Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
The IANA assigns a lot of different numbers (and the like) related to network protocols. Widely known are the well known TCP/UDP port assignments (see PortReference), such as the assignment of TCP port 80 as the standard port for HTTP traffic. In addition to this, the IANA has made a number of other assignments:
Protocol numbers for protocols running on top of IP
Media types used in HTTP, SIP, e-mail, WSP, MMSE and many other protocols
The assigned numbers (including the port numbers) were once reported using RFC documents. Several of such obsoleted RFCs exists (1700, 1340, 1060, 1010, 990, 960, 943, 923, 900, 870, 820, 790, 776, 770, 762, 758,755, 750, 739, 604, 503, 433, 349). Today, the IANA keeps "living documents" of assigned numbers on their webpage.
External Links
RFC1700: Last RFC containing assigned numbers (obsoleted by IANA list).
RFC3232: States that RFC1700 is obsoleted by the IANA list.
IANA list of assigned numbers: Official lists of assigned numbers and the like.
Imported from on 2020-08-11 23:14:55 UTC