the entities of the agents (in particular with a three-dimension).
The article is structured as follows: Section 2 introduces a description of the
modules within the middleware specifically adapted to the simulation of MAS
(MISIA). Section 3 shows some experimental results and, finally, conclusions and
future works are provided in Section 4.
2 MISIA Characteristics
MISIA [8] is a framework for agent simulation, the result of the symbiosis of two
well-known agent platforms [15][16]. Its purpose is to achieve a complete end tool
where developers can build open and dynamic systems, analyze, simulate and
Visualization of Agents and Their Interaction within Dynamic Environments
visualize the behavior of a MAS design. The platforms used are: (i) JADE [15], a
free environment for the development of multi-agent systems (MAS) that simplifies the implementation of MAS through a middleware that complies with FIPA
specifications and has graphical tools for debugging, and (ii) Repast Simphony
[16][13][14], which is also open source and is intended to the field of Agent Based
Simulation (ABS).
MISIA is primarily used for the design and implementation of models for social
simulation. The reasons for carrying out a simulation of this type can be either explanatory (for processes carried out in social phenomena) or predictive (providing
information on evolutionary, complex and adaptive processes of the system, and
enabling the study of emergent behavior of agents in such systems).
A social system can be defined as a collection of autonomous individuals, with
perception of the environment and possession of their own beliefs and goals
(agents). These individuals can interact with each other and communicate, either
directly or through the environment, and moreover, can evolve over time. All of
these factors are offered by MISIA: interaction and communication are performed
through message passing between agents, in compliance with FIPA standards, as
a result of the collaboration of JADE; and time is provided by Repast Simphony,
where the unit of time is the tick.
In short, this study provides a detailed analysis of simultaneous agent interactions without a predetermined order in any simulation of agents. The objective is
to obtain predictive systems models that can produce unexpected behavior and interactions not covered.
The block diagram below shows the architecture of this platform, consisting of
three main modules which will be explained in detail in later subsections.
Fig. 1 Block diagram of MISIA
2.1 Integrator Module
For the combination of JADE and Repast Symphony, various components located
in this module, which can be considered the core of the platform, were
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implemented. The main objectvive of the Module Integrator is to provide developers with an API (Application Programming Interface) containing the main features
of JADE and Repast adapted to the new platform:
• ACL messages adapted to the notion of time, that is, with information (on tickticks) of message delays and information at the moment that messages are sent
and received;
• a "time generator" that propagates the tickticks generated by Repast to the rest
of the platform with the aid of a synchronizer agent. This agent informs when a
tick is passed to a platform agents through specific ACL messages, thus acting
as a clock for all agents;
• An agent template that is derived from the template provided by JADE and includes capacities for time management. These capabilities are: an inherent behavior that can process messages received during tick, and process messages
with time information automatically;
• and finally, a module in charge of redefinint the FIPA protocols available on
JADE for use with the notion of time [8].
2.2 Virtual Organization Module
Living together in society fosters the occurrence of unpredictable events that are
not possible in isolated environments [3] [1]. Complex adaptive systems have the
ability to simulate agents in their social evolution. In these simulations, the agents
interact based on partial information, to achieve their individual goals, influenced
by the behavior of other agents. Agents somehow compete to adapt their behavior
to that of other agents, which leads to the emergence of global characteristics in
the simulated model.
This module aims to give the developer the possibility of designing a society of
agents, a virtual organization (VO) that allows the study of pre-specified characteristics and prediction of emergent behaviors. The main factors that characterize a
virtual organization are the set of agents that are part of the organization, and the
services that each of these can offer to the rest of the society, an agent communication language, a set of roles that each agent may adopt, a set of rules governing
the organization, and the different subunits into which the agents are grouped as
part of the organization [17]. All this information is stored in a database provided
by the MISIA platform.
