Titled "Saina", the film has been directed by Amol Gupte, who has helmed acclaimed movies such as "Stanley Ka Dabba" and "Hawa Hawaai".
T-Series, headed by Bhushan Kumar, has produced "Saina".
"Presenting the inspiring story of one of India''s greatest athletes, #Saina. In cinemas on 26th March," the tweet on T-Series official Twitter page read.
Chopra, whose "The Girl on The Train" released last week on Netflix, shot for "Saina" in 2019.
"Saina" was earlier supposed to be headlined by Shraddha Kapoor, who exited the project due to scheduling issues.
This will be Chopra''s second theatrical release for March, after Dibakar Banerjee''s "Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar". Also starring Arjun Kapoor, the film is scheduled to open on March 19. PTI JUR RDS RDS
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