
The screenshots below have been taken from the different sample programs distributed within the CImg package. Click on an image to enlarge it and on the source filename to display it. A link to a streaming video of the corresponding effect is sometimes proposed. If you are interested by a live demo, go to the download page and get the pre-compiled binaries for your system.

: The main demo sample of the CImg package (1433 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Contains 26 different real-time animations, as well as a nice selection menu. Look at the video to see all the different effects running.

Click here to see the video

: A 2d bump-mapping effect (30 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

You can move the light source using the mouse. This sample shows how to handle mouse motion and create an animation in a window. It demonstrates also that the CImg library is quite fast ! Everything is computed from scratch here, including the logo, the background and the light.

Click here to see the video

: Computation of the Hough Transform (95 lines of code).
: hough_transform.cpp

Illustrate the computation of the Hough transform to detect lines in 2D images. Provide also simple user interface to select and display lines.

: Do a fading between two images (35 lines of code).
: fade_images.cpp

Very small code to perform a funny effect. Also demonstrate how to easily deal with command line arguments.

: A functional Mandelbrot fractal explorer (51 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Show how to use the predefined feature selection function present in the CImg library.

Click here to see the video

: A simple shoot-em-up game, featuring the people of the Robotvis/Odyssee Lab (180 lines of code).
: odykill.cpp

Another demonstration of handling mouse and creating animation for pedagogic purposes.

: An implementation of an image registration algorithm, with multiscale capability (201 lines of code).
: image_registration.cpp

Compute a motion map between two images, and warp one into the another through a smooth animation.

: A mini-painting program (30 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

This is not a replacement to Photoshop, but it already includes a filling algorithm as well as a color selection tool.

Click here to see the video

: A classical demomaking-effect, called 'rotozoom' (20 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Smell the old school parfume of the atari/amiga demos.

: An animation featuring triangles that are rotating (50 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Could be a replacement to your classical screen saver.

: A demo of image filtering in the Fourier Domain (30 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Click here to see the video

: An example of real-time 3D rendering.
: CImg_demo.cpp

No use of OpenGL or VTK in this example, only pure CImg software functions are used !

Click here to see the video

: An example of the ellipse drawing function, used to bounce an elastic bubble (25 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Click here to see the video

: A real-time 3D virtual landscape (40 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

The altitude map is based on a 'fractal plasma' generator.

Click here to see the video

: A nice plasma effect with a sinus scroller (70 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Click here to see the video

: An implementation of the well known Tetris game (130 lines of code).
: tetris.cpp

Very small code for a complete version of the Tetris game.

Click here to see the video

: The implementation of the Tschumperlé-Deriche algorithm for image restoration and inpainting (170 lines of code).
: pde_TschumperleDeriche2d.cpp

See the corresponding publication for more detail on the algorithm.

: A very smart and classical demo effect called 'Shade bobs' (60 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Click here to see the video

: A nice Blob Editor in only few lines (90 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Click here to see the video

: 3d Metaballs animation (23 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Click here to see the video

: A tool to visualize images as surfaces in 3d (100 lines of code).
: image_surface.cpp

Click here to see the video

: A 3d viewer for Diffusion tensor imaging datasets (526 lines of code).
: dtmri_view.cpp

Click here to see the video

: Applying the wave equation on an 3d image-mapped surface (55 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Click here to see the video

: A simple 2d curve editor using spline interpolation (300 lines of code).
: curve_editor.cpp

Click here to see the video

: A complete and funny game featuring colored balls (121 lines of code).
: jawbreaker.cpp

Click here to see the video

: A cool 3d reflection effect, using some CImg 3d object rendering tricks (130 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

Click here to see the video

: A simple word puzzle game (100 lines of code).
: CImg_demo.cpp

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