Recursive Make Considered Harmful

Peter Miller
[email protected]

Copyright © 1997 Peter Miller. All rights reserved.

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For large UNIX projects, the traditional method of building the project is to use recursive make. On some projects, this results in build times which are unacceptably large, when all you want to do is change one file. In examining the source of the overly long build times, it became evident that a number of apparently unrelated problems combine to produce the delay, but on analysis all have the same root cause.

This paper explores an number of problems regarding the use of recursive make, and shows that they are all symptoms of the same problem. Symptoms that the UNIX community have long accepted as a fact of life, but which need not be endured any longer. These problems include recursive makes which take ``forever'' to work out that they need to do nothing, recursive makes which do too much, or too little, recursive makes which are overly sensitive to changes in the source code and require constant Makefile intervention to keep them working.

The resolution of these problems can be found by looking at what make does, from first principles, and then analyzing the effects of introducing recursive make to this activity. The analysis shows that the problem stems from the artificial partitioning of the build into separate subsets. This, in turn, leads to the symptoms described. To avoid the symptoms, it is only necessary to avoid the separation; to use a single Makefile for the whole project.

This conclusion runs counter to much accumulated folk wisdom in building large projects on UNIX. Some of the main objections raised by this folk wisdom are examined and shown to be unfounded. The results of actual use are far more encouraging, with routine development performance improvements significantly faster than intuition may indicate. The use of a single project Makefile is not as difficult to put into practice as it may first appear.