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1 file In occasione dell’elezione di Brescia a capitale italiana della cultura, Baias amplia l’orizzonte di riferimento e propone una mostra che combina arte italiana, indiana e himalayana. Baias è lieta di presentare una selezione di opere dalla collezione della famiglia Mutti: tre generazioni bresciane unite dalla passione per l'arte. Fulcro della pubblicazione sono le 41 intriganti e colorate pitture indiane raccolte dall’architetto Giacomo Mutti durante i suoi numerosi viaggi nel subcontinente. Tutte le opere sono corredate da schede descrittive redatte secondo gli standard che Baias si è imposta come marchio distintivo della sua attività di ricerca, studio e commercializzazione dei manufatti artistici di area mediorientale e indiana.
Shoreless – Opere di Güler Ates al MAO, 2019
Some personal reflections on the 'Shoreless' project by artist Güler Ates at the Museum of Oriental Art in Turin, which took place in 2019 when the museum was under my direction. Reflections on the artist’s work and the value of contemporary art in an ancient art museum, which also served as a pretext to talk about the museum itself and the direction it was heading before the halt caused by the pandemic and the end of my tenure in 2021.
L'articolo è uno studio della visione orientalistica "classica" del cosiddetto Oriente in generale e dell'India in particolare. L'articolo, dopo aver analizzato le strutture portanti di tale visione, dimostra come la ricerca storica a partire dagli anni Sessanta del 900 abbia distrutto o radicalmente messo in discussione tali strutture. L'articolo, tuttavia, mette anche in risalto come, nonostante questa radicale revisione storica, la visione orientalistica classica rimanga enormemente influente e spiega le ragioni di tale (apparentemente sconcertante) fenomeno.
esperie Studi di storia del col le/ioni sino e della storiografia artistica Rivista telematica semestrale L'ORIENTE NEL COLLEZIONISMO Roma 2012, fascicolo I Universltatta a cura di BEATRICK PALAIA VENETUCCI Roma 2012, fascicolo I Universltalia Il pivsenff volumi.1 riproduce il fascicolo I dell'anno 2012 Lidia rivista telcmatic.i SCITI entrale Horli Hesperidiu?/. Studi di storia del collezionismo e della stari sarà fi a artìstica.
This brief article underlines the importance of two mythical figures, Prometheus and Asia, and their sensual implications in the process of creation of Western and Eastern philosophy. Prometheus is presented as father of western culture with his gift of the fire (resembling a passage from chaos to order) while Asia is seen as mother of Eastern civilization and way of thinking.
Sulla via del Catai, 15, 2016
In the aftermath of the Second Opium War, Italy was still without a diplomatic representative in China. Apart from political issues, one of the most urgent issue was the lack of capable interpreters of Chinese language. The Italian leaders were thus forced to ask the religious institution known as the Collegio de’ Cinesi (Chinese College) in Naples for Chinese speakers. This paper aims to look through the contribution given by this College in terms of interpreters and diplomatic services and to give a brief summary of the alumni who worked for the newborn Italian government.
da "Sinestesie" XXV (2023) UNA DISPERATA VITALITÀ. Pier Paolo Pasolini a cent’anni dalla nascita 1922-2022
Questo elaborato, frutto di un'accurata ricerca sul mondo musulmano in Asia, ha come obiettivo primario l'analisi storica del processo di espansione dell'Islam in determinate aree del continente asiatico. Le ragioni principali per cui ho scelto di affrontare tale tematica sono fondamentalmente due:
Ottomani Barbareschi Mori nell'arte a Genova, 2024
e tutti i collezionisti che hanno scelto di restare anonimi. Catalogo a cura di Daniele Sanguineti e Laura Stagno con la collaborazione di Valentina Borniotto
Despite sharing the same colonial heritage, over the past few decades the federal systems of India, Pakistan and Malesia have been changing in very different ways. In order to understand this evolution, the article examines some political phenomena that have questioned the stability of these federations. The starting point of this analysis is the treatment of strategies adopted by the central governments to halt the activation of internal inter-community conflicts. Thanks to a comparison with recent thematic literature, the discussion about the strengths and the limits of devolution and centralization policies is linked to the problem of internal peace within multinational societies. In the Asian federal states, the inter-ethnic conflict and the problem of ethnic outbidding have their roots in the political management of territory and the representation of regional populations within the legislative chambers. Having taken into account the description of the dissimi-larity between the federal cases, it can be seen that the internal geographical divi-sion's criteria has greatly determined the degree of autonomy of regions and, moreover, the relations between central government and local institutions. Additionally , the reinforcement of intergovernmental collaboration has allowed India to simplify the cooperation between regional and federal politicians, although the Veto Players Theory explains why the operation of cooperative federalism may pose a threat to institutional stability by legislative immobilism. To conclude, it seems that the federal integration strategies advocated by India and Malaysia have been able to consolidate the stability of these regimes, but only at the cost of a strong centralization and discriminatory practices against some local autonomies. As for Pakistan, however, the presence of an authoritarian regime, characterized by a bureaucratic-military leadership and a precarious federal system, seems to expose the Pakistani society to the risk of collapse.
This paper shows the partial results of a research which is still in progress. It compares two versions of the Old English text known as «Wonders of the East». The first one is contained in ms. Cotton Vitellius A xv, while the second one is contained in ms. Cotton Tiberius B v. After dealing with the thematic structure of the text, the paper shows how the two versions have undergone a process of rewriting in order to convey a Christian message. It also shows that a soteriological concern lies behind the rewriting process. Differences and similarities between the two versions are analysed with particular attention to those parts that were added or omitted.
Journal of Museum Education, 2024
Journal of Philosophical Theological Research , 2024
Las Cárceles en el Perú, 2024
Kulturerbe, Klimazukunft, Wertewandel, 2024
The Litany in Arts and Cultures, ed. W. Sadowski et F. Marsciani, Turnhout, 2020
M. Trümper, G. Adornato, T. Lappi (Hrsg.): Cityscapes of Hellenistic Sicily. Proceedings of a conference of the Excellence Cluster Topoi. The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilisations, Berlin, 15-18 June 2017, 2019
European Journal of Innovation Management, 2003
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 1997
The Journal of Middle East and North Africa Sciences, 2018
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1984
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 1997
Ary Suta Center Series on Strategic Management, 2024