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Concession Opal card starts rolling out for university students

18 December 2014

Thousands of students will be able to tap on with the Concession Opal Card in February next year - giving students access to cheaper and more convenient travel on public transport.

Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian said five major tertiary institutions had already signed up to be part of the Concession Opal Card rollout, paving the way for thousands of students to start tapping on with Opal from February next year in time for O-Week.

"I am pleased we have been able to start the rollout of the Concession Opal card from early next year, so students can take advantage of Opal's benefits, including cheaper fares, weekly travel rewards and the convenience of never having to queue for a ticket again".

"More than 250,000 eligible students are anticipated to apply for the Concession Opal card which offers a 50 per cent discount on the already cheaper Opal fares, making Opal cheaper than the current concession paper tickets students currently use".

So far eligible students from the following tertiary institutions will be able to apply for their Concession Opal card from next year, with more institutions expected to come on board:

Tertiary institutions are getting their systems ready for electronic ticketing and working with Transport for NSW to ensure their students are part of the rollout.

To apply for a Concession Opal Card, students need to:

Tertiary students can contact their university for more information. When an institution comes on board Opal cards can be ordered 24/7 from this website or over the phone by calling 13 OPAL (13 67 25).


Concession FAQs

Who can apply for a Concession Opal card?
You can apply for and travel with a Concession Opal card if you meet the following criteria:

International students are not eligible, unless you have one of the following full scholarships:

The Concession Opal card will be available at a later date to all eligible tertiary students, apprentices and trainees, and jobseekers. For full eligibility criteria please visit

How do I apply for a Concession Opal card?
Once your tertiary institution has completed the necessary preparations, full time students of that institution will be able to apply. The first step is to give your consent to your institution to share your details with Transport for NSW; this will likely happen during enrolment or you can do it anytime at the main student centre or office. Once you've given your consent wait 24-48 hours for Transport for NSW to receive your details then you can apply for your Concession Opal card  via or  13 67 25 (13 OPAL).

Why do I need to give permission for my tertiary institution to share my personal information with Transport for NSW?
Privacy laws prevent your tertiary institution sharing your personal information without your consent. That's why you have to give your consent as part of your enrolment or by visiting your main student office or student centre.

What personal information is shared between my tertiary institution and Transport for NSW?
The information shared is your full time status, Student ID number, surname and first name and date of birth as per your enrolment information.

Why can't I get my Concession Opal card now? Some of my friends have theirs already.
Each tertiary institution needs to have completed the necessary preparations to share eligibility information with Transport for NSW. As this is a new system some tertiary institutions are taking longer than others to do this. Concession Opal cards will be available for all full time tertiary students before the end of 2015.

How will I know when the Concession Opal card is available for students at my tertiary institution?
Your tertiary institution may share this information via email  or their website. Alternatively you can visit for an up-to-date listing of the tertiary institutions whose students can  apply for the Concession Opal card.

The Concession Opal card isn't available at my tertiary institution yet. What should I do if I want to use public transport?
Until the Concession Opal card is available at your tertiary institution you'll need to travel using paper tickets. To prove you're eligible for concession paper tickets you will need a current transport concession foil/sticker on your Student ID card. These are available from your tertiary institution.

Do I still get a transport concession foil/sticker each year attached to my student card?
When you have a Concession Opal card you will no longer need a concession foil on your student card.

However, if you want to use public transport in NSW outside of the Opal network you still need a current transport concession foil/sticker on your Student ID card to confirm your concession eligibility. Apply at your tertiary institution if you'd also like a transport concession foil/sticker.

Are my fares cheaper with the Concession Opal card than paper tickets?
All Opal fares are cheaper than the single paper ticket equivalents. Plus travelling with Opal offers a series of additional rewards including earning free travel with the Weekly Travel Reward, fares capped at $2.50 on Sundays*, and a 30% discount for off-peak train travel.
* Excludes Sydney Airport Station Access Fee

Where can I travel with a Concession Opal card?
With Opal you can travel on all modes of public transport – trains, ferries, buses and light rail – throughout Sydney, Newcastle, the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Hunter, Illawarra, and Southern Highlands.

If I'm travelling outside of the Opal network, how do I get a travel concession?
Apply to your tertiary institution for a transport concession foil/sticker, which is a transport concession sticker you can apply to your Student ID card.

When I apply for a Concession Opal card why do you need to check my tertiary student number?
We use your tertiary student number to confirm your identity and that you're eligible for the Concession Opal card.

My student number isn't accepted when I apply online for a Concession Opal card, what should I do?
Your name and student number needs to be entered online exactly as it appears on your enrolment information. If you still have problems contact your tertiary institution; they may need to confirm your eligibility to Transport for NSW.

Which universities are going to launch the Concession Opal card? When are the other universities going to launch?
The Concession Opal card will be launched progressively by universities to their students starting from February 2015.
The first group of universities to launch from February are the following:

Other universities and institutions will launch to their students in 2015. Details of which institutions and the dates they will launch will be updated in the new year.