This club exists to recognize achievement in automobile and motorcycle record breaking in Land Speed Racing, and to help preserve straightaway speed competition and courses.
Any driver or rider of a wheel driven automobile or motorcycle who is timed at the Bonneville Salt Flats on two consecutive runs at an average speed of 200 m.p.h. or more over a straightaway course incorporating a speed trap of not less than one mile in length, in opposite directions if suitable course conditions prevail, to set anew record (or meet a 200 MPH Club Minimum) recognized by the Southern California Timing Association / Bonneville Nationals, Inc. (SCTA/BNI) or Utah Salt Flats Racing Association (USFRA) shall automatically become a member. Federation Internationale Motocyclisme (FIM) and Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) record categories submitted for membership shall be reviewed and subject to acceptance by a 2/3 majority of the Club Board of Directors.
Multiple qualifying drivers/riders, running in the same class, may gain membership on the same race day if qualification is done in the proper sequence. Persons establishing outstanding records in other types of land vehicles, or at racetracks other than Bonneville Salt Flats, may be elected to Honorary Membership by the Board of Directors
As a condition of admission to membership, the vehicle shall be driven by the same driver or rider who originally qualified it.
2.1 Membership is in perpetuity, unless revoked by a vote of the Board of Directors due to gross misconduct.
2.2 Membership Status. Dues paying members are considered active and are privileged to all club benefits. A non-paying dues member is considered inactive. Said person is still considered a club member and may attend club functions, but will not receive club mailings and other benefits, and is non-voting.
The officers of the Club shall be:
President - Shall schedule and conduct all meetings of the Board of Directors and members.Shall represent the Club at all official functions.
Vice President - Shall substitute for the President when he/she is unable to perform the duties of the office. Shall assume the office of President if vacated.
Secretary - Shall record the minutes of all meetings, and generate Club related correspondence and publications.
Treasurer - Shall be responsible for all revenues and expenditures, bank deposits and withdrawals. Shall prepare and submit financial reports.
Director - Shall attend meetings of, and vote on issues coming before the Board of Directors. There shall be no fewer than four and no more than six Directors.
Each officer shall also be a member of the Board of Directors. All issues coming before the Board of Directors shall be decided by a simple majority vote of the members present. One-half of all Board members shall constitute a quorum.
3.1 Election of Board - All officers and Directors shall be elected every two years, with terms commencing in odd numbered years, starting January 1st. Elections shall be held in the month of November. There shall be no term limits.
3.2 Nominations - Nominations may be submitted by any member in good standing at the general membership meeting held at Speedweek. Additionally, any member may submit his/her own nomination in writing to the board of directors by October 1st.
In the event that an office, other than that of President, is vacated prior to term expiration, a replacement shall be selected by the Board of Directors
The Club may be sponsored by any firms or individuals wishing to help bear or underwrite the Club’s reasonable operating expenses. No sponsor shall be adopted without the approval of the Board of Directors.
Club decals, patches and other regalia shall be distributed to, and displayed by, members and sponsors only. Upon admittance, members shall receive a membership card bearing the member’s name, date of admission, and average speed.
There shall be a minimum of two meetings of the Board of Directors, and one meeting of the members each year. Members shall meet at or near the Bonneville Salt Flats during the National Speed Trials. Meetings may be called at other times and locations by the President.
Changes of these by-laws and election of officers and Directors shall be by a plurality vote (more for than against) cast on ballots mailed to all members whose dues are current, at their last known address. In the case of three or more candidates for office, the candidate receiving the largest number of votes cast shall be deemed elected.
Adopted March 11, 1972
Revised June, 5 2010 |