One of the most interesting aspects to consider of a VO is the definition of the
norms [4][9] governing society. There are a series of predetermined norms in the
database that are common to all VO including, for example, that every agent that
exists in the organization must adopt a certain role at all times, or that an agent
should always belong to a subunit of the virtual organization. However, the syntax
of the norms that a developer can design for their model is limited to the particular
case study. The reason for this decision is to avoid restricting the type of rules that
can be defined with a predefined syntax, leaving open the possibility of increasing
the range of possibilities for creating norms.
Visualization of Agents and Their Interaction within Dynamic Environments
Another important aspect to consider is the regulation of access to the VO. Access
to the database of the VO is governed by an interface implemented as a set of services
provided by the OVMisiaAgent. Thus, it is possible to have access control information and the handling thereof from the VO. The main problem that a dynamic virtual
organization faces is the action to be taken when an external agent appears and wants
to join the organization. The benevolence of agents can be assumed, but real cooperation with other agents is not guaranteed. That is why the OVMisiaAgent exists, as it
can enforce strict control required in virtual organization.
In order to avoid having only one agent in charge of the entire database, there is
a pre-established norm in the VO: an agent with specific authorization can directly
access the VO database, and is also able to generate authorizations for other agents
of the VO. This is done to avoid the problems that may arise from having a single
agent in charge of this functionality (such as the formation of bottlenecks due to
multiple requests at successive times, or the loss of access to database if the single
agent were to fall). The OVMisiaAgent agent is allowed to authorize other agents
to distribute the charge among more entities. This simple scheme provides an
optimization in the management of the OV. It is possible to create agents dynamically for this role by taking into account the number of agents that constitute the
organization, and the frequency of requests to the organization’s database.
2.3 External Simulation Interface Module
One of the reasons that social simulation gains importance when declaring itself a
means of modeling social phenomena and a tool for social research, is that the representation of the procedures used in the simulation model are versatile. This
means that the resemblance achieved in relation to the processes of the real world
is quite acceptable compared to other kinds of models, such as those of a natural
or even mathematical language [11]. The process of representation can become as
complex as desired, making it easy to specify many details of the real process in
the simulated model.
This module emphasizes this characteristic as its main goal. The ABS platforms
offer many advantages and possibilities regarding the modeling and simulation of
a real environment, but it sometimes needs greater versatility. Moreover, because
of the actual power of graphic applications, any real situation can be modeled in as
much detail as needed. As an example, the behavior of a group of predators and
prey can be modeled in an ABS platform to observe the behavior of both species
as a function of the number and arrangement of the animals. However, even
though ABS platforms such as Repast Simphony provide 3D simulations, they are
generally focused on the visualization of results and the synthesizing of huge
amounts of data in 3D representations. These types of simulations are normally
based on statistical factors which determine the probability of a predator getting its
prey from a certain distance, for example. But the real number of variables which
intervene in this decision is higher, such as the condition of the ground and its influence on the ability to reach the prey, the number and type of obstacles standing
in the way, or the abilities of each species. ABS platforms are unable to handle
this kind of detail, but other types of applications can model these situations in 3D
whenever they arise, which means they are able to design a real life simulation.
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External Simulation Interface Module is an optional interface which allows the
connection between the platform agents and an external application with this type
of simulation. The goal is to have agent representations in the external application,
so that they can achieve clear communication with the respective platform agents.
There are four main actions which can be made concerning the agents: creation,
erasure, modification and interaction. The interface offers the possibility of creating or removing an agent, both from the external application or the platform, so
that results are correctly updated both in the platform or the external application.
Concerning agent modification, it is possible to change a characteristic parameter
of an agent, for example if the prey trips over an obstacle and its speed decreases.
Finally, interaction among agents refers to defining a connection between two
agents, which is normally the request of a service by one agent to another agent
offering it. All these changes may have an influence on the representation of the
external application, which is something to take into account. Moreover, the response of an agent to a request of its service might be influenced by the environment of the external application in which it is located at that moment.
The platform offers two kinds of interfaces for this purpose, which can be used
• MISIA to External Request Interface. The purpose of this interface is to ensure
that the changes made in the agent platform are updated in the representation of
the external application.
