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Package Summary
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joinst space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this packge is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
- Author: John Hsu, Ioan Sucan
- License: BSD
- Repository: ros-pkg
- Source: hg
Package Summary
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joinst space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this packge is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
- Author: John Hsu, Ioan Sucan
- License: BSD
- Source: hg (branch: electric-devel)
Package Summary
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joinst space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this packge is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
- Author: John Hsu, Ioan Sucan
- License: BSD
- Source: hg (branch: fuerte_devel)
geometry: angles | eigen_conversions | kdl_conversions | tf | tf_conversions
Package Summary
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joinst space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this packge is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
- Maintainer: Ioan Sucan <isucan AT willowgarage DOT com>
- Author: John Hsu <hsu AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joinst space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this packge is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
- Maintainer: Ioan Sucan <isucan AT willowgarage DOT com>
- Author: John Hsu <hsu AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
desktop: angles | common_tutorials | geometry_tutorials | robot | ros_tutorials | roslint | visualization_tutorials | viz
Package Summary
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joint space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this package is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Tully Foote <tfoote AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: John Hsu <hsu AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joinst space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this packge is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Ioan Sucan <isucan AT willowgarage DOT com>
- Author: John Hsu <hsu AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
geometry: angles | eigen_conversions | kdl_conversions | tf | tf_conversions
Package Summary
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joint space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this package is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Tully Foote <tfoote AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: John Hsu <hsu AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
geometry: angles | eigen_conversions | kdl_conversions | tf | tf_conversions
Package Summary
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joint space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this package is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Tully Foote <tfoote AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- Author: John Hsu <hsu AT osrfoundation DOT org>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
geometry: angles | eigen_conversions | kdl_conversions | tf | tf_conversions
Package Summary
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joint space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this package is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Geoffrey Biggs <geoff AT openrobotics DOT org>
- Author: John Hsu <hsu AT osrfoundation DOT org>, Tully Foote <tfoote AT openrobotics DOT org>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
geometry: angles | eigen_conversions | kdl_conversions | tf | tf_conversions
Package Summary
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joint space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this package is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Geoffrey Biggs <geoff AT openrobotics DOT org>
- Author: John Hsu <hsu AT osrfoundation DOT org>, Tully Foote <tfoote AT openrobotics DOT org>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
The best place to find out how to use this package is the code API documentation