Morgan Stanley | Columbia University | Churchill College, Cambridge

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C++ Applications

Modified October 27, 2020

Here is a list of systems, applications, and libraries that are completely or mostly written in C++. Naturally, this is not intended to be a complete list. In fact, I couldn't list a 1000th of all major C++ programs if I tried, and this list holds maybe 1000th of the ones I have heard of. It is a list of systems, applications, and libraries that a reader might have some familiarity with, that might give a novice an idea what is being done with C++, or that I simply thought "cool".

Here is a link to

I (Bjarne Stroustrup) don't make any guarantees about the accuracy of the list. I believe that it's accurate -- I trust the people who sent me examples, but I have not seen the source code myself. I have a preference of C++style code over code that are called C++ eventhough it is mostly C and try to avoid list C or "almost C" programs. Many of the detailed descriptions are the words of the respective systems' developers and users, rather than mine.

The organization of this list is idiosyncratic. Where a set of applications are clearly associated with a single organization, I list it under the name of that organization, but some systems doesn't fit that pattern.

No, I don't know what all the acronyms mean. Yes, I do list something as C++ even if it relies on non-standard extensions. Yes, I'd appreciate more examples -- especially major applications. If you send one, a URL to a support site would be appreciated. No, I will not list an application, system, or library unless I think the listing will be of interest to a lot of people -- I'm emphatically not trying to make a complete list. No I will not list an application before it is in wide-spread use (sorry); this list is meant to demonstrate major use and as such it would be weakened by including new products. I make no pretensions of "fairness", such as promising to list all competing products in an area if I list one -- this is a list trying to give an overall impression, not a list to help you select a product. I rewrite descriptions as little as possible, but I do remove obvious advertising.

Please note that I don't review entries often. Some may not be completely up-to-date. Feel free to send me updates.

Thanks to all who sent me examples. Suggestions for additions and corrections are welcome.

Other people's lists:

Applications clearly associated with a single organization:

Morgan Stanley | Columbia University | Churchill College, Cambridge

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