<> <> == Usage == <> To launch reconfigure_gui in Groovy, run: {{{ rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure }}} You will be presented with an interface like this: {{attachment:reconfigure_gui1.png | Node List}} From here you can select any of the left hand nodes to reconfigure it: {{attachment:reconfigure_gui2.png | Reconfiguring single node}} You can select multiple nodes. {{attachment:reconfigure_gui3.png | Reconfiguring multiple nodes}} You can also launch the `reconfigure_gui` via [[rqt_gui|rqt_gui]]: {{{ rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui }}} === Limitation === * [[https://github.com/ros-visualization/rqt_common_plugins/issues/40|Incompatible with nodes running on ROS that's older than `Groovy`]] (won't fix) * Parameters are only picked up when this tool boots. Workaroud: Refresh plugin (by blue "whirling arrow"(?)) button on each plugin's toolbar ([[https://github.com/ros-visualization/rqt_common_plugins/issues/154|ticket]]) == Troubleshoot == Generally speaking, try isolating GUI and non-GUI issue. `dynamic_reconfigure`'s [[http://wiki.ros.org/dynamic_reconfigure/#dynamic_reconfigure.2BAC8-groovy.dynparam_command-line_tool|command line tools]] are helpful for doing that. === No parameter listed on GUI === ([[https://github.com/ros-visualization/rqt_reconfigure/issues/4#issuecomment-361952689|Related ticket]]) Run the following command to make sure dynamic reconfigure parameters are returned: {{{ rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam list }}} If nothing returned then the issue is your `dynamic_reconfigure` itself, not `rqt-reconfigure`. == Internal design == === Sequence diagrams === Some diagrams about key sequences. Click to magnify images. Sequence; Node tree building and connecting each node once user chooses. ||[[http://ros.org/wiki/rqt_reconfigure?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=seq-1_msg_arrval.png|{{attachment:seq-1_msg_arrval.png | Node tree building and connecting each node once user chooses | width=800 }}]]|| Sequence; Filtering nodes tree by input text ||[[http://ros.org/wiki/rqt_reconfigure?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=seq-2_Filtering_with_timer.png|{{attachment:seq-2_Filtering_with_timer.png | Filtering nodes tree by input text | width=800 }}]]|| ||[[http://ros.org/wiki/rqt_reconfigure?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=seq-5_Connect_nodes_multithread.png | {{attachment:seq-5_Connect_nodes_multithread.png | Sequence; Connecting nodes by multi thread | width=800 }}]]|| ## AUTOGENERATED DON'T DELETE ## CategoryPackage