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Yao Qingwei (Nanjing Forestry School)  
In plant classification, flowering cherry belongs to the section of Prunus, Ro-saceae, namely, Section Pseudocerasus, which was established and described by Koehne in 1893- Eastern Asia clearly seems to be the center of distribution of this section in the world, with no less than fifty species now known from various parts of the continent, largely restricted to China and Japan, but extending to the Korean Penin^ sula and the Himalaya countries of Burma, Sikkin and Bhutan as well. Flowering cherries are famous flower trees in the world, with highly ornamental value not only for their various colors of beautiful flowers and their various postures, but also on account of their different flowering seasons. Among the species ever mentioned by botanists and horticulturists, there are in the whole section about is cultivated ones, 22 wild, 10 hybrid, and 250 varieties, forms and cultivars. This paper discusses in detail the following matters: I. The name and its origin of the flowering cherry. 2- The spread and introduction of flowering cherries in the world. 3. History of flowering cherry research. 4. The family member of flowering cherries-A list of the world species of Section Pseudocerasus.
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