• External to MISIA Request Interface. Its function is to update the agent platform with all the changes made in the external application. In this case, when
MISIA receives a request it is first necessary to notify the agent or agents
which deal with the new information of this change in order to then update it.
For this purpose, a specific agent is created to proceed with the notification of
this information by means of ACL messages.
Communication between applications is carried out by means of TCP sockets: port
8898 for the first interface and port 8900 for the second interface. The basic unit
of information exchanged in both directions is represented as shown in the following figure:
Fig. 2 Basic unit of information exchange
Visualization of Agents and Their Interaction within Dynamic Environments
3 Experimental Results
In order to test the MISIA agent platform, a Multiagent System was developed to
simulate an office environment and study the problems of accessibility experienced by people with disabilities in performing different jobs. The MAS is
designed as a Virtual Organization similar to reality, that is, all workers, jobs and
interaction elements such as architectural barriers are modeled as agents, and these
are grouped into departments according to their availability and their occupation
(Human Resources Department, Quality Department, Production Department with
the Costumer Service and Mail sub-departments). This application, which is held
in MISIA, connects to another application developed with the Unity 3D engine
[21] that simulates the events of the office in 3D. It also includes other features
like the ability to create and delete agents, or to configure different architectural
barriers from the 3D simulation application. The following figure illustrates an example of using the system and shows the interaction of agents in JADE, in
REPAST and 3D application.
Fig. 3 Application for the study of the employment of disabled people
The main purpose of this application is to search for the optimal working conditions of the employees in the office, allowing for greater efficiency. For this purpose, several simulations of the tasks that workers have to perform, and a 3D simulation application will represent and determine the degree of success of
employees in their work. There may frequently occur unusual cases in the simulations, such as a person who needs a wheelchair and cannot access the top floor of
the office because the elevator is broken and no ramps are enabled; or a worker
who takes a long time to perform certain tasks because the floor contains a step
and accessing the destination may require a longer detour. For added versatility in
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the simulations, and because the application was not dependent on the plan and the
disposition of the office, the system uses algorithm A * [10] to search for the
shortest path. Thus represented agents are able to find its optimal path for tasks
that have to do.
The case study was modeled as a MAS, making it possible to study, at a lowlevel, all interactions that agents have with their environment, and to then analyze
and visualize the results in Repast in order to, after many simulations, predict results. Thus, given an initial configuration for the VO agents, it is possible to predict what the optimal disposition for the work environment is. The threedimensional simulation of the office environment here is a great incentive to make
the visualization more versatile and accurate, and to provide a much more interactive interface for users of simulation application.
4 Conclusions and Future Works
One of the most important features of social simulations is that they can easily observe emergent behavior from studying models. Realistic simulations, with a significant level of detail, though complex, are best suited to represent processes that
study or want to obtain an explanation of the processes, or predict outcomes.
MISIA is a platform that encourages the use of complex simulations for study, and
enables the analysis, simulation and visualization of both system interactions and
the results obtained in a multi-agent behavior. Furthermore, the interactions between agents are well defined with the use of FIPA protocols and supported VO.
The MISIA modules presented in this study allow a complete integration of
technologies for the development of MAS and ABS, the construction of virtual
organizations of agents, and the connection to external modules to represent the
entities of the agents. In addition, MISIA provides tools for customizing the display of the simulation, such as simulation speed, pausing, resuming, etc., which is
more intuitive for an end user.
As possible future lines of work, we are considering first of all, the design of a
syntax that is as generic as possible regarding the specification of the norms of a virtual organization. To achieve this goal, the syntax cannot be too restricting for the
possible norms that can be defined, but must instead allow these particular norms to
be specified. Moreover, reporting at different levels of detail would be an interesting
aspect to consider, as it would be an incentive to understandsystem processes and to
improve the study can be performed on the results of the simulations.
Acknowledgments. This work has been supported by the Spanish JCyL project
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